Muslim boys urinated on Bible


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Two Muslim students have been expelled from an Islamic school in Melbourne for urinating and spitting on a Bible and setting it on fire.

The explosive incident has forced the East Preston Islamic College to call in a senior imam to tell its 650 Muslim students that the Bible and Christianity must be respected...

BlaznFattyz said:
Two Muslim students have been expelled from an Islamic school in Melbourne for urinating and spitting on a Bible and setting it on fire.

The explosive incident has forced the East Preston Islamic College to call in a senior imam to tell its 650 Muslim students that the Bible and Christianity must be respected...



I was wondering. Are you CR's news reporter for Christianity?
Well, I think they should be killed...or at least have a hand chopped off or something. Kinda dumb to urinate on something and then set it on fire. Now, if it was one of those Bibles with the onion skin pages they could've use it for rolling papers. That way they could've still burned it.

China Cat Sunflower said:
Well, I think they should be killed...or at least have a hand chopped off or something. Kinda dumb to urinate on something and then set it on fire. Now, if it was one of those Bibles with the onion skin pages they could've use it for rolling papers. That way they could've still burned it.


Yeah, down with the Bible burners!!! They'd deserve it.

Death to the Bible burners!!!:D
The religion of Christianity and Islam produces different actions in their adherers because of their leaders. Islam is founded on Muhammad's glory. Therefore, when disrespected in anyway, the Muslims will fight to uphold their honor. Christianity is based about the Shame and Humility of Christ. Therefore, when faced with opposition, disrespect, persecution, etc., we bless those who hate us and prayer that God will save them. Far be it from us to seek to wear crows of glory when our precious Lord and King wore a crown of thorns. We will continue to preach the truth in love, despite opposition. In the most extreme of cases, God is known for turning haters of Him, into preachers who die for their beliefs (without ever fighting).
The religion of Christianity and Islam produces different actions in their adherers because of their leaders. Islam is founded on Muhammad's glory. Therefore, when disrespected in anyway, the Muslims will fight to uphold their honor. Christianity is based about the Shame and Humility of Christ. Therefore, when faced with opposition, disrespect, persecution, etc., we bless those who hate us and prayer that God will save them. Far be it from us to seek to wear crows of glory when our precious Lord and King wore a crown of thorns. We will continue to preach the truth in love, despite opposition. In the most extreme of cases, God is known for turning haters of Him, into preachers who die for their beliefs (without ever fighting).
Silas! That was written beautifully! I knew you could do it!
I think that in this case where there was inappropriate action and the powers that be immediately responded this is quite admirable. Muslims refer to Christians and Jews respectfully as 'people of the book' the book that is the source of their scriptures.

If we look back on similar happenings at Gitmo, not by kids/students, but by the authority figures...desecrating the Koran, seems we all have something to learn about proper behaviour.
I think that in this case where there was inappropriate action and the powers that be immediately responded this is quite admirable. Muslims refer to Christians and Jews respectfully as 'people of the book' the book that is the source of their scriptures.

If we look back on similar happenings at Gitmo, not by kids/students, but by the authority figures...desecrating the Koran, seems we all have something to learn about proper behaviour.
With that I heartily agree! I have several Qur'ans that I read occasionally, and would never think of desecrating one no matter how bad the Muslims act. Sacred Scripture is in every religion, whether we agree with it or not, and it deserves humane respect. As a previous Air Force member, I can't imagine our men doing what they did at Gitmo. But then, Mr. Bush has instituted something I thought I would never see in America---torture!
Don't blame Islam. Their mothers and fathers just didn't raise them right.

Since Jesus is considered alive by most Christians, and He hasn't come down to kick some serious butt, I suppose we shouldn't either.

Not over a few pages of written word anyway...
I think that in this case where there was inappropriate action and the powers that be immediately responded this is quite admirable. Muslims refer to Christians and Jews respectfully as 'people of the book' the book that is the source of their scriptures.

If we look back on similar happenings at Gitmo, not by kids/students, but by the authority figures...desecrating the Koran, seems we all have something to learn about proper behaviour.

It did not happen Wil. It was a bull crap story. The Qu'ran destroyed was done so by the Arab prisoners and then sent out that the US military did it. But video recordings show actual events. The authority figures never touched the Qu'ran in any way that was disrespectful. Infact my friend, it was the US military that provides copies of the Qu'ran for those at Guantonimo Bay, Cuba, to begin with.

Perpetuating a negative myth is not exactly proper either...
Namaste Q,

Sorry for leading folks to the implication that I was refering to the false accusation regarding the flushing..the accusations which lead to the investigation to which the Pentagon replied that there were some mishandling incidents of the Quran in early days at Guantanamo, then procedures were put in place. I will not/did not perpetuate myths about things I know not of. As their only exists rumors as to what these mishandlings were (secondary investigations not declassified as of yet), I'll stand by my statement..

seems we all have something to learn about proper behaviour.
Namaste Q,

Sorry for leading folks to the implication that I was refering to the false accusation regarding the flushing..the accusations which lead to the investigation to which the Pentagon replied that there were some mishandling incidents of the Quran in early days at Guantanamo, then procedures were put in place. I will not/did not perpetuate myths about things I know not of. As their only exists rumors as to what these mishandlings were (secondary investigations not declassified as of yet), I'll stand by my statement..

seems we all have something to learn about proper behaviour.

Yeah, they didn't wash their hands and feet first. And they are infidels, so touching the Qu'ran in anyway is mishandling.

Maybe, just maybe a soldier might have tossed a Qu'ran into a cell, after having excrement thrown at him (I'd have done alot worse)...

You know, this thread is inflammatory to begin with.


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At the request of the originator of this thread, it is open again. However, this is a very touchy subject, and as such I implore all posting here to consider that, when posting thoughts.


it is good to see that although there are differences among religions and the media throws lots of those negative differences in our faces, articles such as these teach great lessons of respect that need to be taught to the children, instead of our observance of no comment or looking the other way on bad behaviour.

"My lesson to them was to respect their neighbours and respect all religions," Mr Haouli said yesterday."

Namaste Dor,

The main reason I don't point fingers at the 'bad seeds' in other religions is the old glass house adage.

Toss them Wil tell me a religious leader that is Christian that said I should wipe Jews or Christians off the face of the Earth within the last yr.
Two Muslim students have been expelled from an Islamic school in Melbourne for urinating and spitting on a Bible and setting it on fire.

The explosive incident has forced the East Preston Islamic College to call in a senior imam to tell its 650 Muslim students that the Bible and Christianity must be respected...


I know it's been like ALMOST a year and Dondi is gonna come stompin' down here to sort it out lol... But I wanted to talk about this.... The fact they are muslims... Doesn't come into it.... The fact they are....... Children, however does.... Hell I used to do things kind of like that... I got given a bible in school I used it as rolling paper... And many other free bibles where used as hand rockets to target other kids..... Yeah, freaking stupid right? Disrespectful..... A..... Childish act...... Sometimes I ponder.... Were the kids REALLY muslims? lol was that added to stir it up? But whatever, they HAD to mention these children were muslims... *shrugs* lol.
Those boys must have been totally ignorant regarding Islam's position on the Bible and Torah; The Quran affrims that they were indeed true revelations from God, thus, although they may have been distorted since...that doesn't mean that there is no genuine verses left in them, so any muslim who knows this, would beware of disprespecting them Books.

And in addition to the above fact, Islam prohibits desecrating the religion of others, but it is a good thing that there was an immediate positive response from the School authority, to rectify this incident :)

Peace to all.