Omniscience and Free Will - Can both exist?

How do any of you KNOW whether God is omniscient, omnipotent or both? Perhaps a verse or two in the Bible suggested to you that he might have either of both of these attributes. Just about any viewpoint can be supported by selective extracts from Scripture.

Are we assuming that the Bible is infallible? I do not assume any such thing. I believe that such a notion is an opinion and not necessarily a fact.

Analysis of my own life suggests to me that I do not have free will. My actions are the inevitable result of factors including genetics, upbringing, available knowledge. Do I know or care whether God already knows my choices before I make them? No, not I. Do I know or care whether God influences my choices? No, not I.

I cannot see any practical merit to this discussion for individuals who have already acknowledged that they do not have free will.
11) If there are some experiences that are never had, through the excercise of free will, then God does not have them either - for God can only have those experiences that are had.

Most excellent line of discussion, Simon!

Consider parallel universes and a bit of quantum physics for a moment while mulling over your thought-provoking question. God by any name is the alpha (the beginning) and the omega (the end) in virtually all ancient and modern faiths. Such a timeless God must surely have sapience across time and dimension, including that which has been and that which will never be.

A dear friend of mine had a disease which put her in a wheelchair at a very young age. As adolescent philosophers, we believed that there exists around us an infinite number of realities. On one she would be strong and on her feet, in another reality she would be doing something else, and whatever experience she could dream of, she had an assurance that all possibilities were being played out. In her dreams she would visit those scenes and bring back with her to this reality something life-affirming, something inspiring.

I digressed a bit, but to get back on topic, my answer to your question is yes, they both exist. I believe that Free Will is essential for Faith to exist. Faith without choice is fear. My God (as my humble human self experiences her higher power) is Love and salvation from fear. God's Omniscience brings me peace, as my faith isn't in God's plan (mutually exclusive of Free Will) but rather in God's omnipresence and divine, unyielding love for us.

I think this debate stems from inconsistencies in the Bible. One side portrays god as a benign entity that is fully in control of mankind's destiny. The other side seeks obedience and compliance by emphasizing personal responsibility.

You can exercise logic and make them work together (sort of), in my view the big issue is that free will and predestination have both very disturbing implications when you consider why some people make it and some don't. In that light I can only smell religionist manipulation.
I think this debate stems from inconsistencies in the Bible. One side portrays god as a benign entity that is fully in control of mankind's destiny. The other side seeks obedience and compliance by emphasizing personal responsibility.

You can exercise logic and make them work together (sort of), in my view the big issue is that free will and predestination have both very disturbing implications when you consider why some people make it and some don't. In that light I can only smell religionist manipulation.

Frist of all: There are no inconsistencies in Scripture, God'a word is pure and true it doean't contradict or change. Man does. You smell religionist manipulation. Of course you do man screws up everything he touches. Just take a look out your widow.
As I do.

Not at all.

Consider a God who is truly omniscient. This means a God who knows all your options, all your choices, so that the outcome of any choice you might make or might not make are equally known to God.

So you have a choice of A or B. You choose A. God knows the outcome of this choice, before you made it, and therefore He equally knows the outcome of B, had you chosen that.

He doesn't know because He can see the future and knows what you will do, He knows because all possibility exists in Him, there is nothing we can do, or not do, that He does not know before the world was made.

The actual choice you make is no more nor less 'real' for God, because you made it, only for you. God is not changed in any way by the choices we make. Only we are. Our choices place us nearer or further from God.

So as far as God is concerned, you are free to choose, it makes no difference to Him. It's the whole world to us.


You're forgetting God knows everything that can happen, before the world begun.

The plan is laid and completed in the Eternal. God is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. The Plan includes every possible eventuality ... God had all the bases covered, if you like ... you cannot come up with anything God hasn't allowed for, if you did, you'd have out-thought God.

The fact that God allows for everything must include your free choice. You seem to be working from the premise that God doesn't know what you're going to do until you do it ... which is wrong ... or that you can think of something that God hadn't thought of ... wrong again.

If we have no free will, then we have no 'choice' and if no choice then we can't be held responsible for what we do ... the 'choice', and the fault, lies with God. That's illogical — you end up with a god who's a very nasty piece of work ... if such was true then the whole premise of the Abrahamic God is a nonsense.

