"Full Moon" Festivals - Aries/Easter


Gnōthi seauton
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Terra Firma
Since the Festival of Easter (Aries Full Moon) is upon us, I wanted to post a few words about the Esoteric Tradition which recognizes the Full Moon Festivals throughout the year, as well as the gathering-times of the New Moon. This is a tradition which has grown over many decades, and I think we will see it increase steadily as science comes to verify the existence, nature, and relevance of the energies involved.

My own background and understanding is quite limited, but comes from over 15 years of participation in three different esoteric groups, as well as individual observance of the Full Moon Festivals on many occasions. Some students choose to meditate on their own, especially if they are not able to join with a Group in their community, but in most of the larger cities there are now esoteric groups which conduct Full Moon meetings in the tradition to which I am referring.

The background, for those who might wish to research the writings of individual authors, include the teachings of Alice Bailey, Lucille Cedarcrans, Helena Roerich, and others. I would be interested if others at CR – whatever one’s background and beliefs – might have participated in some type of Full Moon (or New Moon) meeting at some point. If so, what were your experiences? What were the circumstances? You could stop here, and ponder … then read on for the description I’m going to provide – and see if there are parallels. After my simple visualization, I am hoping to ground what I’m about to say with some very practical examples and illustrations. Perhaps you have some too! :)

The easiest way to understand, mechanically speaking, what occurs at the Full Moon, is first to get a good visualization of the Earth’s yearly orbit around the Sun:
Looking down from above, picture the Sun at the center of our Solar System, and consider the elliptical orbit of our planet Earth. Recall that we move around the sun counter-clockwise. As we have recently been farthest away from the sun, the season in the northern hemisphere has been winter, and the closer we move toward the sun, the warmer it gets. As the image below shows, we have reached Spring (at the bottom), and the Festival of Easter is upon us!
The vernal equinox takes us past the midway point, where days and nights are of equal length, and only at the summer solstice (Sol stetare – “sun standing still”) will we be at the closest point to the Sun. Exoteric science recognizes many changes that occur as the Earth approaches and distances itself from the sun, and the most obvious of these is the changing of the seasons … with the rather profound impact that this has upon all life on the Planet.

Currently we are very nearly at the Full Moon of Aries, called by Esotericists the Festival of Easter, and recognized by the Christians as simply `Easter.’ Why do Esotericists consider this Festival significant?

One reason is because it is the major Festival of the West, wherein the Christ is recognized as the embodiment and representative of the great centre of Love on the Planet. Next month, at the Full Moon of Taurus, the great Festival of Wesak (vaisaka) will occur, wherein the Buddha is celebrated as the Avatar of the East, bringing Light. Following that, the Festival of Humanity occurs (also called “Christ’s Festival”), at the Gemini Full Moon, during which the energies of the two prior Festivals are released – energies which have been invoked by and directed through the Christ and Buddha, and held in store by the Spiritual Hierarchy (Government) of the world and by world Servers everywhere. These three Festivals together mark the Spiritual High Point of the year, as regarded by Esotericists.

So why is it the Full Moon Festivals which mark the time of Gathering, and just what is the nature of these “energies” which are being invoked each month (there are 13 Festivals in all, corresponding to the 13 Full Moons we have each year, and not the calendar months). Just what exactly does the moon have to do with it?

Nothing. Or rather, the reason for the Gathering at the time of the Full Moon ... will be apparent if you look at the image below. You’ll notice that when the moon if “Full,” it’s on the opposite side of the planet from the Sun. It is out of the way. For the past two weeks, we’ve moved from a waxing crescent, to the 1st quarter, to a waxing gibbous, and finally to a nearly-full moon of Aries. In terms of the lesser zodiac, if you position yourself where the Sun is and divide the sky into twelve equal sectors of 30 degrees each, we have moved precisely into the center of the sector called “Aries.”


Esotericists speak literally and seriously about Extra-Planetary and Extra-Solar energies (Divine and beneficent in nature) which reach our Solar System and make their way to planet Earth via the Sun, via the Seven Sacred Planets (of which Earth is not one), and finally via certain great Representatives of God’s Plan for this planet. The Full Moon occurrence is a time each month when these energies may reach us via the Sun unimpeded by the influence of the moon. Meditation two days prior, and two days following the full moon is most beneficial in the spiritual cycle, with a climax occurring in the exact hour of the Full Moon (Aries being 12:41 EDT on April 13, 2006). For an Esotericist, this is Easter.

