Are you going to heaven?

For some reason, I don't recall that presentation ever telling me how great the words of Jesus were, or showing me how great the words were, or how great the words could become great action.

Just: "You are scum - convert or burn in Hell".

Somehow the "convert or burn in hell" approach to spreading faith never seemed particularly appealing to myself. Perhaps I'm odd like that.
lol.. exactly, I found it very amusing it, it's basically saying that the whole word is going to hell..
I said:
For some reason, I don't recall that presentation ever telling me how great the words of Jesus were, or showing me how great the words were, or how great the words could become great action.

Just: "You are scum - convert or burn in Hell".

Somehow the "convert or burn in hell" approach to spreading faith never seemed particularly appealing to myself. Perhaps I'm odd like that.
My thoughts exactly.

And no offense to everyone who is concerned with the law and sin, but as a Gentile I never really understood why I am suddenly supposed to forsake all the ways of my own ancestors and their interpretation of the world and moral codes and try to become a pseudo-Jew just because I love and follow Jesus. As I understood it, the law was given to the Jews for the Jews because they are God's chosen people, and Jesus never said for Gentiles to become Jews. He said he came for the Jewish people, and he told his disciples to spread the good news of the Gospel of Christ to all nations. I'm not sure that this "you're going to hell" approach is what he had in mind...

I also wonder a bit at the way they stretched certain commandments, like having no other gods before God. It's a bit of a stretch to say that one's job, for example, is another god just because you've been a bit preoccupied with it. Given the ten commandments' historical and cultural context, it just doesn't seem that was the meaning. Just my opinion of course...
That advertisement is the primary reason that I have endeavored to seek out the real truth. I will lift every stone I can to get to that truth. I will explore every path of enlightenment and good that I encounter to gain a deeper understanding and insight into God's truth. It is that mentality and belief system that slams the door of the kingdom in people's faces. I found that clip to be a disgrace to God and anyone who read it. Now for anybody thinking that I judged it out of ignoraance to God's truth this just isn't so. I used to think like that. I remember the state of mind I was in when I believed those things. It was a very narrow way to live(for me) and very dangerous. In essence it creates an extreme us versus them mentality along with a feeling of superiority to everybody in the world that doesn't believe this way. I recommend highly that anyone who has not seen the movie, The Village, to go and see it. Has anybody seen this movie? Please comment.
I pressed the innocent button throughout and it comdemned me as guilty. I guess nobody is good enough to get to heaven. Yeah, I want to burn in hell when I grow up. Is anyone here afraid of death? I don't want to die, I'm not ready to die. But I'm not afraid. I think people who are scared spreads information like that. It sounds like a fearful message.

I saw 'The Village'. I think those people were trying to escape a society that caused them so much pain.
truthseeker said:
I pressed the innocent button throughout and it comdemned me as guilty. I guess nobody is good enough to get to heaven. Yeah, I want to burn in hell when I grow up. Is anyone here afraid of death? I don't want to die, I'm not ready to die. But I'm not afraid. I think people who are scared spreads information like that. It sounds like a fearful message.

I saw 'The Village'. I think those people were trying to escape a society that caused them so much pain.
LOL. I did not press anything..i was a bit afraid of getting a virus in my computer.
I am going to heaven.

What i see are religions (not necessarily individuals & churches) use this often to try & get others to believe the same way. It does not work. I am so thankful that I came up in a church that does not teach condemnation. They teach a heaven with eternal life & a judgement & a second death, but lean way toward the teaching of heaven & preparing in our daily lives to have eternal life.

I am not afraid of physical death, the body goes back to the ground & decays. the spirit does go somewhere & that is what I am excited about.
The Village had a deeper meaning than that for me. It was about a group of people who had experienced and seen evil first hand. In trying to prevent any further exposure to evil they created a society among themselves who believed the same way and held to that "perfect society" ideal. While their intentions were good(they wanted to protect themselves and loved ones from harm) they built their society around fear. Or should I say they put fear around their society. In doing this they did not allow others to experience truth for themselves. The residents lived in a state of fear that was actually not their own but rather the fear of the people who founded the society.

Remember anyone who crossed the line to the woods would be eaten by monsters or strange creatures that dwelled there. Noone had actually seen these creatures but the myth grew so much that everyone believed it. This continued for several generations. Pretty soon this belief was so instilled in the residents of this community that noone even questioned its validity.