The only other alternative, if not choice, is to be at the end, right at the be

How does not having free will means we don't make our own choices?

Free will a will without cause. something or someone causes the way we make our choices. That's all. What's so difficlut about this??
As I do.

Not at all.

Consider a God who is truly omniscient. This means a God who knows all your options, all your choices, so that the outcome of any choice you might make or might not make are equally known to God.

So you have a choice of A or B. You choose A. God knows the outcome of this choice, before you made it, and therefore He equally knows the outcome of B, had you chosen that.

He doesn't know because He can see the future and knows what you will do, He knows because all possibility exists in Him, there is nothing we can do, or not do, that He does not know before the world was made.

The actual choice you make is no more nor less 'real' for God, because you made it, only for you. God is not changed in any way by the choices we make. Only we are. Our choices place us nearer or further from God.

So as far as God is concerned, you are free to choose, it makes no difference to Him. It's the whole world to us.


You're forgetting God knows everything that can happen, before the world begun.

The plan is laid and completed in the Eternal. God is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. The Plan includes every possible eventuality ... God had all the bases covered, if you like ... you cannot come up with anything God hasn't allowed for, if you did, you'd have out-thought God.

The fact that God allows for everything must include your free choice. You seem to be working from the premise that God doesn't know what you're going to do until you do it ... which is wrong ... or that you can think of something that God hadn't thought of ... wrong again.

If we have no free will, then we have no 'choice' and if no choice then we can't be held responsible for what we do ... the 'choice', and the fault, lies with God. That's illogical — you end up with a god who's a very nasty piece of work ... if such was true then the whole premise of the Abrahamic God is a nonsense.

The only other alternative, if not choice, is to be at the end, right at the be

How does not having free will means we don't make our own choices?

Free will a will without cause. something or someone causes the way we make our choices. That's all. What's so difficlut about this??

You said it yourself. God already knows the end from the beginning.
If God's plan is set in motion and He knows excactly what you are going to do before you do it then how is that free? God sets up the circumstances For you to chgoose the way you do in order to follow His plan. You Still have to make a choice depending on ;the circumstances.
Can the both exist? ... No. But its ok. There is a Solution.


If we have no free will, then we have no 'choice' and if no choice then we can't be held responsible for what we do ... the 'choice', and the fault, lies with God. That's illogical — you end up with a god who's a very nasty piece of work ... if such was true then the whole premise of the Abrahamic God is a nonsense.

The only other alternative, if not choice, is to be at the end, right at the beginning.

But then there'd be nothing to do.

All that really matters is why does God allow you to make the wrong choices?

Not necessarily.

I understand your concern, as I shared it for a long time. However, one has to accept the simplicity of the problem before us, without complicating the issue:

If the universe is deterministic, then there is no free will.

So is it deterministic or not? If God is All-Knowing, and All-Powerful,
then the universe is, by definition, deterministic. If you look at the issue objectively you will have to accept that there is no way to avoid this conclusion.

However, (and this is the important bit) even though it is deterministic, there is a way to avoid the follwing conclusion: " end up with a god who's a very nasty piece of work ... if such was true then the whole premise of the Abrahamic God is a nonsense."

There is a solution to this paradox. But it requires an answer to a VERY DEEP question which has troubled mystics since the beginning.

How do you reconcile the Wrath of God, with his Mercy?

These are two, seemingly contradicting attributes. If we understand how this is possible, that God can have both these qualities, at the same time, we will understand the solution to the paradox. This understanding, I believe, is essential for anyone who wants to progress on the path of any of the Three Abrahamic Faiths.

In the Quran, for example, it is clearly stated that If God wanted, He could have guided all mankind. But He lets those go in error who "wrong themselves". Is there a contradiction here? It seems at first sight there is. But lets look closer. And to do this, we have to understand what the purpose of Hell is.

Those who "wrong themselves" are the ones who will enter Hell. But what is Hell? Is it a place where pain is meted out for eternity? No. This is a misconception. Hell is a place which the wicked will go through as a purification. But purification towards what?

