The Wrath of God




It is sad to find so many professing Christians who appear to regard the wrath of God as something for which they need to make an apology, or at least they wish there were no such thing. While some would not go so far as to openly admit that they consider it a blemish on the Divine character, yet they are far from regarding it with delight, they like not to think about it, and they rarely hear it mentioned without a secret resentment rising up in their hearts against it. Even with those who are more sober in their judgment, not a few seem to imagine that there is a severity about the Divine wrath which is too terrifying to form a theme for profitable contemplation. Others harbor the delusion that God’s wrath is not consistent with His goodness, and so seek to banish it from their thoughts. Yes, many there are who turn away from a vision of God’s wrath as though they were called to look upon some blotch in the Divine character, or some blot upon the Divine government. But what saith the Scriptures? As we turn to them we find that God has made no attempt to conceal the fact of His wrath.

He is not ashamed to make it known that vengeance and fury belong unto Him. His own challenge is, "See now that I, even I, am He, and there is no god with Me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal; neither is there any that can deliver out of My hand. For I lift up My hand to heaven, and say, I live forever, If I whet My glittering sword, and Mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to Mine enemies, and will reward them that hate Me" (Deut. 32:39-41). A study of the concordance will show that there are more references in Scripture to the anger, fury, and wrath of God, than there are to His love and tenderness. Because God is holy, He hates all sin; And because He hates all sin, His anger burns against the sinner: Psalm 7:11.

Now the wrath of God is as much a Divine perfection as is His faithfulness, power, or mercy. It must be so, for there is no blemish whatever, not the slightest defect in the character of God; yet there would be if "wrath" were absent from Him! Indifference to sin is a moral blemish, and he who hates it not is a moral leper. How could He who is the Sum of all excellency look with equal satisfaction upon virtue and vice, wisdom and folly? How could He who is infinitely holy disregard sin and refuse to manifest His "severity" (Rom. 9:12) toward it? How could He who delights only in that which is pure and lovely, loathe and hate not that which is impure and vile? The very nature of God makes Hell as real a necessity, as imperatively and eternally requisite as Heaven is. Not only is there no imperfection in God, but there is no perfection in Him that is less perfect than another.The wrath of God is His eternal detestation of all unrighteousness. It is the displeasure and indignation of Divine equity against evil. It is the holiness of God stirred into activity against sin. It is the moving cause of that just sentence which He passes upon evil-doers.

God is angry against sin because it is a rebelling against His authority, a wrong done to His inviolable sovereignty. Insurrectionists against God’s government shall be made to know that God is the Lord. They shall be made to feel how great that Majesty is which they despise, and how dreadful is that threatened wrath which they so little regarded. Not that God’s anger is a malignant and malicious retaliation, inflicting injury for the sake of it, or in return for injury received. No; while God will vindicate His dominion as the Governor of the universe, He will not be vindictive. That Divine wrath is one of the perfections of God is not only evident from the considerations presented above, but is also clearly established by the express declarations of His own Word. "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven" (Rom. 1:1
. Robert Haldane comments on this verse as follows:
It was revealed when the sentence of death was first pronounced, the earth cursed, and man driven out of the earthly paradise; and afterwards by such examples of punishment as those of the Deluge and the destruction of the Cities of the Plain by fire from heaven; but especially by the reign of death throughout the world. It was proclaimed in the curse of the law on every transgression, and was intimated in the institution of sacrifice. In the 8th of Romans, the apostle calls the attention of believers to the fact that the whole creation has become subject to vanity, and groaneth and travaileth together in pain. The same creation which declares that there is a God, and publishes His glory, also proclaims that He is the Enemy of sin and the Avenger of the crimes of men . . . But above all, the wrath of God was revealed from heaven when the Son of God came down to manifest the Divine character, and when that wrath was displayed in His sufferings and death, in a manner more awful than by all the tokens God had before given of His displeasure against sin. Besides this, the future and eternal punishment of the wicked is now declared in terms more solemn and explicit than formerly. Under the new dispensation there are two revelations given from heaven, one of wrath, the other of grace.
Again; that the wrath of God is a Divine perfection is plainly demonstrated by what we read of in Psalm 95:11, "Unto whom I sware in My wrath." There are two occasions of God "swearing": in making promises (Gen. 22:16), and in denouncing threatening (Deut. 1:34). In the former, He swares in mercy to His children; in the latter, He swares to terrify the wicked. An oath is for solemn confirmation: Hebrews 6:16. In Genesis 22:16 God said, "By Myself have I sworn." In Psalm 89:35 He declares, "Once have I sworn by My holiness." While in Psalm 95:11 He affirmed, "I swear in My wrath." Thus the great Jehovah Himself appeals to His "wrath" as a perfection equal to His "holiness": He swares by the one as much as by the other! Again; as in Christ "dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily" (Col. 2:9), and as all the Divine perfections are illustriously displayed by Him (John 1:1
, therefore do we read of "the wrath of the Lamb" (Rev. 6:16).

