My Church



I am putting this up because I want to share. If anyone else wants to they can share here too. OR, you do not have to say anything.

My Church

I was thinking about Juans post so I wanted to share one of my own. Then others can share about there church, or church they grew up in if they want to. I am very proud of the church I grew up in. It is very active in the community & fellowships with any religion or church that will fellowship them.

It has a congregation of about 900 members. We have 4 different choirs and a 50 piece orchestra. The teaching and preaching in the bible is astounding and very well put together. The pastors & elders teach the bible for all spiritual matters and they prepare us for every day living and principles at a young age. We are taught the importance of faith and prayer and to seek the face God in spirit and in truth. It teaches repentance of the heart, a water baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ with the infilling of the Holy Ghost and doing the best we can do according to the scriptures and to be ‘Christ Like’, following in the footsteps of the apostles who followed and taught Jesus.

The fruits and gifts of the spirit are all in operation.

There are four major services a week with weekly prayer meetings for different groups.

They do a Passion Play every year & a Christmas Cantata.

While it is generally a quiet church, there are testimonies, clapping of hands with music and praise and congregational prayer out loud. There is also worship where the lifting of arms is welcome, but everything is done decently and in order.

The church does teach some standards for modest dress, appearance and places of gathering, but does not require it of anyone unless they hold a leadership position. There are groups, retreats and outings for all ages. They put together a two week Vacation Bible School every summer for kids from 5 to 12. There is a one week summer camp meeting in July. It was at Camp, kneeling on an old concrete floor of the tabernacle is where I received the baptism of the Holy Ghost in 1975.

There is a Sunday school class for every age. As you turn your birthday, you enter a new class & by the time we reach 18 we have studied the entire bible. It is really neat. The church holds its own in every aspect and writes all of its own literature & is not affiliated with any specific religious organization. However it did form an organization & hosted it for over 25 years, trying to bring brothers & sisters in Christ of like faith into a, One mind, One strength and no Division understanding, for those who were interested. The church holds 3,000 people and the World Wide Fellowship was a huge success. It was held at our church for many years. The entire church was turned into a Hotel Campus with beds, meals, meetings and services for 4 days in May. It has recently turned the organization over to a smaller church to host and handle but has over 3 million lay people.

Apostolic Temple, is now focused on a day care center, and has built an awesome retirement home for the elderly as well as a youth center that joins the same property.

I love my church. No matter what we do, they always love & accept everyone, even when we have gone astray, they are always there to uplift & uphold its people. I also love it because there is something very special about it. It has been under the same leadership for 4 generations, that is 86 years in the same family. I have always considered it a prophet without honor in its own country because many of the local denominational churches are not real friendly toward us because it is so different in teaching.

One thing that makes me sad is, the church used to leave the doors unlocked to the public daily. Since the times have changed, it is no longer open during the day. It is even locked from entering after the services begin, but the two front doors remain open during to enter by.

There is a website, I would be happy to send if anyone wants to visit it by sending me a PM.

Does anyone else want to share there church and the things you like about it?

My church sounds a lot like bandits.. Its non-denominational they have a strong emphasis on ministry. They teach strictly from the bible and dont hold to any other doctrines than Gods. It is a very large congregation they hold services wed. and sat nights with 3 sunday morning services. There is also a sunday school class for every age group and they have bible study groups for men women and silver streaks.. (older people) :)

My favorite has to be worship.. Worship is so important for opening the communication lines with God.. Its amazing to feel the Spirit present during our services. Each service has its own worship group that leads it. The worship music is mostly contemporary which attracts a lot of younger people to the church. My pastor is wonderful.. hes down to earth and has a great sense of humor which he interjects into his sermons.

They have retreats all throughout the year in different places.. They offer counseling services. Its the first church I have ever been to where you dont have a tithing plate shoved in your face every time you walk in the door.

The church was founded in the 70's and is now international with over 1000 churches in US alone.