The full significance of what occurs at the monthly full moons may not immediately be apparent, but consider it thus: Across the globe, in every country and in most major cities, there are groups of esotericists who gather in recognition of the above ideas. Where a group is not present, individual students "link up" with their spiritual Brothers across the globe, since the true magnetic links exist just as strong on the Inner Planes as the outer. Usually a meditation occurs on the hour, lasting either half an hour, or perhaps a full hour. A definite ceremony is followed by most of these groups, although the details will vary from one to the other. Most likely what occurs will be almost entirely inward, in the sense that group members are usually seated. Any ritual observed will be in the choice of mantrams used, a visualization followed, or in the style of invocation chosen.

In terms of the correspondences between the 7 Sacred Planets, the Sun, and the Zodaical Energies present during each Full Moon period, I could not begin to do the subject proper justice in such a short post, but would ask if others might have some insight, or familiarity with these correspondences. The guidebook which I have studied for many years, and which has helped me almost more than any of Alice Bailey's writings, is called The Labours of Hercules. And as the History International special I saw the other night explained, each of Hercules' great Labours illustrates a challenge and an accomplishment of this Hero ... and symbolizes for us what we, too may accomplish as we mature spiritually.
We cannot expect to fully succeed as we strive to meet the challenges of each sign, but not to worry - the cycle will repeat. Like everything else in nature, we are looking at a spiral, rather than a straight line. Mastery comes in many degrees, and is surely a lifetime in the making ... or more. ;)

The spiritual keynote upon which most Esotericists will be meditating during the Festival of Aries, and during the April Full Moon, is this:
The way to consider this, is to imagine this as the utterance of one's Soul - the Christ within ... the Innermost essence of one's being. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, and thus it marks the point of the Soul's beginning of it's 12-sign journey. In the coming signs, the Soul emerges more fully into the world of form, orients itself to outward expression, learns discernment, asserts itself, and sets its focus definitely upon spiritual attainment, arriving finally as the Aquarian Server and ending its journey as the Piscean World Savior.

I have given short shrift to the true significance of the Festival of Easter as most Esotericists regard it, but that would take another post of equal length. Aries is not seen as "just another full moon," for it marks the beginning of a fresh cycle of spiritual Inspiration, Illumination, and resulting Enlightenment for all the World. The energies invoked by many millions of esotericists worldwide, reaching us through the Christ, the Elder Brothers, and the senior Disciples of these Masters, are further distributed through a vast network across the planet ... linking heart to heart, mind to mind, and outward, concerted effort with like effort, wherever the spirit of active altruism may be found. World servers seek to accomplish, albeit in smaller measure - but no less important to our planet at this time - precisely what the Christ taught us we may accomplish ... and promised we would accomplish, in time.

The closing line of the Great Invocation, which is used daily by many Esotericists - and always said at the Full Moon Meetings in the tradition I have described - seems appropriate here:
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

taijasi said:
The background, for those who might wish to research the writings of individual authors, include the teachings of Alice Bailey, Lucille Cedarcrans, Helena Roerich, and others. I would be interested if others at CR – whatever one’s background and beliefs – might have participated in some type of Full Moon (or New Moon) meeting at some point. If so, what were your experiences? What were the circumstances? You could stop here, and ponder … then read on for the description I’m going to provide – and see if there are parallels. After my simple visualization, I am hoping to ground what I’m about to say with some very practical examples and illustrations. Perhaps you have some too! :)

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.



i dont think anything ever happens to me on a full moon. but i know it does to other people. i like to lay in the hammock at night during the summer & watch the moon get higher in the sky.
one time we watched an eclipse (cant recall which one) while playing dark side of the moon. that was a good time.:)
I don't do the kind of meetings you're talking about, but when I can, I do peace ceremonies on the full moon. It's a modern druidic thing I picked up about a year ago, and I think it follows at least some similar idea- to send out healing energy for the earth, and meditate on peace and healing for humanity and nature.

The druidic group I belong to encourages everyone to write their own ritual and ceremony, so mine focuses rather heavily on Christian ideas and prayers. I basically do a centering prayer, chant some awens, do a peace prayer and the Druid's prayer (which I've refashioned a bit), recite the Beatitudes (Mt. 5:3-16), a peace prayer that I love from the Upanishads, some (sort of) original poetry on peace, and that's about it.

Not entirely sure why on a full moon, except that there are ideas about energy working being perhaps easier in some way. I just find the full moon beautiful, and a good reminder.
Bandit, Path, both of your posts speak to me of the true essence, and beautiful nature of the Peaceful Presence(s), Whom Esotericists seek to contact during the higher interlude of the Full Moons

I left out a brief comment upon the equal importance of the New Moon Meetings as a strengthening of the hands of World Servers in this alternating cycle (picture a sine wave) of higher and lower monthly interludes. When the planet's energies are low, and inspiration is on the ebb during the new moon period, it is useful to come together to reaffirm the goals undertaken two weeks prior, as well as to shift one's attention individually & in group towards next month's sign and spiritual opportunity.

This is not simply the observance of a pattern, or some kind of formal ritual. It is the recognition of nature's ongoing cycle, and an opportunity to share the Joy and the magic of our relationship with Deity. For some Esotericists, the Full Moon time is very much like a great Inbreath ... and the New Moon is the resultant exhale. Here, we literally partake of perhaps the most natural cycle of all, which imho connects us personally,' with the Being we call `God' (the One in Whom we Live and move and have our Being). :cool:

The kind of gentle reception of energies at the Full Moon and inward reflection mentioned in the last two posts are Ideal, and these represent a conscious, positive, constructive response. Again, whether we observe this cycle of Spiritual Approach as individuals or as part of a group, the hope is that we may safely and successfully aid in the directing of Love, Light and Power ... wherever these are needed upon the planet, at this particular stage of the Plan (which can differ month by month, year by year, or as part of much longer - yet recurring - cycles).

This effort requires the use of the Creative Imagination (aka "Higher Mind"), the faculty of Intelligent Love-Wisdom, and a willingness to Serve the Purpose as best as we are able to sense & interpret it. As this is an ideal which even the most advanced students are still working to make Real, it is no surprise that large numbers of Humanity are as yet unable to handle the increased Solar energies (Divine, yet impartial in their amplificatory effect) which pour through during the Full Moon.

On the one hand, we need the influx and upliftment, in order to grow both personally and spiritually (in thinking of the planet as a whole, though also as individuals). Yet the only way to properly receive these energies is through a vessel which is increasingly purifed (the Bible speaks of no fewer than three different ways by which this occurs, all under the heading of Baptism), and consecrated. We do not do this one time only, or even over a period of many years. It is a lifelong endeavor, and voicing the significance of this process from the angle of form, St. Paul spoke the words, "I die daily."

Yet for a bit of concrete and hard evidence of just how chaotic the effects of the monthly influx of heightened energies can be, consider the testimony of every police station in every major city on the planet, and the testimony of the health care providers in hospitals, urgent care clinics, and doctors' offices worldwide. What they will uniformly tell you, is something to the effect that ... Yep, the Full Moon brings 'em outta the woodwork. And the "them" are sometimes called "the crazies," but if you ask a bit further, what you'll find is that plain & simply, the incidences of crime, various mental disorders, aberrant human behavior, and to some extent, just good ol' fashioned partyin' - is higher at the time of the Full Moon each month.

Case studies have long ago demonstrated the correlation as beyond question, but I'm not out to convince the skeptics. I can only testify from my own experiences that the zodiacal energies do exist, quite objectively and even tangibly so, in terms of their observable effects (from planet, to nation, to various types of human groupings, down to human individuals, and also profoundly impacting the animal kingdom). In simple terms, the astral body (emotional aura) of all forms of life can become overloaded, this being the weak link in the chain in most cases - as far as humanity goes. Thus the resultant chaos, like the familiar jitter (or jolt!) which we've all probably experienced as we sit otherwise enraptured in some Heavenly vision, or appreciation of Divine Majesty & Splendor.

It is but a temporary kink, and patterns of energy-flow are ever-shifting, as we gradually come into contact both with Heavenly Beings, and with Angelic Presences so vast that it is only possible to conceive of them as Energies (so fundamental is their existence). Knowing almost nothing about esoteric Astrology, I am still fascinated and deeply moved by the recurring hints & indications which we have always received via the world's mythologies. Once we start to peel away our anthropomorphisms, we can see the Greek Gods without the human attributes assigned to them latterly as we came to imperfectly interpret the Divine Symbolism. And we can recognize in the Egyptian Ogdoad (Pantheon) the very personification of the most Intimate processes and Aspects of Cosmos ... which are mirrored and manifested in every Solar System with its host of worlds, and myriad of inhabitants.

The astronomer looks out and observes the Dance of the Gods, yet knows it not - so long as he looks for human constructions. To touch the Beauty, to sense the inherent Order, and to recognize the Immensity, the tremendous Power of the Forces involved in Stellar and Planetary Creation ... these twinklings of clair-voyance are what speak to the astronomer in his moments of Divine Inspiration, as he sheds a tear, hears the Song - and feels the Dance! :)

Love and Light,

Hi Andrew -

In the Celtic tradition, as most others, every full moon is celebrated, with obvious celebrations, the solstices and equinoxes, and the four 'big' fire festivals - Imbolc, Beltane, Lammas and Samhain.