This is not a seperate question, but is essential to understanding the paradox. God created man, to take his place above the angels. Not just some men... but "Man"... Mankind (and womankind of course). But all men have to go through a purification. And what is "purification"?

Lets look at nature (this usually always helps). How is gold purified? You melt it, until the impurities are separated from the core metal. But this process is very harsh is it not? Rumi (the Persian Sufi poet) once wrote of the harsh stages a seed of wheat has to go through before it can become bread, and bring benefit to mankind. All such processes, require a lot of effort in order to return a benefit.

Now lets look at human nature, how do good men attain character? They go through trials. Which seem like "hell" when one is going through them. This is exactly the concept of Hell. To purify man. According to sayings of Jesus (PBUH) in the Bible, and Mohammed (PBUH) in the hadith, the wicked shall be taken out of hell.

So now, the last and most pressing question: If God is All Powerful and so Merciful, why did He not create a world in which man could have been purified without all the hassles? Why does one have to suffer so much pain in order to experience eternal bliss.

The answer to this question is simply mathematical. Lets examine the word "eternal". What does it mean mathematically? Eternal means infinite. So "eternal bliss" would mean "infinite Bliss". So basically, the comparison here, is between something finite (hell/pain) and infinite (heaven/bliss). This might seem like a fair comparison from the point of view of philosophy. But mathematically, there is NO comparison here. Why? Because nothing finite, could ever be compared with anything infinite. Even if man spent billions of years in hell, but ended up in infinite bliss afterword, there would still be nothing to shed a tear about. And according to one saying of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) the longest time anyone will spend in Hell, is the time span of 80 years (basically a human life time). The point being, infinite bliss is a reward which is so unimaginably out of proportion, that even if man is put through whatever trial, as he is going through that pain, he will feel it... but when he reaches the destination, he will understand that the reward he got in the end... was priceless.

This is how we can understand how even in a deterministic universe, in which no one has any "free will", God can still be understood as "The Benificient, The Merciful". Because ultimately, God is in total control of everything. And He knows what He's doing, and where He is leading us. And its all good. So in this way, even without clinging on to this concept of "free will" we can get through the day just fine.

Take Care
is meant by Jehovah’s being omnipotent and omniscient?

Jehovah told Abraham: "I am God Almighty." (Genesis 17:1)
Being almighty—omnipotent—Jehovah can use his power to overcome any obstacle to the fulfillment of his promises and purposes.

Jehovah is also all-knowing, all-wise—omniscient.
He thus can foresee whatever he wishes to foresee.

These two qualities make it impossible for Jehovah to fail. (Isaiah 14:24)

and yes we have freewill :)

So when good or bad things happen in your life, it is not because these events are inevitable.

Very often, ‘unforeseen occurrences’ are simply the consequences of other people’s decisions—whether wise or unwise. (Ecclesiastes 9:11)

No, your future is not planned out before you, and your own decisions determine what your everlasting future will be.
is meant by Jehovah’s being omnipotent and omniscient?

Jehovah told Abraham: "I am God Almighty." (Genesis 17:1)
Being almighty—omnipotent—Jehovah can use his power to overcome any obstacle to the fulfillment of his promises and purposes.

Jehovah is also all-knowing, all-wise—omniscient.
He thus can foresee whatever he wishes to foresee.

These two qualities make it impossible for Jehovah to fail. (Isaiah 14:24)

and yes we have freewill :)

So when good or bad things happen in your life, it is not because these events are inevitable.

Very often, ‘unforeseen occurrences’ are simply the consequences of other people’s decisions—whether wise or unwise. (Ecclesiastes 9:11)

No, your future is not planned out before you, and your own decisions determine what your everlasting future will be.

Tell me please how does anyone have free will when God's will is ALWAYS DONE. If God's Will IS Always done then how in the world can YOUR will be done? The two contadicts itself. If you say you have free will and your will will be done over God's will Then you don't believe God is Who He says He is. I AM. God who created the universe and everything in it but yet His will is out done by man's free will? Becaus that's what your saying your will is stronger than God's will. you can't have it both ways either God's will is always done or man's will is always done If Gods will is always done and God does not change then your will has no influence over God's will.
YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOOTH WAYS it is impossible!!

Tell me please how does anyone have free will when God's will is ALWAYS DONE. If God's Will IS Always done then how in the world can YOUR will be done? The two contadicts itself. If you say you have free will and your will will be done over God's will Then you don't believe God is Who He says He is. I AM. God who created the universe and everything in it but yet His will is out done by man's free will? Becaus that's what your saying your will is stronger than God's will. you can't have it both ways either God's will is always done or man's will is always done If Gods will is always done and God does not change then your will has no influence over God's will.
YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOOTH WAYS it is impossible!!

the question is ,what is Gods will.

Gods original purpose for the earth was to have a paradise earth with people on it,
a paradise earth filled with obedient humans enjoying everlasting life.

that original purpose has not changed ,even though because of freewill satan and Adam and eve have made that paradise out of sight for a while ,

Gods original purpose still stands ,and it will be acomplished, even though satan put a spanner in the works God has put things in place to fix it all :)

his will , will be done

Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth. matthew 6;9-10

the question is ,what is Gods will.

Gods original purpose for the earth was to have a paradise earth with people on it,
a paradise earth filled with obedient humans enjoying everlasting life.

Hello Mee,

An important correction. Earth was never meant to be a paradise. This is a relevant verse from the Quran: [SIZE=-1]"And there is for you in the earth an abode and a provision for a time.[/SIZE]" Chapter 2

The reason I pointed this out because of what you said here:

even though satan put a spanner in the works
Satan can never put a spanner in God's works Mee. It was always God's will to create Satan, and have him rebel. It was always God's will to have Adam forget and disobey God's commandment.

For a more detailed account:

"And when thy Lord said (qaa-la) to the angels, I am going to place a ruler in the earth, they said : Wilt Thou place in it such as make mischief in it and shed blood? And we celebrate Thy praise and extol Thy holiness. He said : Surely I know what you know not...

And He taught Adam all the names, then presented them to the angels; He said (to the angels): Tell Me the names of those if you are right. They (the angels) said : Glory be to Thee! We have no knowledge but that which Thou hast taught us. Surely Thou art the Knowing, the Wise."

[SIZE=-1]"He said: O Adam, inform them of their names. So when he informed them of their names, God said (to the angels): Did I not say to you that I know what is unseen in the heavens and the earth? And I know what you manifest and what you hide.

And when We said to the angels, Be submissive to Adam, they submitted, but Iblis/Satan (did not). He refused and was proud, and he was one of the disbelievers.

And We said: O Adam, dwell thou and thy wife in the garden, and eat from it a plenteous (food) wherever you wish, and approach not this tree, lest you be of the unjust. But the devil made them slip from it, and caused them to depart from the state in which they were.

And We said: Go forth, some of you are the enemies of others. And there is for you in the earth an abode and a provision for a time. Then Adam received words from his Lord, and He turned to him (mercifully). Surely He is Oft-returning (to mercy), the Merciful.

We said: Go forth from this state all (of you). Surely there will come to you a guidance from Me, then who-ever follows My guidance, no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve. And (as to) those who disbelieve in and reject Our messages, they are the companions of the Fire; in it they will abide."

[/SIZE]The Quran - Ch. 2 : 30-39
Hello Mee,

It was always God's will to create Satan, and have him rebel. It was always God's will to have Adam forget and disobey God's commandment.
think about what the name and title satan means ,


The Scriptures indicate that the creature known as Satan did not always have that name.

Rather, this descriptive name was given to him because of his taking a course of opposition and resistance to God.

The name he had before this is not given.

God is the only Creator, and ‘his activity is perfect,’ with no injustice or unrighteousness. (De 32:4)

Therefore, the one becoming Satan was, when created, a perfect, righteous creature of God. He is a spirit person, for he appeared in heaven in the presence of God. (Job chaps 1, 2; Re 12:9)

Jesus Christ said of him: "That one was a manslayer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him." (Joh 8:44; 1Jo 3:8)

Jesus here shows that Satan was once in the truth, but forsook it.