Then the young blind girl ventured out through the woods where she was confronted by a member of the community posing as an evil monster. She finally reached the outer limits of the community and met people who lived there. She was shocked to find that there were people there and that they were friendly. I feel as if I have had this same revelation as the young girl. I penetrated the outer gates and am on the other side. The people are friendly and good. God hasn't condemned me in fact I feel stronger in this walk all the time. It is amazing to confront our fears and find out that God is indeed with us in this endeavor. There is another side.
In regards to the bible and its strict laws and rules, many claim they are too hard and are not appropriate in modern life styles. But there are many things people forget and that’s that the bible preaches that inevitably everyone on earth will create sin, it's a fact that we will sin. However the bible is a book showing us the right path to god and it shows us in the most strict way possible because all of us will sin on different levels of obviously the bible has to show us the stricter way of living our lives. You compare the bible to any other religion, it is THE greatest religion, if you have been blessed enough to be born in a Christian society then that is your fate. We should also consider all the other aspects of the bible, which preaches spiritual equality, freedom and FORGIVNESS. I'm actually convinced that all other religions are not as great as Christianity. Accept Hinduism, I'm very fond of Hinduism for some reason.
Christianity is not a fate. It is a faith. Being born into a Christian family garuantees nothing. One must choose or choose not, to accept it as one's own faith.

Some will argue that modern life styles are not in line with the Bible (which is much older and established than the 21st century). Very politically incorrect I'm certain.

However it is true. ;)


you're right postmaster we do sin and will continue to do so. life is about living and learning, trial and error. this is the beauty of life. life is a journey not a guided tour. i'm well aware that i am not perfect, i don't think i ever will be and that is ok. God understands this. God is all merciful and compassionate.

As far as christianity being the greatest, well that is your opinion. i think anybody who devotee their life and attention to God and His will is a blessed individul and will indeed be blessed by God. Peace
path_of_one said:
My thoughts exactly.

And no offense to everyone who is concerned with the law and sin, but as a Gentile I never really understood why I am suddenly supposed to forsake all the ways of my own ancestors and their interpretation of the world and moral codes and try to become a pseudo-Jew just because I love and follow Jesus. As I understood it, the law was given to the Jews for the Jews because they are God's chosen people, and Jesus never said for Gentiles to become Jews. He said he came for the Jewish people, and he told his disciples to spread the good news of the Gospel of Christ to all nations. I'm not sure that this "you're going to hell" approach is what he had in mind...

I also wonder a bit at the way they stretched certain commandments, like having no other gods before God. It's a bit of a stretch to say that one's job, for example, is another god just because you've been a bit preoccupied with it. Given the ten commandments' historical and cultural context, it just doesn't seem that was the meaning. Just my opinion of course...

The above thoughts put in perspective the question asked. But is it really up to the individual as to whether he gets to go to heaven or not?

Christianity teaches that salvation is a free gift; and one would think that acceptance of this free gift of Christianity is all one would need to do to merit "going to heaven".
But here is the problem; though all who claim to be of Christianity present this gift of salvation as of Christ; yet they can't agree that Christ presented this free gift as to be given in only "ONE WAY"; which is what would be expected from VERY GOD.
If VERY GOD then agrees that the many different ways of presenting His "free gift of salvation", is OK by Him, then it matters not which of the different ways the individual chooses; but if VERY GOD says only a single way as in only one way is acceptable; then those who are not embracing that "one single way", will most certainly "not be going to heaven".

The opposite therefore, must also then be true. If Very God accepts the many different forms of presenting His gift of salvation as represented in the different religions of Christianity; then Very God must also admit to accepting error as truth.

Very God cannot claim that His word "IS TRUTH"[John 17:17] and that "all who worship Him MUST WORSHIP HIM IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH"[John 4:24]; but at the same time accept "those who are worshipping Him IN ERROR! This being especially true; given that if His word is truth; then all those who read His word should come to "only one conclusion"; "ONLY THE ONE TRUTH" as revealed in His word.

didymus said:
Precept, the Bible contains several truths. Not just one.

The truth of salvation is only one! [1 Peter1:19-21]
"The precious blood of Christ....who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world...."

This fact is supported by Revelation 13:8..."The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world".

