Earth Quake in Pakistan


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On Oct 8 , within 10-15 Sec, Thousands of Humans Perished, when the Earth
Shook and with it , till now over 55,000 thousand lives have been Lost, and over 77,000 seriously Injured..... and with comming Winter , when Temp Freezes below -16 Degree ,..... another cycle of Deaths is expected.

As the Area is mountaneious, and even in normal circumstances, it pretty difficult to access, and now after the Earth Quake, its virtually Cut off from the rest of the World.... the only means is Helicopters.

Here is an account from a Volunteer working for relief work in that area.

"As I stood photographing the cracked highway memorial, a small group from the mountains descended into the town. When they turned the last bend and took full view of Balakot, the awe and despair on their faces was noticeable. The man I met had walked for three days to reach Balakot to seek help for his family. He was shaken to see a city destroyed beyond recognition and collapsed with his head in his hands. I wanted to give him water but he refused saying that he was fasting. The brave but broken man had been walking for the past 13 hours with a very strong faith, only to see his hopes shattered."

... I am sorrry but at the moment this is all I can post...... the pain the missery I witnessed .... is to strong..... Beside I am here only for a day or two... and will be going back....

Please Use google and Search for the Earth Quake info ,...............If you or any one CARES......

After comming back... I was a bit dissappointed.... when I found NO MENTION.... and I mean No MENTION of this GREAT Calamaity.......

Just to tell a bit More.... I have seen School.... with over 1000 students in them..... Completly Vanished........ with all the Student NOW Dead....None could escape.... and the Whole of Cities.... completely .......
vanished from the Face of the Earth.....

Again sorry.... Cannot say any more...

Just in case.. any one is interested in helping..... here is a link....

I am still in a state of shock.... after what I have witnessed........

Here is a glimse.... for what happened from another site...

" Spare a scream for the estimated 100,000 dead and 3 million homeless, muted out of world media. Unmourned by the news media, unmarked by the world, Saturday October 22 was the two week anniversary of the 7.6 magnitude earthquake in Pakistan, India, and Kashmir. An estimated 100,000 have been killed and, of the 3 million made homeless, at least another 100,000 are in high peril as winter rolls down from nearby K-2. If they perish, they would surely have been suffocated by the silent air waves.

For the 3 million homeless the bell tolls noiselessly. Beyond Pakistan`s national news media, their coverage is a silent movie playing out on inside pages (if at all). Four more weeks of radio (and print and TV) silence and the region will become as quiet and stone cold as the news media. The news folks whose attention to the tragedy has declined as swiftly as the deaths have mounted, may finally get to report a "frozen" death toll. In four weeks, winter too will white-out the survivors.

Intense and swift and whole-hearted as the response has been among the compassionate and the aware, it has been far too noiseless. For Pakistanis, for Kashmiris, for South Asians, for Asians, for humans and for humanity everywhere, this is not the time for whispered tears, silent if ardent prayers, mumbled grumblings, and soundless emails.

This is the time to scream.

Not in despair, or panic, or anger. But in recognition and in resonance.

This is the time to broadcast the unbroadcasted. And this time expires in 4 weeks. There will be little point to being heard after that.

There have been No vigils to mark the disaster: week 1, week 2, now week 3 - I keep counting. No silent, candlelight vigils at sunset. No minute of silence at 8:51am. No day of mourning. No protest march (silent or loud) against NATO`s refusal to airlift the injured. No sit-ins to demand of governments the desperately needed helicopters, tents, medicine, monetary aid. And no demonstrations in front of the oblivious offices of world media.

3 million people have cried out, shouted, groaned, and screamed for 14 days. Cries of pain, of loss and mourning, out of deep rubble, for a sip of clean water, in despair, in panic, in anger. That is a lot of noise muffled down by the media.

These screams must make it through us into radio, TV, online editions and hard copies. Why? Because compassion and humanity do not stifle the cries of the helpless. Villainy and inhumanity do that.

Why else? Because as long as these screams are unheard, they will keep multiplying.

This is the time to scream.

Here is one scream that keeps ricocheting within me. The scream of a boy born the same month and year as my 6 year old son, who was laid out on grass and given candy in place of anesthesia, as one leg is amputated with a non-surgical instrument. Given the 40 or so similar amputations on children each of the last 15 days, there is a scream from a child who was born the very same month and year as your child. If you make his scream heard, it may not multiply.

Why, I wonder, have we not screamed till now. Those for whom the quake struck close to home have responded with unimaginable emotion and effort. I have never seen anything like it within my community. But the din of our passion blocked out the silence around us. That must be why the even the most well-intentioned among us have not reached out to all colleagues, friends, family, schoolmates, neighbors, bystanders, celebrities, talk radio hosts, politicians, journalists. That must be why Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz who met with Angelina Jolie a few months back has not called upon her to raise awareness of the plight of these people. That may be why we have not plastered our local public spaces with flyers and posters. Or called our local TV stations and demanded that they cover the news. Or incessantly called and emailed world governments to send in helicopters. Or protested NATO`s refusal out in the streets. Or bombarded the detached media with voicemails.

