All Dogs go to Heaven?


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Last night I had a dream that my cat was dying. He had already died back in October, but I never cried about it, despite how much I loved him and missed him. But I cried in my dream (even though he wasn't quite dead in my dream, yet).

Then I was wondering if I'd get to see him again in Heaven, and I that was something I didn't know too much about. I remember reading somewhere that Jesus took the sin for all creation (assuming men, women, and animals alike), but also that he took the sin for all humanity so that we could be with him in Heaven. So what I'm not sure about is whether I will get to see my cat (and other deceased pets) when I get to Heaven.

I do not know if I will, but I do know that whatever happens, God will do what is right and good.
Pico said:
Last night I had a dream that my cat was dying. He had already died back in October, but I never cried about it, despite how much I loved him and missed him. But I cried in my dream (even though he wasn't quite dead in my dream, yet).

Then I was wondering if I'd get to see him again in Heaven, and I that was something I didn't know too much about. I remember reading somewhere that Jesus took the sin for all creation (assuming men, women, and animals alike), but also that he took the sin for all humanity so that we could be with him in Heaven. So what I'm not sure about is whether I will get to see my cat (and other deceased pets) when I get to Heaven.

I do not know if I will, but I do know that whatever happens, God will do what is right and good.

Unlike man, animals are without sin. Hence they do not have to be redeemed. Some opine that animals die and that is it, wherein other believe that animals do populate the heavens. The Bible is curiously lean on the fate of animals after death, however there are some points the Bible brings up that leads some to consider that animals do dwell in heaven after life on earth.

The laws of physics also provide us with some insight on the nature of energy. And if Life force or spirit is a form of energy, then be rest assured that your pet is not gone, for energy cannot be created or destroyed...only changed.

I personally am of the opinion that our animals wait for us this side of the rainbow bridge, until we are ready to cross the river, then they cross over with us. ;)

It is a comforting thought.


Something to consider....Jesus is supposed to come back on a white horse. Hmmmmmm.....Of course, this could be purely symbolic, but I can't imagine a God-created heaven with trees and fruit for the healing of the nations not having any wildlife. Isn't there a scripture in Isaiah where the lion lies down with the lamb? I'm not espousing that animals have souls, necessarily, though I won't discount it either, but if God is going to restore Paradise as it was in Adam and Eve's day, when animals populated the earth before the Fall, it would make sense that animals would be included in the future Kingdom.
In Scripture every living thing has a soul - in the Hebrew 'life' and 'soul' are almost synonymous - so animals do have souls - as do insects, etc...

As Quahom said, only man fell ... the animal kingdom bears no burden of blame.

The question then becomes one of the 'nature' or composition of the soul.

Kaballa and other sources qualify the soul by degree (Christianity does it, following Hebrew metaphysics, but as ever in a more fluid fashion) which would render animals 'outside' the divine life - animals do not partake of the Divine in the same way humanity can - animals are not called to 'know God' in the way that we are.

On the other hand, there were animals in the Garden of Eden and animals have always 'lent themselves' to the Divine Purpose, and figure not only in the cosmologies of natural religion but turn up in a Christian context - think of the Nativity, St Francis - Celtic Christianity is full of animals engaging with man in his purpose.

Then, of course, the animal kingdom was created and is 'good' in the eyes of God, and we can assume God didn't create anything without a purpose in mind beyond a little light entertainment...

Lastly, and this is the clincher, as it is highly unlikely that I will ever have an Irish Wolfhound as a companion in this life, I'm hoping for one in the next...

Unless of course, I go to the 'other place', in which case I'm banking on a lifelong affinity with dogs will stand me in good stead with the hounds of hell.

Yeah, that was one thing I was thinking about: It says that man fell, and that all of creation was tainted from that.

So I take it that it isn't animals' fault they kill each other and stuff, it's man's fault that they became that way, after all, God gave man authority over the earth, and his creation so-to-speak.

Plus, it says that we "willingly" disobey God, which is why we get sent to Hell. Since we tainted animals by bringing Sin into the world, it suppose they don't realy "choose" to kill each other, but more, the sin changed them (plus many NEED to kill for food, the Garden of Eden had all the fruits needed for us, and animals, to survive, but we got kicked out).
Thomas said:
Lastly, and this is the clincher, as it is highly unlikely that I will ever have an Irish Wolfhound as a companion in this life, I'm hoping for one in the next...

Unless of course, I go to the 'other place', in which case I'm banking on a lifelong affinity with dogs will stand me in good stead with the hounds of hell.


Well, in the off chance that that is where you end up, remember, one head likes Chocolate, one head likes Pepparoni Pizza, and the last head like Gyros (I learned tha in "Quest For Glory V" LOL :D
"... likes Gyros"

There, I've written that down, just in case. Thanks! :)
Oh no...did I give away a game secret?

A game? A GAME! :eek: This is serious stuff! I've just ordered 7 ton of Gyros to be shipped over from the US, we don't have Gyros here in the UK (actually here in the UK a gyro is slang for a Social Benefit cheque).

I'm assuming your Gyros are edible. I thought I'd keep them (it, whatever they are) in cold storage, against the eventuality. I know 'you can't take it with you', but 'it's the thought that counts' as they say ... I'm hoping that might carry some weight in the infernal realm, whaddaya think?
Thomas said:
Oh no...did I give away a game secret?

A game? A GAME! :eek: This is serious stuff! I've just ordered 7 ton of Gyros to be shipped over from the US, we don't have Gyros here in the UK (actually here in the UK a gyro is slang for a Social Benefit cheque).

I'm assuming your Gyros are edible. I thought I'd keep them (it, whatever they are) in cold storage, against the eventuality. I know 'you can't take it with you', but 'it's the thought that counts' as they say ... I'm hoping that might carry some weight in the infernal realm, whaddaya think?

The Pita bread is bland, but the lamb and herbs along with the spices and sauses make for an especially palatable dish. And the best Gyros are from Greece...not the US. just ask Postmaster...:D oh and the term is pronounced "hero" is like a Phili Chees stake sandwich, only Greek style (and much different in taste and constitution).

No wonder Serburous likes it so...dogs know taste, even three headed ones...
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Food for the soul ... and the body, too!

My brother-in-Law is Greek, his family run a sandwich bar in central London, I shall go and see them ... I shall walk in during a busy lunchtime session and ask "Got any of those dogfood pittas?"

Knowing him as I do, I suspect I shall be offline for a while...
Thomas said:

Food for the soul ... and the body, too!

My brother-in-Law is Greek, his family run a sandwich bar in central London, I shall go and see them ... I shall walk in during a busy lunchtime session and ask "Got any of those dogfood pittas?"

Knowing him as I do, I suspect I shall be offline for a while...

I suspect after a line like that you might become "one with" the pita...
17th Angel said:
Not being much of a dog person anyway, I would say no, no dogs go to heaven.... They just die. IF! They did, the one that bit me in the back of the leg Tuesday best repent!

you will be punching that dog & that dog will be chasing you & biting your leg all over heaven:) .
glad it was not a crocodile.
17th Angel said:
Not being much of a dog person anyway, I would say no, no dogs go to heaven.... They just die. IF! They did, the one that bit me in the back of the leg Tuesday best repent!

Heh, when I was Seventeen, I went to visit a buddy of mine (who happened to be my competition in the school swim meet. The last thing I asked him was was it ok to enter his yard (his Dacshound was at the gate). "Sure, Fritz doesn't bite..."

Several hours and 12 stitches to my leg later, we figured "Fritz" was doing his part to even the odds for the next day's swim meet...and it worked. I couldn't swim in the competition. Dogs are nothing if not loyal...:cool:

