Consecrated Virgin

I thought this is what nuns did? They are married to Jesus. Weird also the things that make news these days hehe
Yeah--I think it is pretty much along the same lines as the Catholic Sisters, but this woman is not a nun. That is what I found so interesting.

And yes, I am in a quandry about why this particular story appears to be so newsworthy.

I would love to hear from any of our Catholic members about this story. The article seems to convey the idea that what this woman has done is an extremely rare thing.

Being out in the world...vs. in a convent with the support of other nuns, this has got to be tough.

Currently my cynical side wonders if this is akin to tatooing your mates name on your body...which is almost always an indication it won't last. ie in this case the publicity of this event will possibly bring suitors out of the woodwork...challenging her new vows...
Hi Guys !

I think this sort of thing may be going around these days. Didn't Paris Hilton publicly vow her celebacy for the next year or so just a short while ago ?

Seriously, there seems to be a trend to separate one's personal life and habits from the norms of society these days. This lady chose to make her choice public and formal so that there would be spiritual witnesses to her life change. Could be that's why it's news.

My opinion is that this is a major underlying issue of our times. We see it most prominently on a group basis in fundamentalism movements. Sometimes you see these sort of patterns arise before major societal shifts in character. (Just thinking out loud again.) Could be that this has something to do with structural trends towards new global societal organization movements ? Lord knows we all could use these sorts of changes.

InLove said:
Yeah--I think it is pretty much along the same lines as the Catholic Sisters, but this woman is not a nun. That is what I found so interesting.

And yes, I am in a quandry about why this particular story appears to be so newsworthy.

I would love to hear from any of our Catholic members about this story. The article seems to convey the idea that what this woman has done is an extremely rare thing.


What the woman did was make a serious decision and commitment with her life. By making it before the congregation she declared a permanent dedication of her life to God. As a concecrated virgin she is in deed a sister with all sisters, though she does not belong to anyone convent perse, she is welcomed as a sister in all of them.

To Catholics, she is treated with the respect due a reverend mother or sister (nun). She is sacred in the eyes of the Church.
Thanks for the thoughts, everyone. And for the link, Q.

Flow, I think you are right about many people longing to make a more individual spiritual commitment these days--perhaps it has something to do with a desire to counteract the group politics that appears to so strongly seek to pervade religious thought.

I can't help but admire these women for their dedication. As wil pointed out, by publicly choosing this path, they very well may have to endure some spiritual attacks. But then, I think this is true for every individual who makes a commitment to Christ. The strength to endure is part of the promise He gives.

I was just thnking what valuable liasons these women can be between the church and the community on a more personal level than what we often see.

By the way, I do see now why the story is newsworthy, just surprised that it actually made the news without a bunch of personal attacks--yet, anyway.

Interesting, very interesting.
