Progressive Christianity


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The Golden Triangle, Ontario
This thread is started in response to a desire for conversation around progressive Christianity in which alternative theology can be explored. This desire was expressed in the thread shinyhope posted on "what is your religion." I copied the relevant posts here, trusting this is okay with the authors. These posts will show readers the direction ideas have taken so far.

Originally Posted by flowperson

I am waiting and hoping for less fundamental and literal versions of Christianity to emerge that might begin to address the moral dilemmas that the world is increasingly ill-equipped to deal with these days.

Originally posted by RubySera Martin

Flow, this topic is near and dear to my heart. I am not sure where to discuss it. I guess I'll carry on here and if a new thread is needed we'll deal with it then.

QUESTION: How do you envision this new form of Christianity to look?

I've seen you on The Center for Progressive Christianity and I've read their pdf handbook. Do you envision something along that line?

Originally posted by flowperson:

Hmmm...yes to an extent. But I guess I'm looking for a wider brush to paint with, and that brush is going to have to eliminate exclusivity paradigms from whatever new version(s) that is/are developed.

I believe that TCPC has taken a good running start at that, but....(for the full text see Post 6 in "what is your religion).

Originally posted by Dondi

I would like to see a thread on progressive Christianity, perhaps in this Belief and Spirituality forum, since it may delve into non-orthodox areas.. Could you all start one like this?

Yep, Dondi, here it is. Full steam ahead!
OK. I'll start.

When one grows up within a paradigm of one particular denomination or religion, it is hard to image that anything could be right but what one has been taught. We want to believe what our pastors, priests, rabbis, imans, or religious leaders have taught us is the "Gospel" truth.

For most of my life, I've had fundamentalist Baptist unbringing, and even now attend a Baptist church. It had been my unchanging belief that one must "accept Christ" by faith in order to gain eternal life. Any other method was simply invalid. You can't get their by works, you can't get there by your religion, and you can't get their by being good. Simple faith in Christ for salvation was all that was needed.

My view of other religions and denominations was that if one did not come to God through Christ, or added works to the process, as I believe some denomination to do, then your salvation was invalid. Jesus Christ as the Son of God came in the form of Man and lived perfectly and died sinless as the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. And He rose again the third day to prove His Power and Glory.

In my paradigm, therefore, anyone who wasn't a true Christian was lost, be it Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, or Athiest. Even within Christianity, I viewed some of the denominations as lost: Catholic, Jehovah's Witness, Mormons and any others who seem to promote a "works-based" salvation. Salvation could not be earned, only accepted as a gift. So was my thinking.

Today, however, in a way I still hold salvation in Christ as paramount, but I see the term "in Christ" in a different light.

A couple of years ago, I began to re-evaluate what I believed, simply for the fact that I couldn't fathom billions of souls going to Hell simply for the fact that they grew up or raised in a different religion. I reasoned that since God placed them where they were, why should they be condemned because happened to believe differently. Many people in these religions, and denominations for that matter, have simply never had the opportunity to hear of salvation in Christ. And what about those who never even heard of Christ?

What I'd been always taught is that all those without Christ are going to Hell. There is no chance after death, no chance to repent, no chance to hear the gospel. Oh, well. Sorry. End of story.

But I just can't bring myself to believe in a God that would judge a person on the basis of the fact he happened to be born in the wrong religion.

As I was reading the book of Acts chapter 17, I came across this speech by the Apostle Paul:

"For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you.
God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;

Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;
And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;
That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us: For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring." - Acts 17:23-28

What really struck me was the words that I have highlighted above. That God has determined the times and habitation of all that are in the earth, not to set up a condition whereby they will end up lost, but on the contrary, "That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us;".

What freedom in thinking this has opened my mind to! Instead of thinking that being in a different culture or religious paradigm was a liability, I now see as an opportunity to seek the God. My only problem now is to figure out how Christ fits into all of this?

So I leave you all with that question to start this thread. What do you all think?

Thinking of Jesus by the name that He most often called Himself would be the best start, IMHO. Once you begin to comprehend the true meaning of the name, "Son of Man", then you will begin to comprehend the meaning of Jesus' mission on earth. I believe that then you will also begin to understand just why the G-d of the OT continually referred to himself through the term, "I am a jealous G-d".

Dondi said:
A couple of years ago, I began to re-evaluate what I believed, simply for the fact that I couldn't fathom billions of souls going to Hell simply for the fact that they grew up or raised in a different religion. I reasoned that since God placed them where they were, why should they be condemned because happened to believe differently. Many people in these religions, and denominations for that matter, have simply never had the opportunity to hear of salvation in Christ. And what about those who never even heard of Christ?....What freedom in thinking this has opened my mind to! Instead of thinking that being in a different culture or religious paradigm was a liability, I now see as an opportunity to seek the God. My only problem now is to figure out how Christ fits into all of this?

So I leave you all with that question to start this thread. What do you all think?
I love it.

I believe in a G-d of Love, of who would not think with all that goes on in living this life that an understanding of our purpose and destiny and would be fullfilled in one lifetime and if not one would be condemened to some hell for eternity....

I don't believe in some Thor/Zeus anthropormorphic being but do see how it fit some paradigm of understanding thousands of years ago and accept their vision at that time...

I believe Jesus showed us the way by becoming the Christ, and walked the walk to allow us to walk ours....and showed us that we can find our own saviour within, and believe we do not have to ever have read the bible, seen the bible, heard of the bible or Jesus to do this. I think he showed us that we have to save ourcellves.

And yes, I think this understanding has made my experience of biblical scripture, my spirituality in Christianity, my faith in all that is, sooooo much deeper, sooo much more connected to spirit and humanity and Christ.

I believe it is wonderful that all of us think differently on this subject, and wonderful,
wil said:
I believe Jesus showed us the way by becoming the Christ, and walked the walk to allow us to walk ours....and showed us that we can find our own saviour within, and believe we do not have to ever have read the bible, seen the bible, heard of the bible or Jesus to do this. I think he showed us that we have to save ourcellves.

And yes, I think this understanding has made my experience of biblical scripture, my spirituality in Christianity, my faith in all that is, sooooo much deeper, sooo much more connected to spirit and humanity and Christ.

I believe it is wonderful that all of us think differently on this subject, and wonderful,

This a great post, wil. The way you describe your experience sounds familiar to me.

Is "ourcellves" a pun or a typo?
flowperson said:

Thinking of Jesus by the name that He most often called Himself would be the best start, IMHO. Once you begin to comprehend the true meaning of the name, "Son of Man", then you will begin to comprehend the meaning of Jesus' mission on earth. I believe that then you will also begin to understand just why the G-d of the OT continually referred to himself through the term, "I am a jealous G-d".

flow....:) piqued my interest, flow. perhaps you can elaborate.

IMHO, Jesus came to show us not what was, but what would be, and He did so through His life, works, and legacy. Since the realm He came from, the realm of the "word" which is timeless and eternal, that would not be a problem for such a visionary. I believe that we are observing what He predicted would come to pass, a changing of the world and the people in it.

He was a herald of a novel type of human existence, and today there are many others around such "newbies" who are jealous of their nature and abilities. The jealous ones are full of envy and wish to turn the clock back to the way things were before the changes began, but that cannot be done. It's all happening around us right now, IMO. That's what all the deception, lies, and conflict are about I believe.

Hi Folks,

Sorry I haven't been around. This is probably not a really good time to respond because I've got a blinding migraine throbbing away in my top story. Just wanted folks to know I haven't forsaken this baby and that I'm delighted to see some real conversation going on. See ya later.

Healing ourcellves, affecting ourcellves, not a typo or a pun, a word which to me describes the actual event more fully.

