identifying...Babylon the great



In revelation 18;4 it tells Gods people to GET OUT OF HER so it seems to me that God would expect his people to know who this Babylon the great is . otherwise they would not know who/what to get out of. Where did many doctrines and practices found in religions today have their origin? was it not from ancient babylon. also in revelation 18;1-2 it tells us that she has fallen ,she has fallen, even though babylon the great has fallen, she is still alive and active , but she nolonger has any power over Gods people , because they have got out of her. but soon she will go down in a big way. because she is going to be destroyed by God himself. no wonder that God told his people to get out of her, he always protects his own .dont you think that we are living in thrilling times?its all happening in these the last days.
Re: Babylon the great

mee said:
In revelation 18;4 it tells Gods people to GET OUT OF HER so it seems to me that God would expect his people to know who this Babylon the great is . otherwise they would not know who/what to get out of. Where did many doctrines and practices found in religions today have their origin? was it not from ancient babylon. also in revelation 18;1-2 it tells us that she has fallen ,she has fallen, even though babylon the great has fallen, she is still alive and active , but she nolonger has any power over Gods people , because they have got out of her. but soon she will go down in a big way. because she is going to be destroyed by God himself. no wonder that God told his people to get out of her, he always protects his own .dont you think that we are living in thrilling times?its all happening in these the last days.

Re: Babylon the great

the book of revelation is for our day , we are well and truly in the lords day. and many things about the book of revelation are being revealed and uncovered in this time of the end. and one of those things is that Babylon the great is ...........THE WORLD EMPIRE OF FALSE RELIGION ..............she has her roots well and truly in Babylonish teachings. thrilling times we are living in dont you think? What is "Babylon the Great"? Viewed collectively, all religions that advocate attitudes, beliefs or practices that have their roots in the religion of ancient Babylon make up Babylon the Great. Its identifying traits can therefore be determined by examining the origin and religion of ancient Babylon itself.
Re: Babylon the great

kenod said:

it seems for our day we should imitate God’s ancient servants who heeded the command: "Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and provide escape each one for his own soul."—Jeremiah 51:6. yes ancient Babylon and all the things that went on in her, are what .... Babylon the great ....that is around now, have her roots in .
we should be happy to know that Jehovah’s "appointed time is near" for executing judgment on her.—Revelation 1:3.
When the Babylonians started to build a pagan religious tower, Jehovah confused their language and scattered them to the ends of the earth. They took their religion with them, and that is how a world empire of Babylonish religion got started. Truly, it is Babylon THE GREAT. (Genesis 10:8-10; 11:1-9) Down to our time, the mysteries of ancient Babylon are reflected in the beliefs and practices of the world’s religions. (Revelation 17:7) The Hebrew name for the city, Babel, means "Confusion," a fitting label for today’s hodgepodge of false religion!
Re 18 verse 4: "Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues"! Getting out of false religion is a vital step toward surviving "the great tribulation" just ahead. (Revelation 7:14)
Re: Babylon the great

"And he says to me: ‘The waters that you saw, where the harlot is sitting, mean peoples and crowds and nations and tongues. And the ten horns that you saw, and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire.’"—Revelation 17:15, 16.
Political governments of this earth will turn violently upon Babylon the Great. yes the harlot maybe riding along with the beast that she is on . but it will turn on her and devastate her, and she will have no helper because just as the waters of ancient babylon were dried up , so the waters of people will be dried up.
God’s people are already warning Babylon the Great that the water of the river Euphrates will dry up. (Revelation 16:12) Those waters will finally drain away completely. They will not be able to give the disgusting old harlot any effectual support in her hour of greatest need.—Isaiah 44:27; Jeremiah 50:38; 51:36, 37. of cause the waters are not litral water in this time that we live in , not like it was in ancient Babylon, but the waters are the people

Re: Babylon the great

We should not, though, lose sight of the fact that this final, all-out attack on Babylon the Great comes as an expression of God’s unalterable judgment on the great harlot, yes the book of revelation is well and truly for our day , bible prophecy always comes true what a thrilling book it is , but the question is have we heeded the command to GET OUT OF HER. ?
Re: Babylon the great

Babylon is also the woman of Rev 17 - she is described as a whore. When I say that I believe it is the RC church, I will be accused of being anti-Catholic, but that is not correct - I know that there are many, many genuine Christians in the Catholic church.

