Dreams that make you go Hmm!!!

Curios Mike

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Well We've covered near life experainces, and other doctrinal and non doctrinal issues, but I havent seen anything partaining to dreams or visions. Granted most can be explained away by Skeptics, but Surly some of you may have had a few that just made you go hmmm!!!! If you dont mind I'd like to here them..... and if you have a gift at interpreting them I'd like to here from you also.
I don't usually have vivid dreams, but while I was at Elat Chayyim I sat in on a week long silent meditation retreat and man were my dreams crazy. These are the ones I remember:

Background for those who don't know, I was away from home for 3 months, living at a Jewish retreat center. About a month and a half in or so there was a silent retreat. I went into silence on a Sunday and came out of it... on a Sunday. As a Jewish silent retreat there was meditative davenning in the mornings but outside of that context our only opportunity to talk was very brief Q&A after Torah talks and when we checked in with one of the leaders every other day as part of a small circle.

So my dreams... The first dream was a very intense sexual dream about my girlfriend back home. I only include it so that it puts the other dreams into context. It was bizarre because it was my first vivid dream, and Reb David Cooper hadn't mentioned that intense dreams can happen on a meditation retreat yet. So I was taken aback. Onto the other dreams in this series...

2. This dream is part of an epic dream. I have no idea how long it was, but this is the only segment I remembered. I dreamt I was going door to door giving away pieces of my innards that I'd deep-fried so I wouldn't have as much to deal with when I passed away. Oh, according to my notes, something I don't even remember, I saw my old best friend Ira in my dream, and he had all the qualities I don't like in myself. And that's odd, because it turns out his cousin was one of the interns. I only found out after but when I did, I knew which side of his family she was on based on her facial features. Ira and I were very close, during times when I was struggling a lot with my Bipolar Disorder. I went away to a residential school and when I came back he wouldn't answer my emails or instant messages. He also goes to a really top of the line college, I think on scholarship.

3. I dreamt I met Rumi. He was a balding overweight technopunk with a ponytail in his 30s. He was kinda quite and a little shy. And he was at a salvation army type store reading his poetry. The type of people you might see in such a store came to the reading. I told him I thought Rumi was some other guy from a different time period, and he explained that his name is spelled differently. He didn't mean that he wasnt the Rumi. It was just a correction to my false perception that someone else was Rumi. I understood right away. "Ohhhhhh." That was also an epic dream.

According to my notes, the night before, we did Shema Zikr and Abulafia's meditation, and I almost had an ecstatic fit during a waltzing melody to lecha dodi. But I held back and was high the rest of the night. I think that was all on Friday night. Even though it was a silent meditation retreat, they wanted to let a little ecstasy in for Shabbos.

4. I dreamt the earth was going to be completely flooded over. I wanted to know if I had time to go to the bathroom, and I asked someone, because I had heard that the first thing that happens when you die is you crap your pants. But I didn't have time. And I was okay with that. This may have been an epic dream.

So those are my dreams. I have my own interpretations, but I would rather hear from other people who have different eyes with which to see before voicing my own thoughts.

Shalom uvracha.
Dreams are something of a specialty for me. God has had angels come to me and prophecy in dreams. I was once warned about a priest in my Church leading others away to form his own -- and he did. Likewise, I've had my share of bad guys make themselves known in dreams --> I usually wake up saying "God, get'im off me. Please, by the love of Christ get 'im off me." or something sweet like that. I even once had my freshly deceased dog come to say goodbye in a dream. That was my introduction to all things spiritual, and a very powerful experience.

I wish I could say I was psychic or otherwise supernaturally endowed with insight. But really I just get the occasional juicy bone. Mostly I just get what most people get -- insight into myself. As a result of these experiences I've studied dream interpretation and discovered that it's something I'm quite good at, actually. I even joined a dream group for a time (and led my own for a while).

If anyone would like to start on this path, there is only one book to recommend. The vast majority of the rest are crap. The book is "Living Your Dreams" by Gayle Delaney. After you've read and practiced with that you can benefit from "Where People Fly and Water Flows Uphill," which is less technique oriented but still worthwhile.

