The Tabernacle



The Tabernacle


Blueprint here:​

Hi POH:)

it starts in exodus 25 where the people offer gifts for the tabernacle. i am still looking for an outline to kind of follow & will be adding quality images with detail as we go. i liked the blueprint above for showing the scale & you can zoom in.

i suppose if we can get all the materials to build it layed out that would be cool.
i saw mini models you can buy online but they all looked el cheapo.
if you know of a good outline & pages or commentaries that are organized & done up with class, let's locate & share those too.:)

this study will be a real blessing for me!
mahalo nui bandit for that great start .... this study will be a blessing for all of us and I'm very excited to get started .... I have to learn how to import the pictures because they are very helpful (the last time I posted a picture I had to get help from I-Brian and he worked on the photo so I could post it .... that was the one on the Hawaiian cross) ....

got to leave for work again, but I'll be back to this and the on-going parsha with renewed enthusiasm and like dauer said "having fun" as we learn .... aloha nui, poh
hey Poh:)

Let me know if you think this outline from the Wikepedia is a good one to start with. everything else i have seen is too bias & not detailed enough for me to use.

there is a good start there & after we have the Tabernacle built, then we can find a better one for doing the outline for the priests & all the events around the Mishkan & altars.
if you know a better outline please suggest one:)
Hebrew mishkan
The Hebrew word, however, points to a different meaning. Mishkan is related to the Hebrew word to "dwell", "rest", or "to live in", referring to the "[In-dwelling] Presence of God", the Shekhina (or Shechina) (based on the same Hebrew root word as Mishkan), that dwelled or rested within this divinely ordained mysterious structure....

....You must make the tabernacle and all its furnishings following the plan that I am showing you." (Exodus 25:8-9). Thus the idea is that God wants this structure built so that it may be a "dwelling", so to speak, for his presence within the Children of Israel following the Exodus.
i need to drop this off as well.

jewish encyclopedia did a real nice job IMO. i like this drawing a lot & i hope they do not mind us using it here for study.
though it was made to be portable, the tabernacle was not a piece of junk. it was a very nice, creative structure made with all the best materials that could be found. :)

I think it is a beautiful structure and I like what you are doing with the outline .... looks very good to me .... aloha nui, poh
pohaikawahine said:
I think it is a beautiful structure and I like what you are doing with the outline .... looks very good to me .... aloha nui, poh

well, i dont really know what i am doing, i just know i like it. i mostly just read about it & wonder what it was like to build it & live around it in the camp of Israel. it feels like a part of me.
Dauer gave me a couple of recommendations for books that i will be checking out at the bookstore over the weekend.
next week we can look at all the fabrics, colors & materials & see how they may relate to other cultures & try to find hidden meanings in that.

Peace to you pohaikawahine, & have a nice weekend:)
It is so inviting...

I feel drawn in..

and daydreaming imagine a spiritual video game where you build the temple like sim city and then learn ritual, prayers and scripture to continue to various levels of the video game....
Builders- Bezalel & Oholiab

this kind of shows the wisdom & craftmanship that would go into the building of the Mishkan, the furnishings & utensils & the vestments.

"God spoke to Moses, saying: I have selected Bezalel son of Uri son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, by name. I have filled him with a divine spirit, with wisdom, understanding and knowledge, and with all types of craftsmanship. He will be able to devise plans as well as work in gold, silver and copper, cut stones to be set, carve wood, and do other work. I have also given him Oholiab son of Achisamakh of the tribe of Dan. I have placed wisdom in the heart of every naturally talented person.
They will thus make all that I have ordered, the Communion Tent, the Ark of the Covenant, the ark cover to go on it, all the utensils for the tent, the table and its utensils, the pure menorah and all its utensils, the incense altar, the sacrificial altar and all its utensils, the washstand and its base, the packing cloths, the sacred vestments for Aaron the priest, the vestments that his sons wear to serve, the anointing oil, and the incense for the sanctuary. They will thus do all that I command." (Exodus 31:1-11)


we should also note that the instructions for the Tabernacle was given to Moses at some point on Mt Sinia & that there was a pattern for the different compartments, and a pattern for all of the furniture.
so i feel this pattern is important. we relate to a patterns from God for our lives & in life.:)

(Exodus 25:40) And see to it that you make them according to the PATTERN, which was SHOWN YOU ON THE MOUNTAIN.
Just a quick look at the skelaton of the Tabernacle made from acacia.

