
17th Angel

לבעוט את התחת ולקחת שמות
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Have you seen the little piggies crawling in the d
OK I see people picking bones about Crowley... That got me thinking. Then I started talking about "doom theory" and "predictions of the end." That got me thinking then I recalled a light and cheerpy soul, thats right Nostradamus..

I in advance apologise if;

1. This is in the wrong forum..
2. This has been covered..

Mainly I believe I would be interested intrigueed even! To hear.. See, peoples thoughts of Nostradamus. Such as he is a good man, accurate man, he has no clue what he is doing, his words are vauge and could mean a thousand things... anything really.... Not sure how to "kick start" this so I will start with 9/11 claims? That should get the ball rolling.... Then maybe we'll get onto other claims of his such as the Anti-christ....

Perchance there are people here that haven't heard of Nostradamus... He was a famous astrologer who was born (I think) in 1503 in France, St. Remi... He was born of Jewish parents and force by the Inquistion to conver to Catholicism. ... He made loads of prophecies in small like four line verses which were to foretell world events obviously in the future... I believe he made a book called 'The centureis' in 1555? He has been proclaimed to have accuratley predicted rise and fall of big empires, natural disasters wars and has much more up his sleeve apparently... His final prediction came true... July 1st 1566 Nostradamus was saying farewell to his priest and in reply to the priest, Nostradamus said; "You will not find me alive at sunrise." ...Spooky ;)

SO! Anyway in 1654 Nostradamus predicted (apparently) The 9/11 attack here is his prediction;

"In the city of god there will be a great thunder (NY?)
Two brothers torn apart by chaos (Twin towers?)
While the fortress endures the great leader will succumb (pentagon/bush?)
The third big war will begin when the big city is burning ." (Iraq/afganistan?)

Also other relating predictions from Nostradamus....

"In the year of the new century and nine months,
From the sky will come a great king of terror
The sky will burn at forty-five degrees
Fire approaches the great new city."

"It has been forseen that exactly three hundred and fifty years into the future
silver phoenixes shall strike down the twin brothers of oppression
That carried the kings nation which shall bring upon the apoclaypse."

Another from the Century I, 55.... If 9/11 doesn't grasp too much interest look at this, does this sound familiar?

"In the land with a climate opposite to Babylon
there will be great shedding of blood.
Heaven will seem unjust both on land and sea and in the air.
Sects, famine, kingdoms, plagues, confusion."

I have the "Quatrains" of Nostradamus saved as a document... From "Century I" to "Century X" If you wish to view any just ask.... I look forward to seeing the very different views that will come from this thread.


If thought, seeing I said he "predicted lots" I should give a little more detail. I best not flood the place for my first post, so I leave it at this.

The death of King Henry II.
Century I, 35.
"The young lion will overcome the older one,
On the field of combat in a single battle.
He will pierce his eyes through a golden cage.
Two wounds made one, when he dies a cruel death."

The London Fire
Century II, 51.
"The blood of the just will be demanded of London.
Burnt by the fire in the year 66.
The ancient Lady will fall from her high place.
And many of the same sect will be killed."
OK, another I have just been researching into....

Century X, 76.
"More of a butcher than a king in England,
born of obscure rank will gain empire through force.
Coward without faith, without law he will bleed the land;
His time approaches so close that I sigh."

So I start looking into this one, "so close that I sigh." This was close to 1566 his death right? King James I, was born.... 1566. What came of King James I? He spent money carelessy and it states there "He will blled the land." Also because of his paranoia there was obviously the gun powder plot... Where he was at odds with parliment and overall he was a terrible king. And "coward without faith" I would say fits him..... I dunno it seems quite loose the words I find in his works but I am finding it quite simple to match up some of this works with real historical events.... How many can anyone else can anyone seem to make "real"
Such works as this are always problematic, in the same way that people read the symbolism of the Book of the Apocalypse to refer to our age - people have done so in every age - that's the problem with having symbols but no idea or access to the hermeneutic ... I tend to treat them as a curio ...

Such works as this are always problematic, in the same way that people read the symbolism of the Book of the Apocalypse to refer to our age - people have done so in every age - that's the problem with having symbols but no idea or access to the hermeneutic ... I tend to treat them as a curio ...


I guess that indeed could work that way... Like that last prediction I connected to King James I in under 5minutes :) Thanks for the reply...
OK I see people picking bones about Crowley... That got me thinking. Then I started talking about "doom theory" and "predictions of the end." That got me thinking then I recalled a light and cheerpy soul, thats right Nostradamus..

I in advance apologise if;

1. This is in the wrong forum..
2. This has been covered..

Mainly I believe I would be interested intrigueed even! To hear.. See, peoples thoughts of Nostradamus. Such as he is a good man, accurate man, he has no clue what he is doing, his words are vauge and could mean a thousand things... anything really.... Not sure how to "kick start" this so I will start with 9/11 claims? That should get the ball rolling.... Then maybe we'll get onto other claims of his such as the Anti-christ....

Perchance there are people here that haven't heard of Nostradamus... He was a famous astrologer who was born (I think) in 1503 in France, St. Remi... He was born of Jewish parents and force by the Inquistion to conver to Catholicism. ... He made loads of prophecies in small like four line verses which were to foretell world events obviously in the future... I believe he made a book called 'The centureis' in 1555? He has been proclaimed to have accuratley predicted rise and fall of big empires, natural disasters wars and has much more up his sleeve apparently... His final prediction came true... July 1st 1566 Nostradamus was saying farewell to his priest and in reply to the priest, Nostradamus said; "You will not find me alive at sunrise." ...Spooky ;)

SO! Anyway in 1654 Nostradamus predicted (apparently) The 9/11 attack here is his prediction;

"In the city of god there will be a great thunder (NY?)
Two brothers torn apart by chaos (Twin towers?)
While the fortress endures the great leader will succumb (pentagon/bush?)
The third big war will begin when the big city is burning ." (Iraq/afganistan?)

