Barbaric America(?)


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What are your beliefs? Is this case justified in the eyes of God? i say no...

The Murder of Terri Schiavo

Cardinal Renato Martino called Terri Schiavo's death "nothing else but murder...this is not a natural death, it is an imposed death."

Starvation, Dehydration, Murder...

Sounds like the Satanic policies of an evil dictatorship, without a God, without a conscious...

A place were the innocent and crippled are slaughtered slowly...

"... she was nearing death, with her heart beating rapidly, her skin mottling and her breathing becoming more difficult." -CNN

It is easy to turn a blind eye on this situation as if it doesn't involve you. What if this was your sibling or daughter? What would you do about it? Would you let a stranger (the judge) say it's OK to starve your daughter to death...or would you fight?

How long are we going to sit idly by and watch the innocent continue to be murdered and tortured? What has happened to America? America is said to be a land of peace and safety...Is it?

According to FBI statistics, over 18,000 people were murdered in 1997.

Somewhere in America, a woman is raped every 2 minutes, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

Over the last two years, more than 787,000 women were the victim of a rape or sexual assault. (National Crime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 1996.)

U.S. Justice Department reports only 26% of all rapes or attempted rapes being reported to law enforcement officials.

At least 45% of rapists were under the influence of alcohol or drugs

America has become known internationally as one of the most dangerous places in the world for tourists. With the decline and decay of righteousness, the foundation of our country has been broken and swept away.

And every one who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house upon the sand; and the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell; and great was the fall of it." Matthew 7:26-27

Do we want this fate to fall upon our country? So long as we the people of the United States continue to ignore these atrocities the house of America will fall a great (horrible) fall.

Her death came less than 12 hours after the U.S. Supreme Court rejected her parents' last appeal and nearly two weeks after doctors, acting on an order issued by a state circuit court judge, removed her life-sustaining feeding tube. –CNN

This is unfortunately the beginning of the end UNLESS we do something about it. The Bible likewise can be viewed as a book of statistics. Every nation that has acted with cruelty and evil was destroyed by the hand of God. What makes us any different? Has God somehow changed his policy?

“For I am the LORD, I change not…” Malachi 3:6

“Every good endowment and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” James 1:17

It is not too late for us to make America better. It is not too late for us to bring about TRUE peace and TRUE justice, for how can there be justice without peace?

Some say that because Terri Schiavo has now died that the case is closed. If this is the consensus of all American’s then the murder and oppression will continue until God smites our nation with a plague of destruction. Those in positions of power condemn the innocent, slay the saints and starve the hungry. Although they plot and plan, God too plots and plans, and God is the best of planners...

Psalms 37-
9: For the wicked shall be cut off; but those who wait for the LORD shall possess the land.
10: Yet a little while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look well at his place, he will not be there.
11: But the meek shall possess the land, and delight themselves in abundant prosperity.
12: The wicked plots against the righteous, and gnashes his teeth at him;
13: but the LORD laughs at the wicked, for he sees that his day is coming.
14: The wicked draw the sword and bend their bows, to bring down the poor and needy, to slay those who walk uprightly;
15: their sword shall enter their own heart, and their bows shall be broken.
16: Better is a little that the righteous has than the abundance of many wicked.
17: For the arms of the wicked shall be broken; but the LORD upholds the righteous.
18: The LORD knows the days of the blameless, and their heritage will abide for ever;
19: they are not put to shame in evil times, in the days of famine they have abundance.
20: But the wicked perish; the enemies of the LORD are like the glory of the pastures, they vanish -- like smoke they vanish away.
21: The wicked borrows, and cannot pay back, but the righteous is generous and gives;
22: for those blessed by the LORD shall possess the land, but those cursed by him shall be cut off.

Spread the word, speak out against oppression. Take sides with the oppressed no matter what their religious beliefs are, for all are One in the eyes of The Lord. This kind of torturous treatment to the handicapped is NOT what America is all about.

Preamble: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our prosperity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

For those who love America and the American people, let us unite under the banner of truth in the name of God and strive to bring forth righteousness to our great country!

[Note: This article is not intended to slander the American people or the government in any way, rather, this article is intended to enforce the right and forbid the wrong and tighten the American circle of love through unity and justice]

Peace and Love to all...
Here's what I say to the people that administered and support the murder of Terri Schiavo.

