is there an evil side/evil force



is it possible to give in or be done in by the dark side?

especially if someone had been being angry and abusive, following the evil path for a long time to the extent that it impacts te psyche/personality if the individual?

do you think people can doom/damn themselves before death?

like, permanently

get in touch with evil spirits, become in bondage to satan or the evil one, trade their soul to evil, become lost, hopeless. sell their soul, sell soul for knowledge or power or unholy gift, give in to dark side with no hope of turning back. be marked for hell or smitten by god.

like seriously, and with no hope of going back

especially if they deserved it.

maybe thought the wrong things or messed around with the wrong religious paths, blasphemed too strong, disrespected loved ones too much.

or maybe maybe were cursed by someone else's spell or magic (black/white magic, gypsie, vodou or obea or eastern asceticism. maybe someone with real power or spiritual connections who knew they were out of line and needed to be taught an ulimate lesson?
White magic and eastern asceticism has nothing to do with casting spells on people, eastern asceticism has nothing to do with spells, in fact. I'll come back tomorrow, but it really depends on your own personal belief system.

I read your other thread. Look, it's all in your mind. The way to be a good person is to do good things. Why would you want to be good? I dunno, ask yourself. I personally think that living a good life has it's rewards. I think it's the way to go. I think anyone, no matter the past, can start small, and everyday make a choice to be the good person they want to be. It's not about good and evil angels, it's not about eternal reward, it's just that living an uncomplicated, good life is the way to be really happy and fulfilled.

Forget about big goals. Just do the little that you can do every day. If you screw up start over. We are who we make ourselves, and you can't change overnight. But as time goes by, and the little things add up, you become the new person that you set out to be.

The Universe arranges itself to come to the aid of those whose intentions are clear.

moseslmpg said:
White magic and eastern asceticism has nothing to do with casting spells on people, eastern asceticism has nothing to do with spells, in fact. I'll come back tomorrow, but it really depends on your own personal belief system.

would any paths cast ay type of thing orp ut me in touch with spirits to show me thwe consequences of my continued negative actions

well this is my psychological interpretation

i was living irresponsibly

but thought i was doing ok

i was hurting my folks, and harbouring great rage and anger at them, thinking it was ok, justifying my mean actions like they deserved it. they didnt and what i did was terrible.

but for a long time i would treat them like ****, then go outside intpo the real world and put on a gentle, calm demeanor.

i think the angry emotions i nurtured kind of developed personality complexes and sometimes mess with me in the form of auditory hallucinations that lead to paranoid, self defeatist delusions, and the whole thing feeds off itself
China Cat Sunflower said:

I read your other thread. Look, it's all in your mind. The way to be a good person is to do good things. Why would you want to be good? I dunno, ask yourself. I personally think that living a good life has it's rewards. I think it's the way to go. I think anyone, no matter the past, can start small, and everyday make a choice to be the good person they want to be. It's not about good and evil angels, it's not about eternal reward, it's just that living an uncomplicated, good life is the way to be really happy and fulfilled.

Forget about big goals. Just do the little that you can do every day. If you screw up start over. We are who we make ourselves, and you can't change overnight. But as time goes by, and the little things add up, you become the new person that you set out to be.

The Universe arranges itself to come to the aid of those whose intentions are clear.

thank you king man lol

seriosuly though, thanks. this is the only option i have!
shadowman said:
thank you king man lol

seriosuly though, thanks. this is the only option i have!

O.K. man. Sorry, that was entirely presumptuous on my part. But look, I know what it's like to be behind the power curve. Like, things are too screwed up and it feels impossible to get back in control. I don't know you, though, so I can't really give advice. Plus, I've got my own problems.

China Cat Sunflower said:
O.K. man. Sorry, that was entirely presumptuous on my part. But look, I know what it's like to be behind the power curve. Like, things are too screwed up and it feels impossible to get back in control. I don't know you, though, so I can't really give advice. Plus, I've got my own problems.


no that was excellent advice! i said king man you reminded me of the guy in a book called alchemist. lol

no hard feelings whatsoever
It's just that I hate being the Pollyanna. You know, the one who's always saying all that positive affirmation sh***. Oh well...the sun'll come out...tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow...there'll be sun...

shadowman said:
would any paths cast ay type of thing orp ut me in touch with spirits to show me thwe consequences of my continued negative actions
Yeah that's possible, but spells only work on you if you let them. The way I understand it, there is nothing that can violate your right to free will.

