Help on denominations!?!?!?!


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Hi everyone!

OK here it goes can someone help me on which denominations of Christianity would be best for my beliefs? Okay here are my main beliefs:
1. I believe in God and I believe in John 3:16.
2.The Bible is the ultimate authority and I believe for the most part it is not open to "interpretation" but rather it means what it means (for lack of better words).
3. You get baptized not at birth but rather when you are ready in your own walk whenever it will mean the most to you.

Heres where I semi break away from Protestents;
4. I believe in exercisims, and the use of holy water.

Heres where I break away from Catholics;
5. I do not believe people have to confess to a priest or person of authority.
6. I do not believe in a hirearchy for example catholics with the Pope basically controling the church it is too political for me, but I do think there should be some guidance for example like Episcopailians and Methodists they have bishops that make decosions but dont necessarily control the church.

I think those should be enough but feel free to ask me anything about anything.

Thanks for your help and God Bless!;)
i think when it comes down to the wire, everyone has something that they dont fit into when it comes to denominations unless you are one who insists you have to be a certain religion.

maybe you just believe in Jesus & the bible like I do & that is well enough?
i think a leader, as in a good mortal shepherd watching out for us is a good thing & the five fold ministry is a good thing as well.:)
stevemb88 said:
Hi everyone!

OK here it goes can someone help me on which denominations of Christianity would be best for my beliefs? Okay here are my main beliefs:
1. I believe in God and I believe in John 3:16.
2.The Bible is the ultimate authority and I believe for the most part it is not open to "interpretation" but rather it means what it means (for lack of better words).
3. You get baptized not at birth but rather when you are ready in your own walk whenever it will mean the most to you.

Heres where I semi break away from Protestents;
4. I believe in exercisims, and the use of holy water.

Heres where I break away from Catholics;
5. I do not believe people have to confess to a priest or person of authority.
6. I do not believe in a hirearchy for example catholics with the Pope basically controling the church it is too political for me, but I do think there should be some guidance for example like Episcopailians and Methodists they have bishops that make decosions but dont necessarily control the church.

I think those should be enough but feel free to ask me anything about anything.

Thanks for your help and God Bless!;)

American Catholic sounds about right...;)
I have issues with labeling denominations.. we are all the body of Christ and each part of the body serves its purpose. I have issues with religious doctrines that arent Gods doctrines. Thats why I attend a non-denominational church that teaches Gods doctrines because I dont want to be fed mans doctrines when Im needing the nourishment that God provides.. thats just my choice.

I would also think that you could go to any Christian denomination with your beliefs and your soul would be fed.. as long as you recognize the difference in the two and that comes with reading your bible. I could attend a baptist church and be fed and still not believe that I had to be baptized to enter the kingdom of God. I could attend a Catholic church and be fed and still not have to believe that I had to confess to a priest my sins. :)

Enjoy your search and dont worry so much about labels.. We are all connected by the same purpose. Jesus Christ. :)
Thanks for all the input people :D really thanks a lot, and Quahom what is the difference btw Roman and American Catholic:confused: ?

Thanks and God Bless,
stevemb88 said:
Thanks for all the input people :D really thanks a lot, and Quahom what is the difference btw Roman and American Catholic:confused: ?

Thanks and God Bless,

You actually have to ask? Americans don't put up with guff, from anyone...not even the vatican...

Jesus said that he would have a faithful and discreet slave that would feed people (spiritualy) at the right time ...matthew 24-45-47

And the Lord said: "Who really is the faithful steward, the discreet one, whom his master will appoint over his body of attendants to keep giving them their measure of food supplies at the proper time? Happy is that slave, if his master (Jesus)on arriving finds him doing so! I tell YOU truthfully, He will appoint him over all his belongings. luke 12;42 ............... so the faithful ones are out there but we need to seek them out

You actually have to ask? Americans don't put up with guff, from anyone...not even the vatican...
guff n. Slang
1. Nonsense; baloney.
2. Insolent talk; back talk.

Seems to me Americans are selective in this. They enjoy a lot of guff, as long as it fits their current paradigm, we'll revel in it (#1 definition). Not only that we'll create our own, and export it. #2 definition we'll even take if we can justify some trade agreement or find some other ancillary benefit.

Maybe it is just we prefer the buffet or ala carte menu, where we get to pick and choose what we put on (or in) the plate....
Kindest Regards, wil!

Seems to me Americans are selective in this. They enjoy a lot of guff, as long as it fits their current paradigm, we'll revel in it (#1 definition). Not only that we'll create our own, and export it. #2 definition we'll even take if we can justify some trade agreement or find some other ancillary benefit.

Maybe it is just we prefer the buffet or ala carte menu, where we get to pick and choose what we put on (or in) the plate....
On the one hand, I am not a fan of American bragadoccio (sp?). On the other hand, if ya got it, flaunt it! We don't take "guff" (I can think of a better term to insert, but it is not suitable for tender ears) from anyone, but we are big enough to dish it out. Whether or not that is ethical, or proper, or the right thing to do, or how it makes us appear in other's eyes, is irrelevent. Around the world people bitch and moan about the Americans, until their *ss gets in a sling. Then who is the first they come running to to back them up or help them out? One hint: America.

I asked a polisci prof once just what made us think we were entitled to go into another country and tell them what to do? His answer: because we are big enough to get away with it.

Ethical or not, rightly or wrongly, how it makes others see us, doesn't matter. The simple fact is, we can, and for the last half century we have and will.

Now, I don't say these things as a braggart, I don't run around beating the drum for America, I am not some super-patriot. But I also will not sit idlely by and listen to America be bad mouthed. We are not perfect, but if you can show me a more perfect government I'll eat my hat. And for all of the "bullying" it looks like we do, we do a helluva lot more charity and good will and welfare than any (repeat for emphasis, any) other nation.

So frankly, we don't have to take any guff off of anybody. And if anybody else doesn't like our guff, they do not have to listen or accept it. Of course, most do, willingly, even falling over themselves. Because they know a good thing when they see it. Those that don't, are welcome to stay on the outside, and watch from the sidelines, and wish they could play too...

But if they think they can change things by blowing up a few bombs and flying a couple of planes into buildings, they have another think coming. America is so much more than money, and military, and freedom, and democracy. It is also a spirit. A spirit that free peoples understand, and unfree peoples desire. It is something those that do not have cherish when they finally get it, and something those that are born into do not realize the blessing until it is taken away.

No, Americans do not take guff off of anyone. Frankly, we don't have to.
juantoo3 said:
So frankly, we don't have to take any guff off of anybody. And if anybody else doesn't like our guff, they do not have to listen or accept it. Of course, most do, willingly, even falling over themselves. Because they know a good thing when they see it. Those that don't, are welcome to stay on the outside, and watch from the sidelines, and wish they could play too...

But if they think they can change things by blowing up a few bombs and flying a couple of planes into buildings, they have another think coming. America is so much more than money, and military, and freedom, and democracy. It is also a spirit. A spirit that free peoples understand, and unfree peoples desire. It is something those that do not have cherish when they finally get it, and something those that are born into do not realize the blessing until it is taken away.

No, Americans do not take guff off of anyone. Frankly, we don't have to.

i have a lot of respect for that freedom as well. God shed His grace on thee.

nice post Juan
:) :) :) :) :)

stevemb88 said:
Thanks for all the input people :D really thanks a lot, and Quahom what is the difference btw Roman and American Catholic:confused: ?

Thanks and God Bless,

for what it is worth, Steve, i agree with the others. there is a difference in American Catholics & i think Quahom sets a a pretty good example in my eyes, for both Americans & Catholics. :)