Beginning with his first overt act in turning Adam and Eve away from God, he was a manslayer, for he thereby brought about the death of Adam and Eve, which, in turn, brought sin and death to their offspring. (Ro 5:12)

yes ,satan was not created as a resister, but made himself one when he began his course of rebellion .

and the same thing can happen to people, they can start off being in Gods ways but they can begin a rebellious and resistant way of life .

think about what the name and title satan means ,


The Scriptures indicate that the creature known as Satan did not always have that name.

Rather, this descriptive name was given to him because of his taking a course of opposition and resistance to God.

The name he had before this is not given.

God is the only Creator, and ‘his activity is perfect,’ with no injustice or unrighteousness. (De 32:4)

Therefore, the one becoming Satan was, when created, a perfect, righteous creature of God. He is a spirit person, for he appeared in heaven in the presence of God. (Job chaps 1, 2; Re 12:9)

Jesus Christ said of him: "That one was a manslayer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him." (Joh 8:44; 1Jo 3:8)

Jesus here shows that Satan was once in the truth, but forsook it.

Beginning with his first overt act in turning Adam and Eve away from God, he was a manslayer, for he thereby brought about the death of Adam and Eve, which, in turn, brought sin and death to their offspring. (Ro 5:12)

yes ,satan was not created as a resister, but made himself one when he began his course of rebellion .

and the same thing can happen to people, they can start off being in Gods ways but they can begin a rebellious and resistant way of life .

I completely agree. The original name for Satan in the Quran is Iblis. In the Bible, it is Lucifer. Satan is a label, not an actual name. However, the point I was trying to make is that God was fully aware that Iblis/Lucifer would rebel when He created him right? Therefore, it was part of God's plan. Moreover, if it was part of God's plan then we can not say that Satan "put a spanner in God's works". Here is the conversation between Satan and God that took place from a Quranic perspective. Notice the lack of struggle between the two parties, as in the Quranic version there was no war in heaven when satan rebelled:

(NOTE: I prefer to take a metaphorical approach to these words, rather then literal as some do)

Chapter 7 (verses 11 - 27)

And certainly We created you, then We fashioned you, then We said to the angels: Prostrate to Adam. So they did prostrate except Iblis; he was not of those who prostrated.

He (God) said: What hindered you so that you did not prostrate when I commanded you? He (Satan) said: I am better than he: Thou hast created me of fire, while him Thou didst create of dust.

He (God) said: Then get forth from this (state), for it does not befit you to behave proudly therein. Go forth, therefore, surely you are of the abject ones.

He (Satan) said: Respite me until the day when they are raised up.

(God) said: "Be thou among those who have respite."

He (Satan) said: As Thou hast caused me to remain disappointed I will certainly lie in wait for them in Thy straight path. Then I will certainly come to them from before them and from behind them, and from their right-hand side and from their left-hand side; and Thou shalt not find most of them thankful.

He (God) said: Get out of this (state), despised, driven away; whoever of them will follow you, I will certainly fill hell with you all.

And (We said): O Adam! Dwell you and your wife in the garden; so eat from where you desire, but do not go near this tree, for then you will be of the unjust.

Then began Satan to whisper suggestions to them, bringing openly before their minds all their shame that was hidden from them (before): he said: "Your Lord only forbade you this tree, lest ye should become angels or such beings as live for ever." And he swore to them both, that he was their sincere adviser.

So by deceit he brought about their fall: when they tasted of the tree, their shame became manifest to them, and they began to sew together the leaves of the garden over their bodies. And their Lord called unto them: "Did I not forbid you that tree, and tell you that Satan was an avowed enemy unto you?"

They said: Our Lord! We have been unjust to ourselves, and if Thou forgive us not, and have (not) mercy on us, we shall certainly be of the losers.

He (God) said: Get forth, some of you, the enemies of others, and there is for you in the earth an abode and a provision for a time. He (also) said: Therein shall you live, and therein shall you die, and from it shall you be raised.

O children of Adam! We have indeed sent down to you clothing to cover your shame, and (clothing) for beauty and clothing that guards (against evil), that is the best. This is of the communications of Allah that they may be mindful.

