some Protestants are now using icons, graven images of Virgin Mary (?)


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I have found that some Protestants are now using icons, graven images of Virgin Mary as part of their worship.
It would be very educational to publish on the forum all non-Catholic images
(not being used by R C members) of Virgin Mary.:)
Art created to glorify god, and to give people rememberances of him and those around him is one thing, but to worship a statue or icon that cannot do anything is another. christ is the saviour there is no other.

to have a nativity scene is remembering the birth of christ and giving glory to god that he was born and we praise him. i dont think anyone actually prays to the scene, because god is in heaven, and if you believe in his son, the spirit is in you, and it is through the spirit that we pray to him on high.
Thank you for the lecture, but I would like to see any images of Virgin Mary
displayed in some Protestants homes, as I am very interested in religious art.
jerzybg said:
I have found that some Protestants are now using icons, graven images of Virgin Mary as part of their worship.
It would be very educational to publish on the forum all non-Catholic images
(not being used by R C members) of Virgin Mary.:)

An Icon (graven image), is such when one prays "TO IT". Go easy on the catholic thing. Obviously you don't see things as they do.


jerzybg said:
Thank you for the lecture, but I would like to see any images of Virgin Mary
displayed in some Protestants homes, as I am very interested in religious art.

Welcome to CR by the way. ;) I didn't see at first that you are new here. Hope you enjoy your time here.


A girl from Germany told me that many Luterans display images of Virgin Mary in their homes and also it is possible to see paintings of Virgin Mary in Lutheran Churches.

She also suggested that Anglicans belonging to "High Church" branch
have images of HER in their homes and churches.

Best wishes
I'm not understanding the whole thread....there seems to be some motive...

Graven images of the Virgin Mary.

I've seen plenty of am I to know which ones are graven?

As far as worship goes, unless we are talking about the decision to create a flag burning ammendment....people use symbols for exactly what they are, symbols, a convenient short hand reference to remind yourself of a whole slew of feelings, emotions, facts, myth and commentary around a person, place, organization or religion.

I currently worship the logo with the lowest price for regular.
you are right, It doesn't matter whether images of Virgin are graven or not.
I would like to know how many denominations of protestant background are using any distinctive images of HER.

Lutherans are using... Some Anglicans.......Who else?
I believe that one of the more enlightening practices of the Roman Catholic Church is to adapt to the cultural roots of the members of the church in a particular locale. For instance, the late John Paul II revered images of a black Mary from his home locale in Kracow, Poland. This image is also prevalently used in the Ukraine, Beallorus, etc. In the south of France around Marsailles and in the Languedoc, blue depictions of Mary are revered. I don't believe that there are arguments within the church about any of that.

Rudy Giuliani really got upset about a black Madonna depicted in artwork exhibited at a Brooklyn art museum. I'm sure that there are other examples. So I guess that this would make this a secular example.

I'm with wil on this one. What's the point and what makes the difference regarding how and under what circumstaces this image, which could be said to definitely be in the public domain, is used ? This discussion also smacks of the flavor of some of the arguments that the use of cartoon images of Muhammed, pbuh, brought about after they appeared in publications in Denmark. To me such discussions usually boil down to arguments regarding taste and blasphemy. Such disputes are usually not resolvable within societies unless adjudicated in the courts or in church hierarchies. So, IMHO, why even start such arguments in the first place !
