Introspection on the decline of morality.

Remember, your speech is violence.

And far too often, as demonstrated above (and I can pull a LOT more), that leads to physical violence from the lefty libs.

Why won't the gummint release the Nashville shooter's manifesto? Hmmm? She/he/it shot 3 children, 9 years old, in cold blood, nevermind three more adults.

Why the huge push to commit children, elementary age children, into life altering surgeries *BEFORE* puberty, committing them to LIFELONG courses of mandatory medication??? The only ones that benefit are pharma and the medical establishment!

What decisions adults make is their business...keep your hands off the kids!
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I wanted to reiterate that no one should be able to tell my minor child that there is something wrong with him being a white male. If I want to tell him that then it's my prerogative. In my stories about him I made a point to share his character and he didn't come across that by being shamed in an auditorium where he was the minority. I felt that it was an abuse and misuse of authority and it was unconscious bias against him.
While we were "colorblind" things seemed to go just fine. That is what I was taught, that is what I believe.

It is nonsense that anybody who isn't white is held back. EVERYBODY who applies themselves has the *opportunity* to make a life for themselves, what they do with that opportunity is up to them. If what I say here is untrue...why are all of the illegal immigrants flooding into this country to avail themselves of this basic truism? The catch is one MUST apply themselves.

Libs want to do this by handouts and reallocation of wealth. It doesn't work that way, as society after society has shown.

If one prefers Marxism...move to Cuba or Venezuela, I hear its nice this time of political life. Even China *had to* modify their economic system into an adulterated form of capitalism, which is now being turned against us.

But this whole nonsense of people of color not having opportunities because of "white privilege" is a manufactured lie that is not based in reality. If anything there are concessions made since 1965 and the Civil Rights Act that already give "privilege" to people of color. Think I'm lying?, look up the Allan Bakke case sometime. That case insured that no matter how well I did in school, I was not going to get a scholarship to University when I graduated High School...but people of color got scholarships with GPAs less than mine. Privilege my ass.

I've watched so many people I trained in my gummint job go on and advance in their careers...and I haven't. I'm proud of them, I'm happy for them...when do I get my turn? Kinda late now, I'm retiring in less than a year. Privilege my ass.

They can shove their white privilege. It is nonsense.
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Let me set something straight -

I have been accused in this thread of being guilty for the murder of Emmett Till...a horrendous act that took place before I was even born, yet I am somehow guilty by association?

That is prejudice.

That is reverse discrimination, and reverse discrimination is discrimination, plain and simple.

Hypocrisy? Take another look in the mirror.

Show me where in any of this I denied your right to speech? Until then you remain a liar.
Don't get in my face about it. And don't tell me you know how to raise my kids better than me. And don't try to tell me I don't have rights as well as you do.
Don't, don't, don't should all over me brother.

You do you, I do me!

If you feel attacked when we speak of actually history and the actions of our forefathers of our religion, nation, ethnicity, gender....maybe it is because you have yet to come to grips with those atrocities?

Seems weird to me for someone to say if you have native heritage.and not full blood. This ignorant lout would think that would make you more understanding.

Until then you remain a liar.
I have lied in the past, will probably lie in the future.

This it would be ludicrous to deny.

Sorry it irritates you so.
wil said:

He didn't get lynched for a false accusation of raping a white woman.

Should he have felt singled out in CRT discussion? Sure....we all should. Could there have been a better way to teach a bitter pill without affecting our sensibilities? Obviously! But that better way was ignored when I we were born and black kids could not drink water from our fountain (use the damn hose), go to our schools (don't deserve to use our books) and step of the sidewalk and avert your eyes...
I make no apologies for my life or my heritage, your bigotry notwithstanding.
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I make no apologies for my life or my heritage, your bigotry notwithstanding.
You do realize everyone can read the entire thread right?
That is not what you preach.
No? Explain.

