Mysticism in The Matrix


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For those of you who don't know a new religion called Matrixism has been carved from the movie "The Matrix." It is a little out there for my tastes but in the interest of religious discussion I thought we might debate wether or not it is a mystical tradition.

It seems to me that "recognition of the semi-subjective multi-layered nature of reality" might just qualify it in and of itself.
The whole "religion" seems to be someone that recently watched the film (or someone that takes psychedelic drugs) and just took it too seriously. Also, their "holy day," Bicycle Day, was simply based on Hoffman's experience with LSD? I think it may be just an excuse to take drugs.

And MalcolmRazor, welcome to Comparative Religion. :)
But isn't that what "The Doors of Perception" was all about the intimate union with God via organic chemistry?

Isn't that the essence of Manna?
Mystical tradition ? No way. That's pure SF we can find only into the movies.

And welcome to the forum to both of you. :)
There are actually a number of books that discuss the use of drugs within a spiritual or mystical context. John Horgan's "Rational Mysticism" is a good overview of modern mysticism that includes entheogens/drugs. Daniel Pinchbeck's "Breaking Open the Head" is another one that focusses specifically on psychedelics within mysticism.

A web search of the term "entheogen" will turn up lots more.
When you start looking to other texts to support the notion of A HOLLYWOOD movie actually touching on percption, etc all you are doing is rationilizing your own need to believe in this. It was HOLLYWOOD, for crying out loud! Scientology was created by a sci-fi writer; have you looked into that, too?

And to the discussion about substances being used...that's been done for THOUSANDS of years by various indigenous tribes..where do you think these writers first found a path to explore??

Rectal-cranial inversion is a harsh thing to endure while searching, i'm sure:rolleyes:
It's pretty common for fiction writers to draw on real things as a way to flesh out their invented worlds. "The Matrix" isn't the first movie to draw on philosophical or spiritual ideas, and it won't be the last.

It does come across as awfully superficial though to try and base a whole religion on a movie. Why not just go to the sources of the ideas and study the actual religions -- get the information first hand rather than from a fictionalized account?
The concept behind the MAtrix is pretty cliche in sci-fi literature. The first film is superb, but entirely derivative. Thought provoking, but so are many others without religious pretence being forced on them.
I said:
The concept behind the MAtrix is pretty cliche in sci-fi literature. The first film is superb, but entirely derivative. Thought provoking, but so are many others without religious pretence being forced on them.
Yeah . . . Phillip Dick was playing with his readers' perceptions of reality and consciousness long before Neo was plugged into the Matrix. So was Kafka.
Spirituality, religion, and philosophy in general are pretty common themes explored in fiction. Philip Pullman's popular series for instance has a strong religious theme. As does C. S. Lewis' "Narnia" series.

"The Matrix" was entertaining but I find the depth is much more in line with comic books than with novels. When you scratch the surface you tend to find there's just more surface. It's not surprising though as the people who did "The Matrix" are openly comic book fans who were just expanding their comic book ideas into the movie format.
I couldn't help but notice the remarks made in regards to Matrixism. After looking at the site, I understand the [font=&quot]cynicism. However, I would like to point out that The Matrix does offer more in-depth perspectives then a mere comic book.

1.) The analogy of a artificial computer world brings around an understanding of spiritiality that is hard to visualize otherwise. In what other way can we create a point of referance to another realm of being (spirituality, pshcics). I cannot think or am not aware of a better analogy or depiction of reality since Plato 300 BC, in the alagory of the cave in his Republic. Platos achievements are still regarded highly today.

2.) The Matrix is believed by many people to have it's foundations rooted in Gnosis Christianity. This was the prodominate contrasting view to orthodox christiantiy up until the orthodox church attempted to wipe it out. It proposes veiws that contradict the common era beliefs. For more information:

3.) You will also see in that page it's referances to budism although they are not as clear as Gnosis

4.) Many of the teachings of Gnosis are said to be related to the "secret" freemasonary which the orthodox church also attempted to wipe out. In freemasonary, templar knights are said to be the protectors of the truth and there are many referances to magic within it. For those not familure with freemasonary their is much controversy over what it is because they are so secert. It is said to be related to "tri lateral commision" and every president was an honorary member other then the two who were assasinated, kennedy and lincoln. Unfortunetly I cannot give the source of much of this information because I have promised not to even though I am not a part of the for mentioned brotherhood.

5.) Just for those who had questions in relations to phycodelic drugs and religions. There are actually, legitimate religons, based off the use of peyotee, the psychadelic catus. Although the use and sale of peyotee is a schedual one drug, many states have legalized the use of it for religous practices. However, they did not legalize the use of mescaline, the primary halucengentic ingrediant, becuase the religions believe that the spirituality of peyotee cannot be achieved by taking mescaline alone. The ability to see the spiritual world requires the consumption of the natural peyotee and all of the acaloids within it. There has never been any conclusive report demonstrating that peyotee is physically or phychologically harmful. For more info please visit:

The sources provided are not of my own, not for the promotion of my self or anyone I know. They are not my work. Also, in regards to the spelling in this post. "I find it sad that there are people so lacking in imagination that they think there can be only one way to spell a word."
polyvector_net said:
[font=&quot]Also, in regards to the spelling in this post. "I find it sad that there are people so lacking in imagination that they think there can be only one way to spell a word."

Nah - that's the lazy way out and won't impress. :)

If you think you may have an issue with spelling, please do consider using a spell-checker. Otherwise you'll simply find people will be less likely to read such posts.
Nah - that's the lazy way out and won't impress.

It was worth a try. Either way, what is more important is whether you agree with my statements or not.
Considering how innately fundamental religious experience is to humanity and the coutless eons that homo sapien sapien has inhabited this planet it is safe to say that nearly all the religious concepts being discussed here are derivative. Just because Socrates or Kafka wrote it down does not by any stretch of the imigination mean that they were the first persons to think it up.

Language evolves overtime therefore it is neccessary at some point for these ideas to be reinterpreted and re-described. Not only that as our culture changes through technological and other progress new applications of ancient wisdom will need to be made. Though the study of history and the history of thought is important and empowering it is folly to think that we can always look backward for answers.

I dare say that Socrates or Kafka never considered all the ramifications of electronic transmission and the cathode ray tube not to mention neurotheology.
I agree that these concepts need to be revisited and rewritten periodically.

Beyond The Matrix this could also help explain the popularity of pop culture phenomenons such Star Wars and The Jedi Religion it has spawned.
The Ghost in the Shell series is better than the first movie, IMO. The second season is particularly thought-provoking for me, although I have not seen the second movie yet.

Anyway, there is a woman who claims that the Wachowski brothers actually stole the idea for the Matrix trilogy from her. She sued them or something. here's her site.
As to the concept of near instantaneous electronic communication, the first instance of this was the public demonstration of the telegraph by SXamuel B. Morse.

Oddly enough, almost simultaneously in Persia, in the city of Shiraz, the Bab announced His Revelation based on the concept of a world-wide community.
May 23rd, 1844 C.E.

A study was done recently at Johns Hopkins University regarding the mystical effects of psilocybin mushrooms. The results of the study show that psilocybin does indeed induce genuine mystical experience. An outline of the study and its results can be found in the Johns Hopkins Gazette here:

Johns Hopkins Gazette | July 24, 2006

ps - Popeye thanks for pointing out another link that Matrixism has with world religious history.