New U.S. dollar coins hide 'In God We Trust'


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WASHINGTON – "In God We Trust," the official national motto since 1956 and a familiar sight on U.S. coins and currency, will be hard to find on the new presidential dollar coins scheduled for release to the public Feb. 15, 2007...

It will be the first time ever the motto and year will be read from a stack of coins...

Do you think it was a conspiracy to put the year on the side too?

So far this sounds unique and more visible than ever. I'd love to see a stack of them...I will put out the bet now that the non-theists and athiests complain about this change!
WASHINGTON – "In God We Trust," the official national motto since 1956 and a familiar sight on U.S. coins and currency, will be hard to find on the new presidential dollar coins scheduled for release to the public Feb. 15, 2007...


So, the blind can "read" the motto now as well as the rest of us, afterall it will be engraved in the side where the blind determine what coing they have in hand...:D
So, the blind can "read" the motto now as well as the rest of us, afterall it will be engraved in the side where the blind determine what coing they have in hand...:D

i didnt know that, interesting.. if IGWT is still gonna be on there, why even change it?
i didnt know that, interesting.. if IGWT is still gonna be on there, why even change it?

Indeed, the "ridges" or lack of on US coins, along with the size of the coin is designed specifically for the blind to be able to "read" which coin is in hand. Been that way since the fiftys I think. I believe if it is on the side, the anti-god (ACLU) people might back off. Who knows.



a penny and a dime are nearly the same size, but the dime has ridges, wherein the penny is smooth. Nickel is smooth, quarter dollar has ridges, half dollar too, old dollar coins have ridges, newer dollar coins are smooth edged (same size as quarters). Newest dollar coins have "In God We Trust" and date of mint engraved on the edge.

Every coin has a different sound when bounced. Sandwich coins sound different than silver or copper or gold coins. The weight is different as well.

Lately the zinc penny with copper coating has been shunned. It's too light (like a plug). And the copper can be worn off.

At least with the original copper, the penny is worth more than a penny (1.45 cents).
The penny was the only coin that is worth more than it's face value (other than the old gold and silver coins) Talk about devaluing money, when we went away from the gold standard, the ferns value have been going nothing but downhill....

In God we Trust wasn't added to our coins until civil war time. And it wasn't added to currency until the McCarthy era....same time 'under God' was added to that socialist pledge... The country was up in arms at both moves crossing the bounds of church and state in many eyes.

So if it ever actually disappears, we'll be headed back the way we were for almost hundred years for coins and almost 2 centuries for paper money.

If Madison had his way we wouldn't have had paper money...(or inflation hardly), so as we can't trust the government to keep our greenback valuable....
The penny was the only coin that is worth more than it's face value (other than the old gold and silver coins) Talk about devaluing money, when we went away from the gold standard, the ferns value have been going nothing but downhill....

In God we Trust wasn't added to our coins until civil war time. And it wasn't added to currency until the McCarthy era....same time 'under God' was added to that socialist pledge... The country was up in arms at both moves crossing the bounds of church and state in many eyes.

So if it ever actually disappears, we'll be headed back the way we were for almost hundred years for coins and almost 2 centuries for paper money.

If Madison had his way we wouldn't have had paper money...(or inflation hardly), so as we can't trust the government to keep our greenback valuable....

LOL, the "Green back" is only as good as the sweat off your brow. Trust not the government my friend. Trust your own abilities, (uncle sam is).


LOL, the "Green back" is only as good as the sweat off your brow. Trust not the government my friend. Trust your own abilities, (uncle sam is).
Oh believe me...that is why we diversify the 401k in European and Asian equities. But as my income still comes from here, I don't as yet by foriegn cars...(just foriegn parts in American cars with Arab and SA oil to run it)
Oh believe me...that is why we diversify the 401k in European and Asian equities. But as my income still comes from here, I don't as yet by foriegn cars...(just foriegn parts in American cars with Arab and SA oil to run it)

Getting to the point where Private companies are doing better than public ones...wonder why? :rolleyes: