gospel of thomas and phillip, whatever mary magdalene wrote or something



what are yalls take on these books, gospel of thomas and gospel of phillip.

i have heard something was written by mary magdalene or about her (maybe not by her, but by her in the same sense tat gospels of matt mark and luke and john are by matt mark lke and john, i dont think they actualoy are according to scholars..

scholars might be the personification of the devil spirit though

you never know
does that include gospel of thomas or stuff mary magdalene had bee connected too?
In my opinion the Gospel of Thomas needs to be added to the bible. Absolutely golden... I profess it is true by its content... it teaches a few things not in the other gospels and ties them together beautifully. I do not know its history... are there any others like it that are full of parables or 'sayings' quoted from Jesus (pbuh)? Really, anything by anyone with testimony and claiming to quote Jesus (pbuh) should be re-considered by people, in my opinion.
Dor said:
Gospel of Thomas needs to be nowhere near the Bible. Especially not inside it.:eek:
The Jesus Seminar determined that the highest percentage of accurate 'red letter' quotes was actually in the GoT...
wil said:
The Jesus Seminar determined that the highest percentage of accurate 'red letter' quotes was actually in the GoT...
Your point is what?
John Shelby Spong is part of that and he is about as Christian in any biblical sense as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Actually look over the whole list from the Jesus Seminar and not 1/2 of them teach the bible so there decisions mean squat to me.
they picked those books to be in th ebible becuase they understood how to create a religion, they had to make sense and be in continuity with each other, they also had to fit with the interpreatations of jesus' teacings that worked the best to convert as many people as possible.

its common that with in a generation or two of a teachers death, that a religion is founded around the teacher, and often the teacher is deified.
Yep you are right. I give in. The entire Bible is part of a big hoax to enslave mankind in some false religion. It was put together strictly to make as many fall for the false religion as possible. Yeah right.

I will stick with my Bible and Jesus, everyone else can stick with there inner voices and their demonic spirit guides and whatnot.
shadowman said:
they picked those books to be in th ebible becuase they understood how to create a religion, they had to make sense and be in continuity with each other, they also had to fit with the interpreatations of jesus' teacings that worked the best to convert as many people as possible.

its common that with in a generation or two of a teachers death, that a religion is founded around the teacher, and often the teacher is deified.

You're either ignorant or a person who just likes to talk. Here, let me help your understanding with a question: Do you believe that Julius Caesar was a real person?
Dor said:
Yep you are right. I give in. The entire Bible is part of a big hoax to enslave mankind in some false religion. It was put together strictly to make as many fall for the false religion as possible. Yeah right.

I will stick with my Bible and Jesus, everyone else can stick with there inner voices and their demonic spirit guides and whatnot.

low blow, ace.

maybe jesus preached love, and internal personal relationship with god? as well as love your neighbor, consequences of actions, etc.

"what comes out of amans mouth defleshis heart..."

church is not jesus.

bible is not jesus

jesus is jesus

we dont know everything about him

religion and beleifs are used to control by leaders. its beyond the church. church many times probably thinks its doing a good thing, its probably bigger than bush, he berleives hes doing good tings too.

but still, when you know what someone beleives at their innermost core, you have power over them

i didnt say te bible was a hoax, but who is to say that this is what GOD WANTS!!!

jesus was smart, he gave great advice i am sure.

i am not sure that what i read is exactly what he said

i am not sure that god who created everythig as well as hindus and native ameircans, egyptains, greeks and musilims, would devise us in such a way to be so confused when we start using the minds he gave us.

if he is so omnipotent and powerful, why doesnt he help the confusion and madness going on?

why are people with the holy spirit in them form different faiths doing such insane things?

we are in the year 2006, my voices can be explained by psychology, the problem is i am experiencing them, and to me, they are real and frightenig, does that mean i am realy hearig what i tink i am hearing?

we dream, our mind makes htings seem very real

our mind can convince us of a lot, especially when it is deeling wirth intangible, unproveable things

if you look at all religion and walks of faith from a psychological standpoint, it looks like the same mechanisms are employed each and every time

humans have problems, religion has the answer.

humans are evil, religion redeems them, humans are scared of death, religion offers an afterlife
Terrence said:
You're either ignorant or a person who just likes to talk. Here, let me help your understanding with a question: Do you believe that Julius Caesar was a real person?


i am ignorant, i like to make ideas

yes i think he was probably real
shadowman said:

i am ignorant, i like to make ideas

yes i think he was probably real

Actually it was proven that he was a real person...

I don't think (in that light), anyone was dealing anyone a "low blow"...do you?
that was to dor, i assumed he had read my posts about my little delusions/psychosis/demonic experiences

i think he was real.

i mean they wrote about him in the bible, adn i think there are way more writings about him that were not included.

how did they prove he was real?