As flow indicated in the power of the word...and behind the word is thought...and behind the thought is intention....and behind the intention is the vibration.... how we maintain our vibration is an indication of what our intention, which provides thought, which is heard in our words...and manifested in our life....that little mustard seed...the prodigal's father...Joseph...incredible potential getting ourcellves into alignment...
wil said:
Healing ourcellves, affecting ourcellves, not a typo or a pun, a word which to me describes the actual event more fully.

As flow indicated in the power of the word...and behind the word is thought...and behind the thought is intention....and behind the intention is the vibration.... how we maintain our vibration is an indication of what our intention, which provides thought, which is heard in our words...and manifested in our life....that little mustard seed...the prodigal's father...Joseph...incredible potential getting ourcellves into alignment...

Just one little thing and then I think I'll hit the sack for a bit. What do you mean by "ourcellves"? and how is it pronounced?
Ourcellves...pronounced ourselves...and to me is an indication of as within so without....when you squeeze an orange you get orange juice...

Case in point, Alcohol released what Mel Gibson denied repeatedly over and over during and after his creation of 'The Passion', what was in his cells was exposed, what was in his internal being came out when his guard was released by alcohol.

We are this human being, we are ourselves composed of our cells....what is innate in our being will eventually come out, what we think most often, what we believe most strongly will be created in our lives, will become manifest as time goes on and our focus stays strong....we can hide anyway we want to, we can say anything we want to but what is going on in ourcellves will eventually show thru.

Most of us get hung up on the material, on gain, on looking good, on being percieved to be worthy...or we get hung up on not being worthy, on others perceptions, on our percieved inadequacy...and those thoughts infect our cells...hence ourcellves.

Jesus realized the definition of namaste, he realized that G-d is in all, that the Christ is available to all, and through the development of Christ completely throughout his self, in every one of his cells eminating spirit, he could become one with the father...Son of G-d, Son of Man, G-d incarnate on earth.

We are all expressions of G-d, and as we realize our Christ nature in ourcellves we grow exponentially, we understand our brotherhood with one another....
be the change you want to see-Ghandi...

you know you are enlightened when everyone you see you see as enlightened-Dali Lama....

so I go to the mall to see how far I have to go-Butch (my minister)
I've been thinking about the words of Jesus in John 14:6:

"...I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

legei autw [o] ihsouV, egw eimi h odoV kai h alhqeia kai h zwh: oudeiV ercetai proV ton patera ei mh di emou.

Many have used this verse to prove the exclusivity of the Christian faith. I'd admit that it seems like one cannot get around it. But in a closer observation of the verse, one could see a three-fold path: the Way, the Truth, the Life.

Way -
hodos {hod-os'}
1) properly

a) a way
1) a travelled way, road
b) a travellers way, journey, travelling
2) metaph.
a) a course of conduct b) a way (i.e. manner) of thinking, feeling, deciding

Truth -
aletheia {al-ay'-thi-a}

1) objectively

a) what is true in any matter under consideration
1) truly, in truth, according to truth
2) of a truth, in reality, in fact, certainly
b) what is true in things appertaining to God and the duties of man, moral and religious truth
1) in the greatest latitude
2) the true notions of God which are open to human reason without his supernatural intervention
c) the truth as taught in the Christian religion, respecting God and the execution of his purposes through Christ, and respecting the duties of man, opposing alike to the superstitions of the Gentiles and the inventions of the Jews, and the corrupt opinions and precepts of false teachers even among Christians
2) subjectively
a) truth as a personal excellence 1) that candour of mind which is free from affection, pretence, simulation, falsehood, deceit

Life -
zoe {dzo-ay'}

1) life
a) the state of one who is possessed of vitality or is animate
b) every living soul
2) life
a) of the absolute fulness of life, both essential and ethical, which belongs to God, and through him both to the hypostatic "logos" and to Christ in whom the "logos" put on human nature b) life real and genuine, a life active and vigorous, devoted to God, blessed, in the portion even in this world of those who put their trust in Christ, but after the resurrection to be consummated by new accessions (among them a more perfect body), and to last for ever.
For Synonyms see entry 5821

When we look at the Strong's definitions for each of these terms, we have broadened out perspective haven't we.

