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7. As a general rule, self promotion by new members is frowned upon and will likely be treated as spam. This includes promotion of own non-commercial websites.

Would you care to explain a bit about yourself and your ideas without simply posting a link to a website?

Sure. I write under the pseudonym Le Philosophe Infidèle. Here is my Bio:

Le Philosophe Infidèle is a provocative thinker who challenges conventional beliefs and dogmas. With a penchant for skepticism and critical inquiry, he seeks truth through philosophical exploration. Unbound by tradition, he navigates the complexities of existence with intellectual curiosity and a relentless pursuit of enlightenment.

"The Book of ORIANO" by Le Philosophe Infidèle offers a radical philosophical perspective on existence and consciousness. Through the lens of ORIANO, Infidèle explores the nature of reality, human agency, and the cosmic order. This groundbreaking work challenges conventional wisdom and invites readers to embrace a new paradigm of understanding.

ORIANO is more than just a philosophical concept; it's a worldview that challenges traditional notions of existence, consciousness, and reality. Rooted in the idea of dynamic unity, ORIANO posits that the universe is an interconnected web of energy and consciousness, constantly evolving and unfolding in a state of flux. At its core, ORIANO seeks to transcend dualistic thinking and embrace the inherent unity of all things.

Central to the philosophy of ORIANO is the concept of dynamic quality. Unlike static concepts of quality that remain fixed and unchanging, dynamic quality is fluid and ever-evolving. It represents the creative force that drives the universe forward, propelling it towards greater complexity and harmony. In ORIANO, dynamic quality is seen as the fundamental essence of existence, permeating all aspects of reality.

One of the key principles of ORIANO is the idea of complementarity. Rather than viewing opposites as inherently opposed, ORIANO sees them as complementary aspects of the same underlying reality. For example, light and darkness, good and evil, are not seen as opposing forces, but rather as two sides of the same coin. This understanding of complementarity allows ORIANO to embrace the diversity and complexity of the universe without falling into the trap of dualistic thinking.

Another important aspect of ORIANO is its emphasis on interconnectedness. In ORIANO, everything is interconnected, from the smallest subatomic particle to the largest galaxy. This interconnectedness is not just a physical phenomenon but also extends to the realm of consciousness. According to ORIANO, all beings are part of a single cosmic consciousness, experiencing reality from different perspectives.

ORIANO also offers insights into the nature of human existence and the purpose of life. Rather than viewing human beings as separate from the rest of the universe, ORIANO sees them as integral parts of the cosmic whole. Human life is seen as a journey of self-discovery and self-realization, a process of awakening to the interconnectedness of all things.

One of the most intriguing aspects of ORIANO is its approach to ethics and morality. Unlike traditional moral frameworks that rely on fixed rules and commandments, ORIANO advocates for a more fluid and flexible approach to ethics. In ORIANO, morality is not dictated by external authorities but emerges organically from the interconnectedness of all things. This understanding of morality encourages individuals to act in ways that promote harmony and balance in the universe.

In summary, ORIANO offers a unique and compelling vision of reality that challenges conventional ways of thinking. Rooted in the principles of dynamic unity, complementarity, and interconnectedness, ORIANO provides a framework for understanding the universe as a dynamic and evolving whole. By embracing these principles, individuals can gain a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things and cultivate a greater sense of harmony and balance in their lives.

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How would a person know, or benefit more by Oriano than without it?
All messiah's say "follow me, follow me". I say, "don't follow me". You'd have to try the ORIANO ritual and be the judge of whether you get results, or not. But the specifics of the ritual working is closely guarded secret. Do you believe in Initiation?
All messiah's say "follow me, follow me". I say, "don't follow me". You'd have to try the ORIANO ritual and be the judge of whether you get results, or not. But the specifics of the ritual working is closely guarded secret. Do you believe in Initiation?
I believe that a spiritual key requires an inner quality from the user to be able to turn it -- different from the ordinary material understanding of a key, which anyone can turn it who is in position of that key.
Sure. I write under the pseudonym Le Philosophe Infidèle. Here is my Bio:

Le Philosophe Infidèle is a provocative thinker who challenges conventional beliefs and dogmas. With a penchant for skepticism and critical inquiry, he seeks truth through philosophical exploration. Unbound by tradition, he navigates the complexities of existence with intellectual curiosity and a relentless pursuit of enlightenment.

