The savior coming from the east is Vietnamese


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Prophet Craig Hamilton-Parker prophesied new religious teachings that would lead humanity to peace. It is a religion that encompasses all religions in the world. God the Father is the founder of 7 religions. Buddhism, Catholicism, Immortalism, Taoism, Theism, teachers, humanism. Heavenly Father is in charge of the soul, Heavenly Mother is in charge of matter. Humans are all children of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.

The scriptures were passed down by the Messiah before he officially appeared to save humanity. The history of Father Heaven and Mother Heaven incarnated on earth, gave birth to children, taught them culture, science, meditation, theology... Taking their children to visit hell, heaven, and earth. If you live according to Heaven's teachings, you will go to heaven. The Messiah messiah is the first son of Heaven, replacing Heavenly Father to run the universe. Humans from here migrated to conquer the universe.

We are in dire need of peace lovers and volunteer translators in all languages in the world, spreading the word so that humanity of 5 skin colors will be at peace, no more war. We humans share the same origin, we have the right to life, independence, freedom, happiness, equality....
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Hi annurago, and welcome to Interfaith.

Unfortunately we do not new members to post links straight away ... if you attract inquiry from your post, then we will review the situation.

Welcome again.
Ten great vows of the Savior under the Dragon-shaped tree

* The first vow: When I attain enlightenment, the Dharma of heaven will flow and water the continents. Rejuvenating the human soul, wisdom is opened, understanding the Origin into the Dharma of Great Equality, self-control, Independence, Freedom, Happiness.

* The second vow: When we attain enlightenment, the Dharma water of Truth, Justice, and Heaven's Dharma will turn into the Dharma Water of Cam Lo, saving suffering and alleviating all suffering. The suffering of birth, the suffering of death, the suffering of old age, the suffering of illness, the suffering of separation, the suffering of poverty and backwardness, the suffering of injustice, the suffering of oppression, the suffering of adversity, the suffering of imprisonment, the suffering of Hell, the suffering of ignorance. Turn all that suffering into peace and joy in life.

* The third vow: When we attain enlightenment, the Dharma of Heaven and Spirit will be fulfilled in the best way possible. As long as it does not go against the teachings of the God of Truth, Justice, and Universal Ethics.

* The fourth vow: When we become Taoist, the Tao of Heaven will turn into Universalism, regardless of skin color or race. Parties, religions, social classes, rich and poor, high and low, good and evil, if there is a feeling, there will be a reaction, if there is merit, there will be results. Mortal Saints are the same.

* The fifth vow: When we attain Taoism, the Tao of Heaven will become the Tao of Great Equality, Law is the Teacher, Religion is the Father, Justice and the Constitution is the King. All human beings, Saints and Saints, have all the Rights that the Ancestors, Heavenly Father, and Mother Earth have given to each human being. Such as the Right to Freedom, the Right to Speech, the Right to Equality, the Right to Life, the Right to Pursue Happiness, the Right to Decide Your Destiny. Especially the Rights allowed by the Constitution, Law, Ethics, and Justice. As for the Rights that the Constitution, Law, Dharma, and Justice do not allow, those are not called Rights but go against the teachings of the Ancestors, Heavenly Father, and Mother Earth.

* The sixth vow: When we attain enlightenment, Heaven's Way will turn into spiritual food, transforming the Body and Body of Hue Mang, which has the power to eliminate countless crimes. No more falling into Hell, Hungry Ghosts, and Animals. Born in Heaven, if you want to eat, you will eat, if you want to wear something, the Palace Tower will appear at will. Live forever, never die, never get old, never get sick, never die.

* The seventh vow: When we attain the Way, the Way of Heaven will flow continuously from one small life to the next. Circulating throughout the world, throughout the five continents and four seas, throughout the empty universe. Always benefit humanity.

* The eighth vow: When we attain Taoism, the Heavenly Religion will become the National Religion of every nation, every race, and every skin color. From Hell, Earth, Heaven. The Life of Religion is a harmony of life, Life is for the sake of Religion, Religion is the Life of two but one, but one but two. Like Fire the light of Fire.

* Ninth vow: When I attain Tao, Heaven's Tao will transform into limitless light to illuminate the way for humanity to escape suffering. The light of Truth, the light of Justice, the light of Morality, the light of material science, the universe, the light of science Spirituality of Only Consciousness, the light of Universal Equality, the light of Righteousness and Justice enlightenment, the light of liberation, Enlightenment, the light of omnipotence and omniscience, and the boundless, incalculable, inconceivable light that lights the way for humankind. Insight into the past and the future.

* The tenth vow: When we attain Tao, the Heavenly Tao will become the Great Universal Tao, the Common Tao for all humanity. Three teachings Quy Nguyen. The Five Branches unite. Enlightenment of True Nature. Dong Thanh Chanh Giac. Pure emptiness. Great Equality.