What if we have a choice between these three? And what if they each represent Christ in a different aspect of salvation?

Your thoughts?
wil said:
you know you are enlightened when everyone you see you see as enlightened-Dali Lama....

so I go to the mall to see how far I have to go-Butch (my minister)
Yeah . . . I have my good days and I have my bad days.

Thank you so much for your priceless thoughts.


Take care of your self and return soon. You are always able to make us think positively.

Dondi said:
......I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."...What if we have a choice between these three? And what if they each represent Christ in a different aspect of salvation?...Your thoughts?
I like the contemplation...and have read it that way two statements...

I am the way the truth and the life- In this one Jesus is saying that He is AND G-d is (I am that I am, and the I and the father are one..) the way, the truth and the life.

In the second it says man cometh unto the Father but by me (and from the previous statement we know that both 'the Father' and 'me' are equal to, the way, the truth and the life) So I agree...if we want to become one...we follow the way, the truth, and the life.

Another concept is that the but by me...means in his nature, as he has taught and done. walk the walk.

I also like the internet analogy...G-d is omniscient and omnipresent...a source of all knowledge...I see each of us as a computer, currently material things with some limited skills, but when we go thru a modem (Jesus) we can connect to the internet (all knowledge) and each other...and realize our nearness, our oneness, our connection.

Of course there are other modems...cable access, satelite, wireless, and more and who knows which access to the all knowing will come up next?
flowperson said:

Thank you so much for your priceless thoughts.


Take care of your self and return soon. You are always able to make us think positively.


Thank you, Flow. I'm glad you feel that way.

originally posted by Dondi:

I've been thinking about the words of Jesus in John 14:6:

"...I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

What if we have a choice between these three? And what if they each represent Christ in a different aspect of salvation?

Your thoughts?

My thoughts have always been that these three go together. I don't know if I can explain. I feel these three are basic to the condition of the human spirit.

"No one comes to the father but through me."

"The father"=life eternal, new life, surrendered to being who/what we were born to be no matter how unpopular or what the price. Incidentally, I think other terms mean the same, such as kingdom of God/heaven. Can't think of any others right now.

who/what we were born to be=not vocation or career or profession. It means our true personality. It means our true personality in the most positive way this personality can be expressed.

I don't know how to get into this without referring to Myers-Briggs personality theory hereafter referred to as "MB" or "MB theory."

MB theory gave me language for what I had observed all my life--that there are categories of personalities. Some people are "soft" but not necessarily with a value judgment attached to "soft." Others were "hard" but not necessarily with a value judgment attached to the term. It was a way of thinking or talking or viewing the world. It wasn't bad and it wasn't good. There could be good and bad people in both the "hard" and "soft" types.

MB gave me terms for this. The "soft" people are MB Feelers (F; these letters have official meaning for later) who see the world and all that is in it in terms of how it feels to them. The "hard" people are MB Thinkers (T) who see the world and all that is in it in terms of objective descriptions such as number and name of items.

F people are naturally best suited for work that nourishes humans in some way, while T people are naturally more drawn to work that keeps the world and its systems and machines and societies working properly. That is very overly simplistic but it may give the idea for those of you who are not familiar with the theory.

We run into serious trouble when an F is expected to measure up to T standards. More men are T and more women are F. But only about two thirds of each. The other third of men and women are the other type than 66% of their gender. That means we get women who are hard-nosed thinkers and men who are soft and nurturing.

It seems to me that a female T or a male F can be true to their natural in-born way of being and also be true to their gender. I believe that first and foremost a person must have permission of self, parents, society, etc. to be true to their real inner self no matter how that fits the gender stereotype. After that need is met, ideally it is simultaneously, the person also learns how to fit the gender role for which they were born. I believe there are both T and F ways to be female and T and F ways to be male.

