The Mystery of God’s Will Unfolding in this Matrix 2

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How can you expect to engage in interfaith discussion if you have no opinions of your own but only paste from your authorized material?
Those Words speak on their own, they do not need me to say anything.

In fact, me offering them in the wrong way is blameworthy.

Yet I continue, now you can understand why I say a lot of those passages are applicable to me. I seem to be driven by my darker side.

The Mystery of it all!

Regards Tony
Passing on what will bring about the unity of the entire human race, is well worth all the accusations that may arise RJM..
Yes .. we can share our knowledge with others, and they can share their knowledge with us. :)

..God knows I only want the peace and security of all humanity and a fair and just life for every person on this planet..
I feel the same way.
We should unite around our belief in the One God that Abraham acknowleged, and try to
avoid sectarian conflict .. such as Shia/Sunni, Protestant/Catholic, Bahai/Ahmadi etc.
Yes .. we can share our knowledge with others, and they can share their knowledge with us. :)

I feel the same way.
We should unite around our belief in the One God that Abraham acknowleged, and try to
avoid sectarian conflict .. such as Shia/Sunni, Protestant/Catholic, Bahai/Ahmadi etc.
Way to go.

The key is our oneness.

Regards Tony
In your humble opinion.
In the opinion of a person who has actually taken time to become reasonably familiar with the NT, let's say.

Rather than one who does not know what he's talking about but just parroting without question what he's told to say, lol

Do you ever wonder why in all the years you're not picking-up new recruits here? They all read this stuff.

So ... it just becomes a circle from here, and I too have more important concerns than cut and paste Baha'i proselytizing
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The mainstream faiths are set in their ways ...
Tony, you should do a sense-check before you make such statements – you're just reflecting a received opinion that is ignorant and offensive.

the adherents to these Faiths expect they will be exonerated in their beliefs,

that nothing they have done has contributed to the world we now live in.
Utter nonsense

Yet no one thinks it will be applicable to them. How wrong we can be, all the while bathed in our righteousness.
I can offer that, as it has been part of my journey.
Hate to burst your bubble, but your journey may well not be the benchmark by which the world is judged, Tony.

You bathe in your righteousness, Tony, if you so choose, but let me assure you that despite your poor opinion of your neighbour, others are working in their own faiths and in their own way towards a better world.

That they don't trumpet their efforts for the acclaim of others is a mark of their nobility.
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I would offer Abdul'baha did know Christian tradition.
But, my dear fellow, clearly you don't, so you're in no position to say.
Let me assure you, as one who has made some effort in that quarter ... he really doesn't get it at all.

I would offer Abdul'baha was giving a God given official interpretation.
I know you would, and you know my reply.

Abdul'baha offered this.
"...Know that there are two kinds of knowledge ...
And yet the Great Traditions speak of a third, higher order of knowledge that transcends the world of forms (qualities, attributes, names, etc.).

... how is it possible to comprehend in its essence the Divine Reality, which is unlimited?
If he had troubled to inquire of those Traditions, he would know.

This knowledge of the attributes is also proportioned to the capacity and power of man; it is not absolute..."
This is his own, self-imposed limitation.

Tony ... please ... let it rest ... you're just digging yourself deeper into the same hole.
I was brought up as a Christian. I was baptised. I did Sunday school, I did church.
How much does anyone know about their Faith? Does that knowledge guarantee we will embrace Christ?
Well that's the least of it, old chum.
I regard the Bab himself to be a very interesting phychic person. Having encountered other psychics I've come to believe that it's just a special gift with which some people are endowed -- like the gift to play tennis for example -- but well, a bit more complicated than that.

But as a general drift let's say the psychic gift, or sixth-sense, does not in itself endow upon a person any special 'spiritual' stature, although of course 'normal' folks regard it as something special and different.

But there are truly holy psychics ... and I believe the Bab himself probably was such a holy person -- it can likewise be abused, and then it is lost and substituted by charlatan sleight-of-hand and circus side-show conjuring.