Thập đại nguyện của Quốc tổ Hùng Vương dưới gốc cây sanh hình Rồng
*- Nguyện thứ nhất: Khi ta thành Đạo thời Đạo pháp của trời sẽ tuôn chảy tưới nhuần các Châu Lục. Làm tươi trẻ Linh Hồn nhân loại, trí huệ đều được khai mở, thấu suốt Cội Nguồn vào pháp Đại Đồng Bình Đẳng tự chủ Độc Lập Tự Do Hạnh Phúc.
*- Nguyện thứ hai: Khi ta thành Đạo nước pháp Chân Lý, Công Lý, Đạo Lý của Trời sẽ biến thành Nước pháp Cam Lộ, cứu khổ cứu nạn làm vơi đi bao nỗi đau khổ. Khổ sinh, khổ tử, khổ già, khổ bệnh, khổ chia ly, khổ đói nghèo lạc hậu, khổ nỗi hàm oan, khổ áp bức, khổ nghịch cảnh, khổ tù đày, khổ Địa Ngục, khổ dốt dại ngu si. Biến tất cả những thống khổ ấy trở thành an vui an lạc cuộc đời.
*- Nguyện thứ ba: Khi ta thành Đạo, thời Đạo pháp của Trời Linh ứng vào hàng bật nhất cầu chi đặng nấy. Chỉ cần việc ấy không trái lại lời dạy của Đức Cha Trời Chân Lý, Công Lý, Đạo Lý vũ trụ.
*- Nguyện thứ tư: Khi ta thành Đạo, thời Đạo Trời biến thành Chủ Nghĩa Đại Đồng, không phân biệt màu da chủng tộc. Các Đảng phái, tôn giáo, các tầng lớp xã hội, giàu nghèo, sang hèn, Ác Thiện, hể có cảm thì có ứng, có công thì có quả. Phàm Thánh cũng như nhau.
*- Nguyện thứ năm: Khi ta thành Đạo, thời Đạo Trời thành Đạo Đại Đồng Bình Đẳng, Luật là Thầy, Đạo là Cha, Công Lý Hiến Pháp là Vua. Phàm, Thánh toàn nhân loại, đều đầy đủ các Quyền mà Tổ Tiên, Cha Trời, Địa Mẫu đã ban tặng cho mỗi con người. Như Quyền tự do, Quyền Ngôn Luận, Quyền bình đẳng, Quyền sống, Quyền mưu cầu hạnh phúc, Quyền quyết định vận mệnh của mình. Nhất là Quyền được Hiến pháp, Luật pháp, Đạo pháp, Công Lý cho phép. Còn những Quyền, Hiến pháp, Luật pháp, Đạo pháp, Công Lý không cho phép, đó không gọi là Quyền mà là đi ngược lại lời dạy của Tổ Tiên, Cha Trời, Địa Mẫu.
*- Nguyện thứ sáu: Khi ta thành Đạo, thời Đạo Trời sẽ biến thành những món ăn tinh thần, chuyển hóa Căn Thân Huệ Mạng có công năng giải trừ vô lượng tội ác. Không còn sa đọa Địa Ngục, Ngạ Quỉ, Súc Sanh. Sanh về Thiên giới, muốn ăn có ăn, muốn mặc có mặc, Lầu Đài Cung Điện đều theo ý muốn hiện ra. Sống mãi không chết không già không bệnh, không tử.
*- Nguyện thứ bảy: Khi ta thành Đạo, thì Đạo Trời trôi chảy không ngừng hết tiểu kiếp này sang tiểu kiếp khác. Lưu chuyển khắp ta bà thế giới, khắp năm châu bốn biển, khắp hư không vũ trụ. Làm lợi ích mãi cho nhân loại con người.
*- Nguyện thứ tám: Khi ta thành Đạo, thì Đạo trời sẽ trở thành Quốc Đạo Chính Nghĩa của mỗi dân tộc, mỗi chủng tộc, mỗi màu da. Từ Địa Ngục, Trần Gian, Thiên Đàng. Đời Đạo là một dung hòa cuộc sống, Đời vì Đạo, Đạo là Đời tuy hai mà một, tuy một mà hai. Như Lửa ánh sáng của Lửa.
*- Nguyện thứ chín: Khi ta thành Đạo, thì Đạo Trời biến thành vô lượng quang ánh sáng soi đường cho nhân loại thoát khổ. Anh sáng Chân Lý, ánh sáng Công Lý, ánh sáng Đạo Đức, ánh sáng vật chất khoa học, vũ trụ, ánh sáng khoa học Tâm Linh Duy Thức chủng tánh, ánh sáng Đại Đồng Bình Đẳng, ánh sáng Chính Nghĩa công bằng văn minh, ánh sáng giải thoát Chánh giác, ánh sáng toàn năng toàn giác và còn vô lượng vô biên ánh sáng không thể tính đếm không thể nghĩ bàn soi đường chỉ lối cho nhân loại con người. Thấu suốt quá khứ tột cùng vị lai.
*- Nguyện thứ mười: Khi ta thành Đạo, thì Đạo Trời trở thành Đại Đạo vũ trụ, Đạo Chung cho toàn nhân loại. Tam giáo Quy nguyên. Ngũ Chi hiệp nhất. Đồng Ngộ Chân Tánh. Đồng Thành Chánh Giác. Thanh tịnh hư không. Đại Đồng Bình Đẳng.
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Dragon Flower Sutra of Heavenly Store
Chapter 1
Part 1


About two thousand, five hundred, three million years ago, at that time, the universe of TABA was just a vacuum.

1 In that vast and omnipresent vacuum, there is a SUPREME SPIRITUAL ESSENCE, as vast as space, everywhere. That is the SUPREME SPIRITUAL ESSENCE, DISCLAIMER, CREATOR, ANCESTOR.

