New 'Survivor' divides groups by race


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New 'Survivor' divides groups by race

LOS ANGELES - Get ready for a segregated "Survivor." Race will matter on the upcoming season of the CBS show as contestants will be divided into four tribes by ethnicity. That means blacks, whites, Latinos and Asians in separate groups.

The announcement was made on CBS' Early Show. Host Jeff Probst says the idea "actually came from the criticism that 'Survivor' was not ethnically diverse enough." He says the twist fits in perfectly with what "Survivor" does, saying the show is "a social experiment. And this is adding another layer to that experiment." Probst says contestants had mixed reactions to the racial divisions.

This time the new Survivors are stranded on the Cook Islands in the South Pacific. The castaways include a police officer, a heavy metal guitarist, an attorney and a nail salon manager. The new season of Survivor debuts September 14th.

Any thoughts on this?
I saw the adverts for the show, and thought that this cannot be a good thing. Do we need any more exacerbation of the already ethnocentric ideas floating around out there?
Further, I think about the old book Farenheit 451 especially the parts where Montag's wife is caught up in pop culture via the TV walls she is completely anesthetized to what is really going on in the world.
I find myself repeating the words of Julian of Norwich: All shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.
Sometimes its the only thing that keeps me going:)
tis a reality show...and also a commercial venture...

I venture to say the tribes will not be split this way for long...unless providence (or calculated game creation) allows that appearances indicate that no race has the advantage....

Once something starts I believe the rules will change....
Reality TV...? C'mon ! This term is one of those things in the English Language that is automatically mutually exclusive. And one of the producers of Average Joe told me that. He said..."If we want the sponsor's checks, we gotta do what they want...always !"

Maybe we could just call it...simulations of reality TV...Huh ?

You know flow,
I always felt that some of the "reality" was scripted.
Personally, I gonna watch it this season to see what the "social experiment" brings about.:D
I haven't watched any of the survivor shows...of the 'reality' shows I have watched some of...Last Comic Standing, the Apprentice, America's got talent, and then pieces of others...I'd say they are more like improv...folks put into a scripted situation and then watching the results...I think they are also coached to be controversial...(have you seen the monday9am interview with the first British Apprentice)

Grouping by race....spells controversy and ratings.
wil, I have not seen that, but have seen "Flava Flav's" reality show and one of the girls spit on the other. I thought that had to be scripted because the show went into overdrive after that happened .:)

The apprentice is also a good show too. I watched it last season, but it just brought back flash backs of all the times I'v been fired from the many an varied Job's I have had.:D

This new survivor is sure to be a very heated one. I can not wait to see what happens.:D
YO-ELEVEN-11 said:
New 'Survivor' divides groups by race

LOS ANGELES - Get ready for a segregated "Survivor." Race will matter on the upcoming season of the CBS show as contestants will be divided into four tribes by ethnicity. That means blacks, whites, Latinos and Asians in separate groups.

The announcement was made on CBS' Early Show. Host Jeff Probst says the idea "actually came from the criticism that 'Survivor' was not ethnically diverse enough." He says the twist fits in perfectly with what "Survivor" does, saying the show is "a social experiment. And this is adding another layer to that experiment." Probst says contestants had mixed reactions to the racial divisions.

This time the new Survivors are stranded on the Cook Islands in the South Pacific. The castaways include a police officer, a heavy metal guitarist, an attorney and a nail salon manager. The new season of Survivor debuts September 14th.

Any thoughts on this?

Yeah, I love Survivor! I've seen every episode. Call me a mush head or whaterver you want, I like it! I don't watch much T.V., we've never had cable, so I don't think I'm being hypnotized by it.

I saw the 1st episode of "Survivor" Cook Island.

The Black guy always gets killed 1st in the movies.
I guess on "reality" shows too. :)

The part where that guy got sent to exile island for taking the "chicken" was sooooo dang funny to me. I laughed histerically for about 30 minutes on that one.

MAD TV had a skit on this too. Now that was too funny.

Anyone have a favorite competitor?

I think one of the ladies is going to be the winner on this one.:D