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The Iranian American Robert Sarmast who is heading the Cyprus Atlantis project has now got full co-operation with the Greek Cypriot government towards the discovery and has secured a $5 million contract with a Hollywood documentary production company to broadcast the discovery live on TV.

This discovery will be the greatest archaeological find in the history of mankind, if it is proven correct this means that Cyprus was not only the first Christianized country in the world but also the first monotheist country in the world, funny how history rhymes.

Most ancient people who worshipped one god were not strictly "monotheists." While they may have paid tribute to only one god, they did believe other gods existed. This includes the Hebrews, especially before the captivity period.
The ideas of only one God before Akhenaten and Zoroaster came about from the ancient civilisation of Atlantis. They got there influences off Atlantis, also they believe the Atlantean’s were the lost race that started the great civilisation in Egypt because of how suddenly they sprang up.

The first people to write about Atlantis were the Egyptians from where the Greeks learnt it off. However even before the Greek learnt off the Egyptians they knew of and passed on folk lore tales about a lost and advanced civilisation as Atlantis. It was significant enough for both Greeks and Egyptians to remember and ever since its fascinated mankind. Also the original story of Adam and eve might have it’s roots to Atlantis.

actually there are two lost continents .... one is atlantis and the other is lemuria (or 'ta rua' in the ancient language of hawaii) .... they are connected on the ancient path of knowledge .... the location of atlantis was known to Plato, who wrote of it in metaphors .... the location of ta rua is known by the ancients and is also spoken of in metaphors .... both sank beneath the waves of a great flood .... also a metaphor .... and deeply buried messages in chants and stories of ancient cultures tell when they will reappear .... I don't think the documentary will reveal the location of Atlantis, it will only be another good guess. Just my thoughts on the matter. I might start a new thread on "the flood" and it may open some doors to knowledge of atlantis and lemuria ('ta rua'). he hawai'i au, fay
You two guys are both smoking rope. There was no Atlantis in the Atlantic or Mu in the Pacific.
Nogodnomasters said:
You two guys are both smoking rope. There was no Atlantis in the Atlantic or Mu in the Pacific.

Perhaps not. However it seems that every legend has a kernel of truth in it somewhere, and the rest is centuries of embellisment.
Nogodnomaster .... you are very funny .... of course there is no Atlantis or Mu in the Pacific .... the question is do you know the real location .... remove the smoke from your eyes and see beyond the story .... master yourself and you will know God .... just a suggestion and a thought to share .... me ke aloha pumehana, pohaikawahine ('me ke aloha pumehana means 'affectionately')
Nogodnomasters said:
There was no Atlantis in the Atlantic

I seem to recall there's an interpretation that suggests that Atlantis lay beyond Gibraltar (The Pillars of Hercules), and therefore any claim to any body of land being Atlantis, would therefore have to satisfy this clear criteria. Otherwise either Plato is completely wrong in his key descriptions, or else any sunken body can be named Atlantis.
Just like there is an abundance of creation myths around the globe, there seem to be almost as many "Eden" myths. For instance, among the Tibetan people there was the concept of Shambala, (supposed model for the old movie "Lost Horizon"), a mythic kingdom existing long ago that was supposedly spiritually perfect if not materially so. Many have searched for that in literal space-time reality as well. Perhaps we are being too literal & too materialistic in interpreting such places as existing now or having existed before in literal space-time reality. We are perhaps in some way by searching for their material reality looking for "fools' gold" instead of the treasure house they point to, though admittedly for the adventurer, they may enjoy the literal hunt. But I'm thinking what is required here is more an archeology of the spirit than of the ground. Take care, Earl
From what I understand, there are some very interesting ideas about Atlantis perhaps being located in the Caribbean--some say that Plato had actually managed to visit there. Don't laugh at me--laugh, if you must, at those who are spending the money and time to seriously research this:D .
If we can believe in the Nephilim race and an ancient "world-wide" flood, then I don't see why Atlantis should be so unbelievable. But understanding that the earth's crust does shift, certainly they can't expect to find it where the legend states that it once was.
earl wrote: " But I'm thinking what is required here is more an archeology of the spirit than of the ground"