And I do believe the Bab himself was probably innocent of how later others would take his gift and run with it. The Bab would quite likely have the same sort of stuff to say to the Baha'i organisation as would Jesus Christ to the Christian religious preachers and teachers of our own time, imo

@Tony Bristow-Stagg would you like to go deeper into this?
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In the opinion of a person who has actually taken time to become reasonably familiar with the NT, let's say.

Rather than one who does not know what he's talking about but just parroting without question what he's told to say, lol

Do you ever wonder why in all the years you're not picking-up new recruits here? They all read this stuff.

So ... it just becomes a circle from here, and I too have more important concerns than cut and paste Baha'i proselytizing
I do not supply replies for those that do not want to hear RJM.

The key is, there may be others that do read a post, this is the WWW. They may be looking for an answer, they may be looking also to find fault.

It is a mystery as to how the Messages God gives us permeates the hearts of mankind. God gives the Message so a few who choose to, can share it, then before the world knows it, it is global.

Baha'u'llah said if the Baha'i do not live the life and teach the cause, others will do it. So amazingly both good and bad posts do spread the Message God has given.

Most likely there are many Baha'is that will cringe at my exchanges, but they will let me make my own mistakes.

I will always wish you naught but all the best RJM, I know you and Thomas and Modesty and others are not interested, yet you do still ask questions, you do still make observations that need clarification and you still do attempt to show my error in embracing Baha'u'llah as the One promised in all the Past Revelations, including Christianity.

God bless all, I am but a harmless soul, full of the gental wind of a Revelation given by God, unable to contain myself.

Regards Tony
Tony, you should do a sense-check before you make such statements – you're just reflecting a received opinion that is ignorant and offensive.


Utter nonsense

Hate to burst your bubble, but your journey may well not be the benchmark by which the world is judged, Tony.

You bathe in your righteousness, Tony, if you so choose, but let me assure you that despite your poor opinion of your neighbour, others are working in their own faiths and in their own way towards a better world.

That they don't trumpet their efforts for the acclaim of others is a mark of their nobility.
I applaud all those that work for a better world Thomas.

Do I bathe in righteousness, far from it, I bathe in my sin that have held me far from the court of holiness.

The OP was given in that frame of reference, it may be useful to some. It was obviously not useful for you or Niblo.

Regards Tony
God bless all, I am but a harmless soul, full of the gental wind of a Revelation given by God, unable to contain myself.
And we are harmless souls continuing to let you use our discussion forum as a soapbox for your own individual proselytizing -- but some of us are getting pretty tired of it
Tony ... please ... let it rest ... you're just digging yourself deeper into the same hole.
The hole is indeed now very deep. It is a mystery why God allows us to dig them so deep and how some manage to get out, and some do not.

Regards Tony
No, it's definitely yours, mate.

There is a better way ... ;)
Yes indeed there is Thomas That is to live the life, let the Word of God be your adorning.

That is most likely the path I should stick to, live the life.

All the best Thomas, Regards Tony
I will always wish you naught but all the best RJM, I know you and Thomas and Modesty and others are not interested, yet you do still ask questions, you do still make observations that need clarification and you still do attempt to show my error in embracing Baha'u'llah as the One promised in all the Past Revelations, including Christianity.

As I said previously, I'm not trying to prove your faith wrong. I don't believe in Baha'i, but obviously I have no problem with anyone else believing in it. I just don't understand why you want to post on an interfaith forum, when you don't actually have a desire to engage in interfaith discussion.
As I said previously, I'm not trying to prove your faith wrong. I don't believe in Baha'i, but obviously I have no problem with anyone else believing in it. I just don't understand why you want to post on an interfaith forum, when you don't actually have a desire to engage in interfaith discussion.
Thank you Modesty I understand you are not.

Regards Tony
And we are harmless souls continuing to let you use our discussion forum as a soapbox for your own individual proselytizing -- but some of us are getting pretty tired of it
That is always the issue when God sends a New Messenger, the mystery of how it unfolds in this Matrix.

On the one hand God gives the bounty to spread that Message to those that embrace it, on the other hand, they are told not to share it with those that do not want to hear.

So, calamity it will be, it is no longer possible to avert great calamity.

All the best RJM, stay safe stay happy, God bless all.

Regards Tony
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