This woman is also called the “mother of harlots” - I believe this refers to the Protestant churches. If this is correct, what is it about churches that God is condemning? Well, first of all, we all recognize that denominational boundaries are an obstacle to true interfaith fellowship and co-operation.

The organised, political church also impedes God’s plan. For the past 2000 years God’s plan has been dynamically unfolding. The Reformation, the Wesleyan holiness movement, and the Pentecostal movement, were not meant to foster more denominations but to bring God’s children in an ever closer and deeper relationship with Him. We were not meant to organise and write out creeds because that only hinders the work of the Holy Spirit in revealing God to His people.

The terms “whore” and “harlots” refer to the restraints of organised religion, and do not comment on the personal faith of believers. All believers, no matter what their label, make up the one true church … and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.
Re: Babylon the great

Dor said:
Hmmm like all the ones who discount who Jesus is???
Jesus is a king , and he was given that kingship in the heavens by his father Jehovah(the ancient of days) Daniel 7;13-14 yes, Jesus has great aurthority, he is king of Gods heavenly kingdom Daniel 2;44 yes the appointed time of the nations(times of the gentiles)
(Lu 21:24)
came to an end in 1914, and now Jesus as the rightful heir is ruling
Re: Babylon the great

kenod said:
Babylon is also the woman of Rev 17 - she is described as a whore. When I say that I believe it is the RC church, I will be accused of being anti-Catholic, but that is not correct - I know that there are many, many genuine Christians in the Catholic church.

This woman is also called the “mother of harlots” - I believe this refers to the Protestant churches. If this is correct, what is it about churches that God is condemning? Well, first of all, we all recognize that denominational boundaries are an obstacle to true interfaith fellowship and co-operation.

The organised, political church also impedes God’s plan. For the past 2000 years God’s plan has been dynamically unfolding. The Reformation, the Wesleyan holiness movement, and the Pentecostal movement, were not meant to foster more denominations but to bring God’s children in an ever closer and deeper relationship with Him. We were not meant to organise and write out creeds because that only hinders the work of the Holy Spirit in revealing God to His people.

The terms “whore” and “harlots” refer to the restraints of organised religion, and do not comment on the personal faith of believers. All believers, no matter what their label, make up the one true church … and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.

Well, not quite. Everyone pretty much has it down to Rome. And everyone pretty much has it to a religious system in Rome. Now here are some things to consider:

Besides the Catholic Church having it's nation/city (The Vatican) located in Rome, it is not Rome.

The Saints were martyred prior to the establishment of the RC church with the heyday being circa 66 AD, and Nero being the author of that blood let.

The city of Rome is known for another religion that spans the entire world...Liberalism. Now this "religion" is not passive, it is so strong it is wrecking havoc even in the United States. It is not a "let it be" religion, as it is as we live and breathe, attempting to remove anything Christian from the world mind. It wants parents to lose their rights to raising their children as they see fit, it wants marriage convoluted, it wants the laws that God gave to man erased. It wants talk of the Christian God shut down on the radio waves, on the internet, and even in the houses of families.

No other religion is being attacked by this force (yet), because Christianity really puts a kink in its "do as we please, and as we say" style. Most faiths tend to adapt some of the Liberalism religion, except for core Christianity.

And the Liberalism religion is growing faster than any other religion on earth...

Those that run this religion are not stupid, they let other religions do the work for them, but once they feel satisfied that all obstacles are out of the way...all religions will be destroyed.

The amazing thing is that Americans and Europeans who call themselves "Liberal" are no where near following the true meaning of this religion. In fact they are "conservative" compared to this religious philosophy.

See, this Liberalism Religion, is anything but liberal. It does not allow freedom of anykind. No freedom of speech or expression, no freedom of belief, no freedom of prayer, no freedom of morales, no freedom of familial authority, no freedom of research and may do only what the Liberalism Religion's laws say one may do.

The incidiousness of this religion and its leaders is how subtle it works its influence into mainstream society. I wouldn't work if it was dropped on people all at once. So like the "frog in the pot of water about to boil", it introduces the heat little by little, until the "frog" is dead, without ever knowing why it died.

