A Corollary of Christian God


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Southern Maryland
God is Holy, Perfect, Good, and Unchanging in that Nature.

Man was Holy, Perfect, and Good.
Man had a Perfect Relationship with God.
Man could live forever.

But Man disobeyed God.
Man fell.
Man's relationship with God was torn.
Man's Sin caused Spiritual Death.
Man's Sin caused Physical Death.
Man's Sin caused a change in Nature.
Man is sinful, imperfect, and always changing.

Because God is Holy, Perfect, Good, then it bears to reason that He is also Just.

If He is Just, then whatever He judges is Just.
Sin, because it is not Holy, must be dealt with.
If He judges Sin, then Sin must be dealt with Justly.
Sin must therefore be destroyed.

Since Man is Sinful, then one of two things must happen:

Either Sin in Man must be destroyed.
Or Man must be destroyed.

God is Love.
God loves Man.

So God's preference is that He destroy Sin and not Man.
If God can make a way to accomplish this, He will.
Somehow, Sin must be paid for.

God, because He is Perfect, is the only One who can fix the problem of Sin in Man.
Therefore, God came in the form of a Man.
Jesus as the God-Man lived a Perfect Life in the Spirit of God.
Because He lived a Perfect Life, He would die a Perfect Death.
In His Death, He took the Sin of Man.
He was made Sin for Man.

Because He was Perfect in the Spirit, Sin could not hold him in Death.
So He rose from the Grave, for Sin and Death could not hold Him down.
He rose physically into a Perfect (Spiritual) Body, restored by the Spirit to Life.

In Christ, Man's Sin has been dealt with through His Blood.
In Christ, Man is a New Creation.
In Christ, Man is raised to New Life.
In Christ, Man will be raised into a Perfect (Spiritual) Body.
In Christ, Man can now have a perfect relationship with God in the Spirit.
In Christ, Man can live forever.
In Christ, all Nature is restored.
God is Holy, Perfect, Good, and Unchanging in that Nature.

Man was Holy, Perfect, and Good.
Man had a Perfect Relationship with God.
Man could live forever.

But Man disobeyed God.
Man fell.
Man's relationship with God was torn.
Man's Sin caused Spiritual Death.
Man's Sin caused Physical Death.
Man's Sin caused a change in Nature.
Man is sinful, imperfect, and always changing.

Because God is Holy, Perfect, Good, then it bears to reason that He is also Just.

If He is Just, then whatever He judges is Just.
Sin, because it is not Holy, must be dealt with.
If He judges Sin, then Sin must be dealt with Justly.
Sin must therefore be destroyed.

Since Man is Sinful, then one of two things must happen:

Either Sin in Man must be destroyed.
Or Man must be destroyed.

God is Love.
God loves Man.

So God's preference is that He destroy Sin and not Man.
If God can make a way to accomplish this, He will.
Somehow, Sin must be paid for.

God, because He is Perfect, is the only One who can fix the problem of Sin in Man.
Therefore, God came in the form of a Man.
Jesus as the God-Man lived a Perfect Life in the Spirit of God.
Because He lived a Perfect Life, He would die a Perfect Death.
In His Death, He took the Sin of Man.
He was made Sin for Man.

Because He was Perfect in the Spirit, Sin could not hold him in Death.
So He rose from the Grave, for Sin and Death could not hold Him down.
He rose physically into a Perfect (Spiritual) Body, restored by the Spirit to Life.

In Christ, Man's Sin has been dealt with through His Blood.
In Christ, Man is a New Creation.
In Christ, Man is raised to New Life.
In Christ, Man will be raised into a Perfect (Spiritual) Body.
In Christ, Man can now have a perfect relationship with God in the Spirit.
In Christ, Man can live forever.
In Christ, all Nature is restored.

Pretty much covers it.
How about the "potential" to disobey? Free will...was also given man.


Surely though, perfection does what it is supposed to do.
There could be potential for different courses of action, but each would apply to a particular circumstance.
Surely though, perfection does what it is supposed to do.
There could be potential for different courses of action, but each would apply to a particular circumstance.

Perfection is a state of being, or a state of existence (potential, not kinetic), yes?

Any action can lead to an imperfect state (kinetics in affect), the instant one thinks for themselves, and acts on those thoughts, if the actions and thoughts are contrary to the good keepings of the original design.

Another term might be "rogue" actions or behavior (deviating from the original plan). God, obviously instilled in man an element of uncertanty (for what reasons, only God knows, but I suspect it was because He did not want to be bored to death with a "robot").

my thoughts


Perfection is a state of being, or a state of existence (potential, not kinetic), yes?

Any action can lead to an imperfect state (kinetics in affect), the instant one thinks for themselves, and acts on those thoughts, if the actions and thoughts are contrary to the good keepings of the original design.
This would mean that it is possible for God to go astray.
This would mean that it is possible for God to go astray.

No, I think not Cav. Obvious that man can and did go astray though. God set the rules. Man acknowledged those rules (see Genesis), then blew the rules off. God carried out the consequences for man violating those rules.

God NEVER deterred from His original stipulations...man did.


No, I think not Cav. Obvious that man can and did go astray though. God set the rules. Man acknowledged those rules (see Genesis), then blew the rules off. God carried out the consequences for man violating those rules.

God NEVER deterred from His original stipulations...man did.


No, I don't think so either, I was merely working off your logic. It was you who said that perfection could become imperfection. You can't have it one way for God, and another for man.
If man's perfection can become imperfection, then so can God's.
No, I don't think so either, I was merely working off your logic. It was you who said that perfection could become imperfection. You can't have it one way for God, and another for man.
If man's perfection can become imperfection, then so can God's.

So, if man's greatest wisdom is not even equivelent to God's lowest folly...does that make God a fool, or man?


Are you sidestepping?
Because you're not exactly answering my point.

It is quite possible for a flawless unit to become flawed. It is impossible for a flawed unit to become flawless (on it's own). Does that answer your question?


Man was created in a state of innocence. He could commune with God because of that. Remember there were two trees in the Garden. I believe the Tree of Life is indictive of the Spirit of God. Had Man chose to eat this tree, the trial would be over, the Spirit of God would have entered into Man and He would have lived forever in Perfection. Instead, he ate the other Tree and fell. Rather than risk Man in eating the Tree in his fallen state, and thus live forever in that state, God banished Man from the Tree of Life (God''s Spirit), UNTIL God could take care of the problem of Sin, through Christ. Only then can the Spirit of God indwell Man.

Does that make sense?
Are you sidestepping?
Because you're not exactly answering my point.

How is this...when a man even begins to turn towards God, all of heaven goes silent, and every angel holds their "breath". That is how important a single man is to God Almighty. That is how important you are to God.


Ok, we've been here before though. As I have written before, this would mean that God could become flawed

the only "flawed" being is us...that is pretty much self evident by today's standards.