"The Book of ORIANO" by Le Philosophe Infidèle offers a radical philosophical perspective on existence and consciousness. Through the lens of ORIANO, Infidèle explores the nature of reality, human agency, and the cosmic order. This groundbreaking work challenges conventional wisdom and invites readers to embrace a new paradigm of understanding.

ORIANO is more than just a philosophical concept; it's a worldview that challenges traditional notions of existence, consciousness, and reality. Rooted in the idea of dynamic unity, ORIANO posits that the universe is an interconnected web of energy and consciousness, constantly evolving and unfolding in a state of flux. At its core, ORIANO seeks to transcend dualistic thinking and embrace the inherent unity of all things.

Central to the philosophy of ORIANO is the concept of dynamic quality. Unlike static concepts of quality that remain fixed and unchanging, dynamic quality is fluid and ever-evolving. It represents the creative force that drives the universe forward, propelling it towards greater complexity and harmony. In ORIANO, dynamic quality is seen as the fundamental essence of existence, permeating all aspects of reality.

One of the key principles of ORIANO is the idea of complementarity. Rather than viewing opposites as inherently opposed, ORIANO sees them as complementary aspects of the same underlying reality. For example, light and darkness, good and evil, are not seen as opposing forces, but rather as two sides of the same coin. This understanding of complementarity allows ORIANO to embrace the diversity and complexity of the universe without falling into the trap of dualistic thinking.

Another important aspect of ORIANO is its emphasis on interconnectedness. In ORIANO, everything is interconnected, from the smallest subatomic particle to the largest galaxy. This interconnectedness is not just a physical phenomenon but also extends to the realm of consciousness. According to ORIANO, all beings are part of a single cosmic consciousness, experiencing reality from different perspectives.

ORIANO also offers insights into the nature of human existence and the purpose of life. Rather than viewing human beings as separate from the rest of the universe, ORIANO sees them as integral parts of the cosmic whole. Human life is seen as a journey of self-discovery and self-realization, a process of awakening to the interconnectedness of all things.

One of the most intriguing aspects of ORIANO is its approach to ethics and morality. Unlike traditional moral frameworks that rely on fixed rules and commandments, ORIANO advocates for a more fluid and flexible approach to ethics. In ORIANO, morality is not dictated by external authorities but emerges organically from the interconnectedness of all things. This understanding of morality encourages individuals to act in ways that promote harmony and balance in the universe.

In summary, ORIANO offers a unique and compelling vision of reality that challenges conventional ways of thinking. Rooted in the principles of dynamic unity, complementarity, and interconnectedness, ORIANO provides a framework for understanding the universe as a dynamic and evolving whole. By embracing these principles, individuals can gain a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things and cultivate a greater sense of harmony and balance in their lives.

You might be onto something. But, really, your tone comes off like every other spiritual snake-oil salesman. I'm not saying that's what you are. But hubris is like lard: it DOES add something to the taste, but moderation is called for.
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You might be onto something. But, really, your tone comes off like every other spiritual snake-oil salesman. I'm not saying that's what you are. But hubris is like lard: it DOES add something to the taste, but moderation is called for.
The books and courses offered on the removed link are all for sale. We discourage commercial links here.

My point is that's not how it works. Unlike a material key that anyone who gets hold of the key can open the door, an esoteric 'spiritual' key cannot be exchanged to just anyone because even if I have the key, it requires a quality of myself to be able to use it? I have to be ready to use it. It may even harm me?
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