
China Cat Sunflower said:
Just an aside: Isn't it interesting how, on some rare occasions, you get to a kind of critical mass where a thread just starts humming for a magical little moment. This has been really fun. What fine conversation! What a feast of friends!


Agreed. High-speed internet access helps. :D
This has been fun! I just have to figure out how to do the quote thing.

Thanks, all!
Just an aside: Isn't it interesting how, on some rare occasions, you get to a kind of critical mass where a thread just starts humming for a magical little moment. This has been really fun. What fine conversation! What a feast of friends!
Agreed! I was just thinking about how pleasant tonight has been, with pleanty of good talk and new and "old" friends (not that the old friends are old, mind you).

*Note to self; when you find yourself in a hole, quit digging*

Anyway, it has been a great evening, but I'm bushed. I gotta call it a night. G'nite everybody!
Prober said:
This has been fun! I just have to figure out how to do the quote thing.

Thanks, all!

Hi Mr. Prober. To quote someone else's post just go to that post and reply using the 'QUOTE' button in the lower right corner.

To insert your own quotes use this :

write what you want to quote here [/*quote]

except omit the * (I just put it in so you could see what the command looks like)

juantoo3 said:
Agreed! I was just thinking about how pleasant tonight has been, with pleanty of good talk and new and "old" friends (not that the old friends are old, mind you).

*Note to self; when you find yourself in a hole, quit digging*

Anyway, it has been a great evening, but I'm bushed. I gotta call it a night. G'nite everybody!

I've got to go too. Nice chatting with you all tonight. :D

Quick note to Prober:
This has been fun! I just have to figure out how to do the quote thing.
One way is to use the quote button at the bottom of the post. I think that takes too long, but its good for long quotes.

Otherwise, copy and paste works pretty good. Just enclose with: [ quote ] text [ /quote ] Just remove the spaces in the quote boxes.

lunamoth said:
Hi Mr. Prober. To quote someone else's post just go to that post and reply using the 'QUOTE' button in the lower right corner.

Thanks, Luna
juantoo3 said:
Kindest Regards, Cage!

I'm not sure how to answer you, Cage.

Do I appreciate a good looking woman? Of course. Do I drool over every good looking woman in my mind at every opportunity? Can't say I do.

How many broken homes does it take to learn some lessons? How many ex-wives? How much child support and alimony? Some lessons are cheaper than others.

Not to mention, is a woman solely meant to be an object of desire? I am certain there are some women that play off of that tendency to make some men into fools. And if a man is fool enough to fall for it, he gets what he deserves.

Eye candy, nice. Odds are, you can't afford it. Look sure, but why even think about touching?

Maybe a sound definition of Lust is in order? I've always assumed that what Jesus meant by lust was a strong desire to be with a woman. (Not even in a sexual way) Which kinda makes it hard in the dating scene not to break this commandment. Even after dating for some time, and before marriage we all have urges, and that too can be considered lust. So how do you avoid this kind of desire? It is utterly, and completely natural, and unless you're happily married, I see no way around adultery, as Jesus layed it out in Matthew 5.

I am not in the habit of suggesting someone read the Bible. Around here it just seems, a bit aggressive. But you are seeking, and you are asking probing questions. Read the book of Ecclesiastes, then let's talk. Especially the part about not being overly wise or sinning too much, or doing foolish things.

I'll take your advice, and read Ecclesiastes again. I often forget much of what I read, and it's always good to go back and refresh. Your suggestion doesn't seem at all aggressive, juan, but I find it a bit humbling; I am a somewhat prideful man at heart, lol! :)

Much Love,

Prober said:
lunamoth said:
Hi Mr. Prober. To quote someone else's post just go to that post and reply using the 'QUOTE' button in the lower right corner.

Thanks, Luna

Ah, I think you almost got it. somehow you lost the closing end of the command.

It's been a pleasure 'meeting' you--please do return!

Hang on a second...("what's that honey? No, I'm not married to the darn computer. O.K., be right there.")

Goodnight Johnboy.

Kindest Regards, Cage!

