Mystery Thread

Kindest Regards, InLove!

How about the tea ceremony?
If by "tea ceremony" you mean the authentic Oriental one, I have pictures of myself and my lovely wife in Beijing...unfortunately no way to upload just now (drat!).

Need a really good genuine green tea from the local Chinese food store. Spring for the best they've got!

Pretty simple really; prepare the tea, and serve each other at the same time, with arms interlocked. It's pretty romantic in the right setting. Kinda like the wedding cake getting smooshed between bride and groom, only I don't recommend trying to get too messy with tea. Enjoy!
Hey juan!

Thanks--wish you could post those pics. That would be nice.

Is this the same thing as what I've always heard referred to as the Japanese Tea Ceremony? If I remember correctly, there are certain place settings and certain places and ways to sit. I have seen it before, but it has been a long time. Are there certain words recited? Do I ask a lot of questions, or what?:)

I'm not juantoo3 (nor do I play him on tv) but that doesn't sound like the same thing as a Japanese Tea Ceremony (I learned some aspects of it when I took Japanese classes when a delegation from Chiba [I think] visited the campus.)

I have a couple of other recipes I can post later if you want, too.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Regarding the tea ceremony (ies?), I would love to read anything anyone knows about it (them?). I am not sure if there is any religious significance involved, so if it is inappropriate here, I understand.

I love the mystery thread--its just so...mysterious. :) :rolleyes:

Recipes? From Phyllis? Lemmee see....YES! Bring 'em on.

By the way, my uncle (you know, the one who has the small pecan orchard in Arkansas?) brought me about a ton of pecans. So if anyone has something nutty to add in that regard, I'd appreciate it. They are still in the shells, so I'd better get crackin'.

Regarding the tea ceremony (ies?), I would love to read anything anyone knows about it (them?). I am not sure if there is any religious significance involved, so if it is inappropriate here, I understand.
We'll just sneak it in here in the middle of a post. "The Book of Tea" {Looks around in a paranoid fashion}

I love the mystery thread--its just so...mysterious. :) :rolleyes:

Recipes? From Phyllis? Lemmee see....YES! Bring 'em on.

By the way, my uncle (you know, the one who has the small pecan orchard in Arkansas?) brought me about a ton of pecans. So if anyone has something nutty to add in that regard, I'd appreciate it. They are still in the shells, so I'd better get crackin'.

I think you can candy coat them by cooking 1 cup of sugar with a quarter cup of water to the boil, and adding whatever seasonings you like to them.
(I like a bit of cayenne pepper, cinnamon, salt and vanilla.) That should be enough to coat about 2 cups of nuts. :)
Oh thank you, Seattlegal! That recipe looks really good. There was a little gift shop near me for a while that sold "sweet-hot" pecans in pretty brown paper bags with some kind of clever name I don't remember. Anyway, they were budget busters. But I think I will make my own, now, and give some for gifts.

(InLove quietly hits "print" and sneaks away with a cup of tea and some new reading material :))

Do you eat fish? Pecan crusted fish can be good, I think. I have a recipe somewhere for it... *goes off on a recipe-hunting trip with several volunteers from the :kitty: delegation*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Hey, Phyll and company--

I have actually tried pecan fish before. Mine didn't turn out so well--maybe you can help me? (Leave the pecans off for the kitties).

Flow--yup the Karo "receipt" is a good one (sorry--recently been spending time with my kinfolk--the language is rubbing off on me again).

I haven't done SG's recipe yet, but I'm on my way--still shelling. Tried some oatmeal-pecan cookies yesterday, which are usually pretty good. Don't know what I did wrong, but they came out more like "oatmeal-pecan lumpies". Maybe I beat up on the poor eggs too much or something. Or tried to use too many pecans in an effort to make a dent in my outrageous supply.

You know, I've been thinking about those squirrels in my backyard. (Heads out back with hands full.) I'm sure they will plant some trees with whatever they don't need. I just wish they would stop planting them so close to the house.

And I just remembered that I have a good key lime pie with a pecan butter crust recipe---but the weather here just doesn't seem to call for that right now. Guess I'll save some nuts away for summer. LOL--sounds kind of "squirrely" doesn't it?

And I'm thinking that I surely must have a good praline recipe around here somewhere...

I couldn't find the pecan crusted fish, but I came across another idea for your pecans: Butter Pecan Ice Cream. I don't know of any "receipts" that doesn't require an ice cream freezer, but...

Sorry about all this. :eek: *heads for the Mope Corner, :kitty: in tow*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Butter Pecan Ice Cream??? Now you're talkin! (That just happens to be my fave, Phyllis--sounds like a good excuse to go out and get one of those fancy newfangled ice cream makers I saw the Barefoot Contessa using one day.) Don't know why I didn't think of it myself.

Don't cry, kitty....we have tuna!

If you ever do find the fish one, I'm still interested. :)

I just figured out what went wrong with my oatmeal pecan cookies.

The nuts were innocent. It was me who transgressed.

The flour I used was self-rising. I asked J.H. to pick up some regular, all-purpose stuff. Alas (I love that word) he is a well-meaning man. And I am a human woman. I just did not see what was coming....

So, at worst, my husband and I invented oatmeal lumpies.:)

Kindest Regards all! Special nod to InLove!

So, at worst, my husband and I invented oatmeal lumpies.
Let's just say, I can relate. My wonderful wife knows I enjoy her dumplings. Helpful me, I too got "the wrong flour," and we ended up with something more like boiled mini-burgers. Not too bad...but decidedly *not* what she intended.

Well, you know what they (whoever they are) say--Necessity is the mother of invention. But I tend to think that Accident is quite often the catalyst. All I have to do is think of "blackened" food in the Cajun tradition. Do you think that it all started because someone accidentally burned the shrimp, and invented a new gourmet dish rather than throwing it out? :D

Well, you know what they (whoever they are) say--Necessity is the mother of invention. But I tend to think that Accident is quite often the catalyst. All I have to do is think of "blackened" food in the Cajun tradition. Do you think that it all started because someone accidentally burned the shrimp, and invented a new gourmet dish rather than throwing it out? :D

Must have been the cook from Louisiana that we had on our ship back in the late 70s early 80s...everything we ate was "blackened" . We didn't argue with him much about chow though, 'cause while the rest of us carred a knife and marlin spike, he hung a meat cleaver off of his belt... :rolleyes: :eek: ;)
He-he--yeah, Q, this kind of reminds me of the time my dad went to a Japanese restaurant for the first time. Keep in mind that he is not very enamoured with Oriental cooking, anyway. As fate would have it, poor Dad was seated closest to the chef. LOL! None too comfortable for him, I'd say, but as he relates it, he wasn't about to complain to the guy throwing all those knives around!

Well, I have something I must do which is causing me a bit of trepidation. I will tell you about it in just a sec.

First, a nod to Seattlegal for the spicy sugared pecan recipe. I took them to a party over the holidays, and they were a big hit! So, thanks again. :)

So, my eldest daughter, after 3 children and many years of "on-again-off-again" with their father (my beloved son-out-law :)) has finally agreed to make it official in the eyes of all. So, I am "caught away" again in the romance, and they are trying to keep the budget down, so what do I do? You guessed it! I volunteer to make the cake. :eek:

Now, I've done flowers, I've done invitations, I've done music. I've done them all quite well, if I do say so. But this? This is The Cake, man!

Oh well, onward and upward. If this goes well, maybe I will become a wedding planner. NOT.

Any decorating tips? (I love puns.)

Hi All--

Here's a small project I did a couple of years ago, and while it can be rather tedious, it lasts a very long time and makes the house smell great!

Basically, you will need some small oranges and some cloves. (It is worth it to find really good quality cloves. They can be a little more expensive, but you need firm ones. And probably more than it looks like.)

Anyway, just stick the cloves as close together as you can into the oranges, going in a linear pattern. It takes a while, and you can become very sticky, but as I said, you will smell wonderful and even taste great. :)

When you have your oranges completely covered, leave them out in a big bowl or basket for a couple of weeks. They will shrink a little, and some holes may appear in your patterns. Just fill them in with some more cloves and leave them out another week or so.

You can continue to leave them out for decor, or I have found that if you seal them up in a canister until the holidays, when you get them back out, the aroma is very nice. The cloves preserve the fruit (don't know how many years, but I have had mine for 2, and so far there is no evidence of deterioration).

You can also tie ribbons around them and hang them.

Just thought I'd share that while I was thinking about it. If you want to make these for a specific event, I suggest starting a few months ahead of time. It isn't a quick project.

Any decorating tips? (I love puns.)


OH hell yeah... A mercury movement device, obviously activated when they "cut the cake" Kinda attached to some kind of catapult design with a large spoon on it! Freaking priceless man! How about that one in the wedding photo book...

"Aww, theres the brides maids... Looking sweet yup yup, and theres aunty mag you remeber aunty mag right? Oh and here's me the wife and the front row covered in cake....."