i dont get it



these are all ideas. im not sure whats right but this is interesting.


christianity only works if one beleives it. (incidently, most religions work if one beleives in them)

i do not see why people want to beleive it

it makes no sense to me

it seems to discourage reasoning and thinking

it says: have faith, and put everything through a bible filter, and naturally when you assume a set of stories and principles to be true, especially true for no reason, the it becomes ingrained... ad things make sense through that filter. te better the premise, the better the filkter works. coincidences seem to make sense accordng to the filter. children laughing become proofs of yhwh, and praying works. sometimes in a day, sometimes in three days, but once it works, thats the proof. throw enough virgins into a volcano and the eruption stops.

if prayer doesnt work, well god works in mysterious ways.

there is no proof of anyting in the bible.

the canon was randomly or not so randomly selected by deacons and the heads of state and curch for reasons we dont really know.

there is no proof of anything.

we know of teh power of the subconscious, everyone has a myth to live out, becase we are a people that love stories, we love to live stories, stories tell morals and rules to us without making it seem like torie and rules. the bible is full of this. and we like to live it out.

people talk about gods justice in order to strengten teir beleifs or help others convert

once they are really into faith, they start getting deep and metaphysical.

i see god in flowers, god is infinity, god is so much more than any of us can imagine

yet the creator of thuniverse is bounded by human ideas

human ideas



h u m a n i d e a s

two words made up of letters, letters being sounds to make language, language being the interplay of ideas, concepts
concepts based on society that created them

infinity, deepness, consciousness...realizing these types of things we realize that ideas like justice, and perfect, and holy, are not infinite. how can they be god? they are bounded by the presets of human society, specific human cultures even.

justice only works becuase our language has ideas hat explain it and ideas that use the idea of justice

despots and tyrants punish people for not worshiping them

why god?

gods personality seems quite human, not very infinite.

"a good judge locks up criminals"

does he? the criminal justice system is laughable, even if all the peo0ple in jail were guilty of their crimes (and many arent) then where is the justice? good justice is rehabilitation, becuase everyone is human, and humans make mistakes.

we all know gods law is igher than mortal law. so why do we compare gods law to maortal law in order to make it make sense? jesus was big on forgiveness, yt jail breeds criinals and messed up states of mind, instead of heeling htem

this is besides the point

even if our justice system was awesome and psychologically ixed all criminals, then it would still be useles to explain god in tese terms

why does god explain himself in these terms? becuase we would understand it? or becuase we created it?

coincidenc eand prayer strengthens te beleifs of budists, hindus and muslims too. whats going on?
shadowman said:
coincidenc eand prayer strengthens te beleifs of budists, hindus and muslims too. whats going on?
G-d is awesome, and patient, and willing to speak in everyone's language and way so everyone can come to an understanding.
shadowman said:
these are all ideas. im not sure whats right but this is interesting.


christianity only works if one beleives it. (incidently, most religions work if one beleives in them)
Well yeah you have to believe in it.
i do not see why people want to beleive it
Yes why would anyone want to believe in a God that loves them personally.
it makes no sense to me
It never does till we have help from the Holy Spirit then we get it in bits and pieces.
it seems to discourage reasoning and thinking
No I reason and think quite a bit. I just believe so I see ways to build it up instead of tearing it down.
it says: have faith, and put everything through a bible filter, and naturally when you assume a set of stories and principles to be true, especially true for no reason, the it becomes ingrained... ad things make sense through that filter. te better the premise, the better the filkter works. coincidences seem to make sense accordng to the filter. children laughing become proofs of yhwh, and praying works. sometimes in a day, sometimes in three days, but once it works, thats the proof. throw enough virgins into a volcano and the eruption stops.
Well of course it can not just be true. It has to be that we are all brainwashed.
if prayer doesnt work, well god works in mysterious ways.
God answers prayers. Sometimes the answer is not what we wish or think it should be.
there is no proof of anyting in the bible.
Yes there is. And it is proof enough for most of us.

the canon was randomly or not so randomly selected by deacons and the heads of state and curch for reasons we dont really know.
Says you. was nothing random about it says me.
there is no proof of anything.
There is plenty of proof for those that want to find it with unhardened hearts.
we know of teh power of the subconscious, everyone has a myth to live out, becase we are a people that love stories, we love to live stories, stories tell morals and rules to us without making it seem like torie and rules. the bible is full of this. and we like to live it out.
Well then why are most people not living anywhere close to it.

people talk about gods justice in order to strengten teir beleifs or help others convert

once they are really into faith, they start getting deep and metaphysical.

i see god in flowers, god is infinity, god is so much more than any of us can imagine

yet the creator of thuniverse is bounded by human ideas

human ideas



h u m a n i d e a s

two words made up of letters, letters being sounds to make language, language being the interplay of ideas, concepts
concepts based on society that created them

infinity, deepness, consciousness...realizing these types of things we realize that ideas like justice, and perfect, and holy, are not infinite. how can they be god? they are bounded by the presets of human society, specific human cultures even.
God is not bound by anything in my heart and mind. He maybe in yours.
justice only works becuase our language has ideas hat explain it and ideas that use the idea of justice

despots and tyrants punish people for not worshiping them

why god?

gods personality seems quite human, not very infinite.