2 The supreme spiritual enlightened being, the Ancestral Creator, the INDEPENDENT, FREE, EQUAL being.

3 The original nature of creation, creation of ANCESTORS, form is like space, formless. THE FORMLESS form is the true form of the ANCESTORS, not only is the form of the ancestors a formless form, but the formless nature of the ancestors is the NAMELESS nature, the natureless form is also the nature, the true nature of the ANCESTORS.

4 The ancestors' supreme spiritual essence, the immaculate essence, is pure and untainted, like a lotus flower that is near mud but does not smell of mud. It is because of this pure untaintedness that is the greatest sacredness of the ESSENTIAL SPIRITUAL AWARENESS, the most sacred spiritual enlightenment of the UNIVERSITY OF THE UNIVERSAL LOTUS.

5 The Supreme Ancestor's spiritual essence is not only unconditioned and pure without contamination, but also the TRUE MIND and TRUE NATURE are also pure and uncontaminated. Also because of the uncontaminated purity, as well as the purity of the true mind and true nature, it becomes the essence of the enlightened mind to see the nature of the universe. The supreme spiritual essence of the universe, MIND emptiness, pure and unconditioned, TRUTH emptiness pure and unconditioned, form emptiness pure and unconditioned, mind emptiness, pure and unconditioned, consciousness emptiness pure and unconditioned. So from the supreme spiritual being of the universe, we SEE - HEAR - KNOW - KNOW, throughout the universe. The seeing, hearing, or knowing, here is the seeing, hearing, or knowing of the entire nature of the universe's nothingness, the omnipresent seeing, the omnipresent hearing, the omnipresent good, the omnipresent knowing.

6 The supreme spiritual being of the universe, the ancestral spirit, is not only uncontaminated and unconditioned, but also pure, without COLOR, without SHAPE, without SMELL, without TASTE, and is also pure without contamination. , this colorless, formless, odorless, tasteless being, not only sees, hears, knows, knows, is omnipotent, is omniscient, and is omniscient, but also REFLECTS, SENSES, REFLECTS, MEASURES, become the BALANCE OF JUSTICE, the universe. The balance of justice, fairness and equality in the universe.

7 The supreme spiritual being, the spiritual awakening of the ancestors, the spiritual being of DAI DONG, INDEPENDENT, FREE, EQUAL, and this same universal, independent, free, equal being, becomes become the supreme TRUTH essence of life, become the supreme law of the universe, become the Divine Will of God. The supreme life of the universe is the spiritual essence. THE SOURCE, the supreme essence of all life. living. The EXPLORING BEING CREATES ALL. The supreme being that establishes all, is the one that unites the essence of DAI DONG, INDEPENDENCE, FREEDOM, EQUALITY.

8 The universal essence, independent, free, equal, is the essence of the supreme source of the HIANA TANG, the Dharma Tang, the supreme LAW TRAN of the universe, when it was not yet civilized to create the universe.

9 The Supreme Spiritual Essence, DONATION, Dharma Organ, Supreme Law Organ of the universe, the creation of the universe, the creation of the three thousand worlds, the heavens, the EARTH, the EARTH. , Four realms, Galaxies, milky way, sun, moon, stars, all living beings, insects, grass, trees, birds, animals, even humans, etc. When the essence of the CONSTITUTION, Dharma Organ, Law Organ, the SUPREME SOURCE OF THE UNIVERSE, transformed into, THE UNIVERSAL LAW, THE GOD'S WILL, THE balance of UNIVERSAL JUSTICE.

10 The supreme ancestral spiritual being of the universe is the supreme spiritual being of NATURE, no one is born, no one dies, eternal and eternal, always the same, without beginning, no end. there is an End, no past and no future, an essence like nothingness that covers the universe, covers the universe, neither going nor coming, all life lies within this supreme Great Path life.

11 The supreme spiritual being of the universe, the ancestors' spiritual awareness, is not only as always, but also forever and ever in the endless future, so the noun Tathagata Ancestor is still the unified noun.

12 The spiritual self that enlightened the ancestors, the unborn, undying, uncontaminated, uncontaminated, unincreased, undecreasing, formless, colorless, odorless, tasteless, empty mind, empty consciousness, empty mind , Emptiness, NATURAL PURITY WITHOUT VIRTUE is the essence of Donation Organ, Dharma Treasury, Vinaya Pitaka, the supreme spiritual being of the universe, the spirituality of GREATNESS, INDEPENDENCE, FREEDOM, EQUALITY.

13 Therefore, human beings, the descendants of our ancestors, are directed towards the ORIGIN, which is also towards JUSTICE, EQUALITY, INDEPENDENCE, FREEDOM, and are unified according to the law of justice and equality. , according to the law of independence, according to the law of freedom, according to the natural law of the nature of the UNIFIED UNIVERSITY.

14 Moving towards the SOURCE is different from integrating into the SOURCE. Towards the origin is towards justice, equality, towards independence and freedom. Integrating the Origin is the integration, the Water Bubbles integrate into the Water essence, the Water Bubbles return to be Water, the Spiritual Consciousness becomes Spiritual Awareness, the Consciousness, the Consciousness, become the True Mind and True Nature. The true mind and true nature are Emptiness of Mind, Emptiness of Nature, Emptiness of Mind, Emptiness of Mind, Emptiness of Consciousness. MASTERING THE TRUE MIND, TRUTH TANATY, Also means MASTERING FAIRNESS, EQUALITY, UNIVERSITY, INDEPENDENCE, FREEDOM, SUPREME UNIVERSE.