Winter Solstice, 20 - 23 December

Imbolc, beginning of February. Candelmass Eve, 31 Jan.

Spring Equinox, 21 - 22 March

Beltane, end of April, beginning of May

Summer Solstice, 20 - 23 June

Lammas, beginning of August

Autum Equinox, 20 - 23 September

Samhain, end of October

The fourfold 'awakening-growth-harvest-rest' repeats itself within every lunar cycle, and can be aspected to every temporal cycle - of the year, the moon, the day, etc.

My Father in Law, a pagan of some renown, used to hold a midsummer festival on his farm every year, at which my partner and I were 'site crew'. With food, drink, bands, performances, a labyrinth procession, a ritual which ended with a burning arrow fired into a straw sundisk, the signal for the commencement of a firework display ... the last festivals numbered over 400 present.

On his 70th birthday the Albion Fair lent us a full-size circus 'bigtop' - the erection of which is an esoterists' delight in itself, with its 'king poles' and 'queen poles'. It marked the last of that particular cycle.

We continue the tradition, on a smaller scale, at home in London, about 80 people, with song, performance and fireworks ... luckily it has never rained, so the house and garden can just about accommodate everyone.

Friends of ours are farmers, who manage the farm according to the lunar principles taught by the Steiner school.

taijasi said:
To touch the Beauty, to sense the inherent Order, and to recognize the Immensity, the tremendous Power of the Forces involved in Stellar and Planetary Creation ... these twinklings of clair-voyance are what speak to the astronomer in his moments of Divine Inspiration, as he sheds a tear, hears the Song - and feels the Dance! :)

Love and Light,


i think i have this connection you speak of. there is something special about the full moon in winter as it twinkles off of the snow & creates a calming blue effect. this is usually in December & February that i take notice.
there is an awesome moon that rises around the second week of August & appears just seconds after the sunset. i know this moon well as i have watched many sunsets. i am thinking i get the same peace, majesty & beauty as the sun sets over a large body of water & i see the moon rise behind it.
there have been many days that i plan the entire day around getting to the tower at the beach to watch the sunset, as a man plays amazing grace on the bag pipes & i give glory back to God for these things.

i am in awe at the colors of the moon that range from white, red, orange & yellow & sometimes a blueish tint with the ring that appears from the light. i guess i celebrate these things in my own way without anyone really knowing & it is just a natural.
from a horticulturist perspective as a hobby, i have found the farmers almanac in touch.:)

These serve for me, both, as wonderful examples of the working out of the Heavenly Order through its living vessels and symbols - Humanity. In dance, in celebration, in ritual ... the very paths of the stars can be imitated. There is an outward, visible dimension - a manifestation which I have decided is evidence enough (for me) of God, whether we are looking at the night sky, a lunar eclipse, or the reflection of Sun and moon in the ocean at sunset.

The Divine Drama works itself out on whatever scale, right down into the life of each individual. Even an entire civilization, can reflect the Cosmic Mystery. I am intrigued by the notion that the Egyptians sought to mirror the Heavenly Order so directly in their art, their architecture, their Temples, and perhaps in the very choice of where to build the Giza Pyramids in relation to the Nile (which might have been regarded as mirroring the Milky Way itself).

The rituals and culture of the Egyptians seems quite different from that of the Celts, and I'm sure there are many points of divergence. But the similarities in their Ceremony, is something I will look for ... as I learn more about the Druidic Tradition. Thanks, Thomas and Bandit, for sharing your experiences and heart's ponderings on Moon meditation/Festivals ...

Love and Light,

I didn't realize that there was an esoteric Easter marked by the full moon in Aries this time of year. Earlier this spring, I celebrated Easter with a ritual during the Spring Equinox. Part of me wishes I would have read this thread earlier in the week, so that I could have participated more fully with the full moon. As it stands, though, I had quite a shift of energy on Thursday the 13th, which was the full moon of this cycle. I'd been in a funk for about ten days, then circumstances and events turned that around on Thursday. I got a taste of some joy, freedom, and lightheartedness that I've been missing lately, and this continued to manifest quite a bit through Friday.

A local astrologer friend of mine has some interesting and (as always) hopeful insight for this full moon. If anyone is interested, here's a link to an audio commentary:

She mentions Aries in her commentary, but according to her the moon is in Libra this month. I'm a bit confused by that, but I think that the sun is in Aries during this time of year (roughly half of March and half of April?), but the astrological position of the moon during this time varies from year to year.
Re: "Full Moon" Festivals - Wesak/Taurus

Pathless said:
She mentions Aries in her commentary, but according to her the moon is in Libra this month. I'm a bit confused by that, but I think that the sun is in Aries during this time of year (roughly half of March and half of April?), but the astrological position of the moon during this time varies from year to year.
This is partially a bump for Wesak relevance, and partially an attempt on my part to finally answer you, Pathless. Apologies for the delay ...

