


Can a good Muslim, or good Jew or good athesist, or good Catholic, or good Rasta, or good person ever please God without Jesus?
Can a good Muslim, or good Jew or good athesist, or good Catholic, or good Rasta, or good person ever please God without Jesus?
I imagine if you asked each one of them, they would say "Yes" (except the atheist, of course). What would you expect?

As to Calvinism, for us to have Free Will at all, God would have to will to NOT KNOW everything and it's outcome. (The Jews have a doctrine something like this in their Qabala.) Is it possible, Silas, for God to not know something if He wants to?
I would say yes to "please"...

Though the bible makes it very clear that Jesus is the only way to the Father. So eternal life is only for those that beleive and follow Jesus.
I would say yes to "please"...

Though the bible makes it very clear that Jesus is the only way to the Father. So eternal life is only for those that beleive and follow Jesus.

How do you understand God's words in Isa. 64:6...We are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filty rags."
How do you understand God's words in Isa. 64:6...We are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filty rags."

Let's face it. God never asked for perfection. He only wants our devotion.

It's qualitative, not quantitative. It's not like God has a big check-list up there ticking off the good and the bad.

We are unclean, but acceptable to God because of our devotion to Him through Christ. Christ is our Certificate of Acceptibility by God. It's a free certificate but not everyone wants it.:confused:
Let's face it. God never asked for perfection. He only wants our devotion.

It's qualitative, not quantitative. It's not like God has a big check-list up there ticking off the good and the bad.

We are unclean, but acceptable to God because of our devotion to Him through Christ. Christ is our Certificate of Acceptibility by God. It's a free certificate but not everyone wants it.:confused:

I have to disagree with you bro. Scriptures teach that God does want to us to be perfect and holy as He is perfect and holy (Mat. 5:48). In fact,the test of a true Christian isnt if he "accepts" Jesus or not. First of all, Jesus is King of kings, we cannot accept Him, but He has to accept us. And we know if He has when we grow in holiness. The promise and will of God is our santification (Ezk. 36:26-27, Rom. 12:1-2), which is to say, our growing into pefection. About wanting Jesus, however I have to disagree again. According to scriptures no one wants God or even seeks for Him (Rom. 3:11). God makes us willing if He chooses to have mercy on us. If He does, He gives us grace to let us see our need for Christ. Then and only then does Jesus become precious to us. Pior to that, we hate Him (John 3: 19).
Can a good Muslim, or good Jew or good athesist, or good Catholic, or good Rasta, or good person ever please God without Jesus?

There is none good but the Father, so your 'guess' is as good as any. No one truly knows who God will and will not accept.

But, Jesus was the word, or logos which is the same "essence" as God, right? I wonder if belief in the flesh man Jesus is nescessary to please him, or is it the essence, or Spirit he came in that matters? Even children can know Love easily, but not all know about Jesus. I'd like to believe that it is not nescessary, but just because I belive it, doesn't make it 'true'.

This is a question that cannot be answered by any man with any authority at all, imo. It all comes to personal belief, and faith in what you believe in. At least if a person knows Love, they know God in the now. Even if eternal life is just something hoped for and never attained.

Can a good Muslim, or good Jew or good athesist, or good Catholic, or good Rasta, or good person ever please God without Jesus?
I have to disagree with you bro. Scriptures teach that God does want to us to be perfect and holy as He is perfect and holy
In the Christianity forum your answer may often be no. If we were out in comparitive religions we'd want to know what planet you are from, as the answer would be of course. And then again the scriptures you'd be referring to would be the scriptures of each religion which prove their religion the bible does for Christians.
Can a good Muslim, or good Jew or good athesist, or good Catholic, or good Rasta, or good person ever please God without Jesus?


Perhaps a better question would be if a good Muslim, Jew, atheist, Catholic, or Rasta, or person in general can please God without Christ?


And FYI- Catholics are Christians, so they already "have" Jesus Christ.