Nice article with pics on Acacia Wood:)

Acacia wood is mentioned only in connection with the tabernacle (Exodus chapters 37 and 38). The following items were made of acacia wood: the ark and its poles, the table of showbread and its poles, the brazen altar and its poles, and the incense altar and its poles, all the poles for the hanging of the curtains as well as the supports [boards]. In short, all the structural features of the tabernacle were constructed of acacia wood.

The genus Acacia includes more than one hundred species of trees and shrubs which are found mainly in the arid and semiarid regions of Africa where they are ecologically the most important plants. Here the acacia trees are often the only plants on an otherwise bleak and monotonous terrain. Several species of acacia grow in the Sinai but not all would be suitable for use in construction. One of the most common is Acacia raddiana and it seems likely that this could be the acacia referred to in the Scriptures.

It is interesting to note that one of the freewill offerings which the children of Israel could bring for the tabernacle was acacia wood (Exodus 35:24). Those presenting an offering of silver or bronze brought it as an offering to the Lord, and everyone who had acacia wood for any part of the work brought it.

(Saadia, shant in Arabic). Shittim in Hebrew, shittah in the singular (Isaiah 41:19). The shittah is probably Acacia albida, a tall tree with a thick trunk, now growing only in Migdal Tzavo'aya. The wood is very light and hard (cf. Abarbanel; Chizzkuni) and it does not absorb moisture. The Talmud states that it is a member of the cedar family (Rosh HaShanah 28a; Ralbag Radak s.v. Shut). The Septuagint translates it as 'decay-proof wood' (cf. Josephus 3:6:1; Philo, Questions and Answers 53), and this is supported by Talmudic tradition (Yoma 72a, Rashi

The portable tent-like structure that served the Israelites as a sanctuary during their wanderings in the wilderness and in the early period of their life in Palestine. It is chiefly in Ex. xxvi. and its parallel, ib. xxxvi. 8-38, that the oldest sanctuary of Yhwh is mentioned. Its fundamental part consisted of a framework of acacia-wood. Each board was 10 cubits long and 1½ cubits broad (an old Hebraic cubit measured probably, like the Babylonian, 55.5 cm.).

The north and south sides each contained twenty such boards (ib. xxvi. 18, 20). The western side consisted of six similar boards (ib. verse 22), with the addition of two more which were to join the western with the northern and southern sides, respectively, in a manner rather obscurely described (ib. verses 23-25). These forty-eight boards were fixed in silver sockets, two to each board, bymeans of "hands" ("yadot"), i.e., tenons, and they were kept from falling apart by five cross-bars on a side (ib. verses 26-28). The eastern side remained open.
{Jewish Encyclopedia}


i wonder why the Tabernacle, being portable would sit & face a specific direction from North to South & East to West.
Anyone know why that is?:)

anyone who wants to put up the other materials, metals & dyes that were offered from EX. 25 & 26 please go ahead.
the passages are here:

Chapter 25 [1] : Materials needed, the Ark, the table for 12 showbread, the Menorah.
Chapter 26 [2] : The Tabernacle, the beams, partitions.
wil said:
It is so inviting...

I feel drawn in..

and daydreaming imagine a spiritual video game where you build the temple like sim city and then learn ritual, prayers and scripture to continue to various levels of the video game....

that would be very cool:) . a video game where you stop to pray & pick out scriptures as you build the temple & if you do something wrong in the pattern it corrects you before you can go on in the game.