15 The supreme spiritual essence, THE ANCESTORS, is like WATER, and the spirit CONSCIOUSNESS, the soul of all living beings, is like WATER FOAM. It is also because WATER BIRDS FOAM, SPIRITUAL AWARENESS BIRDS CONSCIOUSNESS, TRUE MIND, TRUE THANTY, BIRDS CONSCIOUSNESS, so water - bubbles, spiritual awareness - spiritual consciousness, true mind, true nature - consciousness, consciousness, nature, no different, same nature, essence, what WATER HAS, then WATER FOAM is the same, what spiritual awareness has, then spiritual consciousness is also the same. What the true mind and true nature have, the consciousness and nature of consciousness also have the same, the nature of WATER, justice, equality, independence, freedom, then the bubbles of WATER also have those qualities, HIDDEN IN THE BUBBLES OF WATER .

16 This is the identical connection between the essence of WATER and WATER FOAM, the connection between the spiritual consciousness of the GREAT ANCESTORS, the UNIVERSE SOUL, and the MINOR SOULS, the DESCENDANTS' SOULS.

17 The spiritual essence, the supreme WATER of the universe, the essence of universality, justice, equality, independence and freedom, at that time the spiritual body of WATER FOAM CONSCIOUSNESS, could also be the nature of water, become the seed nature of water bubbles, universality, justice, equality, independence and freedom.

18 Humanity looks towards DAI DONG, towards JUSTICE, towards EQUALITY, towards INDEPENDENCE, towards FREEDOM, which is towards the ORIGIN. Gradually integrate the Source according to the Constitutional Organ, the Dharma Organ, the Supreme Vinaya of the universe, HIDDEN in every human soul.

19 Fighting to regain JUSTICE, EQUALITY, AUTONOMY, FREEDOM, ACCORDING TO THE CONSTITUTION, Dharma, and Law is a righteous struggle, a contract with the hearts of people, with the hearts of heaven, a contract with the spiritual essence. Supreme of the universe, ANCESTORS, GODS, PEOPLE, UNITY.

20 Humanity's children and grandchildren EXPLORE THE ANCESTORS, towards the SOURCE is towards JUSTICE, towards EQUALITY, towards INDEPENDENCE, towards FREEDOM, and towards fair integration, equal integration, independent integration, free integration, and progress towards mastery. Supreme of FAIRNESS, Supreme of EQUALITY, as well as Supreme of AUTONOMY, INDEPENDENCE, FREEDOM, Become Human Rights. Even higher is human Divine Power. Currently, humanity has just evolved to Human Rights and Democracy, and will progress to Divine Power and Humanity. Moving towards Divine Power and Humanity means moving towards Universalism.

21 The Supreme Being of the universe, the spiritual essence of the ANCESTORS, is fair, independent, free, and equal, but when the Being has transformed from Spiritual Awareness to Spiritual Consciousness. For example, from WATER to FOAM, the essence of justice, equality, independence and freedom from WATER, transforms into the rights of FOAM, sacred rights and inviolable rights, generally Human Rights. Human Divine Power.

22 The right to justice, the right to equality, the right to independence, the right to freedom, the right to autonomy, the right to speech, the right to pursue happiness, in general, what the supreme spiritual being of the Great Soul of the universe has, is spiritual. The Cosmic Little Soul consciousness also exists, becoming the basic rights of each soul. HUMAN RIGHTS and DIVINE RIGHTS of each person, sacred rights that are inviolable.

23 The supreme spiritual being of the universe, is the being of the Sage Tang, the Dharma Tang, the Law Tang, the Thien Tang Tantra, this is the endless treasure of knowledge of the universe, that each evolved human Soul exploits for In the end, towards mastery, those five treasures.

24 The right to justice, the right to equality, the right to independence, the right to freedom, the right to autonomy, the right to pursue happiness, the basic rights of each person and each nation, sacred rights and inviolable rights, But MONOPOLism, DICTATORSHIP, DICTATORSHIP, has blatantly violated the basic rights of every human being, the basic rights of every nation, deprived, robbed, of those sacred rights, going against justice. fairness, equality, justice to the creation of the universe, not only have they gone against the Divine Will of Heavenly Father, the Divine Law of the universe, but they have also gone against their own basic rights, which the Creator has given them.

25 This is unacceptable, and the justice, equality, and freedom of each person and each society has been taken away. Human progress, the Creator's balance of justice eliminates them. Force dictatorship to return basic human rights.

26 Returning the basic rights that the Creator's Ancestors have given to each person, each nation, is a job that pleases Man, God, and Heaven's Law, a job full of Justice, full of wisdom. There is no greater wisdom, because no one can resist the Divine Law of the universe, the Divine Will of Heaven, especially the rising resistance and struggle to reclaim human rights. What force can resist?

27 Protecting sacred human rights Human Rights, RIGHT TO LIFE, RIGHT TO FAIRNESS, RIGHT TO EQUALITY, RIGHT TO INDEPENDENCE, RIGHT TO LIBERTY, RIGHT TO AUTONOMY, RIGHT TO PRAY HAPPINESS, RIGHT TO SPEECH, RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION, RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION, RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION, RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION PRAYER, in general, 36 main rights and 72 secondary rights are inalienable rights. In general, there are up to 84000 rights, but here we only mention a few basic rights, HUMAN RIGHTS, and even higher are DIVINE RIGHTS. Protecting human rights is a noble job, there is no nobler job.

