Matthew 11:18-19


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"For John came neither eating nor drinking and they say, 'he has a demon'. "The son of man came eating and drinking and they say, 'here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.'" But wisdom is proved by her actions."

Now this is an interesting statement made by Jesus. I don't claim to know the meaning but it does seem self explanatory.

I want to comment on Jesus' use of she and wisdom together. he does this in other passages also.

In hebrew the word for wisdom was hokhmah and in greek sophia.

Proverbs 3:19 By wisdom the Lord laid the foundation of the earth, by understanding he set the heavens in place; by his knowledge the deeps were divided, and the clouds let drop the dew.

Sophia represents a divine spirit that pervades all being. The feminine knowledge of God.
didymus, do you want me to talk to you about this or do you want to wait for someone else this time?
Fell free to jump in. I'm trying to stay off christian board as not to be accused of causing controversy. As you see noone responds on these other boards.
ok. i know where you want to go with this. so i think it will just be easier if i kind of nod my head and sort of agree with whatever it is you say.the word Jesus used there is not refering to the mythical goddess Sophia.

let patience have her perfect work
Titanic was also called a SHE.

now we have the goddess of wisdom and the goddess of patience and the goddess of ships and boats.
you're right he isn't referring to sophia. he was referring to hokhmah or chokmah which is hebrew . sophia is the greek translation. I don't believe that Jesus spoke any greek.
Solomon refered to wisdom as a female something it was understood we as men should desire should love and should even lust after WISDOM not a female God.

Solomon also refered to foolishness and wickedness in a female form because the desire of it can be as attractive as a harlot.NOT A FEMALE DEVIL

Now if I start preaching the Devil is a woman I am going to start a sex war for sure.

I havent said that so please dont put words in my mouth.
Humm I wonder if that is what Jesus would have said.
I think you're all right ... and Bandit's righter ...

It's to do with the figurative use of language ... if I had time to learn Hebrew I would, because being a shade Irish, we really delight in wordplay, and the Hebrew language, as I have been led to understand, delights in it also.

But you wouldn't want a Hebraic instruction manual for a technical piece of kit, you'd want a Greek to write that ...

I agree with Bandit here and happen to miss him quite a bit.
Bandit's contemplations and discussions were intriguing, interesting and thought provoking, he is missed by many, however he tired of dealing with those who refused to look beyond, behind and underneath scripture...he came back for a bit to see if the temperature of the water changed...if he came back now...he'd be off again quickly...
Bandit's contemplations and discussions were intriguing, interesting and thought provoking, he is missed by many, however he tired of dealing with those who refused to look beyond, behind and underneath scripture...he came back for a bit to see if the temperature of the water changed...if he came back now...he'd be off again quickly...
Are we talking about the same might want to look back at some of his post when Sacredstar was still with us.
"For John came neither eating nor drinking and they say, 'he has a demon'. "The son of man came eating and drinking and they say, 'here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.'" But wisdom is proved by her actions."

Now this is an interesting statement made by Jesus. I don't claim to know the meaning but it does seem self explanatory.

quote] as far as i can see , those who do not want to see will not see.those who are sent by God are not recognised, and any excuse to not accept them will be thrown at them. but it will be their loss in the end.
"Wisdom is proved righteous by its works." Yes, the evidence—the works—make clear that the accusations against both John and Jesus are false.
you're right he isn't referring to sophia. he was referring to hokhmah or chokmah which is hebrew . sophia is the greek translation. I don't believe that Jesus spoke any greek.

When he was 12, he astounded the wise in the temple (and I don't think that was simply the Hebrews, Romans or Greeks). You had Greek and Roman Jews at the time (as we are made perfectly clear in Paul).

By his birth (BTW), men from Persia came to seek Him out, and they weren't Jews...

Man, so quick to compartmentalize.