Renamed to Alternative

What do you see as your blurbs below each heading?

for example....

Christian issues and discussions of Christianity.

Judaism and the Jewish faith: issues and dicussions

Islam and Islamic issues: discussions of the Muslim Faith.
I said:
Okay, just to recap on my current thinking before I move forward with hits:

New Age

Does that sound like a do-able set of distinctions?
Sounds good to me - still under Alternative? Good questions from Wil, btw. Looks to me if I'm correct that only Mysticism is changing (category wise), into New Age. Granted, a die hard Eckhart follower might object, but my opinion is run with it! :D (umm, Forrest :p)

taijasi said:
Sounds good to me - still under Alternative? Good questions from Wil, btw. Looks to me if I'm correct that only Mysticism is changing (category wise), into New Age. Granted, a die hard Eckhart follower might object, but my opinion is run with it! :D (umm, Forrest :p)


Um yeah. Eckhart, Merton, de Mello ... they don't have anything to do with new age, but I guess that is in the eye of the beholder.
Healing, crystals, theories, astrology, conspiracies,

This inlies the problem as I see it.

I indicated earlier that I felt mystical forms of Judaism and Islam sometimes feel more kinship...

I and I think others are looking for an area where Christians, followers of Jesus and Christ, can discuss the mystic, the apocryphal, the esoteric, compare with other thoughts, explore the Christian world...without upsetting those that appear to get upset by the discussion...

This discussion and New Thought doesn't fit under New Age....nor does it fit under the above listings for Esoteric...

Is it just me, am I off base by what I see the whole discussion was about.
I guess there's always going to be a problem with taxonomy on a board like this - sometimes certain influences and belief systems cross boundaries very easily, so it's difficult to really isolate them into a specific section.

The problem so far on the Alternative section is that the Esoteric and Mysticism boards have a lot of overlap - heck, Mysticism even mentions it's for discussions on Esoteric subjects.

I guess we take it one foot at a time - tidy up the Alternative section as it is, then see what other developments may be necessary there...
Okay, done a little tidying up in the Alternative section - renamed the boards and moved some threads around. Let's see if that makes for a footing we can move forward from.
ALOHA E I-BRIAN .... why is Quaballah included under Magik .... it seems to belong under the same category as mysticism .... it really seems out of place where it is right now .... mahalo nui, pohaikawahine
IT's because we now have the four boards:

New Age

I tend to see the Qabbalah as pretty instrumental in a lot of magick practice outside Judaism, so for the time being at least it appeared most appropriate - for now.

At this stage, it's simply a case of setting up general boards of significant difference.
pohaikawahine said:
ALOHA E I-BRIAN .... why is Quaballah included under Magik .... it seems to belong under the same category as mysticism .... it really seems out of place where it is right now .... mahalo nui, pohaikawahine

seems sort of like marijuana leads to harder drugs... as long as it is an 'outcast', you end up hanging out with other 'outcasts' and affiliation leads to thing you know...

that alternative mystical, metaphysical path is soooo dangerous....
I said:
IT's because we now have the four boards:

New Age

I tend to see the Qabbalah as pretty instrumental in a lot of magick practice outside Judaism, so for the time being at least it appeared most appropriate - for now.

At this stage, it's simply a case of setting up general boards of significant difference.

I, Brian - I just see it so differently that I think you may do a disservice to the essence of Kabbalah by placing it here .... but those are just my thoughts .... I'd be interested to know what Bananabrain and Dauer think on where it should be located .... I don't see any connection with Magick in Kabbalah at all ....aloha nui, pohaikawahine
Well, there's really two different versions of Quabbalah - the traditional Jewish 'mysticism' - which co-exists quite well along side the rest of Judaism, and the magical version which has been co-opted and has very little to do with Judaism - I think the latter belongs in Alternative, while the former fits in Judaism. Of course, the fun becomes trying to figure out which is being addressed... Madonna's version is the latter.
pohaikawahine said:
I, Brian - I just see it so differently that I think you may do a disservice to the essence of Kabbalah by placing it here .... but those are just my thoughts .... I'd be interested to know what Bananabrain and Dauer think on where it should be located .... I don't see any connection with Magick in Kabbalah at all ....aloha nui, pohaikawahine

The only times I've encountered the Qabbalah as a central focus is in the magick traditions - though obviously such a well-regarded system is going to be referenced in more syncrete approaches to spirituality.

What I'd like to suggest is that we leave Qabbalah in Magick for the time being, but if the topic comes up in the Esoteric or New Age boards, I won't make any attempt to move them to Magick.

Does that sound better?