But there is still 4 weeks of time left to scream out to the what-you-never-hear-never-exists world. Not just a metaphorical scream but a real one: close your eyes, clasp your hands in font of you, focus on the unheard scream of a victim, then exhale a loud "Aaaaaaaaaah" till you have no breath left. Smile at the absurdity or cry in relief.

Do this at home, at work, in public places, at non-silent vigils you hold, during commemorative moments of non-silence that you declare, and at rallies you help organize (preferably in front of news media offices). And when others (colleagues, friends, family, schoolmates, neighbors, bystanders, celebrities, talk radio hosts, politicians, journalists) see and hear this, and ask if you are feeling alright, tell them about the earthquake: about the helicopters, the tents, the winter, the 100,000 dead, the 100,000 to save, the 3 million homeless, the injured, the amputated, the NATO refusal, the silent media.

Tell them about the screams and how to stop them.

This article was posted before .... NATO decided to Join In.....So please ignore the comment of NATO not doing enough.... Infact WE are Gratefull for the Help they are providing...
And also are Thankfull to those.. who are with US in this " our Hour of Distress "

" Well, we have received prompt help from abroad and this can be seen with the naked eye: Saudi help, UAE military hospital, Qatar military hospital, field hospital from Iran, countless western NGOs, Helping Hands from the UK very active, WFP as I’ve already said, the French seen here and there, the US delivering supplies at Chaklala and, from what I hear, being amongst the most efficient in unloading the planes — the Americans coming equipped with their own forklifts and having enough soldiers not to need any help from the Pakistan authorities — tented villages from Turkey (brave, generous Turkey), the Chinese, doctors from Taiwan, doctors from Indonesia, a large medical contingent from Cuba, some world-class surgeons from Russia (at the Children’s Hospital in Islamabad I was told that the Russians were just marvellous — they arrived at the airport at four in the morning and insisted that they be taken straight to the operation theatre, working with so much commitment and singlemindedness that they seemed scarcely made of flesh and blood) and so many other countries that it’s hard to list all of them. To understand the full scope of this assistance, you have to see it with your own eyes. "

This is again from the same website.... in Acknowledgement of the Help we have recieved so Far..

The western media might not be covering this all that much, but some of us have noticed and stayed abreast. Thank you for reminding us of what's truly important.
aquaris said:
Spare a scream for the estimated 100,000 dead and 3 million homeless, muted out of world media. Unmourned by the news media, unmarked by the world, Saturday October 22 was the two week anniversary of the 7.6 magnitude earthquake in Pakistan, India, and Kashmir.

The earthquake got major headline coverage in the UK for the first week.

If you want to have a thread complaining about the lack of coverage on the two-week anniversay of the earthquake, then perhaps you should advise the media as to which anniversaries you demand should be celebrated - I mean, what about the 3 week, 5 week, 7 week anniversaries, should we be doing something for these too?
NO I Brain....

That quote was from a Post on some other site.... The interactor was complaining it there....not here.... and I clearly mentioned that its from another site...
Infact he also complained about the NATO's poor response... which later I clarified...
since NATO had responded and in a commendable way.... WE very much appreciate it.

If there could be any other thing.... then I Just wondered ..... why any one on Comparative religion's forums did not commented on it ....

I know the whole world ..... is going through a cycle of natural calamities.......and if there is an emerging trend.... then I am afraid......... the Future does not hold any good news....
tsunami, Katrina, Rita, ....etc.... a few years earlier.... earth quakes in Iran, India, Turkey........ and Now this One......
This one is the Biggest in terms of its Impact..... Never ever in the History of this AREA such a devastation took place.......
and I am sorry..... People DO not even have any comprehension of How BIG it is.....
Believe me, I have been there........and the magnitude has simply left me .... speech less.... No Words can explain ..... about its ACTUAL Scale......

But then I guess......... a certain Catastropic Fatigue is taking over the world.....and each new Catastrophy is good only for a Week or So, or rather news worthy for a week or so,........ AFTER that a New One takes its place.......
If this is the TREND... then so be it.........
Any one complains or Not.......... then does not matters......
Except for those ... who are the direct victims......their Life will change for ever.. and beleve you me.......Not only theirs but .....those involved with them..............They wont be the Same..........

..... And I am proud.....of the response My OWN country Men GAVE.....its as simple as that...

But perhaps
No problem - it was difficult to determine which was your own voice and which was directly pasted - I have to admit I was surprised by what I'd taken as your own comments, so I'm glad to be corrected.

I think the article condemning others reaction to the earthquake, though, is pretty false and serves little purpose other than to rouse anger against the West.

