Why Do You Believe?



I am writing a paper on people's general reason/reasons for believing in their religion.

Please post what your religion is and your personal reasons for believing in it.
Life experience - sometimes a person's life experiences suggest a particular sense of reality that transcends the everyday world and cannot be ignored.

2c. :)
I believe,because I found out that preachers were teaching lies.We all go to heaven until judgement day.

Cain's father was satin,the Kenite family.The same ones that were the scribes when Christ was put to death.There were no apple.The sin was Eve was suduced by satin,also Adam.It was a sex party not a feast.The 2 babies were twins,with different fathers.They covered their privates not their mouth.

God and his kingdom travels by what we call UFO'S.

In the first earth age the pyrimids were built.Not by flesh beings,but supernatural beings.Although these beings pregnated women of flesh.

I now am a Christain.There are many other parts of the Bible that has never taught.

Now if you want to ban me from your site,so be it.I was banned from Quasar's site.He and 99.9% of all sites are sad.They are scholors,who was taught by scholors.Did you every think maybe the first scholor had it all wrong?

If Christans took the time to dig out the truth,they would know a lot more than they do.They just can't seem to forget what they have been taught.

Have a great day
I am Jewish. I'm not sure what it would mean to believe in Judaism. I use a Jewish reality map because it's what I have grown into, but I don't necessarily believe in it.

I was baptised a catholic and then left the church when I felt that there could not be a god who would allow so much injustice in the world, so much poverty, and hatred .... but I was always something of an agnostic because when my mother died very young I still had to arrange for a priest (felt compelled to just-in-case) .... actually we had 3 or 4 different services because the family has many different religions represented, so we simply made sure everyone felt covered ..... then one day I heard a voice that told me "when we see with our souls we will be free again,remember who you were and you will know who you are, open your eyes and see with your soul" .... from that day on I began a new search, first going back to the ancient practices of my people (kanaka maoli) and trying to learn about the inner spiritual tradition (not that as defined by missionaries that had arrived on the islands in the late 1800's) .... I learned from many elders of other cultures and I began a indepth study of the hawaiian chant of creation and started to look to connections in other ancient traditions and religions through "sounds" and later symbols.... and in this search I became a believer again but in a new way, with new eyes, and new ears, and a new voice ..... there are seeds of truth in all religions and all traditions, they are all connected in what I simply term as the "ancient path" .... and the answers lie in the symbols .... so now I understand it is "man" that created this world of poverty, hatred and injustice because he/she has fallen into a deep sleep and forgotton who we really are .... we all have the god-seed within us just waiting for it to be nutured and to bloom again .... and I believe our children and our grandchildren will turn this world around .... in a nutshell (or coconut shell) we are the prophets each and everyone of us and we are only waiting for ourselves to return to wholeness, that is the second coming ..... we are the ones we have been waiting for .... that's what I believe ....I feel strongly drawn to one religion right now and that is Judaism (not that it should be called a religion, but a way of life), but I will give myself time and see where this river flows ..... he hawai'i au, pohaikawahine
I was born in a Christian family (protestant father, catholic mother) but now I am far from being a typical Christian. I do have a lot of respect for at least Jesus and do believe he has some divinity, but not in the Christian way.

Anyways in my early teens I pretty much became a complete agnostic, but a few years later I came to religions again, because of something that is hard for me to explain. I did not understand why I would just cease to exist when your conscious mind lives in eternity. It doesn't make any sense to just sleep forever. Ok that souns like a very strange reason, and my religious beliefs are really that normal per se. It doesn't necessarily fall into any category, although it has many simularities to metaphysical Hinduism;).

Also I don't believe that the universe is just as we see it, that wouldn't make much sense if you know what I mean;).
Kindest Regards, all!

Why believe? -Why not?

I mean really, what option is there? We all believe something, even if that something is "in nothing."
carleton said:
I believe,because I found out that preachers were teaching lies.We all go to heaven until judgement day.

Cain's father was satin,the Kenite family.The same ones that were the scribes when Christ was put to death.There were no apple.The sin was Eve was suduced by satin,also Adam.It was a sex party not a feast.The 2 babies were twins,with different fathers.They covered their privates not their mouth.

God and his kingdom travels by what we call UFO'S.

In the first earth age the pyrimids were built.Not by flesh beings,but supernatural beings.Although these beings pregnated women of flesh.

I now am a Christain.There are many other parts of the Bible that has never taught.

Now if you want to ban me from your site,so be it.I was banned from Quasar's site.He and 99.9% of all sites are sad.They are scholors,who was taught by scholors.Did you every think maybe the first scholor had it all wrong?

