Muslim boys urinated on Bible

I personally think it goes beyond that. Whether it is the Koran flushed down the toilet, a bible pissed on, a flag or cross burned... we are talking about material objects that we've given such significance that we are willing to send sound bites and discussion around the world condemning actions of those who we do not come in contact with in any way.

Paper, cloth, wood, ink combined in such a way to make it holy, sanctified in our minds so that we take up neuronet bandwidth, increase our heart rate, raise our blood pressure, create toxic chemicals, decrease our immunity and potential life span all over what???

Give me a break, let us allow common sense to prevail and not let make mountains out of molehills to the detriment of ourselves and our societies.

Again, forgiveness, make amends with your brother, agree with your adversary before you get to don't allow this to fester in your mind to where you make a judgment (get to court)

It is this little crap that heads around the kitchen table, down the hall, repeated at school, blasted over the net....

"C'mon boys lets get a rope and take care of this"
well... I read the title of the post and smiled- and I smiled because...

I was a bible burner too! ye haa... although- I wasn't muslim- I was catholic...

did you know that bibles are quite hard to light, but when they catch- begorrah! it's like Pentecost all over again!

did I tell you all about the period in my life when I would defecate upon altars in churches too...? lol...

regardless... at the end of the day, what religion the kids are is not really the issue... it's their motivation which is most important...

did they do it to be cheeky and get a reaction from those around them? most likely, and well, it worked! result, kids!

did they do it because they have a great hatred of xtianity? probably not, actually...

some kids simply want to challenge authority, to pee off the grown-ups, and the best way to do that is to defile their precious things, be that actual objects or concepts and ideals...

they sound pretty normal to me!
My objection stems from not so much that these boys pissed on a Bible, as disrespectful as that would be for any religious text held sacred, but that they ruined someone else's property. Was this the boys Bible they pissed on? If so, well, it's their private property and I suppose if they want to desecrate their own book, fine with me. But if they destroyed someone else's property, then they need to not only be disciplined, but also be made to buy a new Bible.