i know they have videos out & online videos & software for sale in 3-D, it may be something like that.
aloha e bandit .... I'm back after a few days absence and will catch up on where you are at with all your research and great work .... I also think there is a specific reason for the use of acacia wood and want to reflect and look into this a little more .... for the enclosure in hawaii we would use 'lama' wood and there is a meaning in this name .... hmmmmmm .... this is really going to be fun and interesting .... aloha nui, poh
pohaikawahine said:
aloha e bandit .... I'm back after a few days absence and will catch up on where you are at with all your research and great work .... I also think there is a specific reason for the use of acacia wood and want to reflect and look into this a little more .... for the enclosure in hawaii we would use 'lama' wood and there is a meaning in this name .... hmmmmmm .... this is really going to be fun and interesting .... aloha nui, poh

i read where acacia is considered a hard wood, but does not absorb moisture like other hard woods. this would make sense because it was taken from the dessert. light weight to carry but sturdy & long lasting & i think they were all over layed with Gold. i find the 48 boards & the way they are divided inside the tabernacle interesting but have never been able to really understand this construction & why it was divided like that.
20 N. 20 S. 6 W. & 2 on the E & W bringing it all together, while the eastern side appears to have no boards except for the one used to connect the north & south.

i believe the outer wall that surrounded the tabernacle was also made of this wood.

here is a site with a replica in construction. not sure if this is what it really looked like.
Go Bandit! Go Bandit!

Just thought I would let you know I have really appreciated this thread! You guys (Poh too) have done a great job with this one!

I can't wait 'til you guys get to the breastplate and the gemstones!
Other Materials (from Wikepedia)

25:1God spoke to Moses, saying:25:2Speak to the Israelites and have them bring Me an offering. Take My offering from everyone whose heart impels him to give.25:3The offering that you take from them shall consist of the following: Gold, silver, copper,25:4sky-blue [wool], dark red [wool], [wool dyed with] crimson worm, linen, goats' wool,25:5reddened rams' skins, blue-processed skins, acacia wood,25:6oil for the lamp, spices for the anointing oil, and the sweet-smelling incense,25:7and sardonyxes and other precious stones for the ephod and breastplate.

25:8They shall make Me a sanctuary, and I will dwell among them.
25:9You must make the tabernacle and all its furnishings following the plan that I am showing you.

this tells me Israel came out of Egypt with many blessings. One place mentions the gifts & offerings were so abundant that Moses had to ask them to stop bringing them. in another place some of the people accused Moses of stealing, but Moses made it clear he did not steal anything & was able to account for everything that was given to build the Tabernacle.
Another place i read it took about 6 months to gather & actually put all the material together, yet when it was all finished the structure was raised & assembled in one day.

These different dyes came from what is believed worms & snails & different animals. so there were leather skins as well as wool & a different process for each of them. i am also pretty sure the curtains were done in partitions & they embroidered angels into the curtain like a tapestry. i think it was the curtains that gave the Mishkan most of its character because that is what you could see. These curtains were measured so they did not touch the ground when hung.

I know they used the silver for the sockets to keep the boards together. I think there was two sockets on each board of the Tabernacle.

I noticed there was two types of oil. One was supposed to be of olive oil that keeps the lamp lit at all times & Israel could bring this oil all the time to keep the jar inside full.
& the other was oil for fragrance.
30:23You must take the finest fragrances, 500 [shekels] of distilled myrrh, [two] half portions, each consisting of 250 [shekels] of fragrant cinnamon and 250 [shekels] of fragrant cane,

I bet a lot of people wanted to see inside of the tabernacle even though no one really ever went inside, except for the priests. if i were there, i would have at least peeked inside of the first chamber from time to time:)

Please- if i make any mistakes on this (which i am sure i will!), do correct me & tell me what you see & what is missing, because i want the Tabernacle to be perfect, inside & out.

I dont know what all these things mean & i do not know what the hidden meanings are on many of these things, so i need help in that department.

Lord prepare me
To be a sanctuary
Pure and holy
Tried and true
With thanksgiving
I'll be a living
Sanctuary for You
juantoo3 said:
Go Bandit! Go Bandit!

Just thought I would let you know I have really appreciated this thread! You guys (Poh too) have done a great job with this one!

I can't wait 'til you guys get to the breastplate and the gemstones!

hey Juan!:)
glad to see you jump in here. i am enjoying this as well.

we must have a breastplate with the 12 tribes (names) engraved on the gemstones for the High Priest.
this is an interesting take on that from a zodiac perspective. i dont know if zodiac actually mingles with Jewish tradition that way but it is still something to consider.
NOTE: i believe it was the 12 tribes that were engraved on the stones & not zodiac, but it makes a nice comparison to be able to relate to.