The wrath of God is a perfection of the Divine character upon which we need to frequently meditate. First, that our hearts may be duly impressed by God’s detestation of sin. We are ever prone to regard sin lightly, to gloss over its hideousness, to make excuses for it. But the more we study and ponder God’s abhorrence of sin and His frightful vengeance upon it, the more likely are we to realize its heinousness. Second, to beget a true fear in our souls for God: "Let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: for our God is a consuming fire" (Heb. 12:28,29). We cannot serve Him "acceptably" unless there is due "reverence" for His awful Majesty and "godly fear" of His righteous anger, and these are best promoted by frequently calling to mind that "our God is a consuming fire." Third, to draw out our souls in fervent praise for having delivered us from "the wrath to come" (1 Thess. 1:10).

Our readiness or our reluctancy to meditate upon the wrath of God becomes a sure test of how our hearts’ really stand affected toward Him. If we do not truly rejoice in God, for what He is in Himself, and that because of all the perfections which are eternally resident in Him, then how dwelleth the love of God in us? Each of us needs to be most prayerfully on his guard against devising an image of God in our thoughts which is patterned after our own evil inclinations. Of old the Lord complained, "Thou thoughtest that I was altogether as thyself" (Ps. 50:21), If we rejoice not "at the remembrance of His holiness" (Ps. 97:12), if we rejoice not to know that in a soon coming Day God will make a most glorious display of His wrath, by taking vengeance on all who now oppose Him, it is proof positive that our hearts are not in subjection to Him, that we are yet in our sins, on the way to the everlasting burnings. "Rejoice, O ye nations (Gentiles) His people, for He will avenge the blood of His servants, and will render vengeance to His adversaries" (Deut. 32:43). And again we read, "I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God; For true and righteous are His judgments: for He hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of His servants at her hand. And again they said Alleluia." (Rev. 19:13).

Great will be the rejoicing of the saints in that day when the Lord shall vindicate His majesty, exercise His awful dominion, magnify His justice, and overthrow the proud rebels who have dared to defy Him. "If thou Lord, shouldest mark (impute) iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand?" (Ps. 130:3). Well may each of us ask this question, for it is written, "the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment" (Ps. 1:5). How sorely was Christ’s soul exercised with thoughts of God’s marking the iniquities of His people when they were upon Him! He was "amazed and very heavy" (Mark 14:33). His awful agony, His bloody sweat, His strong cries and supplications (Heb. 5:7), His reiterated prayers ("If it be possible, let this cup pass from Me"), His last dreadful cry, ("My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?") all manifest what fearful apprehensions He had of what it was for God to "mark iniquities." Well may poor sinners cry out, "Lord who shall stand" when the Son of God Himself so trembled beneath the weight of His wrath? If thou, my reader, hast not "fled for refuge" to Christ, the only Saviour, "how wilt thou do in the swelling of the Jordan?" (Jer. 12:5)?
When I consider how the goodness of God is abused by the greatest part of mankind, I cannot but be of his mind that said, The greatest miracle in the world is God’s patience and bounty to an ungrateful world. If a prince hath an enemy got into one of his towns, he doth not send them in provision, but lays close siege to the place, and doth what he can to starve them. But the great God, that could wink all His enemies into destruction, bears with them, and is at daily cost to maintain them. Well may He command us to bless them that curse us, who Himself does good to the evil and unthankful. But think not, sinners, that you shall escape thus; God’s mill goes slow, but grinds small; the more admirable His patience and bounty now is, the more dreadful and unsupportable will that fury be which ariseth out of His abused goodness. Nothing smoother than the sea, yet when stirred into a tempest, nothing rageth more. Nothing so sweet as the patience and goodness of God, and nothing so terrible as His wrath when it takes fire. (Wm Gurnall, 1660).
Then flee, my reader, flee to Christ; "flee from the wrath to come" (Matt. 3:7) ere it be too late. Do not, we earnestly beseech you, suppose that this message is intended for somebody else. It is to you! Do not be contented by thinking you have already fled to Christ. Make certain! Beg the Lord to search your heart and show you yourself.
I'm sorry, but what does this have to do with Islam and Judaism? It appears to be another tract targetted at Christians, quoting Christian sources, from a Christian perspective, urging Christians to seek Christ.

My bad dude! I just realized I was posting in the wrong room! I wanted to get this in the Christian board, where I ususally post.

So you're muslim though?
No, I'm Jewish. I have my horns retracted in that picture. *tongue firmly in cheek.*

You think I hate you cause you're Jewish? I hope not! Sorry if I gave you that impression though. All that said, consider the prophecies of your ancient prophets, especically Daniel and Ezekiel, they told of your Messiah. He's Jesus!

No no. It was a joke. :D Note the tongue in cheek. But on another note,

consider the prophecies of your ancient prophets, especically Daniel and Ezekiel, they told of your Messiah. He's Jesus!

Please do not proselytize to me. I am greatly offended by your lack of form. Frankly, you know nothing of the tanakh, nothing of the writings of the neviim as understood in a Jewish contest. One important issue without getting into things is that Daniel isn't even a prophetic book. It appears in ketuvim, writings, and not in neviim, prophets. When the Christian canon was formed, this was done differently to suit the interpretational needs of the Christian community. You may also want to note that the Christian texts are all based on the septuagint, while the Jewish texts are based on the masoretic text. The septuagint is, of course, a translation itself, while the masoretic text is the Hebrew. If you really do wish to educate yourself on what Jews actually believe, please feel free to ask questions on the Judaism board, but if you're only interested in telling the world that your personal truth is an Absolute Truth and everyone who doesn't share it is condemned to hell, please don't bother.

No, I'm Jewish. I have my horns retracted in that picture. *tongue firmly in cheek.*


Sallaam Dauer

Where do you get those retractable horns as I still have the old fixed ones?

<No tongue in cheek smiley>

I tend to agree with your point but having read Silas's 4 postings today although they contain a Christian Bias there is a lot of agreement with these atributes accross all three of our beliefs.

Silas it would be nice if you would add some of your own thoughts to your posts as well as the 'cut and paste' bits.


No no. It was a joke. :D Note the tongue in cheek. But on another note,

Please do not proselytize to me. I am greatly offended by your lack of form.

You dont joke long, do you? By the way, I werent try to, because I cannot. God can if He so choose though. By the way, why are Jews so angry when they hear that Jesus is their Messiah? You seem to really hate him and act as if you would rather Hitler to be your messiah than Jesus. Why?

Frankly, you know nothing of the tanakh, nothing of the writings of the neviim as understood in a Jewish contest. One important issue without getting into things is that Daniel isn't even a prophetic book. It appears in ketuvim, writings, and not in neviim, prophets. When the Christian canon was formed, this was done differently to suit the interpretational needs of the Christian community.

So when Daniel predicted the coming of the Christ, as well as three then future empires, namely, Medo-Persians, Greacian, and Roman empires, he wasnt being prophetic?

