American government vs trans rights

My heart goes out to people who feel they are locked in the wrong body. Imagine the torment they feel in their psyche. I watched an old interview of a hermaphrodite who the family treated like a female but he resonated as a male. It was very sad because this person was often suicidal. This was before trans was even considered a thing.

Edit as I found the video

I'll have to look at this further, figure out what era it was.
Transgender surgery was new in the 1950s, in the USA anyway, Christine Jorgensen being the first widely known.
It was rare, stealthy, and scandalous for decades -- "going stealth" is actually the phrase used for postoperative trans people who do not want to reveal their status at all.
It's the slippery definitions now that have things so confused. I think in an effort to be less rigid about everything, all definition and concept has been lost.
Oh the stories I could tell about my "training" in this area. o_O
🤨 🧐:confused::rolleyes::(:oops:
Outhouses, was not too long ago there were outdoor urinals as the norm...

How many bridges have yall run into in Europe with the little waste houses on the side of the canals before you couldn't just evacuate into the river?

This whole modern.gender specific bathroom thing is err..modern.

(Note having worked in construction for decades my common emtrance.when being sent to work in the women's bathrooms, locker rooms or showers.... "Close your eyes, coming thru"
Outhouses, was not too long ago there were outdoor urinals as the norm...

How many bridges have yall run into in Europe with the little waste houses on the side of the canals before you couldn't just evacuate into the river?

This whole modern.gender specific bathroom thing is err..modern.

(Note having worked in construction for decades my common emtrance.when being sent to work in the women's bathrooms, locker rooms or showers.... "Close your eyes, coming thru"
Trees aren't real gender specific, either. :D
As far as bathroom issues go, years ago when we were teaching the Religious Education for the teens
For me it was church middle school teems. Behind me while hiking the trail to dinner and evening activities. A young gay boy speaking to a young girl about another young girl, "Girl she is so far back in the closet she is under a pile of shoe boxes." Three years later in highschool they had transitioned, while in college completed the procedures. Just saw not long ago he married a college girlfriend. Wild to me a 12 year old understood so clearly his friend.
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Sex and gender are such complicated subjects. Back in college I tried to learn more about what causes our sexual tendencies and orientations. The little bit I learned about these subjects was quite complicated. There are so many factors that go into a person's sexual desires, development, tendencies, and orientation.

Politicians have come along and decided that it's simple. Politics doesn't mix with science. I won't go into details about my research, partially because I have no clue where I kept my notes. But if it was a touchy subject over 20 years ago, it is so much worse now.

But my point is simple. The trans debate should NEVER come down to being black and white. Because sex and gender aren't black and white.