Is it cool to beat your wife?

wil said:
I can absolutely understand that. Maybe if we added the words, 'at chess', or 'at tennis'. Truth is women have been opressed so long it is ridiculous and their will come a time in the not to distant future where this thought will be as far back in our memory as slavery.

I'm now contemplating all the things I'd like to see lost from our memories...intolerance, hunger, war, racism....

Thanks Wil..... Yes.
wil said:
I can absolutely understand that. Maybe if we added the words, 'at chess', or 'at tennis'. Truth is women have been opressed so long it is ridiculous and their will come a time in the not to distant future where this thought will be as far back in our memory as slavery.
I agree, but then again, I'm not sure how far back in our memories slavery is.

Ciel, it's not just a woman's perspective. I feel that the title of this thread is horrible. It's the word "cool" that gets me, it suggests a certain light-heartedness that I find offensive.
cavalier said:
I agree, but then again, I'm not sure how far back in our memories slavery is.

Ciel, it's not just a woman's perspective. I feel that the title of this thread is horrible. It's the word "cool" that gets me, it suggests a certain light-heartedness that I find offensive.

Slavery can be traced back over 6000 years...:eek:

I believe the term "Cool" is jocular particularlly by certain English speaking cultures of the current day, and besides other meanings also mean "ok, or "all right" or "acceptable". I do not think the originator of this thread was being light hearted about the issue at all (based on his previous postings and the seriousness behind them).


Quahom1 said:
Slavery can be traced back over 6000 years...:eek:
Fair enough, but that's not my point. It was in reply to wil's comment that one day soon the oppression of women will be as far back in our memory as slavery. Though, and as you point out, slavery can be traced back thousands of years, it is still a big issue in the world today.

Quahom1 said:
I believe the term "Cool" is jocular particularlly by certain English speaking cultures of the current day, and besides other meanings also mean "ok, or "all right" or "acceptable". I do not think the originator of this thread was being light hearted about the issue at all (based on his previous postings and the seriousness behind them).
Point taken, though I would still contest that when talking about "wife-beating" a more careful choice of words (ones which do not have so many and so varied meanings and connotations) would be appropriate.
cavalier said:
...Point taken, though I would still contest that when talking about "wife-beating" a more careful choice of words (ones which do not have so many and so varied meanings and connotations) would be appropriate.

Kind of like closing the barn door, after the horses have run out... over a year before, don't you think?

I opine we would not have this thread at all in a "Whalgreen" world. There would be no beatings of anykind by or on anyone. However this isn't a perfect world, and women get beat, and some think it is perfectly fine, including some women. Ciel doesn't realize that where she comes from is a small exception to a general rule if one considers the entire world at large. And the attitudes held in her current world are more or less, new. Unfortunately that is a fact of life (one I hope will change soon, for the better, for all).


IMHO, beating someone is a symptom of the absence of reason, either in the unwillingness to employ reason or in the inability to understand reason within the parties involved. You can't beat true understanding into anyone.
Quahom1 said:
Kind of like closing the barn door, after the horses have run out... over a year before, don't you think?

I opine we would not have this thread at all in a "Whalgreen" world. There would be no beatings of anykind by or on anyone. However this isn't a perfect world, and women get beat, and some think it is perfectly fine, including some women. Ciel doesn't realize that where she comes from is a small exception to a general rule if one considers the entire world at large. And the attitudes held in her current world are more or less, new. Unfortunately that is a fact of life (one I hope will change soon, for the better, for all).



Q, You know only what you consider you know about Ciel.
It is as small as a grain of sand.

- c -
cavalier said:
Fair enough, but that's not my point. It was in reply to wil's comment that one day soon the oppression of women will be as far back in our memory as slavery. Though, and as you point out, slavery can be traced back thousands of years, it is still a big issue in the world today.

Point taken, though I would still contest that when talking about "wife-beating" a more careful choice of words (ones which do not have so many and so varied meanings and connotations) would be appropriate.

Greetings Cavalier, and it's a fine horse your riding with your higher view.
You know the thing about slavery is that there are many in this world not even realising they are slaves. They live in a time scale of this is how it is, and has been, not how it could be.
Time now for the slaves to awaken to the dignity of their lives.
Time for the oppressors to sleep.

- c -
Ciel said:
Q, You know only what you consider you know about Ciel.
It is as small as a grain of sand.

- c -

Of course you are correct. I only know what I read, and answered accordingly.

Just because we wish something wasn't, doesn't mean it isn't. There was no slight intended by my post. However, I definitetely understand your opinion of me. I'm sorry for that.


Quahom1 said:
However, I definitetely understand your opinion of me. I'm sorry for that.



Q, where Ciel comes from opinions of others are no more than floating clouds, passing and dissolving. Words are formed and written into sentences, coming from one appreciation one moment and turned to new direction another, we tune each other's responses in incredible ways. I do not know you either but I see you as a man of fairness in heart.

love - c -
I have only just seen this
Kind of like closing the barn door, after the horses have run out... over a year before, don't you think?
Didn't realise this thread was started a year ago, but that might be even more reason to close the door. There are new horses, and we don't want them running out too.