The Power of Prayer and an Update from Me


Embracing the Mystery
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Under the Stars
Hello, everyone-

For those of you who have known me on this forum since before last summer, you know that I went through a very difficult time last summer. I was very touched by the outpouring of your prayers, uplifting words/hymns/scriptures, and concern. I wanted to give you all an update on my life and to tell you all... not that you didn't already know this :)... that prayer works.

My husband and I were getting divorced, but we had hundreds of friends and family praying for us. Perhaps most importantly, we were open to God's response.

Suffice it to say that we are not divorced, and we are determined to work out our difficulties. I am always amazed at the healing power of God, at the power we have in calling upon Him. We have managed to forgive things that have hurt us both very deeply, and to fall in love all over again (after ten years). We've gotten closer now than we ever were before; so much that was hurting us was miscommunication and misunderstanding. Though it is not easy, we have goals now, and plans for our future, and we're determined to work things out over time. I know that our marriage will get better and better, because we are both focused on God again, and that (in my experience) is a huge issue- where is the foundation?

I thank you all again, from the bottom of my heart, for all your prayers and loving-kindness toward me. I share, in return, testimony that our faith matters. Our prayers matter. It is such a blessing to know that God listens to us, comforts us, and heals us beyond what we thought possible.

Peace to you all,
Wonderful news Path! Thank you for this powerful testimony to prayer and faith. I'm happy for you both and will keep you in my prayers.

Wow. That's awsome! I wish my dad took God more seriously, cuz I bet something similar would have happened to my parrents instead of them getting divorced, but I'm overjoyed to know how God has helped you two.
A major motivation for me to turn to and study God's word was because I was scared to death that I would make the same mistake my dad did, cheating on my mom and falling in love with the other woman. I don't ever wanna put someone through what my mom had to go through.

God kicks ass.
path_of_one said:
Hello, everyone-

For those of you who have known me on this forum since before last summer, you know that I went through a very difficult time last summer. I was very touched by the outpouring of your prayers, uplifting words/hymns/scriptures, and concern. I wanted to give you all an update on my life and to tell you all... not that you didn't already know this :)... that prayer works.

My husband and I were getting divorced, but we had hundreds of friends and family praying for us. Perhaps most importantly, we were open to God's response.

Suffice it to say that we are not divorced, and we are determined to work out our difficulties. I am always amazed at the healing power of God, at the power we have in calling upon Him. We have managed to forgive things that have hurt us both very deeply, and to fall in love all over again (after ten years). We've gotten closer now than we ever were before; so much that was hurting us was miscommunication and misunderstanding. Though it is not easy, we have goals now, and plans for our future, and we're determined to work things out over time. I know that our marriage will get better and better, because we are both focused on God again, and that (in my experience) is a huge issue- where is the foundation?

I thank you all again, from the bottom of my heart, for all your prayers and loving-kindness toward me. I share, in return, testimony that our faith matters. Our prayers matter. It is such a blessing to know that God listens to us, comforts us, and heals us beyond what we thought possible.

Peace to you all,

Go maire sibh bhur saol "nua", agus shliocht bhur sleachta! (May you enjoy your "new" life, and blessings on your posterity! :D


Beautiful. BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Testimonys give us the hope of better days. Thanks for sharing yours. Thank God that he turned your heads and hearts back to Love - I think that is what we all live for more than anything else. I know that we don't live a quality life without it. God is looking at you, girl!
Hello, Kim, and Peace--

I realize that I missed this thread before--I know you understand why.

Can't sign out of here for a while without expressing my joy for you and your husband. Lifting y'all up to Love.

Now, there's some stuff that you were planning on doing and I think you did some--you know, the Mayans? I would love to hear all about your adventures in this area, if you are so inclined (you could start a great thread somewhere--question might be (of course) where? :) Mayan politics...or religion? Archeology? History?)

Trying to think of more to say, but as you probably know, I gotta be outta here for a little while--wrapping things up the best I can for now.

I just saw this thread the other day, and after some thought, I decided that I needed to post.

Don't forget the pines at Easter---;)