I think one of the best things is that the church is very casual.. when you go sunday morning you see many people in their jeans. God doesnt care what you're wearing.. :)

They also have a radio station that is growing more and more.. its available in most areas of US.. Thats how I discovered this church was through a call in talk show called "To Every Man an Answer" which is an apologetics based talk show dealing with peoples questions on the bible. I had a lot of questions and one day while my faith had been shaken.. I was flipping through the stations on my way to work and I stopped there and felt compelled to listen to these hosts... If its possible to hear someone spirit-filled over radio waves.. well I did.. and the questions that I had were answered in this hour long show.

That has been the hardest part.. in moving to Texas. Luckily, there are 3 or 4 Calvary Chapels in the area and Im hoping I fall in love with one of them as I did with the one in Washington.
Your church sounds like a loving environment, Bandit. So many of us have different understandings because Jesus was so deep. But one thing that Christians should be able to come together on is the message of Love.

I grew up in the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. The setting was always cozy and intimate. The fellowship among brethren was always respectful, secure, disciplined, and one of those that are equally yoked. I felt secure in Jehovah's blessing because I was in fellowship with his people and I had no worldly friends. That was until I started going to public school and learning about world history and humanities. When I had questions I asked the ministers and elders of my congregation and I was told about the false teachings of the world and that Jehovah does not find favor with them. I asked about people like Ghandi and Mother Teresa and the Pope and I was told that was all a part of Satan's design. So I wondered if I was part of Satan's design too. It frightened me that regular people that I met who shared with me the spirit of love were within the false teachings of Satan. Since Satan is such a liar, why do the love in these people appear to be genuine? Is that love a lie, too?

Maybe it was just the congregation of JW that I worshipped with. But I went to other congregations and the JW operate in similiar fashion. They are not a divided organization. I didn't learn much about Jesus' love of all mankind while I was involved with the organization. I learned about the love that Jesus has for his followers and that Jehovah yearns for all of mankind to be followers in this manner. So I am a black sheep led astray of the truth. And I have never felt more love and freedom to serve God in the way that He has intended in my whole life. God is Good. All the time.

Jehovah's Witnesses are right about alot of things. Buddhists are right about a lot of things. Jews are right about a lot of things. Protestants are right about a lot of things. Catholics are right about a lot of things. Islam is right about a lot of things. Scientists are right about a lot of things. But no one organization holds all of the truth. We are all Truth-Seekers. Today I worship in a non-denominational Christian Church. I attend an interactive Bible study. I interactive with people of other faiths on CR. I visit other churches and I still go to the Kingdom Hall from time to time. I see Holidays as celebrations. I thank God for the day that commemorates my birth. The Memorial/Easter reminds me of the Sacrificial Lamb that brought Gentiles (me) to the God that the Jews know. I think I'm rounding out pretty good - just want to love all mankind along the way. Some mankind aren't very lovable, but I try to find the common ground there too.
truthseeker said:
Your church sounds like a loving environment, Bandit. So many of us have different understandings because Jesus was so deep. But one thing that Christians should be able to come together on is the message of Love.

I grew up in the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. The setting was always cozy and intimate. The fellowship among brethren was always respectful, secure, disciplined, and one of those that are equally yoked. I felt secure in Jehovah's blessing because I was in fellowship with his people and I had no worldly friends. That was until I started going to public school and learning about world history and humanities. When I had questions I asked the ministers and elders of my congregation and I was told about the false teachings of the world and that Jehovah does not find favor with them. I asked about people like Ghandi and Mother Teresa and the Pope and I was told that was all a part of Satan's design. So I wondered if I was part of Satan's design too. It frightened me that regular people that I met who shared with me the spirit of love were within the false teachings of Satan. Since Satan is such a liar, why do the love in these people appear to be genuine? Is that love a lie, too?

Maybe it was just the congregation of JW that I worshipped with. But I went to other congregations and the JW operate in similiar fashion. They are not a divided organization. I didn't learn much about Jesus' love of all mankind while I was involved with the organization. I learned about the love that Jesus has for his followers and that Jehovah yearns for all of mankind to be followers in this manner. So I am a black sheep led astray of the truth. And I have never felt more love and freedom to serve God in the way that He has intended in my whole life. God is Good. All the time.

Jehovah's Witnesses are right about alot of things. Buddhists are right about a lot of things. Jews are right about a lot of things. Protestants are right about a lot of things. Catholics are right about a lot of things. Islam is right about a lot of things. Scientists are right about a lot of things. But no one organization holds all of the truth. We are all Truth-Seekers. Today I worship in a non-denominational Christian Church. I attend an interactive Bible study. I interactive with people of other faiths on CR. I visit other churches and I still go to the Kingdom Hall from time to time. I see Holidays as celebrations. I thank God for the day that commemorates my birth. The Memorial/Easter reminds me of the Sacrificial Lamb that brought Gentiles (me) to the God that the Jews know. I think I'm rounding out pretty good - just want to love all mankind along the way. Some mankind aren't very lovable, but I try to find the common ground there too.

My church holds no earthly parallel. My Pastor is Jesus Himself. I read His word; not allowing another human to interpret for matter that that human says that some other human gave him a "degree" to so teach me. I ask where did this other "degree giving human" learn about Jesus, my Pastor? from Jesus' scriptures? Well if this degree giving human"learnt from Jesus' scriptures; and since Jesus promised to reveal His truths to all who read His scriptures; and since Jesus is true to all His promises; then there is no need for the "degree given human" to be giving "degrees" on Jesus' scriptures.

And what if this "degree giving human" is falsely interpreting Jesus' scriptures; wouldn't I by following his false interpretation of scripture be also falsely following Jesus My Pastor?

I need no church to impress upon me the need to "love my neighbor as I love myself". In fact it is only because "I love my neighbor as I love myself" that I am unable to sin against my neighbor....if only because I love him so...just as My Pastor loves both my neighbor and myself...and much so because I love my Pastor and love to follow His example. That I fail My Pastor so many times makes me sad; but that my Pastor is ever so ready to forgive my sins, makes me forever indebted to my Pastor, and I serve Him every waking moment of my life.
I love My Pastor with all my heart; and so I follow Him always and only Him;NEVER ANOTHER HUMAN no matter that that human claim to have knowledge about my Pastor
Quahom1 said:
hmmm, arrogance was never a part of Jesus either...
....but He called those who thought they were worshippimg Him "Blind leaders of the blind". "Blind"as in; the religious leadership; as blind as bats; and "blind" as in those who followed the "blind" religious leaders.

Call it what you may! Our worship responsibility is directly to God; and not to any human. "Search for me"; He says, "with all your heart and you will find me". He did not say to seek out your pastor with all your heart in order to find Him. If one's responsibility is to seek God, as God says he should do; then no human should seek to insert himself between him who seeks his God and His God who sends His Holy Spirit to guide the seeker after truth into All Truth!

precept said:
....but He called those who thought they were worshippimg Him "Blind leaders of the blind". "Blind"as in; the religious leadership; as blind as bats; and "blind" as in those who followed the "blind" religious leaders.

Call it what you may! Our worship responsibility is directly to God; and not to any human. "Search for me"; He says, "with all your heart and you will find me". He did not say to seek out your pastor with all your heart in order to find Him. If one's responsibility is to seek God, as God says he should do; then no human should seek to insert himself between him who seeks his God and His God who sends His Holy Spirit to guide the seeker after truth into All Truth!

Fine. And I stand by my previous statement. Call it what you may. ;)


All churches are beautiful, they are the house of God Allmighty...........
I've been to a lot of different churches and while I'm not christian myself I go (or did go before they started kicking me out of them) for curiosity, religion has always been a great subject of interest for me. Anyways the one church I did go to that I found most intriguing was a quaker church. It was interesting because no one is pastor, they all sit in the pews and pray silently waiting for their own message from god and will randomly stand up and politely share their thoughts with the congregation. I had never seen anything remotely christain be conducted in this manner, so naturally I was intrigued, anyways that would be my choice if I was christain.
Hi Bandit,
Bandit said:
I love my church. No matter what we do, they always love & accept everyone, even when we have gone astray, they are always there to uplift & uphold its people.

That is the true meaning of GODs work being done.

I am putting this up because I want to share. If anyone else wants to they can share here too. OR, you do not have to say anything.

My Church

I was thinking about Juans post so I wanted to share one of my own. Then others can share about there church, or church they grew up in if they want to. I am very proud of the church I grew up in. It is very active in the community & fellowships with any religion or church that will fellowship them.

It has a congregation of about 900 members. We have 4 different choirs and a 50 piece orchestra. The teaching and preaching in the bible is astounding and very well put together. The pastors & elders teach the bible for all spiritual matters and they prepare us for every day living and principles at a young age. We are taught the importance of faith and prayer and to seek the face God in spirit and in truth. It teaches repentance of the heart, a water baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ with the infilling of the Holy Ghost and doing the best we can do according to the scriptures and to be ‘Christ Like’, following in the footsteps of the apostles who followed and taught Jesus.

The fruits and gifts of the spirit are all in operation.

There are four major services a week with weekly prayer meetings for different groups.

They do a Passion Play every year & a Christmas Cantata.

While it is generally a quiet church, there are testimonies, clapping of hands with music and praise and congregational prayer out loud. There is also worship where the lifting of arms is welcome, but everything is done decently and in order.

The church does teach some standards for modest dress, appearance and places of gathering, but does not require it of anyone unless they hold a leadership position. There are groups, retreats and outings for all ages. They put together a two week Vacation Bible School every summer for kids from 5 to 12. There is a one week summer camp meeting in July. It was at Camp, kneeling on an old concrete floor of the tabernacle is where I received the baptism of the Holy Ghost in 1975.

There is a Sunday school class for every age. As you turn your birthday, you enter a new class & by the time we reach 18 we have studied the entire bible. It is really neat. The church holds its own in every aspect and writes all of its own literature & is not affiliated with any specific religious organization. However it did form an organization & hosted it for over 25 years, trying to bring brothers & sisters in Christ of like faith into a, One mind, One strength and no Division understanding, for those who were interested. The church holds 3,000 people and the World Wide Fellowship was a huge success. It was held at our church for many years. The entire church was turned into a Hotel Campus with beds, meals, meetings and services for 4 days in May. It has recently turned the organization over to a smaller church to host and handle but has over 3 million lay people.

Apostolic Temple, is now focused on a day care center, and has built an awesome retirement home for the elderly as well as a youth center that joins the same property.

I love my church. No matter what we do, they always love & accept everyone, even when we have gone astray, they are always there to uplift & uphold its people. I also love it because there is something very special about it. It has been under the same leadership for 4 generations, that is 86 years in the same family. I have always considered it a prophet without honor in its own country because many of the local denominational churches are not real friendly toward us because it is so different in teaching.

One thing that makes me sad is, the church used to leave the doors unlocked to the public daily. Since the times have changed, it is no longer open during the day. It is even locked from entering after the services begin, but the two front doors remain open during to enter by.

There is a website, I would be happy to send if anyone wants to visit it by sending me a PM.

Does anyone else want to share there church and the things you like about it?

And I still have the best chruch in the world!
We just celebrated our 90th year and with the same founding pastoral family.
Bumping this one also .. because I want to see what newer members churches are like

We talked about this in another thread and that good churches with good leadership are very hard to find today which explains the lack of interest. The few good contributions here prove that. I remember Wil mentioning that he had a good church to go to, maybe he will add it. This was actually a sticky for awhile and people still were not intersted. Go figure.

but, Why bump a topic when few people who go to religion forums are not interested in it? There was never enough bickering, false accusations and insults in the things I always wanted to talk about.

If you want more replies you should bump threads about religion and dogma to get all kinds of division, confusion with endless nervous & useless trifles.

Anyway -Good to see you, Faithfulservant. Thanks for trying.
I go to a Unity Church. When I started going we met in a high school gym and any given Sunday 60-70 folks would be in attendance. We hauled the piano, sound equipment, song books etc.

