

from far far away
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q. Is fate stupid!

I was watching a program last night ‘the curse of the omen’, concerning how the people who made the movie went through a bizarre series of deaths and injuries, that mimicked the film [the omen]! It sprung to mind that fate appears to treat ‘acting’ pretty much the same as reality, thus I wondered; is fate ‘aware’ of the difference?

This is considering fate from an anthropomorphic perspective. Currently I am exploring the idea that; everything we do and think, is ‘of the Ether’ as well as of us [and somehow recorded – or set in Ether]. Thus when we act, we are still thinking and ‘event forming’ [doing], thus this goes out into the Ether as it would if we were not acting. When we ‘place things in the Ether’ it has a reflective property [part of universal balance etc.], and our environment is transformed relatively to how we act! I visualise this as like a sphere around us, that we are imprinted upon. Then that all spheres belong to a universal sphere and that each affects each, thence being ‘performed’ in reality!

This is a godless view of course, as I believe the two as primarily distinct from one another, then intertwining.

So how do you see fate?

This is a godless view of course, as I believe the two as primarily distinct from one another, then intertwining.
Hmmm everything is in and manifested from the ether... potato, pototoe...ether, spirit...in live and breathe and have our being...look neither high nor lo...in your midst....ether we agree or I am missing something.

I think fate is the fact that we will all one day find our path..no matter how many wrong turns we make in the maze we'll continue to get knocked in the head by the stick trying to get us to realize.... The knock is soft at first, nudges..little sticks..and it gets bigger...some of us don't get it till we are on our death bed...so be it. Others of us jump on and off and keep wondering why we didn't learn last time....


Yes, you understand me form that perspective. I am moving towards the idea of ‘non-creation’ where things are not manifest, more that – it is all a ‘continuum of transformation’ where nothing remains the same [hence there is no answer and life is not a question]. So yes everything are essentially variants of the one.

Ha ha yes ‘fate is an ever-growing stick of punishment’ for ignorance [inherent in innocence]. Or just ‘fate is a stick’ – yea good one mate! :)

_Z_ said:

q. Is fate stupid!

I was watching a program last night ‘the curse of the omen’, concerning how the people who made the movie went through a bizarre series of deaths and injuries, that mimicked the film [the omen]! It sprung to mind that fate appears to treat ‘acting’ pretty much the same as reality, thus I wondered; is fate ‘aware’ of the difference?

This is considering fate from an anthropomorphic perspective. Currently I am exploring the idea that; everything we do and think, is ‘of the Ether’ as well as of us [and somehow recorded – or set in Ether]. Thus when we act, we are still thinking and ‘event forming’ [doing], thus this goes out into the Ether as it would if we were not acting. When we ‘place things in the Ether’ it has a reflective property [part of universal balance etc.], and our environment is transformed relatively to how we act! I visualise this as like a sphere around us, that we are imprinted upon. Then that all spheres belong to a universal sphere and that each affects each, thence being ‘performed’ in reality!

This is a godless view of course, as I believe the two as primarily distinct from one another, then intertwining.

So how do you see fate?


Hi Z :)

Again I think this comes down to the power of belief. If belief has something akin to 'mass' and the pool of belief grows large then its 'gravity' might tend to have some influence on events in or around the center of that gravity. But that suggests its the belief itself that is the cause not the object of belief.
Everything I have learned to date about our wonderful cosmos leads me to conclude that there is some kind of ether all around us. And that it links every point in space time like some universal nervous system. The quantum matrix is my best shot at giving it a label. If indeed the "curse of the mummy" syndrome is a genuine phenomenon then this ether is its most obvious means of manifestation. Comes down to that old adage at the end of the day; 'Be careful what you pray for.......it might come true'.
hi :)

Well beliefs are thoughts, how people react to them and ‘act life out’ are all real events. Strangely I would think that if enough people believed in ‘evil purple elephants’ and that there spirits possessed others making them evil, then ‘reality’ would react in the same way as with a more believable religion!

Gravity is a suitable word. As the more people believe in something, then the stronger the effect. I would question being too righteous! As does this not creates its opposite [evil] in its reflection as well as spreading good will. I feel it is wisdom to follow the middle path of universal balance, whatever ones religion.

I like that quantum matrix idea – I think of it much the same as universal mind – even perhaps that thought is an essence to all things. Our brain reacts to outside stimuli [and internal], so would a universal mind not do the same?

