
Hi Pico,

I believe it is the intention behind the use of the medicine.
All of these medicines can be used for evolution and growth, and they can all be used to escape reality.
Can also be used to improve upon reality.

I prefer the word "augment" :)

We as humans have the capacity to escape reality without the use of drugs or alcohol. Just read any post on either religion or politics to view an example of this principle.:p
Why... Yes, yes it does.... lol. Although.... As it is -my- reality... I am not improving it... It is the norm of my reality....

Why stand for "average" or some mundane existance of "reality"?

I love to enhance -my- reality. I find the world bland, cold, boring, evil, and all round not a place I wish to be part of.... I hate the majority of mankind..... And all of it's destructive nature.... So I go to -my- -own- world :) population: 1. :D Occasionally I have tourists and visitors to -my- world, that tends to be fun :D
Why... Yes, yes it does.... lol. Although.... As it is -my- reality... I am not improving it... It is the norm of my reality....

Why stand for "average" or some mundane existance of "reality"?

I love to enhance -my- reality. I find the world bland, cold, boring, evil, and all round not a place I wish to be part of.... I hate the majority of mankind..... And all of it's destructive nature.... So I go to -my- -own- world :) population: 1. :D Occasionally I have tourists and visitors to -my- world, that tends to be fun :D

That's my point -> you are using it to escape. That is not the point of a medicine or a spiritual practice.

Please take into consideration that it is not healthy to hate mankind, to find the world evil and to smoke marijuana to escape from this perception.
medication or spiritual practice can and is used to alleviate existential suffering, physical or mental so in this respect to escape the 'pain' of reality [for some of course, not all!].
Marjuana is like that too, a door that opens the other mindset, like getting into 'leftfield'. It is addictive like any thing else which becomes impossible to live without so when not partaking or looking forward to the 'fix' you have aligned yourself with you seem less than whole, or empty, or lacking in something essential that makes you happy or normal.

too much of anything is like a poison, rather than a salve, as being a 'slave' to a habit is surely in the final analysis not truly authentic [being free of all desires]. Even being addicted to love can become an unhealthy obsession in the wrong hands [for example!].
So moderation is the key to being healthy, I agree.... Although... What of religion? Should faith be moderated?

as we are all unique there is no size that fits all; we all know tokers who waste their life being dope heads and others who live creative lives,hold down jobs and have great relationships. religion is like a tool too, fantastic and wholesome for some, while others go awol or lose touch with reality or humanity..
we are so influenced by our environs and the people we hang out with, you know the story about the smoker who could only stop when abroad but when back home..
where theres a will theres a way, and we all have wills only some are stronger than it destiny that some have 'addictive personalities' fated to go through various attachments? just thinkin out loud:):)