Now to take that one step further, if a male F strives to think and feel like his T father, he is not being true to himself. In order for him to lead a full and happy life he will sometime along the way have to acknowledge his F-ness and embrace it and be it. He will then, and only then, be able to really be himself. I believe the same applies for T women and all other types.

I observe that the person who is most fully his or her real self also has the highest levels of self-esteem and has the most healthy ways of relating to self and others and conducting life in general. Such a person naturally believes in others, helps where possible, maintains healthy boundaries between self and others, is honest, keeps the Golden Rule, etc.

I believe that what Jesus describes in the Sermon on the Mount, esp. in the "blessed are" is what happens when people stop trying to please others and just are what they were born to be. They become meek and lowly, they give up personal comfort when needed, etc. In other words, they live the moral life by nature.

I believe this can be applied to all of Jesus' teachings and also to the rest of the New Testament. So much of our Christian traditions, such as hell (in terms of a literal lake of fire) and the manger of the nativity scene, come not from the Bible but from the folk culture of Medieval Europe.

I have problems with the concept of Christ but I will try to apply it as I have seen others do. I think when Jesus says "I am the way, the truth, and the life, and nobody comes to the Father but by me," he is explaining the literal meaning of being the Christ. He personifies how to be fully oneself and how to live such a life in meekness, in submission to life situations without compromise through prosperity and adversity, and not to flinch when the ultimate sacrifice is required.

I am not convinced that the New Testament gives us a clear picture of the life situation. But it gives us a clear picture of a person who was seen as being the perfect man in life and in death as he understood it.

Based on my personal life experience I could say the resurrection typifies that one must surrender all, be resigned to come what may. After one has "passed through the fire," so to speak, that person will be transformed in ways not imaginable before.

In my personal life I had to literally surrender my life-long identity to become what I had always viewed as an evil person. By allowing himself to be crucified, Jesus also took on the identity of an evil person. Only the lowest of criminals were ever crucified.

Like Dondi said, the religion we are raised with seems like the one and only right religion. I was taught by daily example and conversation that anyone who leaves this specific church did so for selfish and evil reasons. I had to choose between being viewed as such a selfish and evil person, or living the rest of my life in absolute agony.

It did not appear so black and white and clear at the time. But I did eventually choose to go through the "death" part or crucifixion. I have not once regretted it. I feel like I have been transformed into a totally different person. Going back even one tiny step feels like sophocation. So I trust that I am where God wants me to be. I think that is total surrender. If I had my way, I would have been very happy and content inside the community where I was born. There is nothing I would desire more on the level of carnal selfishness.

I feel this is all muddled up so feel free to ask questions for clarification. There may be topics that I feel are too personal but feel free to ask so long as it is okay if I say I don't want to go there. I just think that being who we were created to be is "the truth, the way, and the life," and that it is the only way to "the father." We cannot be happy or enter the kingdom of heaven any other way.

wil said:
...I believe Jesus showed us the way by becoming the Christ, and walked the walk to allow us to walk ours....and showed us that we can find our own saviour within, and believe we do not have to ever have read the bible, seen the bible, heard of the bible or Jesus to do this. I think he showed us that we have to save ourcellves...

We can't even contain our anger when someone cuts us off on the highway, or when someone we "love" does something we consider wrong, let alone those we do not love...we are no where near self self salvation. If we have only ourselves to save us, I fear for the future of humanity...

I am curious, where is the "progress" you opine to? Seriously, where is this great human synthesis, into a god like wave of beings? I won't say "pipe dream", nor will I say "reality". No "kid" ever developed in a healthy manner without parental guidance. What makes us think we can do any better without Godly guidance?

We are "kids" in the big picture...and we have no idea what we are doing, or what the future holds. Time has passed, but it appears nothing has changed.
Quahom1 said:
We can't even contain our anger when someone cuts us off on the highway, or when someone we "love" does something we consider wrong, let alone those we do not love...we are no where near self self salvation. If we have only ourselves to save us, I fear for the future of humanity...