End of part 1 chapter 1

Please continue reading part 2, chapter 1

Long Hoa Thien Tang.

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Chapter 1
Part 2


1 The Supreme Spiritual Being, the spirit of AWAKENING THE ANCESTORS, the great soul of the universe, It took 3 hundred and 36 million years to create SPIRITUAL POWER in the stage of empty life, the stage of great samadhi, and continue to create SPIRIT. COSMIC FORCE, 1 thousand 8 million years.

2 It took 3 hundred and 36 million years to transform the COSMIC SPIRIT and create the COSMIC TRUE WEAPON. Divine power is transformed into true energy. Physical energy is transformed into vapor.

3 It will take 3 hundred and 36 million years for the ANCESTORS to transform the TRUE qi to create LIQUID, WATER.

4 It took another 3 hundred and 36 million years for the ANCESTORS to transform into a LIQUID FORM, WATER to create a FAULTY LAYER, THE COSMIC DUST LAYER, then from this fertile layer of dust, it coalesced into STONE and then from STONE transformed into EARTH. liquid turns into solid.

5 From this form of creation to the other form, it takes 20 times of transformation, up and down. One transformation takes 16 million 800 thousand years.

6 To completely transform a gas, vapor or liquid, it takes 3 hundred and 36 million years for 20 ups and downs. For each transformation, the old force transforms into gas, into gas, it takes 16 million 800 thousand years, the old gas transforms into water, into water, in the same way, it takes 16 million 800 thousand years, from liquid state. Degrading from aging to solid state into cosmic dust also takes the same amount of time as above, 16 million 800 thousand years, for one transformation.

7 BODY, GAS, LIQUID, transformed into other bodies, each body has 20 stages of aging and degeneration like that, causing the lower bodies to rise and fall, of one body, as well as the increase The decline of a metabolic degeneration, this is the cause of GREAT FLOODS, TURNOVER WAVES, AND EARTHQUAKES, as well as fires, earthquakes, and volcanoes appearing one after another throughout the five continents in the period The first part of the kalpa decreases, and FLOODS, TSUNANTS, EARTHQUAKES, appear more and more later, stronger and stronger, like heavy rain and strong winds, towards the end of a small eon, of a decreasing kalpa, the kalpa increases of a small kalpa is 8 million 400 thousand years The reduction of a small kalpa is the same as 8 million 400 thousand years.

8 DISCOVERY The ancestors created four bodies, PHYSICAL Physique, Gaseous Body, Spiritual Body, and Solid Body. That creation lasted 1 thousand 8 million years, and it took 3 hundred and 36 million years to create the universe. When the Fire Element appears, it becomes the five elements.

9 Established the three great thousand worlds, the HEAVENS. The seven precious mountains, the five mountains and seven mountains as well as the four EARTH realms, and the EARTH, GALAXY, MILK, SUN, MOON, STARS, finally the four EARTH spheres, that is, the four earthly realms. (see Dragon Flower Tantra Sutra for more clarity).

10 Civilizing the Ancestors, it took another 16 million 800 Thousand years for the four TERRIFIC EARTH to cool down and stabilize the circulation.

11 It took another 16 million, 800 thousand years for green to form moss, to evolve into herbs, and for bacteria to evolve into INSECTS.

12 It took another 16 million, 800 thousand years for the INSECT species to evolve into the REPTILES and the ANIMAL - ANIMALS species. It took another 285 million 600 thousand years, when the REPTILES and Avian-Beasts evolved to the point where they could no longer evolve.

13 It took another 75 million years for the REPTILES, MUT-BEASTS, and killers to eat and devour each other to evolve their Spiritual Consciousness, Mind Base, and race, until they could no longer evolve. Time passed. 75 million years later, the Spiritual Consciousness Roots of reptiles, birds, and beasts could no longer evolve, but only increased in ferocity and evil nature.

14 And so the reptiles and beasts, killing and devouring each other, reincarnated back and forth, the killing and devouring of each other became more and more fierce, over the next 600 thousand years.

15 At this time, the ancestors were revealed, and the Father of Heaven and Mother of Heaven appeared. Heaven's Father is a DRAGON, Heaven's Mother is a FAIRY, flying to the EARTH, Nam Thien Bo Chau, giving birth to children to pass on the race and people. Let the souls, reptiles, birds, and animals, be reincarnated into humans, the FAIRY and DRAGON lineages, cultivate and evolve their souls to consciousness, awareness, and wisdom to become BUDDHA, SAINT, FAIRY, GOD. LORD, ascend to the throne of RUTH, RULE, master the true mind, true nature, master of the universe.

16 The appearance of HEAVEN FATHER and EARTH MOTHER on earth, giving birth to children, marked the historical milestone of the birth of mankind on earth, and also from here on the earth of NAM THIEN BU CHAU was born of humanity. living, the ancestors of the ancestors, the first of humankind.

End of part 2 chapter 1

Please continue reading part 3, chapter 1

Long Hoa Thien Tang.

Can you explain how teachers, humanism, and Buddhism are religions?

Please note this is a discussion site.
Buddha saves people according to the virtue of Compassion. The ultimate pinnacle is doing good in Body, Speech, and Mind.