I've gone round and round on this issue before, and I just don't have the time right now to do it again. I'm sure if you search the posts I've posted you'll understand the scriptural basis for my views on the Kingdom of Heaven, which I always fully admit are not mainstream views. But I do have scriptural reasons for my beliefs, as well as mystical ones.

All I will say is this...
Truth does not necessarily mean "one way." I am quite sure that the word "truth" means something quite different to different people. It's the classic elephant and blind men story... One blind man feels the trunk and says "It's like a tree." One feels the tail and says "It's like a rope." One feels the side and says "It's like a wall." The "truth" is that they are all right, and all wrong. They are all working with limited minds and senses to understand something that, for them, is incomprehensible. I believe God is beyond comprehension of any human, and thus we are all catching only glimpses of God.

Worshipping in truth could mean, for example, to worship in what to me is a pure sense... to worship knowing the truth about God and one's relationship to the Divine. For me that has been to realize that I shouldn't be following a path to get a "Get into heaven free" card. I should worship God because the Divine One is worthy of it no matter what. If all I ever got was one moment of this life on earth, God is worthy of worship. For me, worshipping in truth is dropping all my expectations of what I want God to be, the assurances I want about death and suffering... and just being in God's presence, praising God, because God wrought the miracle of my creation and the joy I have in living.
wait...wait...wait. I DO follow all of the 10 commandments. In fact, I answered innocent to all of the questions and it still assumed I was guilty. Perhaps they should make a test that actually evaluates whether or not your going to heaven and doesn't just assume.
Thank you Postermaster for this very biblical link! Im suprise that there are so many on this board dont agree with it. But, nevertheless, its true - The Law (Ten Commandments) were made to show us that we all are sinners in need of a Savior, because NO one can keep the law. The only person that ever kept the law, was the fulfillment of the Law, and he is Jesus, the Christ.
path_of_one said:
All I will say is this...
Truth does not necessarily mean "one way." I am quite sure that the word "truth" means something quite different to different people. It's the classic elephant and blind men story... One blind man feels the trunk and says "It's like a tree." One feels the tail and says "It's like a rope." One feels the side and says "It's like a wall." The "truth" is that they are all right, and all wrong. They are all working with limited minds and senses to understand something that, for them, is incomprehensible. I believe God is beyond comprehension of any human, and thus we are all catching only glimpses of God.

Worshipping in truth could mean, for example, to worship in what to me is a pure sense... to worship knowing the truth about God and one's relationship to the Divine. For me that has been to realize that I shouldn't be following a path to get a "Get into heaven free" card. I should worship God because the Divine One is worthy of it no matter what. If all I ever got was one moment of this life on earth, God is worthy of worship. For me, worshipping in truth is dropping all my expectations of what I want God to be, the assurances I want about death and suffering... and just being in God's presence, praising God, because God wrought the miracle of my creation and the joy I have in living.

Seeing it YOUR WAY is of no benefit to you re eternal life; if YOUR WAY is not Jesus'way....Or if YOUR WAY is not Paul's way. 2Corinthians 11:4.. makes it quite clear that the gospel of salvation is one and only one truth. The scriptures, and as a consequence,the gospel of salvation is not of "private interpretation" 2Peter 1:20 ...Your above surmisings are of no eternal benefit to yourself and to those who seek to propose different paths to eternal life with Jesus; if these different paths are different from those as shoud be interpreted with scripture using scripture as its only interpreter.

Conscience said:
Thank you Postermaster for this very biblical link! Im suprise that there are so many on this board dont agree with it. But, nevertheless, its true - The Law (Ten Commandments) were made to show us that we all are sinners in need of a Savior, because NO one can keep the law. The only person that ever kept the law, was the fulfillment of the Law, and he is Jesus, the Christ.
I'm sorry, I do not agree with you or Postmaster. There are obvious reasons that you choose to ignore, and I am not going to repeat myself. But, your surprise about others not agreeing with you, or your thoughts is irrelevent.

Your arrogance at assuming all should think like you is also suspect. Conscience, we have been tolerant here...


What I believe, is my on belief. I dont force anyone to beleive it. I do the same as everyone else here - I talk about what I personally believe. You said you disagree. OK, thats cool, we all have a choice to beleive what we want. That said, I have a question: What gave you the impression that I was intolerant? You know, you should really be careful of assumptions. When you assume wrong, like you're doing now, you become the arrogant one, incidentially.

Think about that!