I really advise you think twice before posting such info from other sites again like this, because the accusations are not simply false, but purposefully inflammatory, and are not very welcome.

I for one think there is a very valid point to be had in the post and the discussion and should the onus end up on lack of concern to the west...maybe that is apropo as well.

The method that we pick and choose our events to dance around is interesting....we leave Rwanda alone but enter Slovakia, we don't worry about Iran or Saudi Arabia but decide Iraq needs a change. We provide and average of 1mm to every family in the WTC and 100k in NO.

Our pipelines get finished in Afghanistan, but now 87% of the opium comes from the farms of our cooperative warlords...

Average life expectancy in Zambia is 47 and 80% of the population is below the age of 24.......

We whine when we can't find anything on our 240 channels or our DSL is down... Pay $200 for a hotel room...another $200 for a dinner bill... while $200 could feed a family for how many months...

I really think we in the west owe it to ourselves to see how we could change, and improve our world. We throw away enough food each year to feed almost 200,000 people.

If we can't discuss these thoughts in a Politics and Society thread amongst thinking conscious spiritual folks....where can we?

aquaris said:
I am still in a state of shock.... after what I have witnessed........

Here is a glimse.... for what happened from another site...

" Spare a scream for the estimated 100,000 dead and 3 million homeless, muted out of world media. Unmourned by the news media, unmarked by the world, Saturday October 22 was the two week anniversary of the 7.6 magnitude earthquake in Pakistan, India, and Kashmir. An estimated 100,000 have been killed and, of the 3 million made homeless, at least another 100,000 are in high peril as winter rolls down from nearby K-2. If they perish, they would surely have been suffocated by the silent air waves.

For the 3 million homeless the bell tolls noiselessly. Beyond Pakistan`s national news media, their coverage is a silent movie playing out on inside pages (if at all). Four more weeks of radio (and print and TV) silence and the region will become as quiet and stone cold as the news media. The news folks whose attention to the tragedy has declined as swiftly as the deaths have mounted, may finally get to report a "frozen" death toll. In four weeks, winter too will white-out the survivors.

Intense and swift and whole-hearted as the response has been among the compassionate and the aware, it has been far too noiseless. For Pakistanis, for Kashmiris, for South Asians, for Asians, for humans and for humanity everywhere, this is not the time for whispered tears, silent if ardent prayers, mumbled grumblings, and soundless emails.

This is the time to scream.

Not in despair, or panic, or anger. But in recognition and in resonance.

This is the time to broadcast the unbroadcasted. And this time expires in 4 weeks. There will be little point to being heard after that.

There have been No vigils to mark the disaster: week 1, week 2, now week 3 - I keep counting. No silent, candlelight vigils at sunset. No minute of silence at 8:51am. No day of mourning. No protest march (silent or loud) against NATO`s refusal to airlift the injured. No sit-ins to demand of governments the desperately needed helicopters, tents, medicine, monetary aid. And no demonstrations in front of the oblivious offices of world media.

3 million people have cried out, shouted, groaned, and screamed for 14 days. Cries of pain, of loss and mourning, out of deep rubble, for a sip of clean water, in despair, in panic, in anger. That is a lot of noise muffled down by the media.

These screams must make it through us into radio, TV, online editions and hard copies. Why? Because compassion and humanity do not stifle the cries of the helpless. Villainy and inhumanity do that.

Why else? Because as long as these screams are unheard, they will keep multiplying.

This is the time to scream.

Here is one scream that keeps ricocheting within me. The scream of a boy born the same month and year as my 6 year old son, who was laid out on grass and given candy in place of anesthesia, as one leg is amputated with a non-surgical instrument. Given the 40 or so similar amputations on children each of the last 15 days, there is a scream from a child who was born the very same month and year as your child. If you make his scream heard, it may not multiply.

Why, I wonder, have we not screamed till now. Those for whom the quake struck close to home have responded with unimaginable emotion and effort. I have never seen anything like it within my community. But the din of our passion blocked out the silence around us. That must be why the even the most well-intentioned among us have not reached out to all colleagues, friends, family, schoolmates, neighbors, bystanders, celebrities, talk radio hosts, politicians, journalists. That must be why Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz who met with Angelina Jolie a few months back has not called upon her to raise awareness of the plight of these people. That may be why we have not plastered our local public spaces with flyers and posters. Or called our local TV stations and demanded that they cover the news. Or incessantly called and emailed world governments to send in helicopters. Or protested NATO`s refusal out in the streets. Or bombarded the detached media with voicemails.

But there is still 4 weeks of time left to scream out to the what-you-never-hear-never-exists world. Not just a metaphorical scream but a real one: close your eyes, clasp your hands in font of you, focus on the unheard scream of a victim, then exhale a loud "Aaaaaaaaaah" till you have no breath left. Smile at the absurdity or cry in relief.

Do this at home, at work, in public places, at non-silent vigils you hold, during commemorative moments of non-silence that you declare, and at rallies you help organize (preferably in front of news media offices). And when others (colleagues, friends, family, schoolmates, neighbors, bystanders, celebrities, talk radio hosts, politicians, journalists) see and hear this, and ask if you are feeling alright, tell them about the earthquake: about the helicopters, the tents, the winter, the 100,000 dead, the 100,000 to save, the 3 million homeless, the injured, the amputated, the NATO refusal, the silent media.

Tell them about the screams and how to stop them.

This article was posted before .... NATO decided to Join In.....So please ignore the comment of NATO not doing enough.... Infact WE are Gratefull for the Help they are providing...
And also are Thankfull to those.. who are with US in this " our Hour of Distress "

" Well, we have received prompt help from abroad and this can be seen with the naked eye: Saudi help, UAE military hospital, Qatar military hospital, field hospital from Iran, countless western NGOs, Helping Hands from the UK very active, WFP as I’ve already said, the French seen here and there, the US delivering supplies at Chaklala and, from what I hear, being amongst the most efficient in unloading the planes — the Americans coming equipped with their own forklifts and having enough soldiers not to need any help from the Pakistan authorities — tented villages from Turkey (brave, generous Turkey), the Chinese, doctors from Taiwan, doctors from Indonesia, a large medical contingent from Cuba, some world-class surgeons from Russia (at the Children’s Hospital in Islamabad I was told that the Russians were just marvellous — they arrived at the airport at four in the morning and insisted that they be taken straight to the operation theatre, working with so much commitment and singlemindedness that they seemed scarcely made of flesh and blood) and so many other countries that it’s hard to list all of them. To understand the full scope of this assistance, you have to see it with your own eyes. "

This is again from the same website.... in Acknowledgement of the Help we have recieved so Far..

Do not be deceived, nor take heavy heart. People in the US are reaching deep into their pockets these past few months, to help people in peril all over the world. Some who never gave, are now giving (pleased to say). It's just so much need so fast. It is hard to keep up. There is also the sad issue of trust. People normally so quick and ready to go physically to a place of catastrophe are now second guessing themselves. There is desire to help, and there is fear.

It is a mess right now.

I must be frank here, there are alot of Pakistanis right here where I live, that hesitate to go back to try and help. They'd rather send money...They don't know what to do either.

But I don't think people have ignored Pakistan's plight. They're just working around the obstacles.


wil said:
I for one think there is a very valid point to be had in the post and the discussion and should the onus end up on lack of concern to the west...maybe that is apropo as well.

The method that we pick and choose our events to dance around is interesting....we leave Rwanda alone but enter Slovakia, we don't worry about Iran or Saudi Arabia but decide Iraq needs a change. We provide and average of 1mm to every family in the WTC and 100k in NO.

Our pipelines get finished in Afghanistan, but now 87% of the opium comes from the farms of our cooperative warlords...

Average life expectancy in Zambia is 47 and 80% of the population is below the age of 24.......

We whine when we can't find anything on our 240 channels or our DSL is down... Pay $200 for a hotel room...another $200 for a dinner bill... while $200 could feed a family for how many months...

I really think we in the west owe it to ourselves to see how we could change, and improve our world. We throw away enough food each year to feed almost 200,000 people.

If we can't discuss these thoughts in a Politics and Society thread amongst thinking conscious spiritual folks....where can we?


I agree - politics is rampant with hypocrisy and the media are interested primarily in reporting news that may be of interest to the domestic users.

There's a pretty signficant Pakistani-based population in the UK, so it may perhaps have received more than usual attention here, with plenty of reporting on how UK families with close relatives in Pakistan were affected.

However, it's worth putting into context overall complaints of hypocrisy, bias, and general political criticism.

The second article posted above condemns "the West" for not reporting the earthquake after two-weeks, and additionally is posted condemning NATO for not responding, even though they had responded before the article was posted. Which makes the second article pasted in seemed especially inappropriate.
There's a pretty signficant Pakistani-based population in the UK, so it may perhaps have received more than usual attention here, with plenty of reporting on how UK families with close relatives in Pakistan were affected.
I get the BBC news over my antenna...don't have cable...I get 90% of my news off the net or BBC.. American news is bordering on useless, it is designed to sell comercials first, provide a forum to push an agenda is just the front they use for the forementioned. my opinion. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN or 'fair and balanced', none are the latter.
wil said:
I get the BBC news over my antenna...don't have cable...I get 90% of my news off the net or BBC.. American news is bordering on useless, it is designed to sell comercials first, provide a forum to push an agenda is just the front they use for the forementioned. my opinion. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN or 'fair and balanced', none are the latter.

consider CCN and Fox News Network, for better information (from both sides of the house).