Burn in Hell.

And here is what I think about America as a whole


And here is what I think of all the people of America

Beautiful human beings.
I believe they could have made her die quicker than what she did *Shivers* 14 days it took that women to die thats the crulest thing I've heard of to date. But I can't give my opinion on what God thought.

I also know that watching a loved one die is horrible and I know that its easy to turn a blind eye becasue we don't want to know the hurt and pain of that person and her/his family.
Yes IF she did really say she wanted to be put out of her misery (this was probably just a passing of words without much thought if she even said it at all) then she CERTAINLY wouldn't want to be starved and dehydrated to death for over two weeks. Moreover, we see what the husband has to gain from it with insurance money. He is also said to display the typical characteristics of an abusive husband and he had broken her bones in the past and this is why he INSISTED she be cremated against her families will as well as Terri's religious beliefs (presumably).
Hello LNM, and welcome to CR.

Taking your post as a whole, it truly does look like "The Roman Empire" out of control. However, I will address each of your points with one of my own, and see if we can meet in the middle.

Cardinal Renato Martino called Terri Schiavo's death "nothing else but murder...this is not a natural death, it is an imposed death."
Cardinal Renato is not the voice of the people, nor of the government that represents the people of the United States. His opinion is one of many. He also comes from a background that prohibits any type of human life termination (including embryos and abortions), as well as using preventitive measures to keep human life from occuring in the first place (contraceptives).

Starvation, Dehydration, Murder...

Sounds like the Satanic policies of an evil dictatorship, without a God, without a conscious...

A place were the innocent and crippled are slaughtered slowly...
The Federal government of the United states, as well as the government of the State of Florida, attempted to stop (or check) what was happening by all legal means available. I hardly see where there is an evil dictatorship without a God or consciousness, enforcing Satanic you? And before you answer, think...should Constitutional law be thrown out the window for any reason? Or should the law (if it is wrong), be changed by majority vote? Or should we excuse those who violate that same law, because of extreme emotional anguish? Finally, how many other examples can you provide to show a pattern of innocent and crippled people being slaughtered slowly here in the United States? (By the way, to slaughter is not a slow process...).

"... she was nearing death, with her heart beating rapidly, her skin mottling and her breathing becoming more difficult." -CNN
Of course CNN, the last word on the American conscience. Who wouldn't dream of sensationalizing to the very last instant...? Skin looks mottled, there is no such thing as "mottling". Got yours and everyone else's heart pounding didn't it? The reporter should get a raise for selectively causing extreme national guilt here on this one person (out of 300 plus million). And there is the allusion that while the parents and siblings of Terri Shaivo were removed from her side just before her death...guileless CNN was "priviliged" to be there to witness the last, dying gasp...

It is easy to turn a blind eye on this situation as if it doesn't involve you. What if this was your sibling or daughter? What would you do about it? Would you let a stranger (the judge) say it's OK to starve your daughter to death...or would you fight?
How do you propose one stops the "stranger" ?...(be careful how you answer, or you might find yourself thinking just as "barbarically" as you allude to others being.

How long are we going to sit idly by and watch the innocent continue to be murdered and tortured? What has happened to America? America is said to be a land of peace and safety...Is it?
Who has been murdered and tortured? And America is not said anywhere to be the land of peace and safety. It is said to be the land of the free, and the home of the brave. It is also said to be a land where citizens have the right to pursue Life, liberty and happiness.

According to FBI statistics, over 18,000 people were murdered in 1997.
Out of 300 million, let's see that is roughly .00006 % of the population of the United States, or 1 in every 18,000 people. In 8 years the Iraqis and Iranians murdered 10,000,000 of their own, or 1.2 million per year...and their populations are roughly 50,000,00 combined (or 20% of their population). In two hours, the Iraqis gassed 5000 Kurds to death with nerve gas (just to test it out, and get rid of the refuse).

Somewhere in America, a woman is raped every 2 minutes, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

Over the last two years, more than 787,000 women were the victim of a rape or sexual assault. (National Crime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 1996.)

U.S. Justice Department reports only 26% of all rapes or attempted rapes being reported to law enforcement officials.