For years I've pretty much shut down this channel of communication, but I've started keeping a dream journal again. I'll let you know if anything big happens. So far the only thing was that my wife and I both dreamt of the Apocalypse the same night, with very similar features to our dreams. It was fascinating, but I didn't take it as a message or warning.
The first dream? I ain't messin' with that. Every time I leave my wife...same thing.:D

The second dream? Giving away parts of yourself in such a way that they are "appealing" to the recipients?. But not normal for the real you. You are not fast food. You do not prepare your innerself to appeal to those you present yourself to. If you do, then it is a cheap and unhealthy "food" for others. And Ira, is you, in your dream. You love you (normal and healthy), but you immediately see your faults (normal and healthy to a point). I don't know where your dream ends and reality begins, based on your paragraph, so I'll stop here.

The third dream? Not even going there. Who is Rumi? (I know I'll get my ass kicked for that one) :rolleyes:

Fourth dream? Easy. Don't want to leave the world soiled, but was told not to worry about it.

As an aside, we who handle those that die, could care less about what the bowels do after the life has passed from the body. If we treated the living as gently as we treat the dead...there might be a lot less dead to deal with (at least for now).

You've got some insightful dreams there Dauer. Thanks for sharing.:)



p.s. does that mean it's my turn? :eek:
Ive been a lucid dreamer for as long as I can remember.... Ive been able to direct my dreams. Even if I wake up and I wanted to back into a certain dream, usually ones that my dad are in.. I'll put myself back into that dream when I go back to sleep. I dont know if this is part of it but I can make myself wake up at a certain time without an alarm clock.. I mentally tell myself what time it is look at a clock and tell myself what time I want to wake up and I usually wake up within 15 mins of that time.

I would also not use the word psychic for myself.. I would call it intuitive.. I will pray about something and God gives me feelings about things. Like being late for work and finding out that I missed a 70 car pileup. If Im in a room with an angry person.. I get angry.. If im with a depressed person I get depressed.. same goes with happy and sad etc.. Ive always been very sensitive to people like I can feel what they feel. Maybe I would use the word empathic. I think its a gift from God.. because Im always compelled to pray for those people that are hurting...
I once dreamt of a house...

I once described it to a friend...

She told of having dreamed of a house like that, and then described the house I dreamed of in great detail...

I am still looking out for that house, if it exists, or has meaning...
I said:
I once dreamt of a house...

I once described it to a friend...

She told of having dreamed of a house like that, and then described the house I dreamed of in great detail...

I am still looking out for that house, if it exists, or has meaning...

I often dream about houses in great detail. There is one which recurs often, very large and beautiful but also disturbing and frightening at the same time. Too many ghost movies, I guess. :)

Faithfulservant said:
Ive been a lucid dreamer for as long as I can remember.... Ive been able to direct my dreams. Even if I wake up and I wanted to back into a certain dream, usually ones that my dad are in.. I'll put myself back into that dream when I go back to sleep. I dont know if this is part of it but I can make myself wake up at a certain time without an alarm clock.. I mentally tell myself what time it is look at a clock and tell myself what time I want to wake up and I usually wake up within 15 mins of that time.

I would also not use the word psychic for myself.. I would call it intuitive.. I will pray about something and God gives me feelings about things. Like being late for work and finding out that I missed a 70 car pileup. If Im in a room with an angry person.. I get angry.. If im with a depressed person I get depressed.. same goes with happy and sad etc.. Ive always been very sensitive to people like I can feel what they feel. Maybe I would use the word empathic. I think its a gift from God.. because Im always compelled to pray for those people that are hurting...

That is a wonderful gift, Faithfulservant, Though it must play havoc with your emotions. But then again, Jesus wept. I encourage you to let God use you in whatever gift(s) He has bestowed you.
In my younger days, I ran from the Lord. When I was 22, I came back to Him and received an overwhelming sense of forgiveness and love, like the father to his prodigal son. I thank God for His goodness and mercy.

Anyway, shortly after that, I had a nasty dream. I had a vision of a pope-like or bishop-like figure (I didn't identify who it was) sitting on a gold throne with red velvet cushioning. He had one of those pointed bishops hats on like this (I think it's called a miter) kind you see the Pope wearing on special occasions. (I am not Catholic, nor ever been BTW). He was speaking or preaching to the crowd and I was directly in front of him. Then this figure looked directly into my eyes and the pointed bishops hat rose about a foot straight off his head and started slowly spinning around.