Jewish tradition knows the sign of the zodiac attributed to each tribe, so we can infer which tribe to which jewel. However, the names and zodiacal standards of the tribes were probably assigned after the settlement in Canaan, hence the signatures on the jewels must have been the signs of the zodiac.


By the way- we need a high priest for this, so if there are any takers please feel free, otherwise i will nominate Juantoo3 & I Brian for test mode. :)
Lord knows if go inside the whole thing would probably collapse. :eek:
Bandit said:
Other Materials (from Wikepedia)

I bet a lot of people wanted to see inside of the tabernacle even though no one really ever went inside, except for the priests. if i were there, i would have at least peeked inside of the first chamber from time to time:)

Please- if i make any mistakes on this (which i am sure i will!), do correct me & tell me what you see & what is missing, because i want the Tabernacle to be perfect, inside & out.

this is going so well and I'm not sure where to start, but start I will .... and bandit, you are perfect inside and out therefore the tabernacle is perfect inside and out .... that's the way I see it in the symbols and that is what I hope to draw the parallels to in the inner meanings of the structure of the tabernacle .... as always others may not see it this way, but all I can do is share the symbols as I see them (and a few others that I will use as references for this thread) ....

first you may want to check out this site (it is very long but this is one of the sections on the brain and the tabernacle .... in a nutshell he walks you through biblical references and a basic structure of the brain and starts with:

"Exodus 26:33 says the tabernalce must be built with an outer room called the holy place, an inner room called the holy of holies, and the holy place and the holy of holies must be separated from each other by a curtain or veil.

The human brain has an outer covering called dura mater (hard mother), an inner most sensitive area called pia mater (tender mother). dura mater and pia mater are separated from each other by arachnoid, the web, or veil, or cutrain....

Let us enter the tabernacle and let us enter the brain. The first thing we see as we enter the tabernalce is cherubim. The first thing we see as we enter the brain is cerebrum. See the word cerebrum, that root 'cere' means 'to cover' and what was the responsibility of the cherubim of the temple? Exodus 25:20 "and the cherubims shall stretch forth their wings on high, covering the mercy seat with their wings"..."

there is much more but this gives you a general idea .... it is based not only on symbols but also the root meaning of words .... now this is important because, although I don't understand Hebrew myself, it is and important part of the knowledge of the letters in Hebrew as well as the spoken language that the root meanings are core to the teachings ....

in the Hawaiian language the root meanings go to the most basic of concepts and every word spoken carries "mana" or power of the spoken word .... that is why words are only spoken when the heart, mind and vocal cords are in harmony and balanced .... the root of each vowel (in the hawaiian language) is the essence of the word .... 'a' represents the sun, 'e' represents the winds, 'i' represents the waters, 'o' represents the earth, and 'u' represents the human spirit, the ability to call together all the elements .... I was told many, many years ago that "we hold the keys to the covenant" and it is in the sounds of the vowels .... this has always been fascinating to me because when I first saw Hebrew it had not visible vowels .... somehow I always felt there was an interconnect in the two, but I'm not proficient enough in the languages to understand it completely .... but all this to lay the foundation for the hidden meanings in symbols and words that will be important to seeing the tabernacle in the wilderness ....

there is also an anciet code in names .... stuard nettleton in his book or manuscript "the alchemy key" speaks to Solomon and says " 'conquering gods their title take, from the foes they captive make' and that the Kabbalah observes this formula throughout. It allows us to understand the linguistic form of Solomon. Breaking names into meaningful syllables is the priestly language also known as the 'Language of the Birds.' It renders the name Solomon as 'Sol-Om-On.' " I introduce this here because the concept of the 'language of the birds' may become important (am not sure yet) .... but my own hawaiian name 'pohaikawahine' which translates as "a circle of women" is also connected to what are referred to as the "twelve bird women of moloka'i" symbolically and they were the holders of the ancient codes .... you will not find anything written on them as they remain kapu for now no use doing a web search ....

this is all foundation for seeking the inner meanings as we proceed on this path .... another reference to keep in mind are the numbers and here is another quote from stuard nettleton's manuscript .... he uses three verses from the sojourn into the desert (Exodus 14:19-21) and believes that these verses encode the seventy-two-letter name of God (of ocurse you will have to read them in Hebrew) ...

