The Mystery of God’s Will Unfolding in this Matrix 2

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Again, the issue for me isn't that you're Baha'i and believe your religion is the correct one, but that you don't show interest in other people's religions, and only seem to be interested in sharing Baha'u'llah's message.

@Tony Bristow-Stagg why do you never respond to statements like this? I'm not the only one who has brought this up.
@Tony Bristow-Stagg why do you never respond to statements like this? I'm not the only one who has brought this up.
I see it is the urgency of the age I live in. I not here for myself. I personally understand the motivation behind people's Faiths. I see them in a light of Oneness.

Faith is a path to finding one's own self, a way to fulfil that to which our heart is drawn towards, each in their own way and each from their own frame of reference.

This following passage is my motivation, the world needs unity, desperately, but it has been foretold it will not embrace unity without calamity. The motivation is to impart to as many people possible, that this unity will only be founded as foretold.

"The well-being of mankind, its peace and security, are unattainable unless and until its unity is firmly established. This unity can never be achieved so long as the counsels which the Pen of the Most High hath revealed are suffered to pass unheeded." ("Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh", p. 286)

For Centuries the Messengers have been teaching us the Oneness of God, that our unity is submission unto God and the given Laws.

The world will not change, if we do not change. I realise those words are applicable to me, I am aware I need a great deal of change, that is life, that is the struggle for each of us.

Regards Tony
The motivation is to impart to as many people possible, that this unity will only be founded as foretold.

Okay, I guess that's my answer! I do think you're missing out by being here only to evangelize, and not to learn about others' beliefs though.
Okay, I guess that's my answer! I do think you're missing out by being here only to evangelize, and not to learn about others' beliefs though.
I admit It is actually very frustrating quandary. On the one hand there are teachings that require us to do as you suggest, on the other, it is now approaching 180 years since the dawn of a new day.

My black and white reasoning with my impatience demeanour has always seen me approach life like a bull at the gate. So, If someone is just about to get hit by a bus, do you ask them what time of day it is, ask them how they are going, or do you urgentlty warn them about the bus? It is now for 180 years this Message has been neglected, that neglected will be humanities downfall. ( I am confident that if this Message is not from God, then there has never been any Message from God)

Is it only my quandary, or is it a quandary for all of us?

Regards Tony
I admit It is actually very frustrating quandary. On the one hand there are teachings that require us to do as you suggest, on the other, it is now approaching 180 years since the dawn of a new day.

My black and white reasoning with my impatience demeanour has always seen me approach life like a bull at the gate. So, If someone is just about to get hit by a bus, do you ask them what time of day it is, ask them how they are going, or do you urgentlty warn them about the bus? It is now for 180 years this Message has been neglected, that neglected will be humanities downfall. ( I am confident that if this Message is not from God, then there has never been any Message from God)

Is it only my quandary, or is it a quandary for all of us?

Regards Tony
You're still not getting it, Tony.

Black and white or not. How can you go shouting from the rooftops that your Baha'i belief is the only true one for all humanity when you admittedly know next to nothing about any others beyond what your Baha'i sources tell you, and admit that you are not interested in learning anything about them, lol?

Just who is the one wearing blinkers around here?

It's not a quandary -- it's just a farce really, imo
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You're still not getting it, Tony.

Black and white or not. How can you go shouting from the rooftops that your Baha'i belief is the only true one for all humanity when you admittedly know next to nothing about any others beyond what your Baha'i sources tell you, and admit that you are not interested in learning anything about them, lol?

Just who is the one wearing blinkers around here?

It's not a quandary -- it's just a farce really, imo
They are all from the same source RJM, they are all the Truth.

Out interpretation is a different story, that unfolds in the rejection of the Messengers.

Regards Tony
They are all from the same source RJM, they are all the Truth.
You know this how? You know next to nothing about them, by your own admission
Out interpretation is a different story, that unfolds in the rejection of the Messengers.
You are not permitted to interpret your own Baha'i writings but the Bible and other scriptures are fair game to be manipulated to try to justify Baha'u'llah's claims?
There is no Baha'i that can give interpretation on any of those scriptures ( we are able to do so, but only state it as a personal opinion). The Universal House of Justice can give guidance, but they also are not able to interpret ... #34
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You are not permitted to interpret your own Baha'i writings but the Bible and other scriptures are fair game to be manipulated to try to justify Baha'u'llah's claims?
Clutching at strings there RJM.

Personal interpretation is allowed, as long as it is made known it is a personal interpretation in relation to the Baha'i Writings. Any past scriptures likewise, unless there is an official Interpretation, in that case we can offer it as Official.

Regards Tony
You know this how? You know next to nothing about them, by your own admission
The keys have been given. If one reads what Baha'u'llah offered, then reads those scripture in that light, new frames of references are available, the Oneness of God is found.

Regards Tony
personal interpretation in relation to the Baha'i Writings. Any past scriptures likewise, unless ther is an official Interpretation, in that case we can offer it as Official.
But you have said -- and I can go back and find your statement if you like -- that nothing of the New Testament manipulation that you 'offer' is your own personal one? You only paste from.yiur Baha'i sources.

So you unquestioningly repeat those sources without a pesonal knowledge of the New Testament or other scriptures.

In other words whatever you insist is true -- and you do it often -- it is only true because your Baha'i sources say it is. The Baha'i writings are true because the Baha'i writings say they are true ...

This goes nowhere important, except that where you reserve the right to use the forums solely as a platform to proselytize, I reserve the right to keep exposing your cult logic for everyone to see.

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck ...
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But you have said -- and I can go back and find your statement if you like -- that nothing of the New Testament manipulation that you 'offer' is your own personal one? You only paste from.yiur Baha'i sources.
A lot I say would need clarification RJM, as I am not an essay writer, I try to keep it short and to the point.

Abdu'l-Baha has given interpretation of passages that we use in our replies, we do not always use the quotes, as people always say they do not want to read the quotes.

So when I offer interpretation of Revelation about the 1260 timeline and what was the Beast, it would be Abdul'baha's explanations I use. I would not offer that it is my personal Interpretation.

If I attempt other interpretation, I would offer that it is my personal interpretation.

In my haste, at times I may neglect that protocol, I am very human.

Life is very full, I am still full time employed and a owner builder doing an extension at home, and with family and animals.

Regards Tony
If I attempt other interpretation, I would offer that it is my personal interpretation.
But that's the point. How would you do this unless you have a reasonable knowledge of the New Testament or any other scripture? You just accept whatever you are told by Baha'u'llah and his family as true, without ever taking time to investigate other points of view.

You haven't read anything else -- not really properly -- and have no intention of doing so, by your own admission ... and this is exactly your accusation against others concerning your own Baha'i beliefs
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But that's the point. How would you do this unless you have a reasonable knowledge of the New Testament or any other scripture? You just accept whatever you are told by Baha'u'llah and his family as true, without ever taking time to investigate other points of view.

You haven't read anything else -- not really properly -- and have no intention of doing so, by your own admission ... which is exactly your accusation against others concerning your own Baha'i beliefs
Just a question RJM, for you to consider. Do you use the keys of understanding given by Christ when you read the Torah?

You seem to be very concerned about what study I have done, does that really matter? I am not going to discuss that anymore, as it is a distraction. Like discussing who has the best qualifications, that's way not me, I will not even write a detailed resume, it stucks that one has to sell themselves.

Regards Tony
Just a question RJM, for you to consider. Do you use the keys of understanding given by Christ when you read the Torah?
I get easily irritated by Christians trying to mine and manipulate the OT for obscure references to Jesus. As do Jews. I don't like it. Nor do I unquestioningly accept what Christian sources say.
You seem to be very concerned about what study I have done, does that really matter?
Very much when you use the NT -- and other scriptures but particularly the NT -- to try to justify a new self-declared christ, which is the opposite of the intended meaning of the passages you paste from your Baha'i sources.
am not going to discuss that anymore, as it is a distraction. Like discussing who has the best qualifications
How can you expect to engage in interfaith discussion if you have no opinions of your own but only paste from your authorized material?
@Tony Bristow-Stagg
No need to answer that. You have no interest in interfaith discussion which is the purpose of the forums -- just preaching, by your own admission
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@Tony Bristow-Stagg
No need to answer that. You have no interest in interfaith discussion which is the purpose of the forums -- just preaching, by your own admission
Passing on what will bring about the unity of the entire human race, is well worth all the accusations that may arise RJM.

Yes it may not be a wise way to do it, most likely even blameworthy, but that is the judgement I will face and God knows I only want the peace and security of all humanity and a fair and just life for every person on this planet.

Regards Tony
Very much when you use the NT -- and other scriptures but particularly the NT -- to try to justify a new self-declared christ, which is the opposite of the intended meaning of the passages you paste from your Baha'i sources.
In your humble opinion.

Regards Tony
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