Concerns raised over Bibles at area school


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When Pinkston Middle School student Tamsan Mora came home with a pocket-sized Gideon Bible — King James Version, New Testament only — in her coat, her mother was surprised and a little worried. The school district says they handled the Bibles appropriately, but the American Civil Liberties Union of Arkansas calls the Bible distribution unconstitutional...

When Pinkston Middle School student Tamsan Mora came home with a pocket-sized Gideon Bible — King James Version, New Testament only — in her coat, her mother was surprised and a little worried. The school district says they handled the Bibles appropriately, but the American Civil Liberties Union of Arkansas calls the Bible distribution unconstitutional...


Perfectly legal.
Gee, are there bibles in the school library available for the students to check out, if they so desire? If the book is available to the students in the school library, and the group could have easily donated the bibles to the school library, then what's the problem with making the books available to the students on the students' free time?
Article said:
Separation of church and state is a concept introduced in the First Amendment to the Constitution, in the Bill of Rights....
Hmm, here's the text to the First Amendment:
Constitution said:
Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
It seems they do want to make a law about it.

Article (cont.) said:
...Though it was originally applied only to the federal government, the separation was later interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court to apply to state and local governments as well. In the 20th century, the role of religion in public schools and the constitutional limits placed upon it became a contentious issue that came before numerous courts.

"In this situation, a school is promoting a particular religion, or religion in general, which is (constitutionally) impermissible," Sklar said. "This is completely different from standing outside schools on a public street and handing out Bibles. That is completely constitutional, and we support (the Gideons') right to do so."
What's the difference between public areas and public schools (with the consent of the school authorities), where no one is compelled to take the literature?
The school did absolutely nothing wrong.
The ACLU hating it does not shock me. Nothing the ACLU does shocks me they represent NAMBLA after all.
The school did absolutely nothing wrong.
The ACLU hating it does not shock me. Nothing the ACLU does shocks me they represent NAMBLA after all.
I agree. Here's their argument, once again:
"In this situation, a school is promoting a particular religion, or religion in general, which is (constitutionally) impermissible," Sklar said. "This is completely different from standing outside schools on a public street and handing out Bibles. That is completely constitutional, and we support (the Gideons') right to do so."
Actually, the ACLU is promoting intolerance to religion in the schools, which is out of step with the Constitutional right to Freedom of Religion. The children need to learn Religious Tolerance, not Religious Intolerance.
see what ur saying... if giving out bibles is okay, then surely then they should also be giving out free Korans, free dhammapadas, and free scientology sets too? and, how about free copies of Das Kapital, or The Prince, for the atheists?
see what ur saying... if giving out bibles is okay, then surely then they should also be giving out free Korans, free dhammapadas, and free scientology sets too? and, how about free copies of Das Kapital, or The Prince, for the atheists?
I have no problem with free books made available to students that would be otherwise be available for the students to check out in their school library. Of course, it would be up to the school administration and PTA to decide what is appropriate for the school library. Anyone wishing to offer free books to students would have to make the appropriate coordinations with the school administration. The school administration would have the final authority on the matter. They are the ones responsible for whomever they allow on the schoolgrounds.
The Gideons have been doing the free bible thing for decades. I suppose if there were someone out there who wished to give away books by the millions as they have, they would also be welcome. And instead of just one book (Gideons Bible) in the nightstand every hotel will put a bookshelf in each sleeping room.