No Other Book Like The Bible



If the Bible really is from God, we should expect it to be the most outstanding book ever written. Is it? Yes, and for many reasons. First, it is very old; you would not expect God’s Word to all mankind to have been written a short time ago, would you? The writing of it began some 3,500 years ago in the Hebrew language. Then, over 2,200 years ago, it began to be translated into other languages. Today almost everybody on earth can read the Bible in his own language. and today we have the bible online also . the bible that i like is this online bible New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures

but would you not agree that there has always been great opposition to the bible down through the centuries ? and opposition is still around towards translations even now. but really this should be no surprise because the bible itself tells us that the whole world is in the power of the wicked one, (satan the devil)1 John 5;19 and the wicked one has a great influence on people to be in opposition to the true God. the bible is a book of enlightenment and that is just what we need in this very spiritually darkened world. and to make matters worse the opposition comes from so called religious leaders . but again that is no surprise because it was the so called religious leaders that had Jesus put to death . but opposition to the true God does not go well with the most high . and soon the end of false religion is near .
If the Bible really is from God, we should expect it to be the most outstanding book ever written. Is it? Yes, and for many reasons. First, it is very old; you would not expect God’s Word to all mankind to have been written a short time ago, would you? The writing of it began some 3,500 years ago in the Hebrew language. Then, over 2,200 years ago, it began to be translated into other languages. Today almost everybody on earth can read the Bible in his own language. and today we have the bible online also . the bible that i like is this online bible New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures

but would you not agree that there has always been great opposition to the bible down through the centuries ? and opposition is still around towards translations even now. but really this should be no surprise because the bible itself tells us that the whole world is in the power of the wicked one, (satan the devil)1 John 5;19 and the wicked one has a great influence on people to be in opposition to the true God. the bible is a book of enlightenment and that is just what we need in this very spiritually darkened world. and to make matters worse the opposition comes from so called religious leaders . but again that is no surprise because it was the so called religious leaders that had Jesus put to death . but opposition to the true God does not go well with the most high . and soon the end of false religion is near .

Well to be fair, there are other translations concerning the Bible, and they can be accessed here: - Passage Lookup: John 1:1;;

One can pretty much check the Bible out in their own language, and own style. And no one is pushing one particular version of the bible over another. You can choose and compare. You might be surprised at what you find between versions of the Bible...


Namaste mee,

The training must be vigorous, I heard almost the same thing word for word from a JW friend of mine. But his bible study doesn't go at all into the authors, OT Y, E, P, D, or discuss Q in regards to the new...Doesn't discuss how the Jews merged the two versions that they had during their cannonization.

I appreciate what they teach but wonder why it is so limited.
Namaste mee,

The training must be vigorous, I heard almost the same thing word for word from a JW friend of mine. But his bible study doesn't go at all into the authors, OT Y, E, P, D, or discuss Q in regards to the new...Doesn't discuss how the Jews merged the two versions that they had during their cannonization.

I appreciate what they teach but wonder why it is so limited.

There is no doubt that Mee is hard for the guard (believes and trusts in God).

Closed eyes are another matter.
Well to be fair, there are other translations concerning the Bible, and they can be accessed here: - Passage Lookup: John 1:1;;

One can pretty much check the Bible out in their own language, and own style. And no one is pushing one particular version of the bible over another. You can choose and compare. You might be surprised at what you find between versions of the Bible...


yes the bible gateway is also a good link , i have that on my favourites, its good to compare many translations as i have done over the years ,it is a good thing to find a good translation.
Namaste mee,

The training must be vigorous, I heard almost the same thing word for word from a JW friend of mine. But his bible study doesn't go at all into the authors, OT Y, E, P, D, or discuss Q in regards to the new...Doesn't discuss how the Jews merged the two versions that they had during their cannonization.

I appreciate what they teach but wonder why it is so limited.
yes unity of thought works wonders when it is in the way of the truth. and the pure language of truth is being spoken all over the world , the active force of God is force in motion .
There is no doubt that Mee is hard for the guard (believes and trusts in God).

Closed eyes are another matter.
there was a time that my eyes were firmly closed , but now the light is getting brighter and brighter and the NWT has been a great help along the way. in among a twisted generation that only speaks twisted things about good things , one of the good things is the NWT and there is a gread crowd of people from all nations who are not speaking twisted things about good things. they are speaking the pure language of truth , by taking in knowledge about Jehovah God and his son Jesus christ John 17;3 yes there is no other book like the bible, it leads us to everlasting life
you are so decieved.
looking to the bible is the way to go .
All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work 2 timothy 3;16-17..............faithfulness to Gods word leads to great blessings not only now but also for the future. what a wonderful hope the bible holds out for all of mankind.
For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent forth his Son into the world, not for him to judge the world, but for the world to be saved through him. John 3;16-17
looking to the bible is the way to go .
All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work 2 timothy 3;16-17..............faithfulness to Gods word leads to great blessings not only now but also for the future. what a wonderful hope the bible holds out for all of mankind.
For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent forth his Son into the world, not for him to judge the world, but for the world to be saved through him. John 3;16-17

You said it... the bible inspired by an incorruptible God.. so it must be incorruptible.
You said it... the bible inspired by an incorruptible God.. so it must be incorruptible.
Ancient writings had natural enemies—fire, moisture, mold. The Bible was not immune to such hazards. The record of how it has survived the ravages of time to become the world’s most accessible book is outstanding among ancient writings. yes it is certainly from God.
you are so decieved.

There seems to be no need to make accusations against Mee. He is just quoting writings and expressing his views. If your view is different, why not just express your views on the topic and leave out the subjective accusations against him? He seems not to be making personal attacks such as this on you.

Love in Christ,