I believe my response can be explained by my post in "How Do the Cults Explain Away This?"
Let's face it. God never asked for perfection. He only wants our devotion.

It's qualitative, not quantitative. It's not like God has a big check-list up there ticking off the good and the bad.

We are unclean, but acceptable to God because of our devotion to Him through Christ. Christ is our Certificate of Acceptibility by God. It's a free certificate but not everyone wants it.:confused:

We are made perfect in Gods eyes through Jesus Christ... we are made acceptable because Jesus blood covers our filthiness and makes us white as snow.. we cannot be devoted enough to get to God... you are making it a works thing.. we are saved by grace through faith.. not save by devotion.
Can a good Muslim, or good Jew or good athesist, or good Catholic, or good Rasta, or good person ever please God without Jesus? In the Christianity forum your answer may often be no. If we were out in comparitive religions we'd want to know what planet you are from, as the answer would be of course. And then again the scriptures you'd be referring to would be the scriptures of each religion which prove their religion the bible does for Christians.

The Bible is axiomatic, everyone knows that they arent good inherently. We only need look at children to see ourselves in truth. Kids dont have the luxary of wearing masks, they only act naturally. And thus we see the selfishness and selfcenterness that we are inherently. Any religion that says you are good is lying. Beware of those who only tell you what you want to hear and draw near to those brave souls who tell you painful truth. Truth saves!

Perhaps a better question would be if a good Muslim, Jew, atheist, Catholic, or Rasta, or person in general can please God without Christ?


And FYI- Catholics are Christians, so they already "have" Jesus Christ.

I believe my response can be explained by my post in "How Do the Cults Explain Away This?"

Catholics preach another gospel. They worship idols, worship Mary as another mediator between man and God, their gospel is synergistic as opposed to monogistic, they call a fallable man "Father" which Jesus says not to do, they are much like the religious Jews of Jesus' day, very religous and pious on the outside but dead inside. They, like everyone else, needs to be "born again" lest they die in their sins.
Namaste Silas,

My brother you pose titles of threads like 'lets discuss' and 'Question' or 'What do Cults think?', you start out you may pounce on those that provide heartfelt honest answers to your inquiry.

We can choose to go into your church if we wanted to hear you preach or condemn your brothers in faith. While I am not part of the powers that be I can tell by past experience if you simply choose to denigrate others and are not here for discussion..your time will be on earth, so on this site, you have free will...but the consequences of your choices you cannot choose.

I choose to be friends with Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, all the cults...and learn from them all as well...
Catholics preach another gospel. They worship idols, worship Mary as another mediator between man and God, their gospel is synergistic as opposed to monogistic, they call a fallable man "Father" which Jesus says not to do, they are much like the religious Jews of Jesus' day, very religous and pious on the outside but dead inside. They, like everyone else, needs to be "born again" lest they die in their sins.
i would have said "generally speaking, catholics" as opposed to an all inclusive "catholics". as some did not choose their fate and have been brought up catholic and are surrounded by it--they care not for the cultural, political, and religious rituals but solely for the love of god and his word.
Silas, dear--I think it would be wise of you to leave God's choice up to Him.

I wish you peace and understanding.

Amen. But he didnt make us ignorant on these issues. We do have his word. Therefore, we know what the true gospel (the means by which we are saved) entials and what it does not. It does not entail repetative prayers that are vain, Mary worship, saint worship, good deeds, etc. We must contend for the faith, but in love - No pun intended - that those who are fooled might hear the truth and be saved.
i would have said "generally speaking, catholics" as opposed to an all inclusive "catholics". as some did not choose their fate and have been brought up catholic and are surrounded by it--they care not for the cultural, political, and religious rituals but solely for the love of god and his word.
Oh, how generous you are to us Catholics who just might, if, if, if, God can see beyond our religion and save us! You and Silas live in a bizarro world---I mean that in a nice way. (Will this pass the censor?)
So your a catholic? How do you understand the gospel? Will you tell us what the gospel entials, please?