"a good judge locks up criminals"

does he? the criminal justice system is laughable, even if all the peo0ple in jail were guilty of their crimes (and many arent) then where is the justice? good justice is rehabilitation, becuase everyone is human, and humans make mistakes.
Then why are the vast majority of criminals repeat offenders cause they should be locked up.
we all know gods law is igher than mortal law. so why do we compare gods law to maortal law in order to make it make sense? jesus was big on forgiveness, yt jail breeds criinals and messed up states of mind, instead of heeling htem

this is besides the point

even if our justice system was awesome and psychologically ixed all criminals, then it would still be useles to explain god in tese terms

why does god explain himself in these terms? becuase we would understand it? or becuase we created it?
We did not create anything. God created it all. People want to think God is gonna just say oh well who cares what you did your whole life I forgive you.

coincidenc eand prayer strengthens te beleifs of budists, hindus and muslims too. whats going on?
There is no coincidence.
because, i woldnt send my kids or let them send themselves to hell, if they didnt worship me. it doesnt make sense. that idea of god doesnt make sense
shadowman said:
because, i woldnt send my kids or let them send themselves to hell, if they didnt worship me. it doesnt make sense. that idea of god doesnt make sense
Hmm cause you are a sinner maybe. God does not send anyone to hell. He does not say be as holy and as perfect as me or go to hell. All he asks for is you to believe in Christ and TRY.
Once your kids reach a certain age....you may not have a single bit of say over what they do...trust me I know I have one.
Thats called free-will and I can not make her do what I want or believe she should just like God will not make you.
shadowman said:
because, i woldnt send my kids or let them send themselves to hell, if they didnt worship me. it doesnt make sense. that idea of god doesnt make sense

If you had a puppy that kept running out into traffic every time you brought him back, how would you feel when he got hit?

Maybe you would still love him, but would understand why he got hit.

The Bible calls God's destruction of the wicked his "strange act".
shadowman said:
these are all ideas. im not sure whats right but this is interesting.


christianity only works if one beleives it. (incidently, most religions work if one beleives in them)

i do not see why people want to beleive it

it makes no sense to me

it seems to discourage reasoning and thinking

It might be because man can not compare to God. Man's greatest wisdom can not compare to God's foolishness. Man's reasoning can not come near God's impetus. Gnostisicm has trouble with this line of thought as well as most Arian based faiths.
Just don't believe in it then. No one is forcing you to be a Christian and it's not like Christianity has some official confirmation of being the only correct religion, outside of itself anyway. If you don't like Christianity, don't be a Christian or maybe pick a different interpretation to the one that you do not agree with.

Buddhism, Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Christianity, Satanism, Hank of the unkissable bottom-ism, etc. Just pick one or two or three, be happy with your choice(s), and don't bother other people. Those are the rules.
moseslmpg said:
Buddhism, Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Christianity, Satanism, Hank of the unkissable bottom-ism, etc. Just pick one or two or three, be happy with your choice(s), and don't bother other people. Those are the rules.
Who's rules? Hey you know mine is based on the bible, my rules are different.:p
moseslmpg said:
Just don't believe in it then. No one is forcing you to be a Christian and it's not like Christianity has some official confirmation of being the only correct religion, outside of itself anyway. If you don't like Christianity, don't be a Christian or maybe pick a different interpretation to the one that you do not agree with.

Buddhism, Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Christianity, Satanism, Hank of the unkissable bottom-ism, etc. Just pick one or two or three, be happy with your choice(s), and don't bother other people. Those are the rules.

Actually that is your choice. You do have a wide variety.

No one is forcing you to choose Christianity. However, as for me and mine (as they say)...our choice is limited to two. Life, or death. That is how it is seen, and how it is acted upon, by many of those that post on this Christian forum.

I'm curious as to what upsets you about that? What, we are better than you? No, just believe we are forgiven. Why? because we "asked" to be.

Christians are by no means perfect...just striving towards perfection.