So I suppose you're going with the psychological explanation then. Just make sure to see someone about the auditory hallucinations.
i think i "let the spell work" for all intensive purposes. i gave in to whatever it was
as a kid, rebelling against the church, I got into satanism, and sold my soul to the devil for fame and fortune... he never delivered, and so neither did I... I spent many a lonely night attempting to summon up demons and devils, but alas, they never came.... therefore, I did not believe that there is an evil force, like god, who does evil deeds, as its too convenient to blame the devil when its us who are at fault... that said, u can kill the good off in urself, u can destroy all that is good and noble about u, u can become a beast, as a man, and commit urself to a life of evil and destorying all that is good and pure and holy, etc, but in the end, all u end up destroying is urself... after all, when there is no humanity left, what have we become..?
Maybe it's off the track - I make no claim to practice magic. But having walked some powerful spiritual paths, I came to believe quite passionately that nothing could truly destroy us unless we allowed it to and continually embraced it.

But just because a person feels they have embraced something that can damage them, it doesn't mean to say they can't let go.

Once you let go of a thing, and cast it off, it's gone.

Your actions on, on the other hand, you can never undo directly - but by trying to perform "good" actions - I don't mean prayer, hymans, or devotion, but the little things such as being more patient, being a better listening, genuinely caring for other people, even strangers, and giving them far more room for understanding than you may have previously - then you set up a whole new set of actions with more positive impacts.

I should write a post on this later - but think of actions as being like throwing pebbles in a pond. Negative action ripples out, and positive action ripples out. If you feel you've done too much of the former, do more of the latter to cancel them out.

And again, nothing can truly destroy you unless you give yourself to it. You have a choice. Whatever you hear, whatever you see, have faith that you have the strength enough to ensure you have let go of all that was wrong, and will continue to do so.

Simply my 2c.
...Your actions on, on the other hand, you can never undo directly - but by trying to perform "good" actions - I don't mean prayer, hymans, or devotion, but the little things such as being more patient, being a better listening, genuinely caring for other people, even strangers, and giving them far more room for understanding than you may have previously - then you set up a whole new set of actions with more positive impacts...
I opine that this in and of itself is a type of "spell casting". By actions such as noted above, we are expressing outward a positive force of energy which influences those who are contacted by it. I also opine such positive forces are so much stronger than their negative counterparts that, a little goes a long way, and affects a great deal more people and ultimately, universe.



It is possible to give in or be done in by the dark side.

is it possible to give in or be done in by the dark side?

especially if someone had been being angry and abusive, following the evil path for a long time to the extent that it impacts te psyche/personality if the individual?

do you think people can doom/damn themselves before death?

like, permanently

get in touch with evil spirits, become in bondage to satan or the evil one, trade their soul to evil, become lost, hopeless. sell their soul, sell soul for knowledge or power or unholy gift, give in to dark side with no hope of turning back. be marked for hell or smitten by god.

like seriously, and with no hope of going back

especially if they deserved it.

maybe thought the wrong things or messed around with the wrong religious paths, blasphemed too strong, disrespected loved ones too much.

or maybe maybe were cursed by someone else's spell or magic (black/white magic, gypsie, vodou or obea or eastern asceticism. maybe someone with real power or spiritual connections who knew they were out of line and needed to be taught an ulimate lesson?
It is all in your mind.
You have more power than you think you have.
We are taught that we are powerless by those who wish to have power over us.
Don't fall for it.
It is all in your mind.
You have more power than you think you have.
We are taught that we are powerless by those who wish to have power over us.
Don't fall for it.

Does this also ring true for the "light side"? (aka paths of righteousness and divine favour) As in, is that all in your head too?
There is possibly a link between cursing and increased pain tolerance. Cursing Can Be Healthy | Psych Central News

Frontal lobe of the brain & cursing are related + schizophrenia is related to both. Who knows, but maybe lots of anger and bitterness can alter the health of the frontal lobes?
Psychopathology of Frontal Lobe Syndromes

Schizophrenia used to be treated with lobotomy. Someone got a Nobel prize just for inventing lobotomy, though nowadays doctors tend to use 'Antipsychotic' drugs instead.
Lobotomy and Schizophrenia