Yes be careful of every thought and action – at least wary!
I don't believe that fate is real. I think it's just a conceptualization. But being a conceptualization, I conceptualize this moment as happening for a reason over any other given moment that could be happening right now. And when something significant happens, in retrospect I will say that it happened for a reason, because it was meant to happen, maybe that I needed it to happen. Now I don't believe much of that, but it's a much more colorful way to look at things.

Namaste Z,

i, like dauer, do not think that fate or predestination or anything of that ilk is real or correct.


Hi dauer n vajradhara

I would say that there is no overall thing that is fate, yet there is imo a collection of things [as described] that act similarliy or amount to what we conceive to be fate.

‘What goes around comes around’ – do you not think there is anything to this for instance, or the reflective capacity of the quantum ‘mind’ or universal spirit. Or if not the mind then simply the ‘reflection principle’ of the saying acting in the world.

hmm what about kharma? does this not direct us [to a degree], and channel our destiny reletive to it.

I think that the idea of a quantum mind is also a conceptualization, one based on our own way of thinking and relating. And I don't believe in karma, neither the Western nor the Eastern conceptualization. Don't get me wrong, I love conceptualizations. And I think that at times they can be more than just entertaining, even becoming useful, I don't think that makes them true.

I think the human mind has an amazing capacity to see patterns in everything. That's something I can put my faith and trust in.

Dauer, hi.

I don’t agree that it is all merely conceptualisations and it has both an anthropomorphic perspective and not. A pattern gives shape to things much, as do principles. Ok so when we describe things then they appear as humanlike e.g. when we say mind and then quantum mind, then one would equate them as the same thing, yet the universal mind, quantum mind or anything like these, would not be the same as our mind. I do believe there is an intellect out there, if others do not then it is a case of waiting to see what will be discovered concerning the quantum mind.

‘If life is a stage then fate is the play’ comes to mind, and ‘the act becomes real’. The reflection principle is why this is so.


Namaste Z,

thank you for the post.

_Z_ said:

I would say that there is no overall thing that is fate, yet there is imo a collection of things [as described] that act similarliy or amount to what we conceive to be fate.

this is a view which i do not share.

‘What goes around comes around’ – do you not think there is anything to this for instance, or the reflective capacity of the quantum ‘mind’ or universal spirit. Or if not the mind then simply the ‘reflection principle’ of the saying acting in the world.

in the Buddhist view, this is mostly correct, but not completely. in the Buddhist view, ones karma and its fruit can be changed predicated upon our actions. if they could not, it would be the same as an all mighty god which predestines a being, only the name would be different.

hmm what about kharma? does this not direct us [to a degree], and channel our destiny reletive to it.


only if the being does not engage in methods to mitigate it. if, left on it's own, it will work as we would expect predestination or fate to work. however, the Buddha Shakyamuni teaches that this is not so, we can, through training and practice, mitigate the fruit that we reap from the harvest we have sown.


b'shalom dauer,

thank you for the post.

dauer said:
I And I don't believe in karma, neither the Western nor the Eastern conceptualization.

it is your view that positive ethical and moral actions produce favorable results for the being engaged in said actions?




I don't believe that positive ethical or moral actions assure anything. There are always exceptions. I certainly reject a metaphysical conceptualization and a more direct conceptualization I still see as a conceptualization, one that will not always prove true.

it is your view that positive ethical and moral actions produce favorable results for the being engaged in said actions?

Neither of you believe in universal balance then, and each action creates its equal and opposite. By this I do not mean that one cannot perform good without causing bad, it is more that by being balanced, one is on the good Tao so to say – the middle path as opposed to the higher or lower path!

as for fate - it is there to see if you look for it!

I think there are many things to see, if we look for them, but I don't think that means that they really exist outside of our individual and communal reality maps.

I'm not trying to degrade the meaningfulness of fate. My view is simply one that sees fate as an impression onto reality by some of humankind of humanity's search for meaning and pattern in the cosmos. I live my life with some level of Divine Providence in mind but this I do for my sake, not because I think there is such a thing in Truth.

I see where you are coming from, I just see things differently – it depends upon what we consider reality to be, I think there is a universal mind/entity/existence and infinity is a reality, whereas you do not! Its all philosophical exploration to me, as I don’t think anyone has it right yet – if possible.
To have fate, is to know future... and to know future, is to change future.... As many say you shouldn't dwell upon the past or the future... Either of these extremes are wrong... Be more focused on the now, the present... You need to open your eyes to the present challanges and what faces you today.. Reality... Instead of staying within a dream... It is hard to wake up from.. What needs to be done today cannot be put off til tomorrow for it will never be done. So on and so forth... Now cha cha real smooth!! :D