So Kenod, I think you got the right city, but the wrong religious establisment...

my thoughts


Re: Babylon the great

She is Satan’s chief instrument for blinding the people to Jehovah’s Kingdom purposes.—2 Corinthians 4:3, 4.
Re: Babylon the great

Throughout the Hebrew Scriptures the ancient city of Babylon is featured prominently as the longtime enemy of Jehovah God and his people
Re: Babylon the great

Quahom1 said:

An additional significant factor is that when Babylon the Great goes down under the devastating attack of the ten horns of the symbolic wild beast, her fall is mourned by her companions in fornication, the kings of the earth, and also by the merchants and shippers who dealt with her in supplying luxurious commodities and gorgeous fineries. While these political and commercial representatives survive her desolation, notably no religious representatives are depicted as still on the scene to share in mourning her downfall. (Re 17:16, 17; 18:9-19) The kings of the earth are shown as having judgment executed upon them sometime after mystic Babylon’s annihilation, and their destruction comes, not from the "ten horns," but from the sword of the King of kings, the Word of God.—Re 19:1, 2, 11-18.
Re: Babylon the great

Quahom1 said:
Besides the Catholic Church having it's nation/city (The Vatican) located in Rome, it is not Rome.

Rome was part of the papal states until just over 100 years ago.

The hierarchical power structure of the whole RC church emanates directly from the Vatican in Rome.

Today, Vatican territory surrounds the ancient city of Rome in the form of the papal basilicas.

There is a continuity between ancient Rome and papal Rome that is significant - many see this as the fulfilment of “the beast that was, and is not, and yet is” (Rev 17:8).

I don’t know how many the RC church killed. Is there an official number? I know some sources put it it in the millions.
Re: Babylon the great

kenod said:
There is a continuity between ancient Rome and papal Rome that is significant - many see this as the fulfilment of “the beast that was, and is not, and yet is” (Rev 17:8).

The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss, and it is to go off into destruction. rev 17;8 the last days are revealing many things about the book of revelation, The league of nations was, then it was not, then it came out of the abyss as the united nations, but it will go off into destruction
When the religious leaders of Christendom identified the United Nations with God’s Kingdom and the gospel, that was idolatry
When the nations not only rejected God’s Kingdom established in 1914, but also established their own organization to bring peace, that was rebellion. When religious leaders of Christendom identified that organization with God’s Kingdom and the Gospel, proclaiming it to be "the only available instrument" for bringing peace, that was idolatry. They were putting it in the position of God’s Kingdom, "in a holy place." Certainly, it was "standing where it ought not." (Matthew 24:15; Mark 13:14) And religious leaders continue to support the League’s successor, the United Nations, rather than point men to God’s established Kingdom
Re: Babylon the great

kenod said:
Rome was part of the papal states until just over 100 years ago.

The hierarchical power structure of the whole RC church emanates directly from the Vatican in Rome.

Today, Vatican territory surrounds the ancient city of Rome in the form of the papal basilicas.

There is a continuity between ancient Rome and papal Rome that is significant - many see this as the fulfilment of “the beast that was, and is not, and yet is” (Rev 17:8).

I don’t know how many the RC church killed. Is there an official number? I know some sources put it it in the millions.

Don't know off hand (I wasn't there) :eek: , but I'm sure I can find the data.

edit: Here, between 1198 and 1834 it is estimated that the Papasy, or under the influence of the papacy, 50 to 100 million people were killed (or 70,000 to 140,000 people were killed on average, each year for 700 years.
Re: Babylon the great

mee said:
The league of nations was, then it was not, then it came out of the abyss as the united nations, but it will go off into destruction

I am wondering how you understand the reference to 666:
Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast:
for it is the number of a man;
and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(Rev 13:18)

Re: Babylon the great

Quahom1 said:
Here, between 1198 and 1834 it is estimated that the Papacy, or under the influence of the papacy, 50 to 100 million people were killed

Do you know if the RC church has formally renounced the use of force to get heretics to recant? I'm not suggesting it still happens, but I'm wondering if the belief that we should "compel" them to come in is still official doctrine.