Now I was lying flat on my back asleep in my bed and the moment the hat started spinning, it felt as if a hand came up through the underside of the bed and through my back and just grabbed my heart. I felt like it was a squeeze of death around my heart and it started pulling me down. I told the thing, "I rebuke you!", but I kept sinking. I repeatedly yelled, "I rebuke you, I rebuke you!!", and still it lept dragging me down and I was scared to death. Then I remembered what Michael, the archangel, said in Jude 1:9 when he contended with the body of Moses with the devil. So I yelled, "The Lord rebuke you!" and instantly, the thing let go. I woke up very startled and shaky. I have no clue what to make of all that. But that was the worst dream I ever had. It seemed like the devil was trying on last grip on my life as I came back to the Lord. And I have no idea what to make of the spinnigg miter, but I'm not suggesting that the figure in my dream is the Anti-Christ or anything. I'm just telling what I saw. No offense to my Catholic brethren.
This is kind of weird everyone talking about houses.. Ive had this dream about this house for as long as I can remember.. Its kind of an old big house and Im just walking around it looking in the rooms and snooping through drawers.. sometimes theres people there and sometimes im walking around it expecting someone to arrive soon. The stuff in the drawers are old.. victorian like furniture. It does give me that spooky feeling like luna describes.

Yes Dondi it gets tiring :( I dont like to be around people that create alot of drama.. you know like the "drama queen" types? It stresses me out. It almost feels like i cant breathe at times or anxious. Crowded places do it too.. I can look at people and just from there postures and facial expressions I can guage what mood they are in.. I think anyone can do this.. but Im more apt to feel it.. if that makes sense.. I was a wreck after 9/11 I kept invisioning how people were feeling almost like torturing myself and I would grieve in a big way.. hearing about accidents or people dying especially children.. I cant help imagining what the families are going through and I cry and pray..

sometimes when I get an emotional overload I vegetate.. Usually play games or read or watch mindless television.. or post on CR :) this actually happens a lot. lol

I keep editing to add stuff.. You've heard of mothers intuition.. well I get a healthy dose of that when it comes to my kids.. too many times in my 3 yo sons life Ive turned around just as he's about to do something dangerous.. Or I get this feeling to go check on him and hes about to do some damage to himself.. I think its his guardian angel giving me a nudge :p My 13yo daughter Ive also had that intution.. not the same as with my precocious son.. but I get feelings like somethings wrong or somethings happening to her.. I had this feeling for years and disregarded it thinking I was being too sensitive come to find out that something was horribly wrong :( So Im beating myself up for it really bad right now because I knew something was happening and didnt listen. So yeah Ive learned to trust that gut feeling or the Spirits nudging because when I dont.. something happens.

I just let God use me when He needs me.. I believe its intercessory prayer He uses me for.. and the empathy comes with it..

Even more.. I can feel like a wrongness about people.. Like its God telling me to stay away from someone.. Even more than people I can feel it about situations. Its strange.. Ive gotten feelings like that about people that post here.. strange yeah I know. Like I wont even read their posts.. its a sick feeling in my gut that ive learned to trust because when I dont trust that feeling something happens. I believe thats the Holy Spirit just guiding me along keeping me safe.

I get that same feeling from music.. not any specific type.. and looking at lyrics you wouldnt think anything of them.. but its just like a warning to myself to not go there.

People reading this will probably think Im strange.. Im used to it though alot of people think Christians are strange :p oh well :)
Faithfulservant said:
I was a wreck after 9/11 I kept invisioning how people were feeling almost like torturing myself and I would grieve in a big way.. hearing about accidents or people dying especially children.. I cant help imagining what the families are going through and I cry and pray..

I just let God use me when He needs me.. I believe its intercessory prayer He uses me for.. and the empathy comes with it..

You must be especially devestated by the effects of Hurricane Katrina and all those victims by now. Even I find myself really sad and depressed thinking of those poor people who have lost homes, lost all their possessions, and even lost family members. I cry especially for the hungry and thirsty children; babies that have no milk. It's just so terrible.:(
yes :(( and the tsunami.. Im avoiding some of the news right now.. in my vegetative state. I keep thinking about the people in their houses with a hole in their roof praying for someone to find them..