getting to know you...


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Wild, Wild West
...getting to know all about you. :)

Borrowing from Wil's salutation to Tigress, let's play an introductions game. I'll pose three questions. The next person answers the three questions, adds one of their own and drops the top question off. Etc. Confusing? :confused: Well, let's see how it goes.

1. How did you learn about/stumble upon CR?

2. What is your occupation?

3. What kind of insect would you be?
1. How did you learn about/stumble upon CR?

Stumbled on it, I don't remember how.

2. What is your occupation?

Finish carpenter/cabinet maker.

3. What kind of insect would you be?

Praying mantis.

1. What is your occupation?

2. What kind of insect would you be?

3. Which would you rather be: The wave washing up on the wavy sand, or the wavy sand?
1. What is your occupation?
Hospital Ward Clerk

2. What kind of insect would you be?
A water strider

3. Which would you rather be: The wave washing up on the wavy sand, or the wavy sand?
The wave washing

1. What kind of insect would you be?

2. Which would you rather be: The wave washing up on the wavy sand, or the wavy sand?

3. Would you rather fly or swim?
1. What kind of insect would you be? - Dragonfly

2. Which would you rather be: The wave washing up on the wavy sand, or the wavy sand? - The Wave

3. Would you rather fly or swim? - Swim, I think.

1- Which would you rather be: The wave washing up on the wavy sand, or the wavy sand?

2 - Would you rather fly or swim?

3 - What is your favorite dessert?
1- Which would you rather be: The wave washing up on the wavy sand, or the wavy sand?


2 - Would you rather fly or swim?


3 - What is your favorite dessert?


1 - Would you rather fly or swim?

2 - What is your favorite dessert?

3 - If you had one wish, what would it be?
1 - Would you rather fly or swim?


2 - What is your favorite dessert?

Chocolate Decadense

3 - If you had one wish, what would it be?

Go to Heaven a heck of a lot earlier

1. What is your favorite dessert?

2. If you had one wish, what would it be?

3. Would you like be nerdy and trade playing cards while wearing a pocket protector and taped glasses? :D
1. What is your favorite dessert?
-live pie

2. If you had one wish, what would it be?
-more wishes

3. Would you like be nerdy and trade playing cards while wearing a pocket protector and taped glasses? :D
never been called nerd, never had trading cards, never had a pocket protector, never taped my glasses (just started needing them this year)

1. If you had one wish, what would it be?

2. Would you like be nerdy and trade playing cards while wearing a pocket protector and taped glasses? :D

3. If the you from the day before you die came and visited yourself today....what would you tell yourself? (worth the meditation)
1. If you had one wish, what would it be? - Better health

2. Would you like be nerdy and trade playing cards while wearing a pocket protector and taped glasses? - No. Though I love "Revenge of the Nerds."

3. If the you from the day before you die came and visited yourself today....what would you tell yourself? (worth the meditation) - Enjoy the dance.

1- Would you like be nerdy and trade playing cards while wearing a pocket protector and taped glasses?

2- If the you from the day before you die came and visited yourself today....what would you tell yourself? (worth the meditation).

3- What historical figure would you most like to meet (other than the founder of each of our respective religions)?
1. Would you like to be nerdy and trade playing cards while wearing a pocket protector and taped glasses?

I wear taped glasses while I work so I can see. Besides, They're my "lucky" glasses. I'm not nerdy and don't do the other stuff.

2. If the you from the day before you die came and visited yourself today...what would you tell yourself? (worth the meditation),

Live life one day at a time and laugh as much a possible, because life is a joke.

3.What historical figure would you most like to meet (other than the founder of each of our respective religions)?

Mark, St. Peter's secretary during his tenure as first head of the church in Rome. I'd ask him what was in the other two thirds of his gospel that has been kept a secret and does not appear in the Synoptic Gospels.

1, If the you from the day before you die came and visited yourself today...what would you tell yourself? (worth the meditation).

2. What historical figure would you most like to meet (other than the founder of each of our respective religions)?

3. What is your favorite motion picture and why ?
1, If the you from the day before you die came and visited yourself today...what would you tell yourself? (worth the meditation).

Put Ella down for a nap at 2:30, don't wait until 3.

2. What historical figure would you most like to meet (other than the founder of each of our respective religions)?

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

3. What is your favorite motion picture and why ?

Raising Arizona, because it is totally quirky, has a million great lines, and deals with an issue near to my heart (no, not breaking out of jail).