O children of Adam! let not the Satan cause you to fall into affliction as he expelled your parents from the garden, pulling off from them both their clothing that he might show them their evil inclinations, he surely sees you, he as well as his host, from whence you cannot see them; surely We have made the devils to be the guardians of those who do not believe.
In the Bible, it is Lucifer. quote]

Lucifer is not a name Scripturally given to Satan.

The name Lucifer occurs once in the Scriptures and only in some versions of the Bible.

For example, the King James Version renders Isaiah 14:12: "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!"

The Hebrew word translated "Lucifer" means "shining one." The Septuagint uses the Greek word that means "bringer of dawn." Hence, some translations render the original Hebrew "morning star" or "Daystar." But Jerome’s Latin Vulgate uses "Lucifer" (light bearer), and this accounts for the appearance of that term in various versions of the Bible.

"O how you have fallen from heaven, you shining one, son of the dawn! How you have been cut down to the earth, you who were disabling the nations!
isaiah 14;12 NWT

Lucifer is not a name Scripturally given to Satan.
My mistake. You are right. The name of Satan is only given
in the Quran as Iblis. But maybe even that is a title of sorts.

Why do you say that ,?

Because I do not have a choice in believing otherwise.
We Muslims are told, very clearly in the Quran that everything
that happens, happens according to God's plan:

"Those before them did (also) devise plots;
but in all things the master-planning is Allah's....
Chapter 13 Verse 42
My mistake. You are right. The name of Satan is only given
in the Quran as Iblis. But maybe even that is a title of sorts.

Because I do not have a choice in believing otherwise.
We Muslims are told, very clearly in the Quran that everything
that happens, happens according to God's plan:

"Those before them did (also) devise plots;
but in all things the master-planning is Allah's...."
Chapter 13 Verse 42

For me as one of JEHOVAHS WITNESSES I know from the bible that JEHOVAH has a purpose for the earth ,and that purpose will be fullfilled regardless of any who stand in the way of that purpose.

and as his name itself has great meaning JEHOVAH
(He cause to become)

SO Gods original purpose for the earth WILL COME TO BE .

but that does not mean that everything that happens on the earth is pre- planned . NO

and yes the bible agrees that people will scheme up many plans , but if those plans are in opposition to Gods purpose the plans of men will come to nothing in the end.

"DO NOT put your trust in nobles, nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs. . . . Happy is the one who has the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in Jehovah his God, the Maker of heaven and earth." (Psalm 146:3-6)
I think it is clear that both you and me are seeing God in a positive light. Even though we have differences in our perspectives, I think our intent is complimentary. You believe that whatever God plans, it is good. I believe that same thing, with a twist. But in the end, as long as we both agree that God is All Powerful, and All Knowing, there really can be no disagreement :)
You believe that whatever God plans, it is good. :)
the bible says that there is no injustice with God and everything he does is only good , so if a plane crashed and killed everyone on board , it is nothing at all to do with God ,he did not plan that plane crash .

Jesus Christ made a similar observation. Referring to an event that was apparently common knowledge among his listeners, Jesus asked: "Those eighteen upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, thereby killing them, do you imagine that they were proved greater debtors than all other men inhabiting Jerusalem?" (Luke 13:4)

Jesus did not blame these fatalities on some mysterious fate or on the will of God, nor did he believe that the victims were somehow more blameworthy than others.
The tragic accident was just another example of time and unforeseen occurrence at work.

Nowhere does the Bible teach the idea that God has predetermined our time of death.

It is true that Ecclesiastes 3:1, 2 says: "For everything there is an appointed time, even a time for every affair under the heavens: a time for birth and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to uproot what was planted."

Yet Solomon was simply discussing the continuing cycle of life and death that afflicts imperfect humanity.

We are born, and when the time comes, when normal life expectancy is reached—usually after 70 or 80 years or so—we die.

Still, the exact moment of death has no more been predetermined by God than the moment when a farmer decides "to plant" or "to uproot what was planted."

so if a plane crashed and killed everyone on board , it is nothing at all to do with God ,he did not plan that plane crash .

Nowhere does the Bible teach the idea that God has predetermined our time of death.

I see...

Our scripture, the Quran, does not limit the power or knowledge of God.

To each his own I guess.