At least 45% of rapists were under the influence of alcohol or drugs

America has become known internationally as one of the most dangerous places in the world for tourists. With the decline and decay of righteousness, the foundation of our country has been broken and swept away.
One percent of the population suffered sexual assault. What does 26% reporting the assualts have to do with barbarism?, and what does drugs and alcohol have to do with your post? Finally, by who's standards and or declarations has the United States become internationally known as one of the most dangerous places in the world for tourists? Your decline and decay is based on what, Hollywood? New York City? Miami? Chicago? Detroit? Seattle? San Francisco? Less than 15% of the population of the country lives in the big cities (where most of the crimes take place).

Her death came less than 12 hours after the U.S. Supreme Court rejected her parents' last appeal and nearly two weeks after doctors, acting on an order issued by a state circuit court judge, removed her life-sustaining feeding tube. –CNN

This is unfortunately the beginning of the end UNLESS we do something about it. The Bible likewise can be viewed as a book of statistics. Every nation that has acted with cruelty and evil was destroyed by the hand of God. What makes us any different? Has God somehow changed his policy?

“For I am the LORD, I change not…” Malachi 3:6

“Every good endowment and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” James 1:17

It is not too late for us to make America better. It is not too late for us to bring about TRUE peace and TRUE justice, for how can there be justice without peace?
...and then after forgiving them their sins, Joshua killed them for that was the decree of God...

The danger with quoting scripture, is that it can backfire, unless the entire contexts is presented.

And every one who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house upon the sand; and the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell; and great was the fall of it." Matthew 7:26-27

Do we want this fate to fall upon our country? So long as we the people of the United States continue to ignore these atrocities the house of America will fall a great (horrible) fall.
Only God knows the heart of a man. No one else can even come close to fathoming that depth. For example, I do not envy Judge Greer, who clearly expressed his pain and discomfort (agony is probably more apt a description), at the decision he handed down. I do not judge Mr. Shaivo, who personally had to deal with this issue of his wife's incapacitation for 15 years. I do not judge the Schindlers who wanted their daughter back no matter the cost. I do not judge the state and federal government for being loathe to overide the judicial branches, even though they have the power to do so. It would have been unprecidented in the History of the United States, and the ramifications would have set fort a wave of potential instability in the very foundations of our Constitution. I do not judge the doctors (nor do I presume that I know better than they concerning medical issues of such magnitude). Neither should anyone else...

[Note: This article is not intended to slander the American people or the government in any way, rather, this article is intended to enforce the right and forbid the wrong and tighten the American circle of love through unity and justice]
Maybe not your intention, but it was a success.

A slap in the face is a slap in the face...


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very nice post Q. Puts things into perspective;) .

I love the USA. Free, Safe, Brave and blessed.
I would be more apt to say it is a Barbaric World, then singling out an incident or specific people.

You know what is sad? Some hate the U.S. just because of blue jeans.
I would like to point out that various polls done on this case indicated that the majority of Americans would not want to be kept alive by a feeding tube in the state Schiavo was in. I am among those people. I would rather die in two weeks than live a life confined to limited consciousness and bed. I have made this clear to my close family and it is written down. I suggest everyone write their wishes down, because otherwise we end up with cases like Schiavo's where everyone fights about it. I refuse to be kept alive by extraordinary measures, including a long-term feeding tube, respirator, or any other machine. I have not just barely mentioned this to my family. Everyone who is close to me knows this and I have said this for years. I do not know how adamant Schiavo was about it when she discussed her wishes with her husband. I do know that I will be furious if I am kept in a state that would be, for me, between life and death.

I volunteered in hospice for a while, and there are many people who opt out of the feeding tube and other machine based ways of keeping them alive. They do it knowingly and nobly. Yes, death is difficult for many people, and it is upsetting to watch. My own grandfather distinctly said he did not want any more interventions after he had had several major strokes and then severe stomach cancer. He chose to die without machinery, in his own home in the care of hospice nurses and family. It was difficult and upsetting, but it was his clear wishes and he died in the way he wanted.

Death is difficult to me, but I do not fear it. I fear being kept alive without truly living. If I could not freely think, could not read or paint or discuss, it would be maddening to me.

Some see the removal of a long-term feeding tube as an unnatural death. I would see the maintenance of a long-term feeding tube as an unnatural life. I am very grateful that I live in a country where others cannot tell me that I am forced to live such a life.

