World's most dangerous terrorist...?

Like you said.. it was pro-life issues... The laws im referring to are the ones that deal with pro-life issues... It would allow minor girls to get abortions without their parents consent.. It would allow partial birth abortions... it would allow funding for embryonic stem cell research.. that is what I was talking about that would end up costing millions of more lives in the long run. Fine.. you voted for Kerry but its still true to date that 51% of americans agreed as a whole on the very same issues.. and many of those 51% do not agree with every decision that has been made in the white house.
Quahom1 said:
Fine, you become the nurse, the doctor, the priest/Imam/Rabbi, and let the rest of us go into the fray.

It would be a serious mistake for society to pull another "Vietnam" fiasco at home...I don't think the military members would accept it kindly. I think that would cause a crack in this country that would never mend.

You sent us there. You better bring us back (as heroes).

Anything less is unacceptable.
I completely agree, and that's what I was trying to say. Vietnam was unacceptable, and impacted people in my own family negatively. There is a difference between disagreeing with war, and acting in such an unloving, ungrateful, and rude way with soldiers who have been through hell and back doing what they thought was right.

I do not agree with war, but I still believe our soldiers are heroes, because they are doing a difficult job they believe is the right thing to do, and they are doing it to the best of their ability. Those in my family and friends who are in the military have received my thanks, even if I don't agree with war, because they are doing what they feel is their duty, and they are being courageous in doing so.

I was trying to say, thank you. Even though I don't agree with war, I'm still grateful for your efforts. You are doing what you perceive to be right, and it's a job that is very difficult and dangerous.
Faithfulservant said:
The laws im referring to are the ones that deal with pro-life issues... It would allow minor girls to get abortions without their parents consent.. It would allow partial birth abortions... it would allow funding for embryonic stem cell research.. that is what I was talking about that would end up costing millions of more lives in the long run.
Got it- I was confused about what laws you were talking about. I agree that such laws need to be prevented, but in our governmental system the president is only one part of that process. Ah, well... it'd be a long discussion, but I just wish there was governmental reform so that there was more direct democracy (us voting on issues) and less representative democracy (us voting in folks that we hope will vote the way we want on issues).

I agree that abortions, no matter what their form, are problematic. I just don't think legality is the real issue there. We can make abortion illegal, but even when it was illegal, people still had them. They just ended up with more mother mortality.

I think the real issue is to figure out why people are getting pregnant with children they don't want in the first place, and fix the root of the problem. Additionally, I think it is imperative that we have a plan for what to do with all the children who are born that are unwanted, or wanted but whose parents feel they are unable to care for them (the poverty issue), or are born addicted to drugs. Our adoption system is inefficient, expensive, difficult to negotiate, and adoptive parents risk losing their children later in life. While it isn't right to abort a baby, it also isn't right to leave them to the horrors of abusive parents, poverty, group and foster homes, and so on either. I've yet to see a concerted effort to make the system better able to accommodate more unwanted children and get them into the homes they need. Where are all those kids supposed to go, and who will be their mother and father?

It's not just about laws, it's about changing people's behaviors. That takes an understanding of why they are doing what they do and how we can fix the systems in place to alter those decisions.
I agree with you pretty much on everything you said.. It all boils down to morality in America IMO which is at a rapid decline. Its very sad to me.
path_of_one said:
I completely agree, and that's what I was trying to say. Vietnam was unacceptable, and impacted people in my own family negatively. There is a difference between disagreeing with war, and acting in such an unloving, ungrateful, and rude way with soldiers who have been through hell and back doing what they thought was right.

I do not agree with war, but I still believe our soldiers are heroes, because they are doing a difficult job they believe is the right thing to do, and they are doing it to the best of their ability. Those in my family and friends who are in the military have received my thanks, even if I don't agree with war, because they are doing what they feel is their duty, and they are being courageous in doing so.

I was trying to say, thank you. Even though I don't agree with war, I'm still grateful for your efforts. You are doing what you perceive to be right, and it's a job that is very difficult and dangerous.
It's ok, I appreciate your sentiments. I'd rather not fight either. I'd rather my kids not be there as well. We just buried one of our own Coast Guardsmen in Arlington Cemetery...first combat death since Vietnam. He was only 23...but his sacrifice saved a few dozen worker on an oil derreck.

Once again, thanks. ;)


I am proud to be part of the hated 51%. Why do so many loose sight of what went on in Iraq while Saddam was in power? I quess raping little girls in front of their fathers, dipping them slowly into acid to get non-existent information for a paranoid, Kurd gassing, doesn't have weapons of mass destruction(lie) freak isn't a good enough reason. Saddam did have weapons of mass destruction! They could be coming to an area near you soon. If they are used by a terrorist group on your loved ones how much of a pacifist will you be?
In answer to your question" Worlds most dangerous terrorist...?" Any one who harms the innocent is a terrorist. #1 The Devil.

And another believes into the lie.... lol.

Yes, true there were some things that went on but not as bad as you make out.... Also there were no wmd whatsoever.... Keeping him in power, but continuing to observe and use an invisible leash to control would have been better... You take away one tyrant a thousand more will step up to take his place and will fight each other for this place... causing more violence death war whatever than there truly was to begin with all these lil tyrants are eggs... And when Saddam was in control he had all these little eggs in a basket and he owned them eggs.
And another believes into the lie.... lol.

Yes, true there were some things that went on but not as bad as you make out.... Also there were no wmd whatsoever.... Keeping him in power, but continuing to observe and use an invisible leash to control would have been better... You take away one tyrant a thousand more will step up to take his place and will fight each other for this place... causing more violence death war whatever than there truly was to begin with all these lil tyrants are eggs... And when Saddam was in control he had all these little eggs in a basket and he owned them eggs.

To date 500 cannisters(the size of 14" cannon shells of Sarin Gas have been located by accident...buried deep in the desert sand. And Iraq is the size of Texas, and mostly desert sand. There are also several dozen unaccounted for Entendarde Fighter planes that never made it to Iran (presumed still buried in the desert somewhere).