What causes you to disbelieve the Bible?


A restored soul
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The first question is this: If you don't believe in the entire Bible, which parts do you not believe or believe are largely misinterpreted?

If you don't believe that the Bible is actual spiritual truth, why not?

I'm looking for people's opionions to use in papers, statistics, etc. I won't be quoting, just basing things on statements made here. Please post replies that conform to the Code of Conduct, or feel free to private message me with more "attacking"-type replies.:)
There are many books of myth in the world and it seems improbable any one of them should be Truth. I hold the bible to the same tests I hold all other ancient texts. The supernaturalism has no credibility with me. So I don't believe anything that can't be corroborated irrefutably with other sources, including the exodus from Egypt, (I mention this event because I am Jewish and some assume that because I am Jewish I must believe the exodus was a historical truth) but that doesn't mean I disbelieve these things either. I do after all see the exodus as a source of spiritual truth, but I see everything, every source, as potentially having some spiritual truth. I also see spiritual truth as deeply personal and not universal. So "actual spiritual truth", I'm not sure I can agree with that because you say truth and I might type it Truth because I think you mean universal Truth, and I don't think the bible is Truth.

1. I agree with dauer, out of all the spiritual traditions in the world, how likely is it that the one I happened to be born into is the single true tradition?

2. There are many internal contradictions in the Bible. These range from the trivial (did Judas hang himself (Mt 27:5) or fall headlong on the rocks (Acts 1:18)?) to the profound (was Jesus "one" with God (Jn 10:30, "The Father and I are one") or not (Mk 13:32, "But as for that day or hour, nobody knows it, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, no one but the Father."))

3. Finally, there is the ethical problem. Would a good God really order that Saul massacre his enemies, and then get mad when he failed to complete the massacre (1 Sam 15)?
If you don't believe in the entire Bible, which parts do you not believe or believe are largely misinterpreted?

I believe that all of it is wrong; Not because I just don't believe in God but how can you follow the words that were written by man? Men wrote the Bible supposedly from the words of God but what if God doesn't use words to comunicate? He could have used feelings and eveery feeling he porjects to us is interprited diffreantly and so the Bible is evidantly flawed because we don't know if it is actually correct...

Or at least that is what I think anyway.
Thanks for your posts, everyone. For anyone else who wishes to post, please back up your opinions with reasons and the sources you base your beliefs & opinions on, if you can. (That's just something I forgot to say at the start!)
Blessed87 said:
Thanks for your posts, everyone. For anyone else who wishes to post, please back up your opinions with reasons and the sources you base your beliefs & opinions on, if you can. (That's just something I forgot to say at the start!)

The conversation looked like it was about to go on well. I hope you didn't stop it.

Or maybe you should have put this on the Christianity board if that's where you wanted to go with it?
truthseeker said:
The conversation looked like it was about to go on well. I hope you didn't stop it.

Or maybe you should have put this on the Christianity board if that's where you wanted to go with it?
No, I don't want to stop it, I just want to know reasons as well as opinions, which the people who had posted already did.

I don't want this under christianity, because I want a non-christian perspective. I'm not here to debate theology, but to gain insight and share my experiences as well. I hope you, too truthseeker, state why you disbelieve, if you do.
Blessed87 said:
I want a non-christian perspective. I'm not here to debate theology, but to gain insight and share my experiences as well.
mine is a non-christian prospective. I don't believe because I've tried to gain a connection with God and I never got an answer.

I'm not saying that all things in the Bible are incorrect but most of it has been passed on from God (If he exists at all) and misinterpiraed intaiarly by men.
Yes, I also believe that much is misinterpreted or translated in a way that does not fully express the original meaning in the Greek or Hebrew. Still, though, the way it has remained so much the same over the centuries and millenia is astounding to me. Someone who knows more about this might want to start a thread...
Well, I don't disbelieve the Bible. I just don't think of it like alot of Christians do. It is a book that tells a marvelous story over time. I believe it is God-inspired because it speaks in a way that reaches outside of the material realm and grasps that which is inside of all of us - the very thing that can not be scientifically explained but must be understood by faith. What I don't appreciate is the understanding that has been lost when one claims the 'Old Testament' and the 'New Testament'. Jesus was a man who sought to bring love back into a faith that had become stale with politics. People get so wrapped up in rituals and who killed Jesus and whether Revelation is real or not and what does it mean and there seems to be more worship of Paul then there is of Jesus - ...The Bible is a whole book. It is the history of a people and a tale of courage, love, faith, death, and life.

Um, so maybe that was a bit off subject.
truthseeker said:
...The Bible is a whole book. It is the history of a people and a tale of courage, love, faith, death, and life.
I agree that the Bible should be taken more as a whole. Even teachers and preachers I highly esteem have taken Scriptures out of context or used them in a way probably not originally intended. That's just one of the problems with following a person, they're able to fail, because sin is in this world. The key, I believe, is to seek for yourself, not accept everything right away. Good points, everyone.
How about a quasi-Christian perspective? I wouldn't count myself a follower of Christ ... although in my better moments I might aspire.

Much non-canonical evidence exists that Jesus traveled East, as far as India and Tibet ... for reference, see Notovich (amazon.com). Also, it's not necessarily an issue - at least for me, personally - of doubting the content or message of the current translations of the Bible, it's more a matter of all the political influence, power plays from the early church, and personal interests at stake in the translations & corruptions over the centuries.

Take one of the most drastic - the conscious, intentional, and devastating choice by Justinian and the Fifth General Council of the Church (in 553 AD) to exclude the doctrine of reincarnation from the Bible. Consult this site for details, but note that the Bible before 553 included plain & simple teaching of the doctrine of rebirth as canonical. Why the change in so fundamental a teaching - common in Christ's day, more than 5 centuries after Christ's mission? Hmmm ...