If others wish to prolong their lives through any sort of medical intervention, I support them in it. That is their right, in my opinion. And it is my right to refuse such interventions. My right. Not my mother's, my father's, my husband's, George Bush's, or the Vatican's. Mine. I choose to go when I feel God calls me, and for me that is when my body can no longer function without permanent support.
Bandit said:
very nice post Q. Puts things into perspective;) .

I love the USA. Free, Safe, Brave and blessed.
I would be more apt to say it is a Barbaric World, then singling out an incident or specific people.

You know what is sad? Some hate the U.S. just because of blue jeans.
Why? "American" blue jeans are now made in China, and India, and Thailand...:D
path_of_one said:
I would like to point out that various polls done on this case indicated that the majority of Americans would not want to be kept alive by a feeding tube in the state Schiavo was in. I am among those people. I would rather die in two weeks than live a life confined to limited consciousness and bed. I have made this clear to my close family and it is written down. I suggest everyone write their wishes down, because otherwise we end up with cases like Schiavo's where everyone fights about it. I refuse to be kept alive by extraordinary measures, including a long-term feeding tube, respirator, or any other machine. I have not just barely mentioned this to my family. Everyone who is close to me knows this and I have said this for years. I do not know how adamant Schiavo was about it when she discussed her wishes with her husband. I do know that I will be furious if I am kept in a state that would be, for me, between life and death.

I volunteered in hospice for a while, and there are many people who opt out of the feeding tube and other machine based ways of keeping them alive. They do it knowingly and nobly. Yes, death is difficult for many people, and it is upsetting to watch. My own grandfather distinctly said he did not want any more interventions after he had had several major strokes and then severe stomach cancer. He chose to die without machinery, in his own home in the care of hospice nurses and family. It was difficult and upsetting, but it was his clear wishes and he died in the way he wanted.

Death is difficult to me, but I do not fear it. I fear being kept alive without truly living. If I could not freely think, could not read or paint or discuss, it would be maddening to me.

Some see the removal of a long-term feeding tube as an unnatural death. I would see the maintenance of a long-term feeding tube as an unnatural life. I am very grateful that I live in a country where others cannot tell me that I am forced to live such a life.

If others wish to prolong their lives through any sort of medical intervention, I support them in it. That is their right, in my opinion. And it is my right to refuse such interventions. My right. Not my mother's, my father's, my husband's, George Bush's, or the Vatican's. Mine. I choose to go when I feel God calls me, and for me that is when my body can no longer function without permanent support.
Yes, agreed. And that is not barbarism. (though it could be very rough for the living to observe, especially those not aware of the whole situation)...


I can think of many barbaric acts done today that arent American.. Am I going to list them? umm no .. I have no desire to single out any nation or peoples for criticism because I dont generalize people and lump them in with others. I also believe this thread should go under politics or something since this has nothing to do with spiritual matters... thats just my 2 cents.
Faithfulservant said:
I also believe this thread should go under politics or something since this has nothing to do with spiritual matters... thats just my 2 cents.
Tis done. :)
Q I liked your response. Yes, America has it's problems, noone will deny it, but there is also much good that is done here that can not be denied either. I give my country credit for sticking their nose out everytime knowing that they are putting it all out there for the world to see and judge. It is very easy to criticize and judge from a neutral position.

What other countries take their own politicians and government officials to court? What other countries air on prime time news legitimate complaints that the people have about the country; economy, president, scandals, cover ups, you name it. These things go on in every single country in the world but you won't here a damn thing about them if you live there(not on the news at least or from the mouths of their own politicians and officials)because people are terrified to speak out against it or worse, they will be punished for it.

I have had the benefit of traveling in my day and have seen a good chunk of the world. I admired alot of cultural differences and other aspects of these places but I also noticed that there isn't much of a system in place. Of course I am not speaking about all other countries. How about the poor, the poor in the USA don't know what real poverty is. Our poor wouldn't know what to do if they had to go live somewhere that the govt didn't give them handouts. That's because even those here with nothing can get something; food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, welfare, food stamps. I'm not saying I agree with it but people aren't starving to death here in the streets.

As Q pointed out, much of what you see about this country is through the lens of the media and doesn't speak for everybody by a long shot. I didn't know one person that wasn't troubled by Terri Schiavo. People in this country are decent people that are just trying to get by and live a good life, that's all.