earl I absolutely love that thought and the way you put it. I, Brian ... I believe that it is possible that Plato was writing in metaphors and not necessarily a physical location of Atlantis. His reference to the Pillars of Hercules may be related to the twin pillars of wisdom, the twin pillars of Solomon's temple .... all metaphors in my view .... the opening of the great "hall of records" is also connected with the Atlantis stories .... the "hall of records" which is almost always to be opened by "three" .... so the questions remains where exactly is the lost continent of Atlantis .... personally I believe it is part of the internal process and the lost continents of Atlantis and Lemuria (or MU) (or "ta rua") are symbols of the left and right hemisphere of our brains ,.... I suppose it all lies in how one sees the symbols .... the inner sanctum of the brain is also the location (again in my view) of the ark of the covenant .... there is a structure in the brain called the caudate nucleus, when you look at it from the side it looks like a ram's horn, when you look at it from above it looks like the wings of an angel .... this strucure covers the inner sanctum of the brain itself, the place where the bridging of the hemispheres takes place requires a shift in perception to look at these stories in this light .... it is certainly not my intent to convince others, only to share my perception as part of the dialogue .... if I am even able to plant a small seed of interest I have accomplished much. I love this site I, Brian because it offers the type of perspective that is necessary for us to see each other through new eyes .... he hawai'i au, pohaikawahine
Plato’s Description Match
Atlantis was opposite the Pillars of Hercules.

It was in the Atlantic.

It was prone to volcanic activity.

It was larger than Asian and Libya combined.

The plain of Atlantis was submerged under water.

It was flooded about 10,000 B.C.

The mountaintop of Atlantis survived the flood and remains as an island.

Atlantis was connected to mainland by a land bridge (“isthmus”).

The island had extremely fertile soil.

It was a long peninsula.

It ran from the mainland in to the sea.

The basin around Atlantis was very deep.

The island was prone to repeated flooding.

Thick woods covered its mountains.

Traces of its forests remain.

The mountains still “sustain bees.”

It had cultivated trees.

Rainfall was collected in the higher regions and was absorbed in large quantities.

The collected rainwater flowed downward into valleys and appeared in a multitude of rivers and springs.

There are surviving springs and shrines.

Atlantis had a well-balanced climate.

The island enjoyed “warm wet winters and hot dry summers.”

The Acropolis hill was for the most part level—a low mountain.

The plain of Atlantis ran midway along the greatest length of the island.

The plain was long and rectangular, or oblong.

The plain was near the sea.

The plain faced south.

To the north, mountains protected the plain from cold winds.

The base of the Acropolis hill was fifty stades (~6 miles) from the southern sea.

The Acropolis hill was “near the middle” of the rectangular plain of Atlantis.

Atlantis had mines with solid materials as well as various metals.

There were elephants on the island.

Atlantis had gold.

Atlantis had copper.

Atlantis had silver.

Atlantis had marshes, rivers, swamps, mountains and a plain.

The “remnant” of Atlantis still bears “roots, herbs, bushes, and gums.”

There were crops, cereals, pulse, fruits and oils in “wonderful quantity.”

The canal that ran from the outermost ring toward the sea was fifty stades long.

The diameter of the Acropolis hill was roughly 3 miles (27 stades).

The outer stone wall that surround the city of Atlantis was ~14 miles in diameter.

The island was made of volcanic rocks (lava).

The “region as a whole” (the whole island) was high above the level of the sea.

The island of Atlantis rose sharply from the sea.

The plain of Atlantis was “uniformly flat.”

The plain was “enclosed by mountains which came right down to the sea.”

The island stretched in an east/west direction.

The length of the plain was parallel with the length of the island.

A river went out of the plain toward the mainland.

There were smaller islands nearby, forming stepping-stones to other continents.

The Atlantis empire embraced three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa.

River water was collected in clay earth.

Black, white, and red marble was quarried on Atlantis.

The island was laden with precious stones.

The mountainous island was known as “Mt. Olympus.”
truthseeker said:
If we can believe in the Nephilim race and an ancient "world-wide" flood, then I don't see why Atlantis should be so unbelievable. But understanding that the earth's crust does shift, certainly they can't expect to find it where the legend states that it once was.

Atlantic tectonic plates have not shifted much in the last ten thousand it might/should still have remants of the place.


I said:
I seem to recall there's an interpretation that suggests that Atlantis lay beyond Gibraltar (The Pillars of Hercules), and therefore any claim to any body of land being Atlantis, would therefore have to satisfy this clear criteria. Otherwise either Plato is completely wrong in his key descriptions, or else any sunken body can be named Atlantis.