If Christans took the time to dig out the truth,they would know a lot more than they do.They just can't seem to forget what they have been taught.

Have a great day

Don’t have a religion but I am a Theist.

If you would have asked me a year ago what I was I would have told you I was an atheist, that I believed in science and that life was one big cosmic fluke. The more I learned about science the more it made me believe in something more. The world is just too orderly to be a cosmic fluke. Although I could always be wrong maybe it was just a cosmic fluke and religion was started by some guys on a drug trip. It’s just as likely but I guess I would prefer to fall asleep at night thinking there is something more.
Popeyesays said:

It's a comfortable belief. I prefer 450count cotton myself, less apt to slide.

... Bruce (tongue firmly in cheek for the wierdness-impaired)

But to the original question...

I believe what I believe because it works for me. When part of it ceases to work, I modify my belief to something that does. Pigeonholes are for letters and birds :p
I am one of Jehovahs witness because after lots of searching , decided that they were the ones that Jehovah God is using to make known the bible and its promises about the kingdom.

And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come....matthew 24;14

I'm a follower of Meher Baba. Baba teaches that all religions are equal, but was adamant about not starting one around Him, and not trying to convert others. There is no church, no rituals, no tithe, and no group consensus about how to follow Baba. It's just the individual doing his or her best to love God and humanity through Baba's discourses, so it's not really a religion per se, just a way of life.
I believe in Meher Baba because He has drawn me to Him through no effort on my or anyone else's part, and His words makes sense in my mind, heart, and soul. That's really the closest I can explain in words something that's beyond words. I hope that helps...

juantoo3 said:
Kindest Regards, all!
We all believe something, even if that something is "in nothing."

I do not believe, and can you please explain how can something be nothing ??
kabir said:
I'm a follower of Meher Baba. Baba teaches that all religions are equal, but was adamant about not starting one around Him, and not trying to convert others. There is no church, no rituals, no tithe, and no group consensus about how to follow Baba. It's just the individual doing his or her best to love God and humanity through Baba's discourses, so it's not really a religion per se, just a way of life.
I believe in Meher Baba because He has drawn me to Him through no effort on my or anyone else's part, and His words makes sense in my mind, heart, and soul. That's really the closest I can explain in words something that's beyond words. I hope that helps...

I feel you, and have never even heard about Mr. Baba. All I can tell You, is
that Everything can be described with words, everything.
There is only one truth, and the only Man, whose every single word He've
said, was the truth, was Jesus from Nazareth.
dauer said:
I use a Jewish reality map because it's what I have grown into

Can you please tell me what is " Jewish reality map " ?
And what is difference between a Jew, and "every other" Human ?

much respect and thanks !
Pb, we all use different reality maps, even one Jew and another, or one Christian and another. It's the way we make sense of the world. All of them overlap, most definitely, but they are also all unique. And a non-Jew is not going to think in terms of Jewish concepts, terminology, or mythology, nor are they going to shape their lives with Jewish ritual. All of this helps me plot out the world inch by inch, like placing a jar in Tenessee.

dauer said:
Pb, we all use different reality maps, even one Jew and another, or one Christian and another. It's the way we make sense of the world. All of them overlap, most definitely, but they are also all unique. And a non-Jew is not going to think in terms of Jewish concepts, terminology, or mythology, nor are they going to shape their lives with Jewish ritual. All of this helps me plot out the world inch by inch, like placing a jar in Tenessee.

Maybe it's just me who see that you mixing Beliefs with Reality.
Apart from Beliefs, we are all Humans, and we are ALL submitted to dimension
we call Law of Nature ( you feel me ? , you eat kosher food and you die,I eat
garbage and I will die 2), which is One, Only, and Ultimate Reality.

Now in "Reality" that Jews live, One and Only God wrote Love Letter to them
and to them Only, so If I am not Jew, I am an Idiot, who will never find out
what is Life all about.
Which other group of People, besides Nazi's and " White sumpremacist ", have similar " Reality Map " ?

much respect !

P.S : my Knowledge of what is Judaism, was taken from communication with
Jews @ www.torah.org

And also, I have no Idea why some People feel that there is Anything that
Jews have to do with World today ??
How can Nation who can not take care of their Backyard, have any Influence
over what is going on with the rest of the Planet ??
Plaidback said:
much respect !

And also, I have no Idea why some People feel that there is Anything that
Jews have to do with World today ??
How can Nation who can not take care of their Backyard, have any Influence
over what is going on with the rest of the Planet ??

I don't see much respect there at all. Was that an attempt at irony?