The Holy Path saves people according to Personality, Character, and Virtue. The ultimate pinnacle of Sainthood is to clearly understand the Laws of Heaven's Will, advising people not to violate Heaven's Will and to live according to the Law. Breaking the Law must be punished. The Law of Heaven rules, the Constitution rules, the Law rules, the Tao rules.

Immortals help people in the way of living as human beings. must know how to serve life, must invent and create science, know the Law, know the Tao, especially not lose the Tao of being human. There is humanity, there is meaning, there is ceremony, there is wisdom, there is faith. When Thuan Thien was still against Thien, he died. The pinnacle of Tien Dao is to live naturally, living freely and leisurely is the core way of Tien.

Shinto to save people is to know how to protect righteousness, protect Justice and Truth. Especially protecting God's Divine Will. Become the Dragon God Protector of Dharma. Dharma Protector Angel exorcises demons and destroys evil spirits that harm people. Destroying the Dharma. The pinnacle of Taoism is Loyalty, Filial piety, and Righteousness.

To save people is to Respect God, to rely on God means to Respect the Source. God is also Heavenly Father. Father God God is only one.
Buddha, Saint, Immortal, God, God, each makes merit in their own way, but in the end they are just saving people. Just follow God's will.

A teacher is someone who teaches you skills, jobs, good deeds, ethics... not bad. We in the East have a tradition of respecting teachers.

Humanism has 10 basic principles:
the right thing to do,
keep promise,
middle path,
feel ashamed when doing wrong,
generous tolerance.
Original culture is the supreme culture of Buddhas, saints, fairies, gods, and lords. The supreme great path of the universe.
(See Long Hoa Mat Sutra, Long Hoa Thien Pit Sutra will explain more clearly)

God the Father and Earth Mother, chose the Earth of the Nam Thien Bo Chau. The Earth on which we live is the first birthplace of humans. From the empty place at the center of the universe, the Two Immortals and Dragons, Heavenly Father and Earthly Mother, slowly flew to Earth and landed on the top of Long Hoa Mountain, Dragon Shape Earth. Makes the Earth vibrate. Birds and animals were terrified and frightened, not knowing what had happened. Five-colored clouds suddenly appeared. Under the ground, countless flowers bloomed, and trees that had been dry for a long time suddenly sprouted green buds again. The rivers and streams dried up, and the source of abundance naturally flowed and permeated the ground. The sky is cool and clear, the Sun, Moon and Stars compete to shine. On the ground, on the Phoenix tree, dancing. The dragon meandered and waved its tail, eight thousand four thousand species seemed to enter new peace.

From Long Hoa mountain, thousands of rays of light shine brightly, carrying a fragrant scent. Any animal that can inhale it will no longer be hungry or thirsty, like drinking Cam Lo and Linh Don. The soul is excited as if it wants to fly to Heaven. The Birds and Animals have magical powers. Seeing Long Hoa Mountain, all the Daos radiate brilliantly, then in all four directions of the Earth, the Divine Beasts and Birds flocked to make Long Hoa Mountain. The air and ground are congested. Festival of Animal Birds.

This is about the Heavenly Father and Earthly Mother landing on Long Hoa Mountain, causing an earthquake on the Earth. Immediately shrinking his body to a height of only a few dozen feet. Au Co Earth Mother Au Co immediately gathered the five energies: Earth, Metal, Wood, Water, Fire in the four directions of East, West, South, North and Earth spirit and spread deep under the Long Hoa mountain range to create an embryo with a hundred eggs in it. a huge bundle in the belly of Mother Earth Mother Au Co.

Long Hoa Mountain is a Dragon-shaped mountain range, attracting the Essence of Heaven and Earth for millions and millions of years: Infinity, Duality, Yin and Yang are complete, Four Symbols are complete, Eight Trigrams rotate, Five Elements, Earthly Branches are not lacking, One hundred energies, commanding all five directions: East, West, South, North, Central, Upper, and Lower.

Earth Mother Au Co captured the Essence, gasified the Five Earths of the mountain range, at the foot of Long Hoa Mountain which are Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth, condensing into hundreds of eggs in one sac, hundreds of eggs are therefore also divided into five colors. different skin.

Kim egg white skin. Moc egg in indigo skin. Aquatic black skin. Fire egg red skin. Earth egg with yellow skin.

The formation of the embryo and the nurturing of the fetus must take a long time, in accordance with the cycle of natural law, at the peak of lifespan in the middle of the 5th small life, humans are born on average 60 thousand years old, prematurely 40 years old. thousand years old, 80 thousand years old. Therefore, Au Co Earth Mother must be pregnant for 9 years, 9 months, and 10 days for the fetus to fully develop, with all five internal organs, six senses, and nine perfect faculties. Become a human child (a small cosmic body), Father's Essence, Mother's Blood, Heaven's Essence, Earth's Qi. Mother Goddess Au Co was pregnant with a hundred eggs. The day is coming when the flower blooms, humanity will be born, be born, that important hour is coming.

Earth Mother Au Co said to Heavenly Father Long Hoa: Hey man, now it's your turn to call all animals and animals so that they can be reincarnated as humans, as our children.

Heavenly Father Longhua heard Earth Mother Au Co say that. Immediately, from the Heavenly Father's Dragonflower's mouth, layers upon layers of bristling radiance emitted, creating countless boundless, magical sounds, transmitting. far as far as the horizon and corners of the Earth.