Another reason - on logical grounds - to at least continually evaluate our understanding of the Bible, its message, its accuracy, and its relevance in our lives today ... is the notion, popular with many, of progressive revelation. Surely it makes sense that a wise and loving being, whether we relate to such as aspiring Christians, devotees of Krishna, or followers of the Saoshyant, would provide for us new & improved presentations of the Divine Plan - as best we are able to understand it, given our limitations.

To suggest that nothing changes in 2,000+ years is absurd, and to suggest that "it was all there, perfectly, and perfectly complete" in the Bible - is to beg the question! Were the scribes who wrote the Bible, in the centuries following Jesus' passing - also perfect, as so many would say of Jesus himself? If one of us sat down today and tried to copy the entire book, from start to finish ... do you really think we wouldn't make mistakes? Ummm, the printing press didn't exist until relatively recently. Hmmm ...

Some might assert that the whole Bible is a con job, but you can't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Surely the Sermon on the Mount, and the Gospels taken as a whole, seem to capture the heart of the message for most Christians, just as the Bhagavad Gita stands out from within the Mahabharata of Hinduism. This doesn't mean the rest of the text is irrelevant, nor that there aren't other sacred teachings (for any given faith) that complement the Bible, Gita, etc.

At risk of offending, it seems to me that a Christian (some xians, okay) without his bible is likely to be lost in the forest - because he has no way to navigate, where most anyone else could identify the various trees, acknowledge his situation, and navigate out. Or stay for tea. Whatever. Why on earth should a spruce pine be the only tree that matters? The Master never taught that. Ho hum.

Another 2 cents ...

protokletos :)
Blessed87 said:
The first question is this: If you don't believe in the entire Bible, which parts do you not believe or believe are largely misinterpreted?

If you don't believe that the Bible is actual spiritual truth, why not?

I'm looking for people's opionions to use in papers, statistics, etc. I won't be quoting, just basing things on statements made here. Please post replies that conform to the Code of Conduct, or feel free to private message me with more "attacking"-type replies.:)
i believe the bible is the inspired Word of God. I believe it is infallable. However, along the way, certain people tried to corrupt it, yes by changing a little here & there & adding & taking away little bits. I will guess less than .0005%.

You can pin point the words they changed & sentences they added on to. It is very easy...where you find no second witness for what was supposed to have been said or done. I can only think of very few places.
That is the only time I question! But within that, a person truly searching will find the Truth.
History of the Bible- Yet they did not change it to the point of corruption, even though they may have unknowingly, not realized that God had His hand on it all the way & the true maning is still there. I do not believe they changed it enough to corrupt the big picture for what God wants us to know & the things we need for practical every day living & for obtaining eternal life.

For some reason I feel all the church doctrine that is stacked on the bible, is there for a reason & someone will answer for it. Often I feel that within the shadows of the dogma, the TRUTH was protected.

The Bible does not lie to me. I believe it turned out exactly the way God wanted it to & it is for our day & age.:)
I Love the Bible & I thank God for it.
Too many reasons to list but here are a few, there are as mentioned before too many contradictions, Intolerance, genacide, more violence and mass murder then any other book.

Why wouldnt god make the bible clear?????????

The Abrahamic faiths of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism all disagree on many things so they are seperate Religions, and they cannot agree within thair own religions, so they all have churches which have branched off and are still of the abrahamic faith but interperat the bible differently????

My problem is we can all agree that this god is supposed to be a good god and a forgiving god, why would this god make a book that is so hard to come to a simple conclusion.

Why would he leave the writing of the bible to humans who he him self made to be capable of evil and wrongdoing (mistakes)

If god created all he created good and evil, he created temptation, He created "everything" so no matter who may have written the bible this god made them too, did he not care who wrote the bible?

If we write a book for childeren we write it so they can understand it, do you get it, the bible is supposed to be a good book but if you look at how backwards the middle east is today its clear no good came from these people they have been killing each other for thousands of years and its clear in the bible, just look at all the murder, rape,geneside, ect.

Unfortunatly this desease has spread to affect all of us, I truely dont understand how some people can take the bible word for word that is increadable and should be against the law.

Maybe we should have a intelligence test befor we allow just anyone to read the bible

So a couple of good things showed up like: the commandments.

I guess some people need the bible to tell them not to kill, but some of us just seem to figure it out on our own.

Some people claim that they understand the bible and they claim to speak to god on a daily basis, if this sounds like you than please ask your god to send me his personal copy the bible, I would like to compare his to my king james version.

Oh and to answer you question "what causes me to disbeieve the bible"
Intolerance, Controdictions, Injustice, and on and on and on and on and on and on.
The first question is this: If you don't believe in the entire Bible, which parts do you not believe or believe are largely misinterpreted?

If you don't believe that the Bible is actual spiritual truth, why not?
I 'believe' the entire bible. I believe it is largely metaphor, allegory, and parables. I don't believe the bible 'is' spiritual truth, I believe it 'contains' spiritual truth.

I don't believe this is the only book to do so.

Which portion of the bible wasn't edited and altered by man?

Of course now we have to discuss which 'version' we are discussing, King James' 'version' perhaps or some other man, group or organization?

Is the essence of original texts there? uh we can hope so, but since we don't have original texts we don't know. We do know it was modified by political motive, power motives, and even by the scribes who made 'original' copies, some by error, and some because that line just didn't resonate with their thinking...lets change it.

It is your interpretation that counts and how you can utilize it in your life that counts. If you believe it to be worthless, you are right, if you believe it to be gospel, my opinion won't change that either.