If I understand my zodiacs, then there are actually three which we might consider. It would be misleading, however, to say that the "Full Moon" meditations I've spoken of are related to the actual moon in this sense. For simplicity's sake, it would be better not to think of the moon in relation to zodiacal cycles - but if we did, then we'd be talking about a 29.5-day cycle, such that each "sign" lasted about 59 hours. This doesn't have any real meaning for us, since we don't live on the moon. When it's out of the way, however, once a month, Spiritual energies are available which are otherwise occluded or greatly limited. This corresponds to the waxing/waning of the moon ...

The lesser zodiac which comes into consideration 12 (or 13) times a year, is defined by the passing of the Earth through 12 arc segments of 30 degrees each, these segments being like wedges drawn from the center of the SUN. The backdrop forming the circle (sphere) against which these arcs are drawn is the rest of the Galaxy, making it a rather large orange indeed (thinking of each sign as a slice of the orange, or a wedge).

Earth really just passes through the innermost portions of that orange, with almost immediate proximity to the Sun, from any really significant perspective - yet this passage has definite results upon all planetary life, from the level of the tiniest atom of substance up to and beyond the planetary Entity itself. As human beings, we are profoundly impacted by the energies of each sign, which reach us from the constellations, being focused by the Planetary Rulers (three per zodiacal sign), and directing agencies of the Planet (the Spiritual Brotherhood and Devic Regents of varying standing).

The Greater Zodiac will be defined as the period of orbit of our entire Solar System around that greater Entity termed Alcyone, one of the Seven Pleaides. This cycle is given as a period of 25,000 years in the teachings of the Tibetan Master through Alice Bailey. I'm not sure if science has yet corroborated the period of this cycle ... but astronomers know well that our Solar System hurtles through space at a speed of [SIZE=-1]17 parsecs per million years, which is roughly 326 million miles a year, or - get ready, and hang on - 37,209mph!!! (~60,000kph) Did you know our whole solar system was moving that fast??? :D (I sure didn't!)

Anyway, fast as that may be, if we entered the Aquarian Era about 62 years ago (if not more like 70), we still have a good couple thousand years or so before we reach Capricorn. ;) That's a whole lotta Wesak Festivals, and a whole lotta Easters!

The relevance part of bumping this thread is because 24 hours from now is the Taurus Full Moon, or Wesak, as has been posted on the Buddhist forum. For esoteric students of Alice Bailey, Lucille Cedercrans, and others, this Full Moon has the keynote (as uttered by the spiritual soul, the incarnating entity on its own plane):
[FONT=verdana,arial,geneva,helvetica]"I see and when the Eye is opened, all is light."[/FONT][FONT=verdana,arial,geneva,helvetica]
Notice that the "Eye" is singular (not to mention capitalized), and has direct relevance to Christ's utterance (in Matthew 6:22): "The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light." More can be found here.

[SIZE=-1] In the esoteric tradition, the Buddha is believed to make an actual descent - and extraordinary sacrifice - and to literally return to Humanity during a brief ceremony, lasting only 8 minutes, at which every Great One call be found or represented ... and presided over by The Christ. This takes place at the precise moment of the Full Moon, or at 2:52AM, EDT. Pilgrims from far & wide will make the journey to participate, many of them in their subtle body.

An article was written some time ago and posted to the 'Net, with a picture of the Sacred Valley in the Himalayas that is believed to be the location where this Spiritual Festival has occurred (esoterically) throughout the centuries. I do not know if the location is the right one, just that it's amazing to consider that it might have been located! The complete account of the Esoteric Festival is also at that site ...

Tradition maintains, if memory serves me correctly, that the aura of Shakyamuni was/is 3 miles wide ... :)

In Love and Light,

Happy Wesak Festival!

This festival is celebrebated on the full moon in May.


Some people celebrate Buddha's birthday on this day. Some people celebrate Buddha's achievement of enlightenment on this day.

According to one Theosophist, Gautama returns to earth once a year on this day and visits with his close associates that he 'left behind' when he entered nirvana. The theory says this is such a big holiday because people rejoice his return to earth at this time.

In the Wikipedia article, it says that enlightenment and nirvana are the same thing, and it says that Buddha's passing away and parinirvana are the same thing. Theosophy's definitions of these words are quite different. (I sometime ask Buddhists the difference between nirvana and parinirvana, and I am amazed by some of the answers I get.)