We've moved up some, have a place where we only need to set up chairs, have a permanent office and fellowship hall and book store. We share the building with the YMCA, an Apostolic Church, a music school, the boys and girls club, the scouts and a private grade school. We set up 200 chairs now in the room we use as a sanctuary and have 140 any given Sunday.

I work with the teens, just got back from a midwinter retreat this weekend. So 90% of the time, I'm listening to the service online or in my car on tape, rarely in service anymore. Would be wonderful to bilocate and work with the youth and be in service.

Our congregation is about 50/50 black and white. I'd say about 50% of the blacks are first generation Americans, either fromt the Caribean or from the Continent. Less than 5% of us were raised in New Thought, we mostly came from other denominations. While the bible is our text and Jesus is our wayshower, we embrace, honor and respect other traditions.

We have no boundaries race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation for attendees. We don't encourage membership, we allow folks to grow in spirit as they see fit. And we encourage them staying members of their former Church or tradition, when and if they decide to join us.

If I could move in, I would.
I go to a Unity Church.

If I could move in, I would.

I know someone else that I met last year from unity church. we became friends a year ago and have become close. I don't take to religious people very easily these days but she definatley had a good spark in her that I admire.

I would move into mine too. For about 40 years we had an awesome lady who had a bedroom at the church and lived in the church up until she passed away. Always loving us, baking favorite cookies for the families, singing in the halls and you could here the keys jingle on her side as she kept a massive key ring with about 50 keys on her waist belt. She being trusted with a key to every lock to the building. That was devotion.
She and my grandmother were best of friends. I miss them both and I miss a lot of the elders who have passed on.
We talked about this in another thread and that good churches with good leadership are very hard to find today which explains the lack of interest. The few good contributions here prove that. I remember Wil mentioning that he had a good church to go to, maybe he will add it. This was actually a sticky for awhile and people still were not intersted. Go figure.

but, Why bump a topic when few people who go to religion forums are not interested in it? There was never enough bickering, false accusations and insults in the things I always wanted to talk about.

If you want more replies you should bump threads about religion and dogma to get all kinds of division, confusion with endless nervous & useless trifles.

Anyway -Good to see you, Faithfulservant. Thanks for trying.

This forum goes through cycles it seems... When I think we are getting bombarded by a certain type of discussion I try to bring some of the meatier stuff back. I still miss you bandit and your cynicism about the good that can be done makes me sad. the bible says that His word would not return to Him void.. You never know when something might stick with someone. :)
My church holds no earthly parallel. My Pastor is Jesus Himself. I read His word; not allowing another human to interpret for matter that that human says that some other human gave him a "degree" to so teach me. I ask where did this other "degree giving human" learn about Jesus, my Pastor? from Jesus' scriptures? Well if this degree giving human"learnt from Jesus' scriptures; and since Jesus promised to reveal His truths to all who read His scriptures; and since Jesus is true to all His promises; then there is no need for the "degree given human" to be giving "degrees" on Jesus' scriptures.

And what if this "degree giving human" is falsely interpreting Jesus' scriptures; wouldn't I by following his false interpretation of scripture be also falsely following Jesus My Pastor?

I need no church to impress upon me the need to "love my neighbor as I love myself". In fact it is only because "I love my neighbor as I love myself" that I am unable to sin against my neighbor....if only because I love him so...just as My Pastor loves both my neighbor and myself...and much so because I love my Pastor and love to follow His example. That I fail My Pastor so many times makes me sad; but that my Pastor is ever so ready to forgive my sins, makes me forever indebted to my Pastor, and I serve Him every waking moment of my life.
I love My Pastor with all my heart; and so I follow Him always and only Him;NEVER ANOTHER HUMAN no matter that that human claim to have knowledge about my Pastor

This is a great reply precept: One does not need to go to a buliding to worship or to be close to God. There are many scriptures that tells That the body is the temple of God. God lives in us. But Who believes in the Word of God?? They don't believe in what the scriptures says, they rather believe in what they want the scripture to say. Your body is the temple of God. Great post.