The legend for Atlantis is purely and solely based on the destruction of Thera. Years of embellishment to the story has altered it slighty. Plato simply wrote down what he was told about Atlantis. He had no first hand knowledge, nor did those who gave him the story. Why would one imagine a story to remain constant over a 1000 years is beyond me. It is just a matter of separating fact from fiction. I do not believe every word of Plato writing about events passed on by hear-say than I do any other ancient writer.
Indeed - but all too often there's a predilection for literal interpretation of ancient stories, and Atlantis seems like one of those stories.

Postmaster, the above criteria you list don't seem very fitting for the island - is is in the Atlantic and bigger than Asia??
In the ancient times the Med was considered Atlantic and Asia was much smaller to the Greeks then what it is today ;)

Also the Atlantean Empire boarded part of 3 continents, Europe, Asia and Africa. With Cyprus or Acropolis hill being the capital, must have been massive. All depends how you look at it. It was the birth place of the civilised man, we are talking over 12'000 years ago. The will fill in a lot of historical problems if proven correct.
Why would Plato say it boarded 3 continents? Where else in the world boarders 3 continents other then Cyprus? Atlantis gave birth to the Greeks, Egyptians, Jews, Phoenicians and Mesopotamians. Regardless some of the oldest civilisations on earth are found in Cyprus dating over 7'000 years ago i.e Chirokitia, truly makes sense. Just to think they even had the highest mountain named Olympus just as in the republic of Cyprus today. I don't think anywhere in the Atlantic ocean joins 3 continents, had a mountain top called Olympus and wedged war with the Athenians. Atlantis has more connections with the Greeks and East then anything else.
hmmmm.... a couple of interesting questions .... "it borders three continents" .... and "it is an island" ....

in another post that I wrote about the human brain and its connection in these types of stories, someone commented that it didn't seem possible that the ancients knew as much about human anatomy and therefore how could they have been making reference to the brain ..... my believe is that we use only a small portion of our brains today and that it is possible our full potential lies in using all three hemispheres simultaneously .... if we use more of our brain power we will be able to open the illusive "hall of records" (this is where it takes three to open the hall) and we will know much more than we know now .... so if this has any truth, the ancients would have had greater knowledge than we have today even with all our scientific knowledge (which is helpful in us understanding where we may be going) .... so with this thought in mind let me return to Atlantis .... the hemispheres of the brain are the "continents "(and there are three) and the energy centers in the body are sometimes referred to as "islands" .... there is one in the center of the brain .... and our head is referred to as the "mountain, the mound" .... so it is still possible that the inner meaning of the Atlantis story is what we seek and not its outer location .... in my belief, it is the left hemisphere that is "Atlantis" and the right hemisphere is "Mu or Lemuria or Ta Rua" because the right is connected with the moon, spirituality and female energy .... the left is connected with the sun, logic, and male energy .... the continent to be lost was "Ta Rua" it was, in story, the place of the people of spirit (in Hawaiian mythology this is the place that the twelve "alaneo" came from, they were twelve mystical healers that came to teach the people and four stayed behind in the form of rocks that can be found near Waikiki beach.... "alaneo" can translate as the "path of silence" .... Atlantis would have been associated more with the concept of warriors and scientific advancement and this is the left hemisphere .... remember these are only metaphors and the descriptions are only symbols for a more ancient path of wisdom .... so the two continents sank and are lost and we are still searching for them .... just like the twelve tribes .... it is said that when they reunite we will live in peace and harmony again, the golden age .... remember the twelve "alaneo", I believe they are the same symbol as the twelve tribes .... it is connected with the 12 pairs of cranial nerves in the brain that must all work together to operate the whole internal system that move the sprialling energy up and down the spinal column to reunite the three hemispheres of the brain which in turn will open the gates allowing visions and revelations .... so some will laugh at this perspective, but as far as I know it is the key to seeing how we are all linked in our various religions, cultures, and minds .... "moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day .... this is how we live our lives, and this is how we change the world. With each breath, each thought, each action" (author unknown) .... he hawai'i au, pohaikawahine (p.s. my hawaiian name means "a circle of women" and is connected with a circle of twelve women from the distant past in Hawai'i)
hmmmm.... a couple of interesting questions .... "it borders three continents" .... and "it is an island" ...

Before it sank the land mass of Atlantis was connected to Europe, Asia and Africa. The capital (Acropolis hill) is in the Cypriot and Syrian waters there are more great Atlatean cites towards Cyprus. All Cyprus is, just the mountinous area of Atlantis that remained due to the hight.