I am curious, where is the "progress" you opine to? Seriously, where is this great human synthesis, into a god like wave of beings? I won't say "pipe dream", nor will I say "reality". No "kid" ever developed in a healthy manner without parental guidance. What makes us think we can do any better without Godly guidance?

We are "kids" in the big picture...and we have no idea what we are doing, or what the future holds. Time has passed, but it appears nothing has changed.
Namaste Q, Who can't contain their anger? Those that are not progressive? Sure we bounce out as we attempt to stay on the path, but noticing our slip is the first step towards growth.

What you described is one of the number one steps to working on this issue, realizing that no one, no one cuts YOU off on the highway. Now I realize that is a generalization, but unless one has created a ton of enemies in their lifetime, enemies that know your driving patterns and your car, and then go out maliciously to CUT YOU OFF. It doesn't happen. Oh I guess there is another instance, where one is an agressive driver and has pissed off another agressive driver and then they get into a tit for tat and are actually cutting each other off....but they are obviously not on the path, I suppose that would be our nonprogressive types.

But this example is exactly what is discussed amongst folks that are attempting to rise themselves up in this world, attempting to be in this world but not of it. It is our perception that someone cuts us off. From our perspective a car just moved from our left or right and moved ahead of us...and that little move allows our blood to boil, our pressure to rise, our face to turn red and shout epithats? Give me a break. That person didn't cut YOU off, he/she has no idea you exist. They are trying to get to an exit they are about to miss, they are trying to get to pick up their kids before daycare starts charging them a five dollars a minute picking them up late, umpteen valid reasons they are rushing. And how exactly did it affect you, are you 24 feet further back? didja have to take your foot off the gas for a minute? Maybe you even had to swerve? Maybe an accident was caused...

But there is absolutely no way you were in that've never cut off others, never dived across a lane to not miss an exit. The reality is we've all been in the other shoes...maybe not in the highway, maybe verbally, maybe in business, maybe at home....we unintentionally cut someone off, and when it happens to us we make a major play of it.

Where is forgiveness come into play if you can't drive down the highway?

I could go on and on, as this example is the perfect first step to realizing your oneness with the world....the highway of life.

You know what I miss on this path of personal responsibility the most....when we come to realize we are both the created and the creator...that my reality is my creation and that everything that happens to me I have manifest....what I miss the most is blame, sure would be nice to just blame others again sometime....what an easy way out.

peace and blessings,

Q and I Bri, we've talked about this before and it is often rejected, but this is a perfect example yet again for a need for a liberal/progressive christianity walled garden. We don't need the mods of the literal interpretations jumping into every thread every where we go and condemning thought and stalling discussion. We are not alternative, we are already becoming mainstream, many churches, many denominations are moving in progressive directions...hell is getting smaller as we speak.
Quahom1 said:
I am curious, where is the "progress" you opine to? Seriously, where is this great human synthesis, into a god like wave of beings?
It's all around us. Even when we don't see it.

Quahom1 said:
We are "kids" in the big picture...and we have no idea what we are doing, or what the future holds. Time has passed, but it appears nothing has changed.
What change are you looking for? If God created the Earth and everything upon it (including us), who are we to say that God's creation should be changed? Who are we to know the measure by which it should change? And who are we to change it?

Friedrich Nietzsche said:
Man is not the effect of some special purpose, of a will, an end; nor is he the object of an attempt to attain an "ideal of humanity" or an "ideal of happiness" or an "ideal of morality"—it is absurd to wish to devolve one's essence on some end or other. We have invented the concept of "end": in reality there is no end ...One is necessary, one is a piece of fatefulness, one belongs to the whole, one is in the whole; there is nothing which could judge, measure, compare, or sentence our being, for that would mean judging, measuring, comparing, or sentencing the whole.
What we can change is who we think we are. And that makes all the difference.