The birds and animals, the leaders of the flock, heard that sound and immediately set out to where Heavenly Father was calling. At that time, it was far and near in the air, far and near at the top of Long Hoa mountain. Layers of five-colored clouds turned into giant treasure trees, animals and birds all over the Earth, animals in caves, forests in mountains, trees in the earth, rivers and seas, snow and fire. , competing to fly to Long Hoa mountain filled with sky and earth. Looking at the countless species of Birds and Beasts, countless and inconceivable, classes on the ground, classes on precious trees, classes in the air, the Lord of reptiles and Birds are all present.

The Divine Beasts and Divine Birds saw two strangely tall Dragon Immortals. The halo is bright and colorful. Beautiful and dignified. But very gentle, some species boldly come closer to see clearly.

Earth Mother Au Co saw the Lord of all living things come together. Earth Mother Au Co's entire body rose up with countless scents that spread everywhere. All animals and reptiles just needed to inhale and not only were they all relieved of hunger and thirst. The month in which the Soul is also unusually lucid, infinitely sensitive.

Especially the Dragon species, the Phoenix species, the Confucius species, the Unicorn species, the Elephant species, the Lion species, the Horse species, the Buffalo species, the Goat species, the Dogs, the Cat species, etc.... The Dragon Flower of God and Father saw that they had inhaled the fragrance of the lily and were wise. , sense incense, precept incense, concentration incense, good incense, brave incense, faith incense, meaning incense, ceremony incense, ring incense, discharge incense, abstaining incense, humiliating incense, peanut incense, heavenly incense etc. Using hundreds of thousands of millions of rays of light to emit thousands of wonderful sounds, at the same time preaching and talking to thousands of species of Birds, Animals and Reptiles.


O beasts and reptiles, I am the Lord of the universe, the creator of all. Now I have called you here to explain clearly where you came from, you must understand to know the way back, to escape the cycle of birth and death, to escape the state of ignorance and misery. In the past, we created Force, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth in the Five Great Universes. Established the Three Heavens, the Great Thousand World, the three physical realms of Heaven, Earth, and Hades. Creates Sun, Moon, Galaxy, Milky Way, Stars, Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, finally 4 Earths. I was too tired so I fell into a deep sleep. We have a special nature: when we are awake, our dharma body is clear, but when we fall into a deep sleep, we cannot control our dharma body anymore. Our dharma body immediately becomes ignorant and penetrates into the material world.

The thought of discrimination arises, clinging to matter, from the spiritual essence of Seeing, Hearing, Knowing, and Knowing our nature, the thought of discrimination arises, and immediately a large part of our body breaks into small pieces, countless in number. Boundaries are incalculable, inconceivable, like countless endless, boundless particles of sand and dust. Those Soul fragments have gone through countless countless eons, evolving consciousness, those Soul fragments are your Soul.

Your Soul is like a bubble, and my Soul is like water. Water bubbles are born from water, but water bubbles do not know that their Origin is water. I am the Great Soul of the universe and you are the Small Soul of the universe. Little Souls come from the Great Soul, but you Little Souls don't know the way back, because you were born with that nature of my ignorance, which became your foolish nature, also from that stupid nature. This ignorance leads you to the cruel path, the path of Desire, to tear and devour each other and forever be in pain and crazy desire.

Not only are you miserable in a life of killing, punishing, and devouring each other, but you are also miserable in the cycle of birth and death and falling everywhere. Misery in the series of cosmic cycles, Creation, Persistence, Destruction, Emptiness. Your Soul must be immersed in the cold and darkness of the Emptiness for hundreds of millions of years.

My Soul is like water, your Soul is like water bubbles. Bubbles and water are one, not two, but two because your Soul is bubbles and my Soul is water. The water is not far away from the water bubbles, the water bubbles themselves don't know, your Soul of the water bubbles is living in my Great Soul of the water universe because the water bubbles and the water are not separate, if the water bubbles are separated from the water then the foam will be destroyed. The same goes for your Soul. If separated from my Great Universal Soul, your Soul will be immediately destroyed. I can hear everything you think and do, just like a fish living in water, the water can see clearly what the fish do or think.

Your body is the body of an animal or a reptile, and it is difficult to evolve further. Your soul will always be the soul of an animal and a reptile, reincarnating back and forth to eat, devour, kill, and punish each other. forever.

You should take this opportunity to let go of your Animal, Reptile, and Soul bodies and be reincarnated into humans, a high-level cosmic body. Not only will your Soul evolve very quickly and become infinitely wise, but thanks to your human body you will be able to master yourself and the universe, not only will you escape from Animals, Birds, Reptiles, and stupidity. dull. But you can still stand up straight, with your head in Heaven and your feet on the Earth, as my children, free from dullness, you will take care of the universe in my place, full of Divine Powers and wisdom, and blessed with Dharma. boundless power, creating the world of Ultimate Bliss, living forever without death, escaping from Birth, Old Age, Sickness, and Death.

Whichever species reincarnates as a human first, that species will hold the Supreme position, be the elder of the human race, and the next positions will be divided according to class.

When Heavenly Father Long Hoa finished preaching, there were 100 Divine Beasts, Birds, and Reptiles as the leading Lords. The animals, birds, and reptiles were overjoyed and immediately left their bodies and were reincarnated into Mother Au Co's womb.

• The Dragon Lord quickly left his body, reincarnating first in the 1st position,

• next is the Phoenix, Confucius, and Ky Lan in the 2nd position,

• next is the Elephant and Lion in the 3rd position.

• then Horse, Buffalo, Tiger, Bear, Monkey, Dog, Cat etc. (five places).

From the time the Lord of Birds, Animals, and Reptiles was reincarnated into the womb of Earth Mother Au Co to become a human being, a child of God, it took nine years, nine months, and a hundred days to be born, during which time God was born. Earth Mother Au Co must always capture the essence of Heaven and Earth to raise her children every day and every hour. With that effort, there is nothing that can repay me.

God the Father looked at Mother Earth's suffering and immediately thought about it. Because we want to give birth to humans and pass on the human race. Let all species, insects, herbs, animals, and animals evolve and be reincarnated as humans. Evolving the Soul back to the Origin liberates from birth, death, and misery. Earth Mother Au Co became pregnant according to the natural laws of mortals. According to that period, Earth Mother's children remained to live in the human world, on this Earth, a kind of suffering, pregnancy, and birth. Children and raising children, Earth Mother Au Co is the first person to experience that suffering and hardship.

Actually, with the Divine Power of God the Father and Mother Earth, there is no need to conceive and give birth for such a long time (it only takes a blink of an eye to create a series of humans). But those people are only magical people, not earthly people, with mortal bodies, eating and drinking hunger and thirst according to natural laws, giving birth to grandchildren to pass on the human race, and enduring hardship and practice. evolve, make merit in the Origin Culture, advance to the realm of Buddha, Saints, Immortals, Gods, and Gods. The way of life has cause and effect, sow good and reap good, sow evil and reap evil, sow good and reap blessing, sow misfortune and reap good. according to the laws of nature.

Therefore, in order to create mortal humans, living together with all living things, Goddess Au Co had to go through the suffering of pregnancy, raising the fetus, and giving birth, all experiencing long suffering for 9 years and 9 months. It takes 10 days for the flower to bloom.

Earth Mother Au Co knew that the time to give birth was approaching, by telling Heavenly Father Long Hoa:

Please give your children the Hong Phuc curse.

The Dragon Flower of Heavenly Father looked at his vast and spacious universe, which had no one to take care of it, and created it to make it more beautiful. Establishing solemn heavenly kingdoms. God the Father thought again. I am the incarnation of the Ancestor, the supreme being of the universe, the lord of Soul and Matter. We also need a successor, that is our children, to replace us as master of the universe. God the Father thought again, my dharma body is extremely wonderful and difficult to imagine. That is the Source of all Heaven and Earth, all sentient beings and the universe, our dharma body is the dharma body of Great Unity, Freedom, Equality, the Constitution of the universe. I also need someone to replace me, maintain the universe's justice, and maintain balance and clarity.


My children, when you are born there will be a great thunder, a thunder of wisdom, a thunder of power, a thunder of dominion, a thunder that will rule over all things, The sound of thunder rules destiny, the sound of thunder rules the universe, the light of your wisdom shines throughout the universe, without obstacles, brighter than all the light of thousands of suns, brighter than My halo.

You will become a BUDDHA, SAINT, FAIRY, SPIRIT, LORD, master of the DONATION, LAW, Dharma, Tantra, and Thien Tang. In my five thrones, the throne of the Blessed One, the throne of the SUPREME BEING. In the 10 supreme thrones of the UNIVERSE, the position of Tathagata Buddha, Blessed Patriarch, Blessed Ancestor, Blessed Lord, Most Venerable Buddha, Most Venerable Holy Patriarch, Most Venerable Ancestor, THE MOST RESPECTED GOD, THE MOST RESPECTED GOD. Instead, I turn the universal Dharma wheel to save all sentient beings. I give you the right to create, you establish the kingdoms of Heaven, the paradise of ultimate bliss, making the universe, as well as the three thousand worlds, more and more brilliant and dignified every day.

As soon as the curse of Heavenly Father Long Hoa ended, Earth Mother Au Co gave birth to a huge bundle, followed by an earth-shattering explosion, shaking the entire universe (Dai Dong thunder). Next were one hundred thunder explosions, continuously shaking the universe as if it was about to collapse. As a signal to all living things that humanity has been born to replace our ancestors as master of the universe, to govern the material world as well as the Soul world, to inherit and preserve the inheritance of the universe. of Mr. Father. The Animals and Reptiles were extremely frightened and frightened when they heard the continuous thunderous explosions, shaking Heaven and Earth, shaking the universe. They had a premonition that a series of human Lords had appeared. life, from now on they will be ruled.

They saw thousands of Dao Light radiating from the top of Long Hoa Mountain, and did not understand what was going on. They immediately flew into the air towards Long Hoa mountain, each time becoming more and more fierce. The sound of thunder echoed endlessly, shaking the mountains and forests, all five continents and four seas.

Especially the three Demons were panic-stricken, trembling in fear, not understanding what was going on. They immediately flew into the air towards Long Hoa mountain and were extremely terrified. One hundred children of God were born. Rays of light radiated from the hundreds of God's children, suffocating them in pain. Like thousands of needles piercing their hearts, causing them to panic, hide in terror, and escape, not daring to look back again.

At that time, the milk streams of Mother Earth Mother Au Co flowed out and a series of grains grew, gradually spreading all over the ground. Wherever people go, there is a stream of Mother's milk and cereals to live on
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