1. What historical figure would you most like to meet (other than the founder of each of our respective religions)?

2. What is your favorite motion picture and why ?

3. How many different religions (or different flavors of the same religion) have you practiced in your life?
1. What historical figure would you most like to meet (other than the founder of each of our respective religions)?


2. What is your favorite motion picture and why ?

The Razor's Edge. I loved the novel by Summerset Maughm (sp?)

3. How many different religions (or different flavors of the same religion) have you practiced in your life?

A bunch. Started out SDA, was a hardcore atheist for a while, had a born again experience and went to a Pentacostal church for a while, studied Eastern stuff, had a New Agey phase, became an atheist again, re-embrace Christianity in a universalistic way.

1. What is your favorite motion picture and why ?

2. How many different religions (or different flavors of the same religion) have you practiced in your life?

3. If you could be a master craftsman or artist in one particular craft what would it be?

1. What is your favorite motion picture and why ?

IP5, (directed by Jean Jaques Beineix and starring Yves Montand. 1992)
I like this story of unrequitted love for several reasons. Its a story of never giving up, its has inter-generational lessons where the young learn from the old and the old learn from the young. It teaches the lesson that its never to late to forgive and relinquish old pains. It is perhaps also the finest last curtain call any actor ever made, Yves Montand dies on set toward the end of production. And of course monsieur Beineix is a master of location, camera angle and choice of score. ***** 5 stars!!!

2. How many different religions (or different flavors of the same religion) have you practiced in your life?


3. If you could be a master craftsman or artist in one particular craft what would it be?


1. How many different religions (or flavours of the same religion) have you practiced in your life?

2. If you could be a master craftsman or artist in one particular craft what would it be?

3. In town one day you see a begger, do you a: walk past without really noticing. b:look at him and make some evalution to whether he deserves your charity. c: look at him in disgust and walk on. or d: give him something as its what you always do?
1. How many different religions (or flavours of the same religion) have you practiced in your life?

I was raised a Christian, within the bretheren tradition. I later dabbled in zen before becomming an Anglican.

2. If you could be a master craftsman or artist in one particular craft what would it be?


3. In town one day you see a begger, do you a: walk past without really noticing. b:look at him and make some evalution to whether he deserves your charity. c: look at him in disgust and walk on. or d: give him something as its what you always do?

b:look at him and make some evaluation to whether he deserves my charity.

1. If you could be a master craftsman or artist in one particular craft what would it be?

2. In town one day you see a beggar, do you a: walk past without really noticing. b:look at him and make some evaluation to whether he deserves your charity. c: look at him in disgust and walk on. or d: give him something as its what you always do?

3. batman or superman?
1. If you could be a master craftsman or artist in one particular craft what would it be?

Virtuso guitarist

2. In town one day you see a beggar, do you a: walk past without really noticing. b:look at him and make some evaluation to whether he deserves your charity. c: look at him in disgust and walk on. or d: give him something as its what you always do?

Option B.

3. batman or superman? Superman, hands down.

1. In town one day you see a beggar, do you a: walk past without really noticing. b:look at him and make some evaluation to whether he deserves your charity. c: look at him in disgust and walk on. or d: give him something as its what you always do?

2. batman or superman?

3. What quote would sum up your philosophy in life?
Namaste all,

i hope i get this correct...

Dondi said:
1. In town one day you see a beggar, do you a: walk past without really noticing. b:look at him and make some evaluation to whether he deserves your charity. c: look at him in disgust and walk on. or d: give him something as its what you always do?

give him something as that is what i do.

2. batman or superman?

they're both DC so it doesn't matter, but i prefer Batman.

3. What quote would sum up your philosophy in life?

Meditation brings Wisdom, lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back.

1. batman or superman?

2. What quote would sum up your philosophy in life?

3. what foreign country, that you've not been to previously, would you like to visit?


1. Batman or Superman? - Superman

2. What quote would sum up your philosophy in life? - Get out of the way and let God be God in you.

3. What foreign country, that you've not been to previously, would you like to visit? - Australia

1- What quote would sum up your philosophy in life?

2- What foreign country, that you've not been to previously, would you like to visit?

3- What is your favorite time of year (season)?
1- What quote would sum up your philosophy in life?

Leave this world a better place than you found it.

2- What foreign country, that you've not been to previously, would you like to visit?

It would be easier to list the ones I don't want to visit. :D

3- What is your favorite time of year (season)?

Early/mid spring or mid/late autumn.

1) What foreign country, that you've not been to previously, would you like to visit?

2) What is your favorite time of year (season)?

3) If you have a particular regret that sometimes eats at you, what is it?

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine