Mystery Thread

Oddly enough, Angel--I don't know if my oldest daughter would appreciate that one, but my youngest would be laughing out loud about it.

Think I should be worried about her?

Oddly enough, Angel--I don't know if my oldest daughter would appreciate that one, but my youngest would be laughing out loud about it.

Think I should be worried about her?


Not at all... The youngest is the youngest.... (I am the youngest of my pack) She has a fine taste for humour... I think something as serious as a wedding needs a good kick of unexpected humour.... If that happened to me at my wedding I would be doubled over with tears of pure laughter streaming... Streaming I tell's ya.
I agree! We like to creatively sign the guest book....LOL--we only do it when it is someone we know really well, and figure they can appreciate it. It all started when "The White Stripes" "attended" our wedding. :D

I believe that Jack Sparrow attended the last wedding we did. ;) :)
I agree! We like to creatively sign the guest book....LOL--we only do it when it is someone we know really well, and figure they can appreciate it. It all started when "The White Stripes" "attended" our wedding. :D

I believe that Jack Sparrow attended the last wedding we did. ;) :)

lol... I did something like that once... Put a random dudd name and just complained that the hotel and Star trek meeting wasn't quite what I had expected...
Thought I'd add a note about the upcoming nuptials. The traditional wedding march has been replaced with "Leather and Lace" by Stevie Nicks and Don Henley. :cool: The unity candle looks like leather, so I am thinking I will do some Victorian lace details on the cake. :)

17th Angel said:
This some kind of SMS wedding? lol...

*watches as brides maids go by on all fours with leads on.*

Ha Ha. :)

Actually, we have sort of been joking about that, as well. The other day, my daughter was pondering the idea of her and the groom (seems wierd to call him "the groom", since to me, he has been her husband for years) exchanging some kind of items so as to correspond with the lyrics, "Give to me your leather--take from me my lace." She could think of all kinds of things to give to him, but was having trouble coming up with what he could give. I asked her if they possessed a bullwhip. :eek: I couldn't resist.

Ha Ha. :)

Actually, we have sort of been joking about that, as well. The other day, my daughter was pondering the idea of her and the groom (seems wierd to call him "the groom", since to me, he has been her husband for years) exchanging some kind of items so as to correspond with the lyrics, "Give to me your leather--take from me my lace." She could think of all kinds of things to give to him, but was having trouble coming up with what he could give. I asked her if they possessed a bullwhip. :eek: I couldn't resist.


Hahaha, The typical "I'm going to embrassess you at every opportunity mother" huh? Nice. :)
Years ago a biker friend of mine got married, I was takin pix at the wedding for them. He being totally unfamiliar with the whole cut the cake thing was completely taken by surprise when she shoved a piece in his face (egged on by her bridesmaids). His reaction was much like the catapult, he decked her. Now he wasn't decking her, he was a biker and when 'attacked' went on autopilot and his fist simply backtracked the direction of the blow received. His face lit up in horror when he seen what he was done, but also in confusion as to why his bride just hit him...

I got it all on film.

He got her good, she swole up quick with a bloody nose, twas quite the moment, his family...bikers...her family actual got settled quite quickly.

Another fun wedding, was by two who met playing softball. Nuptials with the Rev on the pitchers mound and us in the bleachers the game started up, with everyone in tuxes and dresses as soon as the rings were on. Sliding into second, diving for line drives, collisions at home, and the champaign of beers on tap behind the fence...whatta wedding.

Bullwhips are great, but a nice usable cat-o-ninetails might be better, or a leather hair tie from the past....
Hmmmm something about how you keep putting bikers... :| Not only bikers react violently... Some bikers are not violent whatsoever.... anyway, nice story... should send it to candy camera or whatever the hell that show's called.
Hmmmm something about how you keep putting bikers... :| Not only bikers react violently... Some bikers are not violent whatsoever.... anyway, nice story... should send it to candy camera or whatever the hell that show's called.
Yeah, I know, these weren't motorcylcle riders, I was, but they were bikers, a gang, and not a benevolent gang. This was the 70's the bunch I ran with were bikers, wore colors, the whole gamut and fought alot...drop of a hat.

One morning when he came into my house to wake me up...outta a dead sleep he shook me, I swung caught him in the jaw (reaction), he decked me (reaction) back out...asleep...

Next time I woke up was a bucket of water thrown on the bed, I looked over at him with ice on his jaw, and him tossing another bag of ice at me for my eye....we were best friends.

We grew apart but both cleaned up over time. I moved across country twenty years ago. When I visited ten years ago, he was drug and alchohol free, a business man running a cabinet shop. Three years ago I saw him, he was a wreck, back on crank, coke and booze....both he and the business were still alive, don't know for how long for either.
Getting the thread back on topic (sorta):

IL, have you tried making pizza again? I have a recipe for a quick sauce you can use on it or on pasta (I'll post it if anybody's interested [:kitty:s are standing by].)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine said:
IL, have you tried making pizza again?

LOL--nope, but the PDG (Pizza Delivery Guy) loves us! His name is Javier. We are thinking of inviting him to the wedding. :)

I have a recipe for a quick sauce you can use on it or on pasta (I'll post it if anybody's interested [:kitty:s are standing by].)

Post away, kitty-cats!
Yup, and it really throws them off when we don't order the usual!

lol..... The usual? *chuckles*

Phones pizza place...
Pizza guy before inlove can speak: "Oh hey inlove... two 15" spicy chickens, wedges and a litre of soda's on it's way... Should see Javier in 15mins..."
Inlove: "15 mins"
Pizza guy: "yeah he's found another shortcut.

no ordering, no adress, no nothing... sweet an simple every time.
lol..... The usual? *chuckles*

Phones pizza place...
Pizza guy before inlove can speak: "Oh hey inlove... two 15" spicy chickens, wedges and a litre of soda's on it's way... Should see Javier in 15mins..."
Inlove: "15 mins"
Pizza guy: "yeah he's found another shortcut.

no ordering, no adress, no nothing... sweet an simple every time.

Yeah, and the FBM (Frequent Buyer Miles) coupons come in real handy sometimes, too. :D :cool:

Anyway, for my "quick and easy sauce" recipe:

1 small tin of tomato sauce
1 T. tomato paste
1 t. Italian Seasoning, crushed
1/2 t. lemon thyme, crushed
1 T. butter
Roasted garlic to taste (optional)
Salt and pepper to taste (optional)

Mix together the first four ingredients in a medium saucepan. Heat on medium, stirring frequently until it starts boiling. Remove from the heat and add the butter, stirring gently to incorporate thoroughly. Add the optional ingredients in the first step to blend the flavors in better.

Snoopy: my pizza dough recipe is on Page 1 of the thread (I think.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine