
"get outta jail free" card, that's funny!!! Ha! :rolleyes:

Flip it over. The fine print says `NOT'

One Humanity, One standard. And a God that is infinitely Loving, infinitely Wise ... yet also infinitely just and infinitely fair. Thus, every individual is treated both the SAME, and uniquely, at the same time.

If we can't grasp that, it's no problem. God can, and that's all that matters. :)

Life is not a monopoly game. That doesn't mean it isn't fun, though.

taijasi said:
"get outta jail free" card, that's funny!!! Ha! :rolleyes:

Flip it over. The fine print says `NOT'

One Humanity, One standard. And a God that is infinitely Loving, infinitely Wise ... yet also infinitely just and infinitely fair. Thus, every individual is treated both the SAME, and uniquely, at the same time.

If we can't grasp that, it's no problem. God can, and that's all that matters. :)

Life is not a monopoly game. That doesn't mean it isn't fun, though.


You think we joke...but we don't. We believe with all our being...

One humanity, one God, with specific instructions on how to behave...and we ignore the instructions and continue to think He will let it go...no.

Laugh as you may. But life IS a monopoly game...that is why most playing, lose...they don't accept the rules...but then, we weren't given an alternative, just a choice...

democracy at its finest...and harshest.

Quahom1 said:
You think we joke...but we don't. We believe with all our being...
Belief in a thing, does not make it so.

Quahom1 said:
One humanity, one God, with specific instructions on how to behave...and we ignore the instructions and continue to think He will let it go...no.

Laugh as you may. But life IS a monopoly game...that is why most playing, lose...they don't accept the rules...but then, we weren't given an alternative, just a choice...
The choice is WHEN to learn, not whether. HOW much pain we must undergo along the way, not one big all-or-nothing, black 'n white reality. Much more difficult when there's so much ground in between. Right and wrong, it turns out, are ever present - just a bit more complicated sometimes than we'd like to admit.

Quahom1 said:
democracy at its finest...and harshest.

God doesn't run a democracy. The people may speak, God will listen. But in the end, we don't decide, how the Universe works. We have input, but it wasn't a democracy that set up the Heavens and the Earth. Nor shall we AMEND God's Laws to suit our own preferences. And NEVER ... shall God forsake the whole, to suit the privileged few.

He can still retrieve the one lost sheep, but that doesn't mean the other 90 and 9 will be in peril. God's a bit more careful than that. :)

And yes, two CAN play, at whatever game you like. Even ALL of us. Perhaps that's what you mean by democracy. But the idea of the ELITE? Ah. That's gotta go ... unless, of course, we're honest - and bold enough to admit, we ain't it. :eek:

No problem. I don't mind bein' left hangin. :p


BlaznFattyz said:
there is wisdom in the fear of the Lord. there is foolishness in the reliance in the philosophies of man in the eyes of God, even moreso when their agenda is to discredit the power of god and his holy word, or to know that god exists but say there is away around him and he is not needed, or to change the characteristics of god to fit their needs. know that god knocks on the hearts of men, and his spirit looks for those he may call to do his work. it can be a ignorance to not open the door to an unknown God, but it can be condemnation to deny the work of the holy spirit in your life when he reveals the truth of the Son of God. it is one thing to not know christ, but it is a sad state of affairs to know christ, but deny that he is the way, the truth, and the life. anything else besides faith and love and repentance to our Lord God and Saviour who died and rose again on the cross for our salvation is deception, doubt, division, defiance, and the father of those things is happy to make man stumble.

how does when know when the knock comes at the heart? how can we know anything?
shadowman said:
how does when know when the knock comes at the heart? how can we know anything?

LOL, my friend, the fact that you ask the question, should tell you...the knock has happened. You just asked us, "who's there?" :D

better let Him in...to God, it's cold outside the human heart...
how do inkow its not all brainwashing

i dont like to be eager to accept a lot of the stuff that christianity embraces

yes i have felt a knock but i dont know how to proceed

people in other walks feel knocks

am i to beleive my devil experience was real too?

am i to beleive that jungian psycho analysis is worng

or that schizophrenia is the work of demons?

i was raised around christian ideas?

i had one form of "psychosis" involvng the devil

jesus is the obvious cure

but according to psychology, accepting jesus is just a higher level of psychosis

think about this

who wouldnt feel divine calm "knowing/beleiving" that they were safe from the ultimate shittiniess of eternal hell?

i dont want to accept hell

i am the stoney ground

i cant be made into fertile ground

i dont see it happening

too much of the bible seems like bullshit

the only conclusion is that god and jesus are a bunch of bullsit too? i dont like that..

i dont know what to do from this point out
shadowman said:
how do inkow its not all brainwashing

i dont like to be eager to accept a lot of the stuff that christianity embraces

yes i have felt a knock but i dont know how to proceed

people in other walks feel knocks

am i to beleive my devil experience was real too?

am i to beleive that jungian psycho analysis is worng

or that schizophrenia is the work of demons?

i was raised around christian ideas?

i had one form of "psychosis" involvng the devil

jesus is the obvious cure

but according to psychology, accepting jesus is just a higher level of psychosis

think about this

who wouldnt feel divine calm "knowing/beleiving" that they were safe from the ultimate shittiniess of eternal hell?

i dont want to accept hell

i am the stoney ground

i cant be made into fertile ground

i dont see it happening

too much of the bible seems like bullshit

the only conclusion is that god and jesus are a bunch of bullsit too? i dont like that..

i dont know what to do from this point out

Like the rest of us...you take a chance. What have you to lose? your dignity? your soul? your successful status?, or your stable and rock solid piece of mind? :eek:

Faith begins with a step, not a leap...



when a man even begins to turn towards God, all the angels hold their breath...
know that god loves you. he created the heavens and the earth, and all that is contained within it. he shines the morning sun and lights the moon at night, he is great in power echoed in the thunder and the roaring waves. he gives water to quench your thirst and food to ease your hunger and light to light your path. he has given us love, hope and peace. while one has the god given time, open the door to god who loves everyone and wishes a personal relationship with you. He desires to give eternal life for acknowledging him as the creator and the almighty and for believing that because he loves you so much, that he has created a way to save man from his sinful self, which is thru his Son. He wishes to write your name in the book of life where you may be in paradise with him. For without him, we are lost and already dead. if one humbles oneself, puts faith in god, and asks god for forgiveness in the name of his Son, the Son will forgive you and the spirit of god will dwell with you and give you peace. let the spirit into your heart and reveal the truth of gods love. if you find a quiet place and pray about it, and seek his word like it is gold, you will find him and there you will find eternal life.
but he doesnt love the yorubas, ashantis, native americans (we kicked their ass) or the hindis?
he loves all, therefore his spirit never rests, and this very second the gospel is being spread to all corners of the earth for the salvation of man.
shadowman said:
but he doesnt love the yorubas, ashantis, native americans (we kicked their ass) or the hindis?

Oh, plug it please. If you want politics, it is two doors down on the left.

This generation did not cause the trouble for the people noted. And today, pertaining to the "Native Americans" and their plight?...do you really want me to show how Native Americans and their "Gambling rights and subsequent casinos" have paid off for the indigenous population of the United States? Do you really want to see how much those "native americans" in power give a damn about those in need, within the same "race"? I don't think so, because it would make you enraged, or cry...

think the white man was bad eh?...guess again...
i didnt say i wanted politics

i think everyone was bad

but i love the culture of yoruba and im also a musician

i dont see how i can be a chrisitan and also listen to devlish voodoo music and chants to shango

and i dont think that because christians have done terrible tings, that i tihnk that makes christianity wrong, i dont hold that against chrisitanity. i dont even have a problem with jesus

its just that im schizotypal, i think eiter tat or i heard the devil in my head may have even given my osul to him. i understand psychology in a freakisly real way

im not sure what to beleive

i understand how to make an argument that religious faith, b eleif, relationship wit jesus and everything else is ALL psychology!

it becomes quite confusing at this point
shadowman said:
i didnt say i wanted politics

i think everyone was bad

but i love the culture of yoruba and im also a musician

i dont see how i can be a chrisitan and also listen to devlish voodoo music and chants to shango

and i dont think that because christians have done terrible tings, that i tihnk that makes christianity wrong, i dont hold that against chrisitanity. i dont even have a problem with jesus

its just that im schizotypal, i think eiter tat or i heard the devil in my head may have even given my osul to him. i understand psychology in a freakisly real way

im not sure what to beleive

i understand how to make an argument that religious faith, b eleif, relationship wit jesus and everything else is ALL psychology!

it becomes quite confusing at this point

lol, I'm a Christian, and I can listen to gansta rap, if it tells a story I can relate to...:eek: I can even deal with the language, if the meaning is sincere...

That isn't what defines a Christian. Hell that isn't what defines a Human being. Those things are called "perephrials" (extra stuff, not required in defining the base of an issue, or object, or person) or as they taught me in kindergarden, "person, place, animal, thing, or concept".

So you're confused...welcome to the club.


shadowman said:
im not sure what to believe

i understand how to make an argument that religious faith, belief, relationship with Jesus and everything else is ALL psychology!

it becomes quite confusing at this point

Psychology is just the study of human behaviour so faith can be considered a legitimate aspect to investigate.

On the other hand, you may be saying that faith is all in the mind, and has no reality to it.

Experience is the best teacher, and I know that my life is different in a very real way because of Jesus Christ.

We can be told that watering a plant will make it grow, but unless we actually do it we do not have first hand experience that it is true.

The Word of God (the Bible) is compared to water, and as we believe it, and apply its priniciples, we will experience first hand the reality in our lives.
Terrence said:

Wow, that was some cool stuff you said there. Are you a Christian? I understand what you said that most Christians are more broad on the issue of not believing in Jesus and still being able to go to heaven, but is that what the Bible says? I keep reading in the Bible that Jesus is the only way to God and thats why I asked about it. This stuff sounds kind of exclusive and scary to me.

Well, depending on where you come from, Christianity is not exactly a single belief system, but a mixture of them. Different people approach Christianity from different angles. They come from many different walks of life. A lot of people fall for the trap of trying to define Christianity. But alas, I believe Christianity was never supposed to be defined, it was only supposed to be explained and shared with others. There's a difference between defining and explaining something. Definitions are concrete. Explanations put things in context.

So what ties Christianity together? What are the central ideas?

There is a widespread notion in the Christian world that Jesus, a man who lived 2,000 years ago, was a leader with a special purpose. One flavour of Christianity is focused on his role as a spiritual leader. Some people consider Jesus to be special. Others do not. The second group doesn't believe that Jesus should be special since they don't believe he should be "idolised."

My personal view is that if Jesus was not special, there'd be no point to Christianity. Christianity rests on Jesus' role. My exploration of the New Testament convinces me that Christianity is about Jesus' special role. In other words, Jesus was not some guru with good ideas, theories and a philosophy. Jesus didn't teach philosophy. He responded to people's questions about life, gave them his opinion but didn't personally found a philosophy. He wasn't out to be a philosopher or theorist.

Is Jesus special or not?

Well . . . I don't think you should make up your mind on this question until you have explored the boundaries of Christianity (which are actually quite wide boundaries). Ask yourself the question, "why should Jesus be special?" Don't judge people who think Jesus should be special. Try and understand them better.

What was his mission?

There was that question of whether you can be a "Christian Muslim." What is a Christian? What is a Muslim? Don't fall for the technicalities. Don't fall for any "magical formulas" for "divine truth." You could argue that "Christians cannot be Muslim" or "Christians can be Muslims" depending on what you think it means to be a Christian or Muslim. Put things in context. Some people see Jesus as a personal spiritual leader. If that is Christianity, and Islam does not characterise Jesus as a personal spiritual leader then "Christian Muslim" would be an oxymoron. But as I said, put things in context, what do you mean by "Christian" and "Muslim?"

Don't assume anything about Christianity. If you're starting out, keep your mind open. That's because the Christians you meet are not necessarily open-minded. We all come from different walks of life. Different things have a different meaning to us.

Christianity has a core. Find it. Good luck on your search for Christianity's heart. What you discover may not come from a book. It will mostly likely come from your intuition. Trust your feelings and listen for the Spirit.:)
Terrence said:
Thanks for being honest Dor. Um...So millions of good muslims and other religous people who arent Christians are going to go to hell?

From another bible believing Christian here is my view on this.

Noone is good...All of our righteous acts are as dirty rags...A sin in thought is a sin in deed.. and we are all sinners. The difference is that Christians have accepted the sacrifice of Jesus Christ... which makes him our personal attorney.. our advocate with the Father. We are co-heirs with Christ adopted in.. that makes us begotten (unique) sons and daughters of God. The blood of Christ washes us clean..

So according to biblical scripture.. anyone not accepting that sacrifice, Jesus Christ.. is going to hell.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish.. but have everlasting life.
Faithfulservant said:
From another bible believing Christian here is my view on this.

Noone is good...All of our righteous acts are as dirty rags...A sin in thought is a sin in deed.. and we are all sinners. The difference is that Christians have accepted the sacrifice of Jesus Christ... which makes him our personal attorney.. our advocate with the Father. We are co-heirs with Christ adopted in.. that makes us begotten (unique) sons and daughters of God. The blood of Christ washes us clean..

So according to biblical scripture.. anyone not accepting that sacrifice, Jesus Christ.. is going to hell.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish.. but have everlasting life.

It doesn't say non-Christians are going to hell...it says they will stand and be judged. It says the two books will be opened, one accounting for one's history, and the other to see if the name is in the book of life.

The difference Christians enjoy, is that they already know their name is written in the book of life. When the first book is open to reveal their history, their reward in heaven will be determined (some say status).

That is the beauty of Christianity. We already know we are with God for ever. There is no doubt, within our being.

Ironic, for a non Christian, the first book is opened before the second. But for a Christian, the second book is already open, leaving the first to be opened last...;)


maybe by hell it is meant those dead without christ are in hell (asleep in a big waiting room) until they are judged. afterwards those found evil, and blashpemed the spirit, and took part in the anti-christ will be sent into the hell (lake of fire). and those dead in christ and raptured are with christ in heaven.
Apollumi is the greek word for perish in the verse John 3:16

Whether it is be to destroyed or to lose... either way you lose.

  1. to destroy
    1. to put out of the way entirely, abolish, put an end to ruin
    2. render useless
    3. to kill
    4. to declare that one must be put to death
    5. metaph. to devote or give over to eternal misery in hell
    6. to perish, to be lost, ruined, destroyed
  2. to destroy
    1. to lose
Rev 20:13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.

The Spirit of God might be speaking to some through this verse John 3:16.. I cant in all conscience patsy it down because I believe that is adding and taking away from the word of God.

I personally take the bible literally I know that some choose not to.. Thats their choice.