The 🌙 will blot out the 🌞

Get ready for another post ecliptical world!
I hope during this apocalypse I won't have to work so much like I did last time. This time I want to be able to sit on my couch playing video games all day and wait for my government stimulus check to show up.
Marked safe from the eclipse, earthquake, rapture and conspiracy theories but still stuck in a warring world and political turmoil...

Just like every other day!
Marked safe from the eclipse, earthquake, rapture and conspiracy theories but still stuck in a warring world and political turmoil...
Just like every other day!
Warring world has not come to India. As for political turmoil, I do not think opposition will be able to dislodge Narendra Modi.
Just like every other day! :)
Warring world has not come to India. As for political turmoil, I do not think opposition will be able to dislodge Narendra Modi.
Just like every other day! :)
You trying to pull kashmir over our eyes whike he has got Bloomberg, BBC, aljazeera, CNN, et al stirred up with latest comments and evidently a desire to bring the conflicts closer to home.
Well, 99% of the Indian population do not know what Bloomberg, BBC, Al-Jazeera, CNN, et al are saying. They do not stir up anything in India.
It is not at all easy for Narendra Modi with all the opposition ganged up against him, but I hope he will make it.