Just one more before I call it a night:

Maybe a sound definition of Lust is in order? I've always assumed that what Jesus meant by lust was a strong desire to be with a woman. ...So how do you avoid this kind of desire? It is utterly, and completely natural, and unless you're happily married, I see no way around adultery, as Jesus layed it out in Matthew 5.
I see a little bit of confusion with terms. Adultery is sex with a married person, to whom you are not married. I suspect you mean fornication. Forced to pick between them, I would rather fornicate than commit adultery, if that makes sense. Both parties must be single, "unattached," to fornicate. Fornication could be said to be a lesser offense (and herein enters the argument of whether such even exists, the old "a sin is a sin is a sin" argument, which I do not hold). I sense it to be lesser because number one: sex itself is not the sin. Number two: there is no intrusion into a sacred bond (an oath before G-d and witnesses to hold each other alone, forsaking all others, let no one come between them...). Number three: infidelity destroys families. Some sins are solo events, you do the damage to yourself. Some sins affect others too. Some sins can adversely affect how you get along with your family, nuclear and extended, and friends, possibly for the rest of your life.

Nobody cares if you smoke a little dope. Except the man, and that is so he can collect his share of the spoils and keep you in submission. But to (*G-d forbid, I do not in any way wish this*) rape your daughter will bring about repercussions for the rest of your life! That is a sin that might be forgiven, but you *will* pay for it, over and over and over. So yes, I do see greater and lesser sin. Fornication is a lesser sin, Adultery is a greater sin.

Lust is a bit more vague. I can see my understanding, which is admittedly vague even to me, is a bit different from those of you and China.
wow! I was shocked to see 5 more pages added to this thread so not sure Im going to do anything other than saying hello j23 I havent had much time so I usually get on and post to the more simple of threads because I cant take the time to respond to deeper ones that usually require research of some sort.. even though I wish I could.. :)

As for China.. All of Gods creations have a purpose in the grand scheme of things.. im certain.. For me its not so much that He needs us or find us useful.. but I do believe He wants us.. He made us for HIS desire “for His pleasure.” Revelation 4:11 says, “Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.” Colossians 1:16 reiterates the point: “All things were created by Him and for Him.”..

As for the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ.. what a perfect manifestation of agape Love... giving of oneself for the assurance of anothers eternal life.. Flesh is temporary and thats all most of us can comprehend... the blood and death.. try to think of it in spiritual matters, Cage. His flesh died so our spirits could truly live.
China Cat Sunflower said:

I think it comes down to intent and motive. Do you really intend to bed this woman, or are you just admiring and/or fantasizing about her? Lust isn't just entertaining fantasies about someone who isn't your wife. Most times the thought is just as good as the thrill! I mean, is it really your intent to put out all the effort it would take to get her in the sack, or are you just fantasizing? That, to me is the crux of the biscuit.

I like some eye candy too, but what's far more important, and what I really want is to make my marriage work and give my kids the advantage of growing up with a mommy and daddy who live together and love each other. It's not that hard to keep it in my pants.


I never had a problem "keeping it in my pants" when I was married, either, lol! I did look at another woman with great desire, though. I never acted on it, (sexually) but the essence of desire I had for this woman convicted me proper enough. I'm just saying...

Yes, I'm telling on myself, lol! Although, I see no 'real' harm in this kind of honesty. It may not be the 'wisest' thing to do on these forums, but it serves, in a way, as a freeing experience for me,



Faithfulservant said:
As for the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ.. what a perfect manifestation of agape Love... giving of oneself for the assurance of anothers eternal life.. Flesh is temporary and thats all most of us can comprehend... the blood and death.. try to think of it in spiritual matters, Cage. His flesh died so our spirits could truly live.

It is a beautiful sentiment, Faithfulservant, no question about that, but I still don't understand why it was nescessary. I'm sure it will hit me some day, and if it doesn't, then I guess it wasn't for 'me' to understand.

Much Love,

Why do birds suddenly appear,
Everytime you are near?
Just like me, they long to be,
Close to you......

Why do stars fall down from the sky,
Everytime you walk by?
Just like me, they long to be,
close to you.........