You may also want to note that the Christian texts are all based on the septuagint, while the Jewish texts are based on the masoretic text. The septuagint is, of course, a translation itself, while the masoretic text is the Hebrew. If you really do wish to educate yourself on what Jews actually believe, please feel free to ask questions on the Judaism board, but if you're only interested in telling the world that your personal truth is an Absolute Truth and everyone who doesn't share it is condemned to hell, please don't bother.

Here, I'll say what the secular humanistic heads sparked by Nietzsche' "God is dead," movement are saying: "No truth is absolute, except for the truth that 'no truth is absolute.'" Im sure if I were to say such nonsensical things like that, you'd probably think I was a great guy. But, because I say that Jesus alone is the truth, you think me myopic and intolerant. Trust me bro.,you should be Leary of all those that speak well and tell you what you want to hear. Do listen to fools who say truth is absolute and study to find if it is so!
Really, it should be deleted - general run-of-the-mill Born Again spamming - "Oh, I am THE TRUTH and you must all listen!" kind of crap.

But - since some people have posted replies, I'll keep it here in the open where at least the BA won't be left preaching at the choir. :)

No more preaching, though...
"...Then whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet, and taketh not warning; if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head."
By the way, why are Jews so angry when they hear that Jesus is their Messiah? You seem to really hate him and act as if you would rather Hitler to be your messiah than Jesus. Why?

No, we don't act like Hitler would be a better moshiach than Jesus and that's very insensitive of you. There are clear requirements for the moshiach. Nobody has yet met them.

How would you feel if for thousands of years you've been saying, "Thanks, I've heard what you have to offer and I'm not interested." And the same people keep showing up at your door to tell you what your beliefs should be according to your texts, because they think they understand them better than you? Jews don't hate Jesus. Frankly, Judaism has no opinion on Jesus. He does not factor into Judaism. Individual Jews form opinions on Jesus, but that is a matter of History and not religion. He did not fulfill the requirements of the moshiach, and once he died, he was no longer able to, thus he cannot be the Jewish moshiach. In order to understand what Jews traditionally believe, it may be helpful to read what the Rambam said on the moshiach:

The Laws Concerning Mashiach

While Jewish beliefs can vary a bit, this covers all the basic.

And no, I don't joke when someone is trying to force their religion on me. It's extremely offensive.

So when Daniel predicted the coming of the Christ, as well as three then future empires, namely, Medo-Persians, Greacian, and Roman empires, he wasnt being prophetic?

Daniel didn't predict all that. That is according to your interpretation, which is based on mistranslation and the Christian placement of the book.

Here, I'll say what the secular humanistic heads sparked by Nietzsche' "God is dead," movement are saying: "No truth is absolute, except for the truth that 'no truth is absolute.'" Im sure if I were to say such nonsensical things like that, you'd probably think I was a great guy.

It's not just humanists who say that. And frankly, I have no problem with other people believe in an absolute truth, but when their truth ceases to be a light, when it becomes a road to subjugation, persecution, the need to force one's belief on others, or the creation of an "other" who is somehow inferior, then I take issue.

Trust me bro.,you should be Leary of all those that speak well and tell you what you want to hear. Do listen to fools who say truth is absolute and study to find if it is so!

If you truly regarded me as your brother, you would learn to love me for who I am, instead of condemning me to hell for not being like you.

Dude, when did I ever condemn you to hell? Also, the only reason I even talk with you is because I beleive what I believe. No, Im not trying to force you to believe anything, nor am I trying to force anyone else. I just know that the God of the Bible has promised to save people from every tounge tribe and nation. Therefore, when I gave the gospel, the means by which God reaches His end in salvation, I am confident that someone will believe it. It might not be you and it might. I wish it was everyone. I dont want anyone to go to hell. But, thats not my call.

All that said, Stop saying I condemned you - You KNOW I never did!

Dude, when did I ever condemn you to hell?

Okay, what happens to all of the people who don't believe as you do when they die? I do recall that either in one of the texts you posted, or in your post, you made reference to, at the very least, my eternal soul, but whether or not that happened, this is a fairly straightforward question. That should have a simple answer.

No, Im not trying to force you to believe anything, nor am I trying to force anyone else.