Also other relating predictions from Nostradamus....

"In the year of the new century and nine months,
From the sky will come a great king of terror
The sky will burn at forty-five degrees
Fire approaches the great new city."

"It has been forseen that exactly three hundred and fifty years into the future
silver phoenixes shall strike down the twin brothers of oppression
That carried the kings nation which shall bring upon the apoclaypse."

Another from the Century I, 55.... If 9/11 doesn't grasp too much interest look at this, does this sound familiar?

"In the land with a climate opposite to Babylon
there will be great shedding of blood.
Heaven will seem unjust both on land and sea and in the air.
Sects, famine, kingdoms, plagues, confusion."

I have the "Quatrains" of Nostradamus saved as a document... From "Century I" to "Century X" If you wish to view any just ask.... I look forward to seeing the very different views that will come from this thread.


Well, we do know that Nostradamus developed a cure for the Black Plague. We also know that he was tireless in effecting his cure from town to town. And we know that he lost his wife and child to the same plague, and he felt crushed because of it. He could help all these people, but not his own family...and that sent him into deep depression and reclusiveness. That is when he stopped practicing medicine, and began to write.

We know he drew upon Catholic and Judeac roots, and some opine he was a student of Kaballa, as well as Christian mysticism (which would have come from Celtic Monastiesm, as opposed to Gnosticism). This is known because of his adament stance on the Trinity (which the Celts embraced, but Gnostics dismissed).

He did not think in linear terms, which would be a good argument for his ability to see outside of the then current timeline. He also seemed savy enough to circumvent the ire of the Roman Holy See, indeed his works were found to be entertaining and not threatening (mostly because they weren't understood). A harmless hermit, spouting off nonsencical poetry in an odd poetic variation called a "quatrain".

In short, the church considered it pulp fiction, for the ignorant masses, so it (and he) was ignored...


Joshua, wow... Thanks that was pretty informative... Whats you're own thoughts though? Not just the churches thoughts... Do you agree with the church?

No, but then that wouldn't be the first time either...:rolleyes: :D

I don't think he was a prophet in the most literal sense either, but he had something a little more than most of us. Could have been a "sight" or just might have been the ability to manipulate and play words on words, and let the ambiguoty of his phrases fertilize the imaginations of those reading his work.


No, but then that wouldn't be the first time either...:rolleyes: :D

I don't think he was a prophet in the most literal sense either, but he had something a little more than most of us. Could have been a "sight" or just might have been the ability to manipulate and play words on words, and let the ambiguoty of his phrases fertilize the imaginations of those reading his work.



Interesting I think his ability wasn't playing on words, but making things quiet "brief" and watching lots of people make a play on his words :p
Saw an excellent biography of the life and death of Nostradamus on the history channel two nights ago... Anyone see that? Amazing... Specially how when all other doctors would flee from plague'd cities Nostradamus, wouldn't think twice about going in there and helping the people and helping to put an end to the plauge.
Hi Angel--

I haven't read all through the thread--and my comment is not necessarily about Nostradamus (although I have studied a little bit about him). Yesterday, though, I did see something on the same channel called "The Plague". I cannot remember the doctor's name, but he was Pope Clement's personal physician in Avignon during the rapid spread of this terrible disease. He was so interested in finding a cure that he hung right in there, caught it himself, documented everything he could, and survived. I just thought it was so interesting....a truly dedicated person with a gift. Maybe someone knows and can spell the man's name....

(Hope I didn't get us too far off track here.)

Hi Angel--

I haven't read all through the thread--and my comment is not necessarily about Nostradamus (although I have studied a little bit about him). Yesterday, though, I did see something on the same channel called "The Plague". I cannot remember the doctor's name, but he was the Pope Clement's personal physician in Avignon during the rapid spread of this terrible disease. He was so interested in finding a cure that he hung right in there, caught it himself, documented everything he could, and survived. I just thought it was so interesting....a truly dedicated person with a gift. Maybe someone knows and can spell the man's name....

(Hope I didn't get us too far off track here.)


Guy De Chauliac?

Go with christ brah!
Yes. I believe that's him. Thanks! I guess I was being lazy, but I get tired sometimes. I would have been looking for a name beginning with an "S". :rolleyes:

I have never been able to wrap myself around Nostradamus's writings as predictions.

It is all to vague and general for me.

I would think that so many of them overtime...have been 'upgraded' we once decided that one meant this...and then another event/situation came up and now it means this...
So in regards to Nostradamus as a forseerer(?) lol, of events in the future as not to be held with too much respect because it is pick and mix and vauge... Fair enough. I would say.... "oh there is going to be something bad in the next five years! Death and destruction!" That is 100% true but vauge and can be connected to anything, there is some "meat" I feel in his writing.

Go with christ brah!


One thing I don't get is how are the works of the Quatrains "meant" to work? Such as the september 11th prediction is in Century X.... The last of his works.... But there are many in previous chapters(?) that have not been explained or come into reality.
Anyone hear or know about "The lost book of Nostradamus" A watercolour picture book of predictions :eek: It's pretty cool, its history shows it was "held" by the vatican but then some mysterious person took it from there and placed it into the rome library under a complete different title....
Find it interesting in this book there are three pages of text, which after anaylsis show three different types of writing and ink, however interesting that it predicts 2012 as the end of the world just like the Aztecs and the Maylans predicted....