Quote me, don't make stuff up again
I have been accused in this thread of being guilty for the murder of Emmett Till
We are not guilty by association...Unless we choose to deny history...THAT, the fact we wish to deny a strong indicator in my mind of us feeling attacked and complicit due to current thoughts.

I could be wrong, I don't have a problem with that.

But sheesh thou doth complain loudly...
Many stray away from conflict.

I am of the belief that ya gotta break eggs to make an omelets.

My Pollyanna rose colored glasses say good will come of discussion, that understanding another's viewpoint has value...

I find if I seek first to understand, I often lose the need to be understood.
You do realize everyone can read the entire thread right?
Good, I hope they do.
No? Explain.
How can you possibly equate "live and let live" (which is MY mantra) against me, accusing me of all manner of evil done before I was even born? It is axiomatic in my understanding of reality that you cannot answer for me to G!d, neither can I answer for you, therefor your blatantly false accusations are discriminatory and bigoted by their very nature, assigning guilt to those who know nothing of the crime, guilty by virtue of no more than the color of their skin and their gender!
Quote me, don't make stuff up again
I've not made anything up, I've shown a strong light on the evil.
We are not guilty by association...Unless we choose to deny history...THAT, the fact we wish to deny a strong indicator in my mind of us feeling attacked and complicit due to current thoughts.
I could be wrong, I don't have a problem with that.
Good, because you are wrong.
But sheesh thou doth complain loudly...
Loudly??? Against all of the media propaganda blaring their bullhorns, and the jackbooted Antifa "activists" claiming they are against conservatives and capitalism and the Bill of Rights (while using Fascist methods), and a current administration that fosters, coddles and shields all of this against families that just want a peaceful life and the right to enjoy what they have legally earned...and I am too loud???

LET ME GET EVEN LOUDER, since I am of the few struggling to even be heard above the cacophony of Soros induced insanity.

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Still waiting on you to tell me what exactly a woman is?

I expect it will be a very long wait.
I would offer the simplest of replies.

God created man (male) and woman (female) as to enable them to bring forth one that will mention God. Male has the seed, woman has the womb (matrix) that develops the seed, the woman can give birth to new life and support that life.

That exchange defines a man and a woman. A woman is the matrix of man's existence.

Regards Tony
I would offer the simplest of replies.

God created man (male) and woman (female) as to enable them to bring forth one that will mention God. Male has the seed, woman has the womb (matrix) that develops the seed, the woman can give birth to new life and support that life.

That exchange defines a man and a woman. A woman is the matrix of man's existence.

Regards Tony
That is a lot more in line with science, but libs today are anti-science.
That is a lot more in line with science, but libs today are anti-science.
It has become a minefield of gender confusion.

I see it has become an issue because people turn away from God given advice and God given laws. That statement, has also become a minefield. Science and religion need to become the wings of one bird, not fight against each other, but work together so mankind can again soar in the search for truth.

Regards Tony
Many stray away from conflict.

I am of the belief that ya gotta break eggs to make an omelets.

My Pollyanna rose colored glasses say good will come of discussion, that understanding another's viewpoint has value...

I find if I seek first to understand, I often lose the need to be understood.
And who was it brought politics to the Christianity board?

Last time I was on the politics board I was soon after banned. So I don't go there, I leave that one alone, but I will not shrink from the fight when it comes to me.

All of this woke shit is built on lies, bigotry, innuendo, insinuation, and propaganda, and force fed with a bullhorn. Those who disagree are silenced (as I was previously). If the left had any decent arguments, they would debate...instead they shout down and silence dissenting opinions.
And if that doesn't work, they weaponize gummint agencies that are charged with protecting the very people they attack.

Try to deny it. I dare ya.
Seems weird to me for someone to say if you have native heritage.and not full blood. This ignorant lout would think that would make you more understanding.
Fauxcahontas doesn't seem to think so, and I've got more verifiable Native American in me than she has.