"And the angel of God, which went before the camp of Israel, removed and went behind them; and the pillar of the cloud went from before their face, and stood behind them."

"And it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel; and it was a cloud and darkness to them, but it gave light by night to thses; so that the one came not near the other all night."

"And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night,and made the sea dry land,and the waters were divided.""

He says "Each of these three verses in Hebrew contains exactly seventy-two letters. The seventy-two triplets of the great Name derive from one letter taken from each verse. The Bachir outlines the process of constructing the Name. The letters of the first verse apply in direct order; those of the second in reverse order, and those of the third verse in direct order. The first triplet is W (Vav) H (He) W (Vav)."

So we will try to deal with the relationship of the structure to other structures including the brain, the symbol of colors, the inner meaning of words and letters, and directions and numbers .... every part of the tabernacle must follow the pattern laid out in order to build the replica .... but the question will be lingering, is the reconstruction of the tabernacle a blueprint for understanding another inner knowledge that we must seek in order to reconstruct the third temple .... and (my favorite) as the Hopi Indian say will this be the "time in which we meet ourselves" .....

maybe we will have a sneak preview and bandit you can take a peek behind the curtain .... :rolleyes:

he hawai'i au, pohaikawahine "poh"
This is beautiful. Just found this board. This thread is so refreshing and inviting. How peaceful. Thanks so much..... :D
truthseeker said:
This is beautiful. Just found this board. This thread is so refreshing and inviting. How peaceful. Thanks so much..... :D

it is fascinating Truthseeker:) . it goes so far beyond my comprehension that i just marvel & ponder so many neat things.
pohaikawahine said:
this is going so well and I'm not sure where to start, but start I will .... and bandit, you are perfect inside and out therefore the tabernacle is perfect inside and out .... that's the way I see it in the symbols and that is what I hope to draw the parallels to in the inner meanings of the structure of the tabernacle .... as always others may not see it this way, but all I can do is share the symbols as I see them (and a few others that I will use as references for this thread) ....

first you may want to check out this site (it is very long but this is one of the sections on the brain and the tabernacle .... in a nutshell he walks you through biblical references and a basic structure of the brain and starts with:

i will be checking that site often & have added it to my favorites under Tabernacle. thanks for putting it up for me. i see where you are going with some of this now, as i did awhile back with the pineal. i found the fornix the most intriguing.

What I am going to propose to you is the consideration that this fornix is the vault or burial place of Christ from where he resurrects and rises to the right side when we allow the energy to flow as it is intended. I will propose to you that only this Christ or Krishna or God energy can flow through the fornix. Nothing else can go there. It will show you the complete futility of trying to use religion, or ritual, or doctrine to find God since none of that can in any way take us in and out of the fornix.

pohaikawahine said:
Let us enter the tabernacle and let us enter the brain. The first thing we see as we enter the tabernalce is cherubim. The first thing we see as we enter the brain is cerebrum. See the word cerebrum, that root 'cere' means 'to cover' and what was the responsibility of the cherubim of the temple? Exodus 25:20 "and the cherubims shall stretch forth their wings on high, covering the mercy seat with their wings"..."

i see the connection there with cerebrum. but i am not sure if it is the first thing because they were in the second chamber & they only went inside of that part once a year. if you entered from the backside, then the cheribums are what you would see. in reality there was no way to get to it without going from wash basin & into the first chamber because you would die if you tried that.
i guess since we are going in through back side, (pretty risky) then it makes sense.
interesting indeed!

there is much more but this gives you a general idea .... it is based not only on symbols but also the root meaning of words .... now this is important because, although I don't understand Hebrew myself, it is and important part of the knowledge of the letters in Hebrew as well as the spoken language that the root meanings are core to the teachings ....

yes. i do see the importance of that.