You made several attempts to convert. You can call a hat a shoe or a tree or a bus, but that doesn't make it any less of a hat. You're simply throwing more doublespeak at me now.

I just know that the God of the Bible has promised to save people from every tounge tribe and nation.

Then stop trying to do his work for him. Is your God not all-powerful?

All that said, Stop saying I condemned you - You KNOW I never did!

I think you ought to reread the texts you sourced more carefully if you believe that is so. You have indeed condemned everyone who does not believe as you do unless they change their beliefs.

"I think you ought to reread the texts you sourced more carefully if you believe that is so. You have indeed condemned everyone who does not believe as you do unless they change their beliefs."

Yes, I do believe Jesus is the ONLY way to God. So? That doesnt mean I condemn you, it means that you dont believe and thus you'll perish...if you dont repent and trust in Christ. My belief in Jesus has nothing to do with you being condemned by God. Im not sending you to hell! I dont even want you to go there!! This between you and The Almight and Sovereign Yahweh. You KNOW that you've broken His laws, yet you wont come to Him the way He has provided. You choose to not to believe. You dont want to believe. You trust in your own righteouness.

Thats where many fall short!
You KNOW that you've broken His laws, yet you wont come to Him the way He has provided. You choose to not to believe. You dont want to believe. You trust in your own righteouness.

Thats where many fall short!
Namaste Silas,

I think this could be a great discussion in the Abrahamic or Christian forum, but as it is in the Abrahamic area you really need to curtail the self righteousness.

As you have the spirit of Christ in you, surely you have the discernment ability to openly discuss rather than constantly berate and close down discussion.

peace and blessings
If I were self-righteouss, I would brag how I am a good person who doesnt need a Savior. But, since the opposite is true...well, the opposite is true. I'm not good and I need a Savior!

Yes, I do believe Jesus is the ONLY way to God. So? That doesnt mean I condemn you, it means that you dont believe and thus you'll perish...if you dont repent and trust in Christ. My belief in Jesus has nothing to do with you being condemned by God. Im not sending you to hell!

You've condemned me with your words. Whether or not you give your words to God, they're still yours. If you were my neighbor and came over to my house one night for a housewarming party, and you stole my television claiming it was really God stealing it, and not you, and you didn't even want to steal, you would still be responsible for the theft of my television. The same is true here. You have condemned me and all of those who don't agree with you. And in response to all of the accusations in your post,

"Is it not so that if you improve, it will be forgiven you? If you do not improve, however, at the entrance, sin is lying, and to you is its longing, but you can rule over it."

Genesis 4:7

You've condemned me with your words. Whether or not you give your words to God, they're still yours. If you were my neighbor and came over to my house one night for a housewarming party, and you stole my television claiming it was really God stealing it, and not you, and you didn't even want to steal, you would still be responsible for the theft of my television. The same is true here. You have condemned me and all of those who don't agree with you. And in response to all of the accusations in your post,

"Is it not so that if you improve, it will be forgiven you? If you do not improve, however, at the entrance, sin is lying, and to you is its longing, but you can rule over it."

Genesis 4:7


Umm...I guess I'll have to qualify my words to you. OK, so "The BIBLE SAYS" that if you dont repent and trust in the Savior, you are going to hell. Silas is only reitterating. Now, as for improving yourself. Nah, that doesnt work with God, sorry. If you robbed a bank ten years ago and didnt get caught until ten years after the crime, your guilt isnt earsed. Its the same way with God. God remembers all of your sins and they MUST be attoned for. The Jews in the OT had to slaughter animals once a year to cover sin. God provided His own sacrifice for men once for all time. Beleive in Christ and you will have eternal life - says the Bible - Im only saying what "THE BIBLE" says, alright?

Quick question though: Doesnt the gospel make sense? God is Holy and Just. By His nature He is obligated to punish all crimes done against Him. But God loves man. So He sends His Beloved Son to suffer in their stead in order to both satisfy His Justice and Save man. Then Christ raised from the gave in 3 days to valadite His claims of being the messiah and justify guilty men. Whats stopping you from coming to Christ?