pohaikawahine said:
in the Hawaiian language the root meanings go to the most basic of concepts and every word spoken carries "mana" or power of the spoken word .... that is why words are only spoken when the heart, mind and vocal cords are in harmony and balanced .... the root of each vowel (in the hawaiian language) is the essence of the word .... 'a' represents the sun, 'e' represents the winds, 'i' represents the waters, 'o' represents the earth, and 'u' represents the human spirit, the ability to call together all the elements .... I was told many, many years ago that "we hold the keys to the covenant" and it is in the sounds of the vowels .... this has always been fascinating to me because when I first saw Hebrew it had not visible vowels .... somehow I always felt there was an interconnect in the two, but I'm not proficient enough in the languages to understand it completely .... but all this to lay the foundation for the hidden meanings in symbols and words that will be important to seeing the tabernacle in the wilderness ...."

i feel the same about hebrew language, especially when so many things are pronounced with ckckkcc, kind of like clearing your throat. my Aunt & i have studied some of this before but we get frustrated. she is good with symbols & numbers & says if we can figure out the whole Tabernacle, then we will be able to see the whole plan of God from beginning to end. i see wisdom in that & i tend to agree with her.

there is also an anciet code in names .... stuard nettleton in his book or manuscript "the alchemy key" speaks to Solomon and says " 'conquering gods their title take, from the foes they captive make' and that the Kabbalah observes this formula throughout. It allows us to understand the linguistic form of Solomon. Breaking names into meaningful syllables is the priestly language also known as the 'Language of the Birds.' It renders the name Solomon as 'Sol-Om-On.' " I introduce this here because the concept of the 'language of the birds' may become important (am not sure yet) .... but my own hawaiian name 'pohaikawahine' which translates as "a circle of women" is also connected to what are referred to as the "twelve bird women of moloka'i" symbolically and they were the holders of the ancient codes .... you will not find anything written on them as they remain kapu for now no use doing a web search ....

not sure either but i know the songs of solomon speak of the turtle doves & a time for singing of the birds in the spring.

pohaikawahine said:
"And the angel of God, which went before the camp of Israel, removed and went behind them; and the pillar of the cloud went from before their face, and stood behind them."

"And it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel; and it was a cloud and darkness to them, but it gave light by night to thses; so that the one came not near the other all night."

"And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night,and made the sea dry land,and the waters were divided.""

He says "Each of these three verses in Hebrew contains exactly seventy-two letters. The seventy-two triplets of the great Name derive from one letter taken from each verse. The Bachir outlines the process of constructing the Name. The letters of the first verse apply in direct order; those of the second in reverse order, and those of the third verse in direct order. The first triplet is W (Vav) H (He) W (Vav)." "

i watched a special on TV, where the orthodox Jews were finding some of these things in the scriptures. it was real intense & a lot of it made sense. but some of them starting using it to suggest predictions (or at least wondering) & that is where i kind of got lost. but it was cool because they did not say that is what it means for sure...just a possibility. there is no doubt the scriptures are inspired by God because the flowing poetry, unity & harmony with the distance in time could come from no other, than the Almighty. the pillar of cloud is one of the most intriguing things & how it was always there. not sure if i understand the 72 part & triplets & great Name, but i see power & deliverance in those scriptures. i would have been in such awe to see that manifestation of God.:)

pohaikawahine said:
So we will try to deal with the relationship of the structure to other structures including the brain, the symbol of colors, the inner meaning of words and letters, and directions and numbers .... every part of the tabernacle must follow the pattern laid out in order to build the replica .... but the question will be lingering, is the reconstruction of the tabernacle a blueprint for understanding another inner knowledge that we must seek in order to reconstruct the third temple .... and (my favorite) as the Hopi Indian say will this be the "time in which we meet ourselves" .....

maybe we will have a sneak preview and bandit you can take a peek behind the curtain .... :rolleyes:

he hawai'i au, pohaikawahine "poh"

sounds real good to me & this post was a good eye opener, so now i can see where you are going with it. we can peek inside the curtain but if we peek inside the Holy of Holies section, you go first:p

"time in which we meet ourselves" yes i agree... & time when we meet God too.:)